Independent Agent

11/11/03 Internet Liability and Increased Commissions


|We salute our nation’s heroEs on veteran’s day. |

|[pic] |St.Paul Launches Internet Liability | |Event Liability: |[pic] |

| |For Community Banks | |Commissions Increase to 8.5% | |

| | The St. Paul Companies launched a new product for community banks | | Just in time for the holiday season, Big “I” Markets | |

| |that will offer protection from the risks associated with conducting | |participating agents will receive increased commissions on| |

| |business on the Internet. | |short- and long-term event liability polices written | |

| |Coverage | |online. | |

| |The product, Financial Institutions Internet Liability Protection, | |From holiday craft fairs to a local theater performance of| |

| |helps to protect community banks from exposures that can occur when | |the Nutcracker, every community has an event that needs | |

| |customers conduct bank transactions online. Those exposures include: | |insurance coverage this time of year. Take a look at some | |

| |loss of confidential information through a hacking incident; | |examples to start you in the right direction: | |

| |a bank inadvertently transmitting a computer virus to customers | |Harvest Festivals | |

| |accessing its web site; | |Debutante Balls | |

| |and denial of access in which customers are unable to obtain | |Christmas Tree Lightings | |

| |information online because a bank's server is down. | |Holiday Craft Shows and Bazaars | |

| |Coverage would include the bank's legal liability for damages and | |Charity Benefits, Auctions and Balls | |

| |defense costs for failure to protect private or confidential | |Holiday Banquets and Parties | |

| |information of others from unauthorized access on or through the | |Weddings & Receptions | |

| |Internet, failure to prevent the transmission of a computer virus to | |Rates for these types of events are extremely affordable | |

| |authorized users of a bank's Web site on or through the Internet and | |and range from $300 for less than 500 attendees up to | |

| |failure to provide access to authorized users of a bank's Web site on| |approximately $850 for 5,000 attendees for a single day | |

| |or through the Internet. | |event. And, should a Christmas or Thanksgiving parade | |

| |"We've been insuring community banks for more than 100 years and | |march down your hometown lane, event liability for parades| |

| |Internet liability exposures are an emerging issue for these | |is available for those with less than 500 spectators | |

| |institutions," said John Kearns, president, Financial and | |expected. | |

| |Professional Services. "Our product is unique in that it can be | |Effective immediately, participating agents that submit | |

| |written as a separate insuring agreement on a bank's property and | |business online through Big “I” Markets will now receive | |

| |casualty coverage package. Or, it can be written as an accompaniment | |8.5% commission. | |

| |to the financial institution bond or directors and officers liability| |The application process is quick and fully automated. | |

| |coverage." | |Simply login to Big “I” Markets and complete the Quote | |

| |This product is a new addition to the suite of products available | |Request form. Rates and underwriting guidelines are | |

| |through Big “I” Markets for Community Banks. St. Paul’s SelectOnesm | |available immediately for an indication and upon | |

| |program includes coverage options for the four primary areas of | |submission, an underwriter will confirm rating. | |

| |exposure that impact a community bank: | | | |

| |Corporate management | | | |

| |E-banking | | | |

| |Crime | | | |

| |Property/Casualty | | | |

| |Availability | | | |

| |Community banks with assets of $1 billion or less are eligible for | | | |

| |this product. Internet Liability Protection has been filed in all 50 | | | |

| |states on an admitted basis. This product is included in the | | | |

| |SelectOnesm products available online through the Big “I” Markets | | | |

| |Community Banks Business Insurance Program with St. Paul and is | | | |

| |available via Big “I” Markets in all states with the exception of: | | | |

| |CA, HI, KS, MA, MT, NE, NV, OR, TX, WA, WV and WY. | | | |

| |Commissions | | | |

| |The Community Banks Business Insurance Program offers participating | | | |

| |IIABA members competitive commissions averaging between 10% – 15% | | | |

| |depending on the line of business written. Agents enjoy full | | | |

| |commissions with the St. Paul products online. | | | |

| |Access | | | |

| |Login today to review more information about this program and to | | | |

| |learn how to submit a risk for consideration online at | | | |

| |. | | | |


| | | | … and how much goodwill you spread is up to you. | |

| | | |Client relationships are an essential ingredient in | |

| | | |growing your clientele through referral, expanding your | |

| | | |written policies per client and in simply retaining your | |

| | | |policy holders. | |

| | | |Don’t forget to stay in touch with your customers during | |

| | | |the holidays and throughout the year. Here are some | |

| | | |suggestions: | |

| | | |Online and/or printed newsletters: From personal lines | |

| | | |perspective and business to business to workers | |

| | | |compensation and employee benefits, professionally crafted| |

| | | |newsletters are available for your agency to personalize | |

| | | |to send to your VIP clients and prospects. | |

| | | |Consumer Brochures: Topics range from Renters and Wedding | |

| | | |Insurance to instructions on how to file a claim. Let | |

| | | |these brochures educate your customers on a wide variety | |

| | | |of topics while keeping your name in front of them and | |

| | | |helps them identify potential insurance coverage needs. | |

| | | |Holiday Cards: Yes, of course, holiday cards. Sending | |

| | | |these tokens of appreciation to your clients is easy and | |

| | | |affordable. You would be surprised how long the goodwill | |

| | | |lasts! | |

| | | |For more ideas and to take advantage of exclusive member | |

| | | |pricing for these invaluable marketing tools, go to: | |

| | | |minespress | |

| |

|MORE INFORMATION AND STATE AVAILABILITY: For more information on these products and more, login to . To request a User name and |

|password, email bigimarkets@. |

|ONLINE TRAINING: Online training times have changed in response to agent feedback. Need a refresher on how to navigate Big “I” Markets or just want a quick |

|tour on how to submit a quote?  Register today for a free online Web-based virtual tour of Big “I” Markets.  Send an email to bigimarkets@ to |

|register for training sessions that are now held every Thursday at 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Eastern. |

|You have received this e-mail because you are a registered member of Big "I" Markets. |

|If you do not wish to receive these product updates, click here. |

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