Fr. Leon Hont, O.S.B. Pastor Office Hours 9 AM – 3:30 PM M-F Rectory Address: P.O. Box 248

Rectory Phone: 495-5241 - Fax 495-9522 stjic@ 538 Main St., Summerhill, PA 15958


Mon. July 27th Weekday

SJ 7:45 AM Rosie Brown

Tues. July 28th Weekday

SJ 7:45 AM Joseph Beyer, Sr.

Wed. July 29th Martha, Mary & Lazarus

SJ 7:45 AM Clair Long

Thurs. July 30th Weekday

IC 7:45 AM Minnie Long

IC 3 to 8 PM Exposition/Adoration/Benediction

Friday, July 31st St. Ignatius of Loyola

IC 7:45 AM Clyde W. Gallardy

First Saturday, August 1st St. Alphonsus Liguori

IC 8:00 AM Deceased Benedictines

Grove Hall 4 PM L/D Victor Schrift Family

Sunday, August 2nd – 18th Sunday of the Year

Grove Hall 8:00 AM For IC Parish

Grove Hall 10:00 AM For SJ Parish


No Servers will be needed at any of the Masses.


SJ & IC: On Saturday, August 1st at the Grove Hall Confessions will be 3:00 to 3:40 PM. Or anytime by appointment. Please call 495-5241.

GIFT BEARERS – At the present time, gift bearers are not permitted at any of the Masses.

LECTORS & EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS will be scheduled weekly by Pam and Peggy. Ministers from both parishes will serve for the three Masses. Phone calls will be made weekly to make the schedule.

THE PARISH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON Thursday, July 30th & Friday, July 31st. Pam will be off, so the bulletin will be done on Tuesday, July 28th. So please call by Tuesday, July 28 by Noon if you have any bulletin announcements.


IC & SJ: We have resumed Exposition, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction on Thursdays, from 3-to 8 PM, in Immaculate Conception Church, New Germany. This is a great opportunity for all parishioners of our partnered parishes to come for 20, 30, 40, or 60 minutes to implore God to bring a quick and immediate end to the coronavirus.

SJ & IC CONFIRMATION: The following young men & women will become fully initiated into their faith when they are confirmed. St. John’s students – Justin Chilcot and Tyler Kulback will be confirmed on Tuesday, July 28, 2020. Immaculate Conception students – Austin Deitke, Jacob Flynn-Long, Abbeygale Miller, Corey Roberts, Josilyn Wehner and Joanna Woods will be confirmed on Wednesday, July 29, 2020. Both Masses will begin at 6:30 PM. Thanks to Rhonda Smith, Jonathan Knobloch and Scott Smith for their year-long efforts preparing them for Confirmation.

COMMUNITY BOOK CLUB on Monday, July 27th on the book “All the Light We Can Not See” by Anthony Doerr. It will be held in Marian Hall at 1:30 PM.

SJ & IC: AUGUST 1ST, at 8 AM, at New Germany Grove – a 5K Walk/Run sponsored by Immaculate Conception Church. Registration forms are located in the gathering spaces of both churches and will be in the Grove Hall on the weekend of July 25/26. Contact Donna 244-9424 for more information.

SJ & IC: As women, are you looking for a deeper relationship with God? Perhaps this Women’s Bible study, Walking with Purpose, is for you. The first session of Opening Your Heart is being planned to begin in September 2020 ending in November 2020. The cost of the book is $40 which will cover the 22-week course. A Tuesday morning or evening class will be available. Please contact Andrea at 659-3637 for information and registration by August 10.

SJ: Although the annual St John Parish Picnic has been canceled, we are sponsoring the popular raffle ticket. All registered parishioners received 6 tickets and each ticket is $10.00. If you are able to sell additional tickets, please call us at 495-5241. If anyone cannot sell their raffle tickets, please return them as soon as possible, so we have a chance to try to sell them.

IC – MARK YOUR CALENDARS: IC Maintenance Committee will have a meeting on Wednesday, August 19th at 6:30 PM; IC Parish Council will have a meeting on Monday, August 24th at 7 PM; IC Finance Council will have a meeting on Wednesday, August 26th at 7 PM.

COMMUNITY YARD SALES in New Germany Friday, August 7th & Saturday, August 8th. There will be a Yard Sale in the Bingo Stand on the Grove Grounds. Anyone who has nice yard sale items to donate for this sale, please bring them to the Bingo Stand on the picnic grounds either August 3rd, 4th or 5th. As usual, the “kitchen” will be open with food and drinks available.

KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS: Attention 2020 high school graduates and parents. Our Knights of Columbus council 2275 will be awarding two (2) Five-hundred-dollar scholarship awards to 2 graduates among the churches we serve in our local area. It does not matter which school you attended as long as you are a member of one of the five churches our council serves. They are, St. Michaels, Most Holy Trinity, St. Bartholomew, Immaculate Conception or St. John’s. An application and questionnaire can be obtained by contacting Don Dipko, council 2275 Financial Secretary, by phone or email. The phone number is 487-5655, the email address is djdipko@. The paperwork will be sent to respondents by regular U.S. Mail and must be returned to council #2275 by August 1st.

SJ & IC: During this time home with family, five movies for your viewing enjoyment are as follows: The Way; Doubt; Of Gods and Men; Calvary; and, The Mission. Your host: Father Casey Cole, a Franciscan Friar.

SJ & IC: A fascinating priest whom you will enjoy is Father Casey Cole. His videos and talks are brief but powerful.

SJ & IC: For your reading enjoyment, books that will strengthen your Catholic faith, are as follows: Dr Gerard Vershuuren “A Catholic Scientist Proves God Exists”; and Father Dwight Longenecker “Immortal Combat: Confronting the Heart of Darkness”. A heart-transforming talk on cd is “Women Made New” and the speaker is the popular Crystalina Evert.


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