F. F. A. News Letter - Alabama FFA

F. F. A. News Letter

VOL. 1 NO.



NOVEMBE~~, 1934.





The regul a r monthl y meeting of th e Th e Ga d sden Di3trict, Future Allow m e t:> sugges t that yor,r

I Gad sd en District, Future Farmers of FRrm e;-s of Alab::; ma, g r eet yo u w ith monthly m ee t.ing's beg in. promp'"l,' ;,i:

America, was he ld Monday nig ht, t his little peibEcation . Tilis dis trict seven p. m., for the n ext; fe w m ~ (; .

No v. 5th. The followin g cha pt ers I b composed of t he fol owi ng chs p- ings a s so m8 of the members have to

wer e repre sented: Albertville, Cedar I t el's : Alb ertv]le, Cedar Bluff, Coll- be tra nsported home after returning

Bluff, Collinsville, Ga yl esvill e, Geral- ! insville, Ga yle;>ville, Geraldin e, Glen- from th e m ee tin g. This ca uses th em

din e, Glenc oe, Odenville, \/iTalnut I coe, Oden ville a nd Walnut Gro ve . to get home after midni g?ht.

Gro ve .

The DistTict was organized w ith Think ab out our annu a l barb ec ue,

Talks wer e made by MI'. Cox, Prin- the p u r pose ill mind of bringing the and le t's d ecide at th e next meetin g

cipal of the Albertvill e sc hool, and by boys of t he sever ::!l chapters int o where it shall be had. If your

Mr. Benford, former principal and closer touch with one another. To chapter wants this bar becue put i ,

now a p:i blisher of Albertville. Th ese give them t rainin g in th e co nduct of you r invita t ion.

t a lks were enjoyed ver y much, and meetin gs and in public sp eakin g. T o Do es your chapter have an F. F . A.

Mr. Benf ord g a ve some excelJent ad- bring to thel~1 a bro ad er view of life. Library and r eading ro om?

vi ce on publicity. After these t alks It was fel t th at S~\C: [! an organimtion Does your chapte r have an F. F . A.

the business of the ev ening w as taken would do aE of t hes e t hings ancl many Nurse ry?

care of.

111 0re.

Does your F. F. A. chapter have a

I The r eport of the Constitutional Th e newslet::er is to b~ just what. r ad io?

Committee was he a rd. Th e vote wa s its n ~nne impiies. It will bring the Does your cha pt er listern in on th e

def erred until next m eetin g, in 01'- news of th e va riou s cha pt.e rs to each weekl y F. F. A. broadcasts from \V.

de l' that the various cha pter3 might of th e other cha pters, a nd will be a J . B. Y. at Ga dsden ?

hav e tim e to E,tu dy the proposed co n- m edium b y w hi Ch ot her scctions may Is youI' chapter fully equipped for

stitution. The program of w ork com- I\11OW wJn t we arc d oing.

I l11ittee r eport ed, and t he prog r a m of


initiations? Wha t abou t a d istrict d ebating-

work for the year as outlined by them


tea m?

was a ccepted. The r epor t of th e r a-,


Do all your cha pt0l' m em bel'5 w ear

dio committee was accepted. Other


F. F . A. pins?

r eports wel'e not r eady.

1? The District F'. F . A. is a new 01'- Does yon I' p r inc ip::ll a nd ot her hO:I

The tim e of th e radio broadcasts g;nn iza tion. It s prog res s m ust neces- orury memb er s att end F . F. A. m ee t

had to be changed, due to conflicts I s~l'ily be slow, as w c mu ~t learn as in gs? with othcr programs. The n e w tim e' I w e p;o. Y 0:.1 1' r ep orter aho is Hew at


is on Th-n'sday morning from 11 :00 t he g am e. H e is tryin g to do a cred-


to 11 :30, thus giving a 30 minute itabl e job, a nd ad,s the f ull COO p81':1-

_ _ __

p w gnl m instead of 15 minu tes. It tion of each cha pter.

The Gadsdcn District, FutG'e

was f elt that the new hour would be i As this is writte n, t hl'ee of th e F a rm er s of Am erica is a ppearing r eg

w ell rec eived, and that is was better eig ht chap te rs of the Dist r ict ha ve ularly over the ai r from St ation W . .T.

i t han th e one first proposed.

I ,;ent in lIO news fo r t ae n ew,;l ct ter. I B. Y., Gadsd en. On c chapter prese nts

It was voted to ~ubli ~h .a monthly T he n c\vs, t ogether w.ith a n ad. is a prog ram each Thursday, fr om 11 :0 0

n ew?lett er, t o co nsIst of four , three necessary befor e a. crecl1tnble PUbbCa- j t o 11 :30.

I column pages of news of the various t:o n ca n b e go tt~ n out. Before time Cedar Bluff prese nted th e fir3t pro

chapte rs. The exp ense is t o be tak- for th e ne xt issue, pl eas e lct us he,!"" g rom , appea rin g Octo bcr 13th. Oth

gi:--I en care of by ndvertising secured by f r om ever y chapter.

eac h chaP ter: It. is f elt t hat. thi s Our ~"a ?io p ~gra ll1 s n eed to be

I e1' chapte rs with the d ate of t heir first

app earanc~ fo~low s : Al bertville , Oct.

n cv,slette r wlll stlllHilat e m uc h mtcr- en p ubhclty. lncy shc uld b e pUblIsn- l zo t h, ColllllsYllle, Oct. 27th , Gayl es

cet in t h e organizati on .

Ie d loca ll y, shoul d be in our newslett dur

program for the next district meet-! 1. Plant more shrubbery where

ing the year,

I ing to be held with the Cedar Bluff i

Chapter Monday night, December 3:


n~oeendtiednu. e to


shrubb '~ry

110. 111.

Give program~ at chapel.

Hold annual camp.

i F. F. A. Theme Song--Hail F. F. A. : m laboratory area.

Welcome Address-

3. Keep sh rub bery p.'uned

Bt:.Einess-Old and New.

I worked.

Mt: sical Selection - Cedar Bluff! '1. F ertiliz e shrubbery.

112. Give radio broadcast from Gads-

andl den.

I: 13. Add new books to F. F. A. L :b rary.

F. F. A. Band.

' 5. Sow bare spot:> in grass nex t 14. Continue th e F. F . A. Nurse ry.

Talk-Member Gaylesville Chapter. I spring.

115. Continue deb ating club.

Relation of the District organiza- j G. Set water oak, on sc hool ?:round31116. E?ch mem ber to pay dues out of

t;on to the State and National 01'-

where Jl eeded.

proj ect income.

g'anization-J. P. Dodd, Walnut ; COMMUNITY SERVICE-

17. Raise money to carry out Chap-


1. Sponsor pruning demon str~t:o:1 I t e r O!:Jjectives.

Musical Selection-Cedar Bluff F.

for farm ers.

! 18. Purchase Large F. F. A. Ban:1er

I I F. A. Band.

2. Sponsor terracing d cmomtrat ion I a nd Owl for club room.

Song-Harry Simmons, Odenville

for farmers.

At a bt: 3ines'i m ~eting of our Chap-


3. Sponsor a rat c:J!ltrol c:::m;-l.!i ;rn in t tel' Thursday it was decided to hold

F. F . A. theme Song-Hail F. F. A.


(colltIn u cd on next page.)

L -_ _ _ _~' _ , _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _~

::: r:i:.;h t m ::cting n ex t M:>:ld a y nig;lt i Di s~ r; ct org:o ni zat:o n m eets with U.3; fl. Increa se F. F. A. Library.

d wh:ca t:m e six ca ndidat es for the in February.

i 10. Coop eratc with state and district

Green Hand Degrec would be initiat- A radio has been bought by the exec utive committees by answcr

cd. Our membership to date is 26, 'Chapter, and we are expecting to hear I ing letters promptly, sending in r e-

and we wish to increase it to 30 as each and every Future Farmer,Broad-1 ports on time, article for F. F . A.

soon as possible.

'I cast. Weare also expecting to hear

m~1ny other g ood programs.

Our Chapter has oredered a large I We have been harvesting crotala-

P. F. A. Banner a!~ d Owl t o use dur- I l'ia. The Chapter members have sev-

the initiation ceremony.

IeraI thousand pounds harvested, and

newsletter, etc. 11. Every member have F. F. A.

manual. 12. Chapter have complete standard


Our library now c ons is ts of eigh- expect to rea p a golde n harvest in S CHOOL ACTIVITIES-

te e n volumes. S(;veral of th ese were:' the spring.

C: oc)ated by F. F. A. memb er s. Every


1. Propagate shrubbery for F. F. A. members in Laboratory area.

munber will don at e a boy's book ODENVILLE CHAPTER NEWS 2. Cooperate with Home E conomics

which he has read.


Three mag::zin es, The Ame~'ican The Od er.v :lI e chapter will present. 3. Put on assembly prog r am.

,j cy. .o:'Ys Llf,' :ms Bill Ables

Collinsville, Ala.

Teacher Repr,esentative

! Alabama School Supply Co.

Comoliments Of Geraldine Chapter

Ryland Willi ams.



POi'ter White, Jr.

Willi? m Eden

I Orders for anything quickly

Ifilled and greatly aporeciated


O:;ca r Mitchell R'lj' Ad 81113

I ".


Comoliments Of

John Teague.

- - - --H- - - -

The fo!lo-,v:n~: offlce rs were r cpre

y our Trade \Vill Be


Ghnco-e Chapter

ccnt"t-iv cs of t h e- Od enville Chapter II ~t th ~, Alb ertville Ddrict Meetin g-


FUTURE FARMERS OF the llltnt of November 5: John

I T cagu2 , Vice Pres id en t; William


I Eden, Secret~l I'Y; Nal'l11nn Vandegrift,

Odenville, Alabama

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_ _;;;;;;;;;;;~~ I Li br: r i::: n.


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