Curriculum Vitae

Thomas M. Olshewsky

Department of Philosophy 3533 Gocio Road

University of Kentucky Sarasota, Florida, 34235

Lexington, Kentucky 40506

859- 257-1861 941-351-6912


Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. Ph.D., March, 1965.

Woodrow Wilson Grant, 1960-61; McIntosh Grant, 1960-61;

University Fellowship, 1961-62.

Teaching Fellow, Spring, 1962.

McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illinois. M.Div., June, 1960.

Lane Scholarship, 1956-57; Study at New College, Edinburgh,

1957-58 (McIntosh Grant).

Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana. A.B., cum laude, June, 1956.

Academic Appointments:

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky. 1966-Present

Chair, Department of Philosophy, 1986-1990; Acting Chair, 1977-78.

Chair, Program in Linguistics, 1973-87; Acting Chair, 1989-90, 1996-97.

Full Professor, 1983. Associate Professor, 1969. Assistant Professor, 1966.

Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Assistant Professor, 1963-66.

Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa. Assistant Professor, 1962-63.

Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, Edinburgh Fall, 1998

Visiting Professor, Villanova University Fall, 2000, Fall, 2001

Visiting Professor, University of Delaware 2002-2004

Visiting Professor, Drexel University 2006-2009

Adjunct Professor, New College of Florida 2009-2010; 2012

Research Scholar in Humanities, New College of Florida 2010-Present

Adjunct Professor, Ringling College of Art and Design Spring, 2012

Adjunct Professor, State College of Florida Fall, 2017

Academic Associations:

Phi Beta Kappa (Scholastics Honorary)

Tau Kappa Alpha (Forensics Honorary)

Eta Sigma Phi (Classics Honorary)

American Philosophical Association

American Philological Association

Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology

Kentucky Philosophical Association

Florida Philosophical Association

Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy

Institute of Classical Studies

Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy

C. S. Peirce Society

Hume Society



Peirce’s Doctrine of Signs: Foundations, Applications and Connections, edited with Vincent Colapietro, Mouton de Gruter, Amsterdam, 1995.

Foundations of Moral Decision, Wadsworth, San Francisco, 1984.

Good Reasons and Persuasive Force, University Press of America, Washington, 1983.

Problems in the Philosophy of Language, edited, with prologue, introductions, annotated bibliographies, and epilogue, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Ν.Υ., 1969.


“The Dynamics of Dynamis,” The Review of Metaphysics, March, 2018

“Idea and Eidos in Plato and Aristotle,” in Kostas Kalimtzis & Maria Veneti (Eds), The Concept of Form and the Way of Life, Ionia Publ. (Athens, 2015)

“Conceptual Divergences in Sextus and Hume,” Philosophical Inquiry, Fall, 2014.

“The Bastard Book of The Physics,” The Classical Quarterly, April, 2014.

“Appetites and Actions in Aristotle’s Moral Psychology,” Proceedings of the Society of Ancient Greek Philosophy, December, 2007.

"Demea's Dilemmas", British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Fall, 2003.

“Grasping the Starting Points,” in K. Boudouris, ed., Greek Philosophy and Epistemology, Vol, I (Athens, 2001)

"Hippocratic Natures and Aristotelean Elements", in K. Boudouris, ed., Ancient Greek Medicine (Athens, 2000)


"The Matter with Matter", in D. Sfendoni-Mentzou, ed., Aristotle and Contemporary Science (N.Y., 1999).

"The Descent into the Cave", in K. Boudouris, ed., in Plato's Political Philosophy, Vol I (Athens, 1997).

“Reconstructing Deconstruction for a Prospectival Realism”, History of Philosophy Quarterly, July, 1996.

“Self-moved Movers and Unmoved Movers in Aristotle’s Physics VII”, The Classical Quarterly, December, 1995.

“The Construction of a Peircean Hermeneutics”, in Colepietro and Olshewsky, eds., Peirce’s Doctrine of Signs: Foundations, Applications and Connections,


“A Deconstruction of Metaphysics A-9; Toward a Reconstruction of the Peri Ideon”, Aristotle’s Lost Works: The Actual Problems (Rome, 1995).

"Phaenomena, Doxa, and Skepsis”, Skepsis, Fall, 1994.

“Realism and Antifoundationalism in Peirce’s Epistemology”, in Debrock and Hulswit (eds.), Living Doubt, Synthese Library 243 (Dordrecht, 1994).

“Peirce’s Antifoundationalism”, Transactions of the C.S. Peirce Society, Summer, 1993.

“Functionalism Old and New”, History of Philosophy Quarterly, Summer, 1992.

“The Classical Roots of Hume’s Skepticism”, Journal of the History of Ideas, Spring, 1991.

“The Academics and the Sceptics: Sextus Against Hume”, in Scepticism: Interdisciplinary Approaches (Athens, 1990).

“Peirce and Recent Realisms”, in Peirceana Issue of VS (Umberto Eco, general editor), April, 1988.

“Toward a Hermeneutical Realism”, in Corrington, et al. (eds.), Pragmatism Considers Phenomenology (Washington, 1986).

“Chomsky’s Realism”, Proteus, Fall, 1985.

“Hermeneutics and Semiotics”, Dayton Review, January, 1984.

“Peirce’s Pragmatic Maxim”, Transactions of the C. S. Peirce Society, Spring, 1983.

“Between Religion and Science”, Journal of Religion, June, 1982.

“The Syntagmatic-Paradigmatic Shift Reinterpreted”, Proceedings of the Mid -America Linguistics Conference, Winter, 1982.

“Realism and Semiosis”, Proceedings of the C.S. Peirce Bicentennial International Congress (Lubbock, Texas, 1981).

“Thomas’ Conception of Causation”, Nature and System, Summer, 1980.

“A Christian Conception of Divorce”, The Journal of Religious Ethics, Spring, 1979.

“The Ideal, the Actual, and the Human Condition”, Philosophical Inquiry, Winter, 1979.

“Theoretical Constructs and Mythological Motifs”, Proceedings of the World Congress of Philosophy, May, 1978.

“On the Relations of Soul to Body in Plato and Aristotle”, Journal of the History of Philosophy, October, 1976.

“On the Notion of a Rule”, Philosophia, July, 1976.

“A Pragmatic Approach to Language Acquisition”, Education Resources Information Reports, May, 1976.

‘Dispositions and Reductionism in Psychology”, Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior, October, 1975.

“On the Notion of a Rule”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 22: Formal Aspects of Cognitive Processes (New York, 1975).

“On Competence and Performance”, Linguistics, February, 1974.

‘The Analogical Argument for Knowledge of Other Minds Reconsidered”, American Philosophical Quarterly, January, 1974.

“Deep Structure: Essential, Transcendental or Pragmatic?” The Monist, July, 1973.

“Aristotle’s Use of ‘Analogia’”, Apeiron , July, 1968.

“Encounters and Intentions”, Philosophy Forum, December, 1967.

“A Third Dogma of Empiricism”, The Monist, 1965.


At Conferences and Societies (Refereed or Invited):

"That and That-en," Conference on "Aristotle: A Critic of Plato," Canadian Aristotle Society, Ottawa, May, 2018

"Motives of Motion in Ensouled Beings," Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, New York, October, 2017.

“Grasping the Starting Points of Knowledge,” World Congress of Aristotle, Thessaloniki, May, 2016

“Deliberation and Desire in Aristotle and in Hume,” World Congress of Aristotle, Thessaloniki, May, 2016.

“The Orexis of Boulesis,” III International Congress of Greek Philosophy, Lisbon, April, 2016.

“Peirce’s Achilles’ Heel?” Florida Philosophical Assoc., Tampa, October, 2014.

“Peirce’s Intuitionism,” Peirce Centennial Congress, Lowell, MA, July, 2014.

“The Dynamics of Dynamis,” Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, October, 2013.

“Idea, Eidos, and Forms of Life,” 23rd World Congress of Philosophy, Athens, Greece, August, 2013.

“Mythos/Ethos/Logos,” World Congress of Philosophy, Athens, August, 2013.

“Significance in Performance,” Conference on the Performance of Culture, American Foundation for Greek Language and Culture, Tampa, February, 2013.

“Hume’s Ultimate Irony,” Florida Philosophical Association, November, 2012.

“The Dynamics of Dunamis” Marquette Summer Seminar on Meaning, Metaphysics and Inference in Aristotle, June, 2012

“The Evolution of the Elements,” Marquette Summer Seminar on Motion in Aristotle, June, 2011.

“Moral Grace,” Florida Philosophical Association, October, 2010.

“The Actualization of Action,” Marquette Summer Seminar on Thought and Action in Aristotle, June, 2009.

“The Irony of the Double Impulse,” American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, March, 2008.

“Appetites and Actions in Aristotle’s Moral Psychology,” Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, at the American Philological Association, January, 2008.

“The Orexis of Boulesis in De Anima III 9-11” Marquette Summer Seminar on Aristotle’s De Anima and its Interpreters, June, 2007.

“The Logoi Problem in Plato’s Philebus,” Philadelphia Colloquium on Ancient Philosophy, St. Joseph’s University, April, 2007.

"Grasping the Starting-points of Knowledge," American Philosophical Association, April, 2004.

“The Starting-Points of Knowledge,” 24th Annual Workshop in Ancient Philosophy, Florida State University, April, 2001.

“Grasping the Starting-Points,” IAGP Conference on Ancient Epistemology, August, 2000

"Demea's Dilemmas", Hume Society, Cork, July, 1999.

"The Matter with Matter", Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, New Orleans, April, 1998.

“Hume’s Moral Scepticism”, Symposium on Eighteenth Century Thought, Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, November, 1988.

"Energeia and Entelecheia: Their Conception, Development and Relation", Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, at American Philological Association, Chicago, Dec., 1997.

"More on Matter", Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, Binghamton, October, 1997.

"The Matter with Matter", Conference on Aristotle and Contemporary Science, Thessaloniki, September, 1997.

"Hippocratic Natures and Aristotelean Elements", IAGP Conference on Philosophy and Medicine, Kos, August, 1997.

“Aristotle and Hume on Deliberation and Desire,” Hume Society, Nottingham, July, 1996.

“The Descent into the Cave,” International Association for Greek Philosophy, Athens-Pythagoria, July, 1996.

“Past-tense Contrary to Fact Conditionals: The Irrationalities of Reactive Attitudes,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, April, 1995.

“The Evolution of the Elements,” American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, March, 1995.

“Reconstructing Deconstruction,” C.S. Peirce Society at APA Eastern, December, 1994.

“Moral Skepticism in Sextus and Hume,” The Hume Society, Rome, Italy, June, 1994.

“Deconstructing Metaphysics A-9; Reconstructing the Peri Ideon,” Conference on The Lost Works of Aristotle, Rome, Italy, June, 1994.

“Conceptual Shifts in Physics VII-3,” Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, Binghamton, October, 1993.

“The Evolution of the Elements,” Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies in Israel, Tel Aviv, June, 1993.

“Conceptual Divergences in Sextus and Hume,” American Philosophical Asssociation, Central Division, April, 1992.

“Appetites and Actions in De Anima III-10,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, April, 1992

“Self-movers and Unmoved Movers in Physics VII,” Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, October, 1991.

“The Bastard Book of Aristotle’s Physics, “ Haifa Classics Colloquium, June, 1991.

“The Role of Appetite in Ensouled Motion,” The Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies in Israel, Tel Aviv, May, 1991.

“The Development of the Relation of Energeia and Entelecheia in Aristotle’s Treatment of Actuality,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, March, 1991.

“Peirce and the Brain-in-the-Vat Problem,” C.S. Peirce Society at APA Eastern, December, 1990.

“Orexis and Epithumia in De Anima , III-10,” Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, October, 1990.

"Doxa, Phainomena and Skepsis,” Third International Congress on Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research, Ancient Olympia, August, 1990.

“Concerning Persons,” APA Central Division, May, 1990.

“Realism and Anti-foundationalism,” Second International Congress on C.S. Peirce, Harvard University, September, 1989.

“The Construction of a Peircean Hermeneutics,” Second International Congress on C.S. Peirce, Harvard University, September, 1989.

“Belief, Appearance and Inquiry in Sextus and Hume,” International Hume Conference, University of Lancaster, August, 1989.

“Aristotle’s Psychology and Cognitive Science,” World Congress of Philosophy, Brighton, August, 1988.

“Peirce and Recent Realisms,” World Congress of Philosophy, Brighton, August, 1988.

“Demea’s Dilemma,” International Hume Conference, University of Marburg, August, 1988.

"The Pyrrhonian/Academic Distinction in Sextus and Hume," Second International Congress on Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research, Zacharo, Greece, July, 1988.

“Nousing,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, April, 1988.

“Problems with Plato’s Parmenides,” American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, March, 1988.

“Dewey on Time,” Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, March, 1988.

“On Sullivan on Peirce,” Kentucky Philosophical Association, April, 1987.

“A Third Type of Philosophy of Religion,” Tillich Conference, Hope College, June, 1986.

“Aristotle and the Isms,” American Philosophical Association, Central Division, April, 1986.

“Aristotle and the Isms,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, March, 1986.

“The Rise and Fall of Analytical Philosophy,” Kentucky Philosophical Association, April, 1986.

“Aristotle on Akrasia,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, April, 1985.

“Intentionality in Dewey and Wittgenstein,” Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, March, 1985.

“Toward a Hermeneutical Realism,” Penn State Conference on Pragmatism and Phenomenology, August, 1984.

“Extensional Dissonances for a Kantian Mode,” Donald Davidson Conference, Rutgers University, May, 1984.

“Effects of Training in Logic on the Development of Analytical Skills,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, April, 1984.

“Possible Worlds, Probable Theories, and Contingent Necessities,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, April, 1984.

“Moral Responsibility,” Kentucky Philosophical Association, April, 1984.

“Against the Neopragmatists,” Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, March, 1984.

“Chomsky’s Realism,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, March, 1983.

“Determined to Be Free,” Kentucky Philosophical Association, October, 1983.

“Semiotics and Hermeneutics,” Semiotics Society of America, October, 1982.

“Peirce’s Achilles’ Heel,” Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, March, 1982.

“Hermeneutics and Semiotics,” Dayton Colloquium on Hermeneutics, March, 1982.

“The Syntagmatic-Paradigmatic Shift Reconsidered,” Mid-America Linguistics Conference, October, 1981.

“On Separable Souls,” Kentucky Philosophical Association, April, 1981.

“Perplexities of Plato’s Parmenides,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, March, 1981.

“Peirce’s Intuitionalism,” Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, March, 1981.

“Perspectives on the Soul in Plato’s Phaedo,” Dayton Colloquium on Plato, February, 1981.

“The Syntagmatic-Paradigmatic Shift,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, April, 1980.

“Peirce’s Pragmatic Maxim,” Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, February, 1980.

“The Voyage of the Beagle,” Society of Christian Philosophers, Asbury College, May, 1979.

“The Spector of Descriptivism,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, March, 1978.

“Plato and Aristotle on the Actual and the Ideal,” Society for the Study of the History of Philosophy, at APA Eastern, December, 1977.

“Theory and Myth,” American Academy of Religion, February, 1977.

“Causation in Thomas’ Natural Philosophy,” Mid-Atlantic Conference on Patristic, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, September, 1976.

“Realism and Semiosis,” First C.S. Peirce International Congress, Amsterdam, June, 1976.

“Three Faces of Intention,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, April, 1976.

“Modal Muddles about God,” Kentucky Philosophical Association, October, 1975.

“Speaking One’s Mind,” Kentucky Interdisciplinary Conference on Linguistics, April, 1975.

“A Pragmatic Account of Language Acquisition,” Southeastern Conference on Linguistics, March, 1975.

“Speech Act Controversies,” Summer Institute in Linguistics, August, 1974.

“On Competence and Performance,” Georgetown Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, April, 1973.

“On the Notion of a Rule,” Ann Arbor Conference on Formal Aspects of Cognitive Processes, February, 1972.

“The Concept of the Soul in Plato and Aristotle,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, April, 1972.

“The Analogical Argument for Other Minds,” Kentucky Philosophical Association Presidential Address, October, 1971.

“Rule-governed Behavior,” L.S.A. Summer Institute, July, 1971.

“Toward Understanding Persons,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, April, 1971.

“Mangrum on Malcomb on Wittgenstein on Other Minds: A Neo-scholastic exercise,” Kentucky Philosophical Association, October, 1968.

“Normation and Evaluation,” Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, March, 1968.

“The Semantics and Canonics of Truth,” American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, December, 1967.

“Something about Truth,” Ohio Valley Philosophy of Education Association, October, 1967.

“Aristotle’s Use of ‘Analogia’,” Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, at APA Eastern, December, 1966.

“A Third Dogma of Empiricism,” Iowa Philosophical Association, October, 1963.

Presentations on College and University Campuses:


University of Auckland, New Zealand, Spring, 2000; University of Otego, New Zealand, Spring, 2000; University of Edinburgh, Scotland, Fall, 1998, Spring, 1989; University of Aberdeen, Scotland, Fall, 1998, Spring, 1989; University of Glasgow, Scotland, Fall, 1998; Haifa University, Israel, Spring, 1991; University of York, England, Spring, 1989; National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Fall, 1985; Zhongshan (Sun Yat Sen) University, Ghuangzhou(Canton), China, Fall, 1985.


Transylvania University, 2008; LaSalle University, 2007: St. Joseph’s University, 2006; San Francisco State University, 2003; University of Delaware, 2003; Vanderbilt University, 2001; Southern Illinois University, 2001; University of Scranton, 2000; Thiel College, 1997; Auburn University, 1996; Florida State University, 1996; University of South Florida, 1996; University of Florida, 1996; New College, 1996; Hollins College, 1995; Gonzaga University, 1995; Muhlenberg College, 1994; Fordham University, 1993; Creighton University, 1993; Wabash College, 1993; University of Missouri, Columbia, 1992; University of Nebrasks, Lincoln, 1992; University of Nebraska, Omaha, 1992; Depaul University, 1991; Hastings College, 1991; Fordham University, 1986; Queens College, 1986; Seattle University, 1984; Seattle Pacific University, 1984; Miami University, 1982; University of Dayton, 1982; Earlham College, 1981; Indiana University, Purdue University, at Indianapolis, 1981; Depauw University, 1981; Memphis State University, 1980; Vanderbilt University, 1980; University of Texas at Arlington, 1980; SUNY at Buffalo, 1980; Thiel College, 1980; Roberts Wesleyan College, 1980; MacAlester College, 1979; Northern Illinois University, 1979; Wabash College, 1979; Oberlin College, 1976; Fairfield University, 1976; Georgetown University, 1973.


Over my thirty years of tenure at the University of Kentucky, I presented numerous papers and lectures on the Lexington Campus to the Metaphysical Club, to the Linguistic Circle, and to colloquia in Anthropology, Classics, English, Spanish, Foundations of Education, Psychology, Physiology, and other programs. I also presented a number of papers at other colleges and universities in the Commonwealth.


Professional Services:

Participation in professional societies: American Philosophical Association (paper presentations), Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy (paper presentations), C.S. Peirce Society (paper presentations, program consultations, executive committee), Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (paper presentations, program and nominating committees, local arrangements chairman), Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology (paper presentations, program committees), Hume Society (paper presentations, program consultation), Society for Philosophy and Psychology (paper presentations), American Society for Value Theory (founding member, paper presentation), Kentucky Philosophical Association (President, 1971-72, Vice President, 1970-71, paper presentations, program, nominating and arrangements committees), Iowa Philosophical Society (Secretary-Treasurer, 1965-66, program chairman, local arrangements, paper presentation).

Invited Symposiast, NEH Summer Seminar on Peirce’s Semiotics, Brown University, 1990.

Consulting Editor, American Philosophical Quarterly, 1986-89; History of Philosophy Quarterly, 1997-2000.

Reviewer of manuscripts for periodicals, such as Transactions of the C. S Peirce Society, Philosophical Psychology, Boston Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy, and Synthese.

Reviewer of book manuscripts for publishers, such as Random House and Holt, Rinehart, and Winston

University Services:

Chairman, Arts and Sciences Faculty Council, 1970-72, during which time, I oversaw the restructuring of the college administration and of the college general curriculum.

University Senate member for four three-year terms, with service on various senate committees, including the Student Affairs Committee that wrote the Student Bill of Rights, and the University General Studies Committee that reworked and reinterpreted the general requirements.

Member of various college committees, including curriculum review for humanities, the social sciences area review committee, departmental review and chairman search committees for Psychology and for Slavic and Oriental Departments, and departmental review committee for History Department.

Member at various times of all departmental committees, including several terms each as elected chairman of curriculum and of executive committees.

Director of Undergraduate Studies in Philosophy, 1972-73; 1980-82; 1990-91.

Director of Graduate Studies in Philosophy, 1969-71; 1976-77.

Co-founder of The Metaphysical Club (1973) and The Linguistics Circle (1974), as forums for sharing research with colleagues.


American Philosophical Association Fellow to the Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities, University of Edinburgh, Fall, 1998.

Travel to collections grant from Southern Regional Educational Board (SREB) for research at the British Library and the Institute for Classical Studies, 1996.

Travel to collections grants from University of Kentucky Research Foundation (UKRF) for MSS work at the Vatican Library, Rome, 1994.

Travel to collections grants from UKRF and SREB for work at the British Library and at the Bodlean Library, 1992.

UKRF Grant for study of Aristotle MSS in the Aristotelesarchiv in Berlin, 1990.

SREB Grant for the same project.

SREB Grant and UKRF Grant for travel to collections in Europe: Research on Aristotle manuscripts and texts in Great Britain, West Germany, France, Austria, Italy, Greece, 1988-89.

UKRF Major Equipment Grant for installing Isocrates Program on IBM RT-PC to access Thesaurus Linguae Graecae data for all ancient Greek texts on a CD-ROM, 1988.

National Endowment For Humanities Grant to participate in Summer Seminar on integrating basic disciplined courses in humanities through course clustering,


NEH Fellowship to participate in Summer Seminar on Noam Chomsky, University of Washington, Summer, 1982.

NEH Grant to participate in Institute on Psychology and Philosophy of Mind, University of Washington, Summer, 1981.

University of Kentucky Teacher Improvement Fellowship to improve effectiveness in teaching history of philosophy in general studies at lower- division levels, Summer, 1977.

University of Kentucky Teacher Improvement Fellowship for training in basic linguistics in The Summer Institute in Linguistics, University of Oklahoma, Summer, 1974.

Linguistic Society of America Scholarship to study in its summer institute at SUNY at Buffalo, Summer, 1971.

UKRF Summer Research Fellowship to study problems in the interrelations of language, thought and reality, Summer, 1970.

UKRF Summer Research Fellowship to prepare manuscript of text on philosophy of language for publication, Summer, 1967.




Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality

Introduction to Philosophy: Morality and Society

Introductory Logic

Intermediate Logic


Ethical Theory


History of Philosophy I: Greek Beginnings through the Middle Ages

History of Philosophy II: Renaissance to Recent Times

Ancient Greek Philosophy

The Presocratics

Plato and Aristotle

Recent Analytical Philosophy

Positivism and Existentialism

Classical American Philosophy

Philosophy of Human Nature

Philosophy of Religion

Philosophy of Language

Philosophy of Mind

Philosophy of Science

Greek and Roman Classics (in translation)

History of the Christian Religion

Religious and Philosophical Thought

Religious Commitment and Moral Decision

Individual and Society

Thinking Time

Honors Seminar on Lust for Power: Faust, Don Juan and Dracula

Honors Seminar on Religions in Dialogue

Honors Seminar on Divining Divinity

Introduction to Linguistics


Philosophical and Psychological Problems in Linguistics

Graduate Seminars:


Human Action

Aristotle’s Physical Philosophy

Aristotle’s Psychology: Functionalism Old and New (taught with Dan Frank)

Personal Identity

Aristotle’s Conception of Motion

Aristotle’s Ethics (team taught with Dan Frank)

Aristotle’s Metaphysics

Aristotle’s Psychology and Cognitive Science

The Forms in Plato’s Later Dialogues

Philosophy of Action (team taught with Pat Smith)

Philosophical and Psychological Problems of Perception

Language, Thought and Reality

Language and Cognition

German Idealism


Director of two successful Ph.D. dissertations in Philosophy. I have served on many of the Ph.D. committees of students who have completed that degree in Philosophy at the University of Kentucky, and on other Ph.D. committees in Psychology, English, Music, Chemistry, Educational Psychology, Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education, and Higher Education. I have also directed a number of M.A. theses in Philosophy and served on numerous M.A. committees.

As Teaching Director for all new Teaching Assistants in philosophy for six years, I instituted a number of features, such as pre-term seminars, weekly seminars and cooperative workshops. These have become standard parts of the program, and models for other such programs in the college. Also devised a team-teaching approach that gave TA’s control of their classroom while taking away the burden of introducing new material the first time, and allowed visitation among sections. During the same period, I instituted a tiered program of teaching development for graduate students in philosophy, moving from supervised teaching in logic to assisting in medium sized classes at a more advanced level, to teaching their own introductory classes after completion of their general exams, to teaching a course topically relevant to their area of specialization while working on their dissertation.

Instructor on Semester at Sea (University of Pittsburgh), Fall, 1985. This program involves students in the classroom for fifty days while at sea, and in fieldwork projects for fifty days while visiting ten different ports around the world. My teaching duties included courses in Introductory Linguistics (using ports-of-call to gather data), Morals and Mores, and Philosophy East-West, and participation in a core course on International Studies as a lecturer, panelist and discussion leader.

Instructor in the Kentucky Governor’s Scholars Program, Summer, 1987. This is an academic enrichment program for exceptional students between their junior and senior years in high school. My duties included courses on the Individual and Society and on Models of the Mind, as well as participation in a variety of extracurricular activities.

I taught in STAIR (Start the Adventure in Reading), a tutoring program for second graders, in Lexington, Kentucky for several years. With my wife, I introduced this same program in our community in Florida, and was its initial co-director. I continued this work with tutoring in Swarthmore in relation to the programs of the Chester Children’s Chorus, and have recently tutored at Gocio Elementary School in Sarasota.


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