Part One - lfg

Marketing ideas for financial advisors

Part One

As an independent business owner, growing and marketing your practice can often end up low on your priority list as you manage your business and clientele. But marketing doesn't have to be neglected. Whether you're looking for a few quick-hit solutions, something more long-term, or perhaps just a method you can execute on a quarterly basis, here are 12 marketing ideas you can implement into your practice today.

Quick-hit solutions

Mid-term solutions

The one-a-month referral system

? Identify your top 12 referrers' for the upcoming year (current clients or professional advisors)

? Schedule a meeting with each one of these individuals

? Prepare a baseline referral kid: ideal client profile, professional biography, capability brochure, etc.

? Set the expectation that each meeting will result in 3-5 referrals in your target market

Forum-based events

? Take your ideal client profile and identify a universe of 60-90 business owners that you know or are accessible to

? Develop a quarterly seminar forum with content specific to business owners

? Host an event once a quarter and refine invitee list as-needed

? Limit attendee size to 4-25 per session

The top 20 list

? Develop a list of ? 20 prospects

? Present this list to all those you come in contact with to determine if they may be able to introduce you

Private client briefings ? Identify your top 40 clients/prospects ? Develop a list of topics and speakers and

schedule a private client briefing once a month, over the next 12 months ? Encourage current clients to bring a referral

The success story approach

? Identify an organization with which you're affiliated, ideally in a target market for your practice

? Offer to provide a brief "success story" article to the organizations website or newsletter

? Explain you'll do the interview

? Have the group provide the names of their 20 most successful members and offer to schedule meetings with those individuals

Monthly drip emails

? Identify advisor partners or centers of influence (at least 5)

? Email technical or timely planning ideas in a case study format

? Follow up with a phone call and help them think of clients who could benefit from the strategy

Long-term solutions

Client appreciation events ? Sponsor a "New Year" client appreciation

event by sending them a "How are we doing?" invitation ? Ask them to bring referrals to the event or provide a referral name/introduction to you

Sponsor a charity auction ? Identify a favorite charity you are already a

member of or support monetarily ? Offer to help them with their fundraising

efforts by sponsoring an auction-item ? Think of it as an unorthodox seminar approach

and even consider auctioning a financial plan or consultation

Association/Non-profit ? Join a local association or non-profit

organization and get involved ? Offer to assist in their member education on

financial issues ? Make sure the group is in your target market

in terms of industry and net worth ? Over time, your name recognition can help

you among active members

Association/Group networking

? Identify an organization or group that holds monthly networking meetings

? Attend one function a month with the intention of meeting five new individuals

? Identify these individuals in advance from a membership list and proactively follow up with following the meeting

Joint advisor seminars

? It's a new year! Contact your strongest CPA/ Attorney or P&C broker relationship and inquire about sponsoring a joint seminar in February, March or April

? They will provide a client list; you will provide a prospect list or encourage clients to bring referrals

Drip mailings

? Drip information and invitations on your top 20 prospects throughout the year

? Make sure the information is timely and personalized and make it specific to your expertise

? You don't want to be everything to everyone

Market smarter! For best practices content that empowers you to deliver the most-comprehensive financial advice in the industry, visit: blog

Lincoln Financial Network is the marketing name for Lincoln Financial Securities Corporation and Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp., affiliates of Lincoln Financial Group. Lincoln Financial Group is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation and its affiliates. CRN-1656912-120516l

Marketing ideas for financial advisors

Part Two

Marketing and growing your practice can be a full-time job ? but generating new and impactful ideas doesn't have to monopolize your time. Here are 12 more marketing ideas financial advisors can implement into their practice right now.

Quick-hit solutions

Mid-term solutions

Long-term solutions

Community contributor gift

? Identify people in your local community or target market who are giving back

? Send them a note of thanks and a small token (i.e., Starbucks gift card) or appreciation on behalf of the community they support

? Follow up with a thank you phone call

? Add them to your prospecting efforts; a compliment is an excellent conversation starter

Develop a legacy leader series

? Identify six family businesses in your local marketplace that have made it past the first generation

? Send a letter to the owner inviting them to tell their story to others focusing on their top 3 successes

? This can be a joint venture with a CPA or Attorney to offset the cost of sponsoring the event

? Feature three families and close with a panel discussion

Develop a renaissance business owner award

? Develop criteria for a Renaissance Man (or woman) award by enlisting input of a local performing arts editor

? Solicit submissions from your own clients and prospects, the clients of your advisory partners and any other local business members

? Hold a luncheon to acknowledge the award and invite local media to attend

Develop a personal "Who's Who" list

? Develop a list of ? 25 prospects

? Try to determine some qualifying criteria beyond net worth or annual sales, such as the number of years they've been in business

? When you present this list to other who might be able to make an introduction, it is more of an honor roll of quality individuals than a random sampling based solely on numbers

Develop an online business owner challenge center

? Develop a very small study group that can converse online when an issue or challenge arises in their business

? This is a great way to stay connected with current clients, or to gain credibility with a potential client

Minor league appreciation event

? Find a minor league sporting event in your area that plays at a stadium or facility

? Invite clients, prospects and their families to attend and join you for dinner in a private room

? It's a great way to meet prospects and extended family in a relaxed setting

Sponsor a "forum for growth" for

Sponsor an art gallery exhibit or young

business owners

artists' art auction

? Invite a successful prospect to be the keynote ? Approach a local gallery in your area

speaker at a workshop on business growth ? Ask them to partner with you to approach

? Hold the event at a neutral location, such as an local private or public high schools regarding

art gallery or restaurant

contribution of art from talented young artists

? Require each attendee to submit a topic they ? Hold a silent auction with the proceeds going

would like the speaker to address

to charity

? Make a charitable contribution to your

? Invite all contributors and their parents to

speaker's favorite charity as a thank you

attend, as well as clients and prospects

Send complimentary magazine subscriptions to your best prospects

? Send your top 10-15 prospects a complimentary subscription to your favorite business or lifestyle magazine

? This can truly make an impression, as they will think of you every month when they receive their issue

"Ask the planner" segment

? Approach a local association, corporation or credit union and offer to an "ask the planner" financial column for their monthly newsletter

? They can solicit financial questions from their members or employees and you can answer the questions (with compliance approval)

Financial plan as a gift

? Encourage your clients to give their children or grandchildren a financial plan as a gift

? Have them prepay the fee and develop a gift certificate that can be presented to the child or grandchild as a birthday, graduation, marriage or other gift

Start a monthly book club ? Identify 5-10 key clients and prospects ? Form a "book of the month" breakfast club ? Send them a copy of the book selection each

month and set an in-person meeting to discuss, if possible

Market smarter! For best practices content that empowers you to deliver the most-comprehensive financial advice in the industry, visit: blog

Lincoln Financial Network is the marketing name for Lincoln Financial Securities Corporation and Lincoln Financial Advisors Corp., affiliates of Lincoln Financial Group. Lincoln Financial Group is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation and its affiliates. CRN-1656912-120516l


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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