Starting a Common Security Club or Resilience Circle


The Organizing Kit for Starting a Resilience Circle or Small Group

November, 2012

Across the nation, people have stepped forward to organize Resilience Circles and other small groups for their communities. We’re confident you can do it too, especially if you start small. Work on finding just one other person in your community who is also excited about this idea.

If you’re considering organizing a circle, let us at the Resilience Circle Network know. We may be able to connect you with others in your area. You can also check our list of “Profiled Resilience Circles” to see if there is activity in your area ().

This document is designed to provide tips and how-to for forming a circle. On our website you can watch one of our Introductory Webinars for a discussion of these organizing tips, and sign up to take part in the next free discussion ().

In This Document

- Ingredients for Starting a Circle

o Finding Participants

o Finding a Facilitator

- Using the Introductory Session

- Things to Consider: Organizer FAQ

- Sample Publicity Materials

- Introductory Session: Agenda and Handouts

Packaged Separately

1. Tri-Fold Brochure (PDF)

2. Optional Slides for the Introductory Session (PowerPoint)

Ingredients for Starting a Resilience Circle

We are calling this “ingredients” for starting a circle rather than “steps,” because there is not a set order in which to do things. (Tip of the hat to Transition US for this language idea!)

To start a circle, you’ll need to line up the following:

• One or two facilitators

• 15 – 25 initial participants

• A space to meet

• The dates and time of day you’ll meet[1]

Once this is lined up, you or another facilitator(s) can use the Seven-Session Curriculum to structure your sessions. The curriculum also contains tips for keeping your group together during the seven sessions and beyond. To obtain your free copy, please email us at info@.

Finding Participants

For most people, finding participants is the hardest part of organizing. But we are confident you can do this, especially if you start small. Try to find an Organizing Partner, one other person in your community who is also excited about this idea. Once you have a team of two, the rest of the organizing will be easier and more fun. Think about who might make a good partner.  You’ll want to find someone is also excited about this idea and will make the commitment to move things forward with you.


In all of your organizing, including your outreach to find an Organizing Partner, you will be called upon to communicate about Resilience Circles. Circles cover a lot of ground—they are a rich experience where relationships deepen and people re-learn the practice of mutual aid; they address both ecological and economic concerns; and they tap into a vision of a new, fair economy in harmony with the planet. This can be hard to get into a sound bite.

To get a handle on communicating, think about what attracted you to this idea. Why do you want to form a Resilience Circle or other small group? How do you think it will help your community, your family, or your own situation? What do you hope to gain?

Growing Your Group through Relationships and Conversations

The best way to form a Circle is by reaching out to people who you, or your Organizing Partner, already has some connection to. If you currently aren’t connected to many folks, you can try to expand your network through Base Communities and the Linking Method (see below).

Once you a part of a network of folks, you can build up your small group by discussing your ideas with others in “one-to-one” conversations. Labor and community organizers have been using this practice for generations. In a one-to-one, you authentically share your story with another person and listen to theirs. Based on your commonalities, you invite the person to work together; i.e., in this case, to join or form a Resilience Circle together.

You may be able to use this form of conversation spontaneously. Perhaps someone will off-handedly mention their frustrations (i.e., with potholes in the roads, fears about their kids’ student debt load, etc.). You can take the opportunity to ask more questions and make your call to action (“I’m forming a neighborhood group, you should join me” or “I’m forming a group to talk about our economic concerns”).

If you’re serious about forming a small group, however, you will probably need to be more deliberate. An easy way to get started is to invite someone you already know to meet with you for about a half hour at a neutral public site, like a coffee shop or a park. Our culture can be suspicious of open-ended agendas, and you don’t want people to think you’re starting an Amway business. So go ahead and be clear about what you want. For example, you could say, “I’m forming a small group for mutual support, and I’d like to have your input,” or “I’m concerned about [our schools] and want to hear your concerns too,” or “I think that a lot of people are struggling with economic stress alone, and I want to ask you what we might do to support each other.” If the person wants to talk then and there, be sure to set aside enough time for a focused conversation.

The important thing is to make a friendly, honest invitation that fits your own interests and values. Not everyone will say yes, but some will—and each new invitation builds your skills and confidence.

Structure of a One-to-One

One-on-ones often follow this four-step outline, but each conversation will be unique.

1. Tell your story. Think this over. Why are you committed to social change, building community or organizing a small group? How do you think it will help your community, your family, or your own situation? What do you hope to gain?

2. Listen. Turn to the other person and ask open-ended questions, such as “What brought you to this neighborhood? What are your struggles or concerns? What events in your life changed you and shaped your choices? Who helped you along the way? What do you think are the biggest problems this community is facing right now?”

3. Identify your common concerns. The good news is that you are likely to find some common ground with the person. After a few minutes of deep listening, you can say something like: “It seems we’re both concerned about [unemployment in our town, our schools, access to clean water, access to health care, making new friends, our kids’ futures, climate change, etc.]. Maybe we can work together, and find other people who share our values and concerns.”

4. Here is how we can work together: _____. At this point, you might say, “I want to form a group and we want to have a nucleus of good people who care. Are you open to an invitation to attend a first meeting?”

Experiencing Push-Back

One-to-ones can feel risky. People are likely to look at you a little funny when you issue an invitation to have a chat.

Furthermore, no one likes to experience rejection, and unfortunately you aren’t likely to hear an enthusiastic “Yes, I’ll join you!” at the end of every conversation. It’s best to prepare for a range of responses. No matter how skilled you are as an organizer, some people will say “No” to your call to action. Some will say “Maybe” (which generally means “No”). Some will say “Yes,” but won’t show up. Some will say “Yes,” show up, and then drop out. Some will say “No” today, and “Yes” later. And luckily, some will say “Yes” and become valuable contributors.

However, building relationships through conversations is the best way to build up a small group. It’s also imperative for building community and for social change generally. For more reflections on relationship building and social change, see .

Growing Your Group through Networks and Publicity

In addition to one-to-one conversations, here are some tips for growing your group.

Tip 1: Use Existing Networks as “Base Communities.” Perhaps you or your Organizing Partner is already part of a congregation, neighborhood association, or other group that can serve as a “base community.” That’s great. Our experience suggests that it’s helpful to base your organizing in such a network, even though you will also reach beyond it for participants. But if at least some members of the circle know each other from the outset, this gives the group “glue” to help it stick together over a longer term. Another benefit is that a base community might be able to provide space for your meetings.

If you’re not part of a base network, you might consider reaching out to one, or even joining one. Some good possibilities are: congregations (churches, synagogues); community organizations like Neighborhood Development Corporations, housing counseling organizations, organizations for parents, or the YMCA or YWCA; neighborhood associations; local environmental action groups; unions; book clubs; Transition Initiatives; Time Banks; and social action campaigns.

Think about how a Resilience Circle might connect to the interests and goals of these communities. Before you reach out, prepare to explain the benefits of basing a Resilience Circle in their community, such as potentially attracting new members to the congregation or network. Resilience Circles are also a great way to deepen relationships among people who already know each other, since the circle will help folks share topics that are usually difficult to address.

Tip 2: Use the “Linking” Method. A complementary strategy is what we call the “linking” method. Here, you and your Organizing Partner identify one or two other people who are also excited about forming a Resilience Circle. In turn, each of you invites two or three more people to an Introductory Session. In this way, your team builds linked relationships among participants at your introductory event, so each person feels some connection to the group from the outset.

Tip 3: Think About What to Call Your Circle. A key question to consider is what you will call your group. Think about what will attract the most people to your group, and/or think about the audience you are trying to reach. We primarily use the name “Resilience Circles,” and we find this name works especially well for people who are concerned about the earth and ecological threats to our security. Many groups also use the name “Common Security Clubs,” which evokes the importance of creating shared economic and personal security together.  Other groups have used names such as Resource Sharing Groups, Neighbor Groups, Unemployed and Anxiously Employed Worker Groups, and Economic Security Circles.

Tip 4: Publicize. Base communities and the linking method are the best way to attract participants who will join your Resilience Circle. But don’t neglect basic publicity. Once you have scheduled an Introductory Session, put up flyers and post an announcement on online calendars in your community. Consider creating a Facebook or a MeetUp event. Use the sample materials below. And lastly, don’t forget to tell us at the Resilience Circle Network so we can publicize for you.

Be sure to visit our website () to browse publicity materials developed by facilitators for specific audiences, such as leaders of Transition Initiatives,[2] Unitarian Universalists, Roman Catholics, and others. If you develop something similar, please send it our way or post a link in the comments on the site.

Finding a Facilitator

To organize a circle, you don’t need to facilitate it. We do suggest that facilitators have some small group leadership experience before facilitating a Resilience Circle. If you have some experience but would like a refresher, visit .

With your partner, brainstorm places where you might find a facilitator to lead the circle's discussions.  Consider leaders from the communities listed above as potential base networks. In addition to appealing to your common values, you might suggest that you’d like to learn to facilitate by working with them. Many community leaders are highly motivated to share their skills with other people in this way.

Lastly, keep in mind that the Resilience Circle Network has developed a six-hour Facilitator Training Workshop. It is not necessary to attend a training to be a facilitator, but we promise you will enjoy the training if you can attend one. If you have some experience leading such workshops and would like to hold a training in your community, contact us and we’ll get you started. We can also discuss sending a trainer to your area.

Using the Introductory Session

The goal of your organizing may be to hold a 90-minute Introductory Session. This Session is designed to give people a taste of the benefits of being in a Resilience Circle without requiring any commitment from them. It’s participatory and gives people a chance to share the ways the economic downturn and ecological changes are touching them. After the session, many of the participants will hopefully sign up to attend or form a Resilience Circle. Alternatively, you may not need to hold an Intro Session, if 15 – 25 people commit to forming a circle without needing to.

See the section on the Introductory Session below for a detailed agenda.

If possible, identify your facilitator and line up the dates your circle will meet before holding the Session. Also, try to hold the Intro Session the same day of the week that your circle will meet, i.e., hold it on a Tuesday if you’ll be meeting Tuesday evenings.

It’s also okay to set up the circle’s meeting dates after the Introductory Session so that you can better asses the availability of your potential participants. Keep in mind, however, that a lag between the Intro Session and Session 1 may cause you to lose people. Keep things moving as quickly as possible.

Once you have scheduled an Intro Session, tell us about it at Resilience Circle Network! Please see Attachment 1 below, and submit the location, date and time of your session to us via the web, email, or snail mail. With your permission, we will post your event on our website and in our e-newsletter. This is a great way to reach folks in your area who have already expressed interest in joining a circle. In any case, please let us know about your session so we may have it in our records.

Things to Consider: Organizer FAQ

1. What is the ideal size of a Resilience Circle?

Start with 15 - 25 people, and expect a few to realize it’s not a good fit. Ending up with 8 – 15 is ideal.

2. What is the right frequency for meetings?

It’s important not to let too much time pass between meetings in order to foster group cohesion. Meeting every other week is a good routine for the first seven sessions. Once your group has completed the curriculum and has established some cohesion, you might drop down to meeting once per month.

3. Should we integrate food into our meetings?

The short answer: Yes! Session 2 specifically invites people to bring a dish and/or a recipe for an inexpensive, healthy meal. Many groups find this potluck experience really enjoyable and continue having one at every Session. (If you go this route, to keep sessions to two hours or slightly more, try eating while doing the “go-round.”)

A note of caution: be sure everyone understands that they are not required to bring food. Some people may not feel up to this and so decide not to attend a meeting. Do you best to assure folks they can come empty-handed and have a “lucky” potluck; i.e., a free dinner.

4. How wide of a geographic area should a circle draw from?

The smaller the better. This way, folks will be able to gather more spontaneously for circle meetings, social gatherings, and mutual aid projects. But if you can only attract a group of interested folks from a wider area, you might still try going through the curriculum together and see what develops.

5. What does this cost?

Nothing! All our materials are free and “open-source.” We hope you use and adapt them as you please.

6. How many groups continue to meet beyond the seven initial sessions?

If a group works through the entire curriculum together, at least some participants almost always decide to stick together beyond it.

Sample Publicity Materials

The following sample Publicity Flyer and sample Outreach Letter may be used in publicity and outreach, and a PDF Brochure is also included in the Organizing Kit. You’ll see highlighted areas that must be filled in to reflect your particular circumstances.

Resilience Circles: Strengthening Community

During Tough Times

[pic] [pic]

Join the Boston

“Resilience Circle”

A Small Group to

…Get to Know Your Neighbors

…Help Each Other Through “Mutual Aid”

…Have Fun!

Learn more at an Introductory Session Sponsored By xxx

When: xxx

Where:  xxx

The “Great Recession” has reminded us of our vulnerabilities. We’re facing debt, foreclosure, unemployment, and isolation. In response, people are forming small “Resilience Circles” to explore a new kind of security – one based in mutual aid and community support.

| 617.477.8630 x307 | info@

Sample Outreach Letter

Dear xxx,

Thank you for the work you are doing at your organization/congregation, and for your commitment to ending poverty/environmental sustainability/addressing problems with the economy/etc. Because of your commitment to these important ideals, I am writing to you about “Resilience Circles,” which are small groups where 10 – 20 people gather to learn about the economy and the environment, engage in mutual aid, and take social action.

I suspect you will find the free resources provided by the Resilience Circle Network useful in helping members of your organization/congregation confront economic uncertainty, deepen their relationships, and feel empowered to challenge the status quo. Congregations/organizations which host Resilience Circles have also found that the experience may attract new members/congregants to the community.

As you know, unemployment is high and foreclosures are widespread. Almost every American has been touched by the Great Recession. Many are experiencing high levels of isolation and lack community support. Furthermore the impacts of global climate change are already upon us, and the future is extremely uncertain as we face “peak oil” and all the changes it implies for our food, transport, and other basic systems.

Communities, congregations and other groups are using the seven-session Resilience Circle Curriculum to reconnect and rebuild systems of mutual aid. Empowered, connected communities are much better equipped to deal with our current economic and environmental realities and the changes the future will bring. And, empowered communities will be the building blocks to create a new, sustainable economy that serves everyone in harmony with the planet.

I would love to discuss this approach with you further. Please let me know if there is an opportunity to get together or speak on the phone. I hope to hear from you soon.

Thank you,


Introductory Session: Agenda and Handouts

November, 2012

This Introductory Session is a designed to give people a sense of the benefits of being in a circle without requiring a commitment from them. We hope you find it fun and rewarding.

Please let the Resilience Circle Network know about your Introductory Session by filling out Attachment 1 below. We will list your event on our website unless you request that your meeting remain private. In any case, please inform us of your meeting for our records.


• Introduce the concept of a Resilience Circle and give a taste of the benefits of being part of one.

• Give people an opportunity to connect with one another around the ways the economy and the environment are touching them.

• Identify next steps toward forming a Resilience Circle.

Things You’ll Need

• Poster paper or blank flipchart and easel and markers

• Name tags

• Copy of the opening and closing readings (Attachment 2)

• Blank participant sign-in sheets (Attachments 3 and 4). Note that if you already know which days your Resilience Circle will meet, you won’t need 4 to assess people’s availability.

• Optional – Introductory Session PowerPoint Slides to show during Activity 2, “Why a Resilience Circle?” (Available in the Organizing Kit or online at )


• Tri-Fold Brochure (Available in the Organizing Kit or online as a PDF at )

• Progression and Overview of Sessions – Two Sides (Attachment 5)

• Knowings, Questions, Gifts and Needs (Attachment 6)

SUMMARY AGENDA – Introductory Session

Opening (10 minutes)

Activity 1: What Brings Us Here Tonight? (15)

Activity 2: Signs of the Times (Slides 2 – 4) (5)

Activity 3: Knowings, Questions, Gifts, and Needs (30)

- Paired Sharing

- Full Group Sharing

Activity 4: What is a Resilience Circle? (15)

Activity 5: What’s Next? (15)

Closing ( ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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