DMV Listening Session Results - WNCN

DMV Listening Session ResultsSummary of Employee FeedbackLisa ColemanMarch 1, 2019This document contains the results of 4 days of “Listening” sessions conducted with DMV employees Monday Feb 25 through Thursday Feb 28.EXECUTIVE SUMMARYOVERVIEW:The DMV units housed in the New Bern Avenue, Raleigh, NC building must move by October 2020 and the impacted employees have voiced concerns. In order to gage the sentiments of current DMV headquarters employees regarding the pending move, 4 days of “Listening Sessions” were conducted. While employees were told a final selection has not been made, many voiced their belief that the location has already been decided and will be Rocky Mount. Employees were asked to base their comments on the possibility of the relocated office being more than 30 miles from the current DMV headquarters.All DMV headquarters employees were invited to participate. 255 provided input. Objectives:Get a snapshot of current intention of employees in the following areas:Leaving DMV is the move is more than 30 miles from the current locationUnsure and need more informationCurrently planning to stay with DMV (based on Rocky Mount or Durham)Capture “right now” thinking of employees: 1 thing you want the decision makers to tell you1 thing you want the decision makers to knowCapture all concerns/questions/complaints/ideas regarding the intended move in order to help employees feel “heard” and look for trends.Get feedback on the value employees see in 4 retention concepts under consideration.MethodologyThe process included using an Affinity Diagram, n/3 prioritization, and guided discussion. RESULTS:Current intention of employees.Total responses 255: 145 Leaving DMV – 62 Unsure – 48 Moving with DMVTop question employees want answered:“When and where are we moving?”Details in Appendix ATop comment employees want decision makers to hear:“This decision impacts every aspect of my life.”Details in Appendix BEvery comment was captured and organized into the following categories, shown in order of frequency:DistanceQuality of lifeEmployee CostsRocky Mount concerns Details in Appendix CThe 4 retention concepts presented were:Full Time Remote Work – 175 votesPart Time Remote Work – 101 votesFlexible Work Schedule – 54 votesTransportation assistance – 36 votesDetails in Appendix DDATA COLLECTEDThe facilitators collected two forms of data:Qualitative: Qualitative data including participant comments, priority concerns and interest in current areas of development.Quantitative: Quantitative data including category ranking metrics as well as general frequency of similar terms used. Ten Sample impact statements From employees“I feel like I'm just a number & my thoughts and concerns don’t matter. I have 20 years of knowledge & service to the citizens with the state of NC.”“The knowledge loss will be detrimental to customers.”“It will cost me $3,542.40 for gas alone to travel to Rocky Mount and 28,320 in miles.”“We are tax payers, voters and state employees who work hard to give excellent customer service. This is a total disregard of us as a person. This will cause the customer and us to suffer. Do what is right.”“Please consider more than just the price of the building. The added expense will hurt us. We are already a few paychecks away from being homeless.”“I like my job and am a good employee. This situation is causing me to question my future. This will have a significant impact on every area of my life.”“We are your backbone take care of US.”“It saddens the staff of NCDMV that our lives and lively-hood are based on favors, money and power of politicians.”“Two children in daycare, 1 elderly mother that I check on throughout the day. Took this job to help take care of my family. I often use my lunches to run errands. Very disappointed how this was handled.”“I will have to quit my 2nd job of 7 years and my daughter will have to quit her 2nd shift job to be home will the kids. Then in a months’ time she will be homeless and have to move in with me and I will have the income of 1 instead of 2.”RECOMMENDATIONS based on moving to rocky mountHigh – the greatest potential for improved user satisfaction Medium – greater potential for improved user satisfactionLow – the potential for improved user satisfactionRecommendationEffect1Establish retention pay plan for knowledge critical staffHigh2Establish retention plan focus group (using DMV on the Move Team) to identify best practices for retaining key staffHigh3Daycare on site in Rocky MountHigh4Cafeteria on site in Rocky MountHigh5Career development, including tuition support, for retaining employees until knowledge transfer has occurredMedium6Establish remote work locations (telework) and flexible work schedulesMedium7Transportation Options for Employees LowAPPENDIX A – top priority statement from employees attending listening sessionsOne Thing I Want the Decision Makers to Know:Move is very inconsiderate. Including the timing. You are disrupting many lives.Walk in my shoesThis is unfairI want to speak to leadership & government officials.You are hurting more than just all of us, you are hurting our loved ones and changing our lives. It is not just about a longer drive… This changes everything.The cost of driving is no cost effective for me.We want to know what's going on, no necessarily the facts or end results but the conversations going on.My loyalty & decision making will focus on me & my family's needs, not DMVs needs. Consider, families, salaries, increase cost in expenses, security of new location, food, etc. - Stop thinking about political gainEmployees matter- People have family commitmentsYou are forcing some very good workers to be a value to another state agency.Why hasn’t anyone who is really making this decision come here and actually talk to us.Consider the distance of the cost of the move and how it impacts our familiesImpact on customer serviceBuild a building for growth in populationI feel like I'm just a number & my thoughts and concerns don’t matter. I have 20 years of knowledge & service to the citizens with the state of NCBuild a DMV like CAYou are disrupting people’s livesThis move is impacting not only me but my elderly parents that I am responsible for helpingThis was not handled professionally. The employees should have known before the public.The years of experience lost will never be recovered?Why/what was there no common sense applied to this whole process?This makes no sense to move to Rocky MountConsider the impact on usWe all have families and a lifeThis move is so far away it affects me financially. I am struggling now.The cost besides lease payment is laptops, software, talent, knowledge of the current employees and training new employees, etc.Make sure to relocate us in Raleigh because many are affected by transportation issues. I have no transportation other than publicI like my job, what I do and who I work forThe stress this will have on people's families.Moving to Rocky Mount DMV will be losing a great deal of experienced knowledge employees who are not goingMore thought should be given to retaining quality personnelYou do not pay us enough to moveMove to a region creating great amounts of stress on your dedicated employeesThis affects the DMV employee, their families and the customersWe are headquarters and we should shineYou are creating a hardship for the employees without extra payStay in RaleighRelocating DMV HQ outside of the Raleigh area is a disservice to the citizens of NC. Keep DMV HQ in the capital city. That where you work. We deserve to be treated betterWe deserve an apologyThis move will not only affect my life, but my 2nd job and will affect my daughters work schedule because I play a HUGE part helping with raising my grandchildren who are 1, 7 and 8.I will have to quit my 2nd job of 7 years and my daughter will have to quit her 2nd shift job to be home will the kids. Then in a months time she will be homeless and have to move in with me and I will have the income of 1 instead of 2. 2 children in daycare, 1 elderly mother that I check on throughout the day. Took this job to help take care of my family. I often use my lunches to run errands. Very disappointed how this was handled.You did not consider the employees of the DMV when making this decision.I am a single parent and cannot afford to moveBuilding needs to be in wake countyspending 30 million on a 1.5 million building is NOT fiscally responsibleOffer job positions in other agency's if we cannot go to Rocky MountI have young kidsI'm not going to Rocky MountI am not going to travel to Rocky mount to work for DMVI have children to drop off and pick up are daycare in a certain timeIt saddens the staff of NCDMV that our lives and lively-hood are based on favors, money and power of politiciansCannot afford to relocate and commute. Life style will be affectedI know its business with this move. Make sure you make a smart move and not cheapYou will lost a lot of subject matter experts when movingCan't afford additional childcare & not being able to do overtime anymore if we are way in Rocky MountWe are your backbone take care of USMoving from Wake County will cause the division to lose a wealth of knowledge and will result in a significant decrease in revenue and customer serviceDecrease in work performanceDecrease in attendance due inclement weather, Dr. Appts, childrenCannot move to Rocky MountGS 20-40 says that "as the commissioner deems necessary to properly carry out" Commissioner can reject plan based on assumption a large portion of employees will leaveThat hard working citizens and employees lives do matterTransportation problemsThere was no consideration for the DMV staffOpen positions up for the people that want to stay with the State but can't goNo consideration for others & no noticeIncrease in expenses and no increase in payTransportation costThe cost and loss of being for from schools activities, dr apptsThis was a terrible processWe feel as though we were not a priority in making your decision.I like my job and am a good employee. This situation is causing me to question my future. This will have a significant impact on every area of my life.My child needs me.DMV will be losing veteran employees that has established longevity. There could have been a better solution to resolve this issue. If you value the services the employees provide. You would think that you would compensate them with a building with no issues including flooding. A building that has been flooded will have safety concerns. If my house were condemned, I would have torn it down and rebuilt where I was, not move to another location. DMV building must be torn down but a new one can be rebuilt on the same property.Most employees don’t earn enough month to compensate the difference of the amount of furl it will take to travel back and forth which will also take away from our families.Need to have more information from the people that actually does the work for DMVConsider the employees and their expenses and the distance they travelDon't cheat me to get your vote from somebody else.You have let employees down.You are responsible for loss of jobsYou don't really are about employeesDon't know if I will move, I need more informationTransportation options, express daily train or busNeed more moneyThis will be a hassle on me financially. If you already know, just tell us.We're not dumb like you thinkWhy are you playing with peoples lives, you already made a decision so stop all these meetings and just say it. There is an overarching issue with complaints; the distance the location. The building cannot be so far away.Treat people the way you would want to be treated.Sounds like you are more worried about employing other people.The issue is the distance of any New location.You care more about money, than us, or the customerscan we move to Rocky MountYou are losing longtime knowledgeable employeesPlease consider GarnerI do not want to go to Rocky Mount, Raleigh or Garner would be great. I have a lot of knowledge.Please provide a cafeteriaPlease take into consider that it is hard to moveMake a decision so we can make our plansToo far to travel- I will not goEvery driver is affected by this. Takes 12-18 months to train someone.For hearings we require full knowledge of NC GS and takes a long time to train.RTP is not any better than Rocky Mount and everyone lives in Raleigh.Moving to Rocky Mount will be a two hour commute.Offer us to work from home and report to office once a week.Why are you moving the State agency of this caliber that brings in the 2nd highest revenue out of the state capital. We know it is about politics and money.Please consider more than just the price of the building. The added expense will hurt us. We are already a few paychecks away from being homeless.We are tax payers and voters so these decisions should be based off of us.The move to Rocky Mount is not what is best for tax payers or employees. You can build cheaper than the lease. Gov., Sec. of Trans, Commissioner, please value your employees.Employee morale is already low, if we move it will be moreConcerned about the commute and the gas and need to pick up grandkids, I can't get them quickly and don't make enough for the commute.Medical problems and don't need to drive along so farDoctors are all in RaleighGas prices will be too muchGreenville Pkwy in Garner is the best with the least amount of impact and will reduce the amount of people leaving.Some areas require an extensive amount of training, like 18 months. Who will teach the new people?Split up and offer small offices in other locationsYou should post positions towards the end of 2019.Even if the building hasn't flooded, is it prone to flooding because we can't get to work.We need increases in salary to help us relocate.Just make a decision so we have time to find another jobPlease think about the distance and customer serviceThe knowledge loss will be detrimental to customersWe already look bad in the public eye, this will make it worse to loss valuable employeesThink about the customers and employees, we don't get paid enough and can't afford to liveWe pay taxes and should have a say and I vote APPENDIX B – top priority question from employees attending listening sessionsMain Question I Want Decisions Makers to Answer:Why can’t the move just be in Wake CountyDid you all consider customers and how they be affectedwhere are we goingwhy did you wait until the last minute to ask for feedback?why leasewhen are we movingWith all of the funding we get, why is the building funds limited?How would this affect health insurance cost?Why did you don't fix the building years ago?where are we goingWhy did management wait so long to get employees involved?How are you going to train when everyone is gone?If the HQ has to move, shouldn't the Commissioner have to move? Shouldn't the captain stay with the ship?Why did you wait so long to make this move?Are you giving us raises to help with travel?Why am I being asked to go to a county other than what was on my application? Breach of contract.When are you going to update the prehistoric system? Reminds me of college days.Will the people would cannot move be offered RIF?Will we have enough parking there and will it be free?Why are we only hearing updates by media and not newsletter?Why did the email not ask if we wanted to stay or go? I couldn’t even open the link?Where are we going and when will we know?Will we be priority for other state jobs?Can we move to Garner?Will IT be moving to? We have technical problems all the time.Why are we moving to a place that is prone to flooding?Why can't we stay in the same area?Why not buy instead of lease?Are we going to get more money?Is transportation going to cost me?We matter, but the bottom line is worth what to you?Is the decision made based on our previous issues with our system?What law enforcement will be used since it's out of capital police jurisdiction?Did you factor in staff in your decision?When I applied for State Government on my application, it asked are you willing to relocate, If I said only to certain counties, what then?This situation has been on the table since 2015. Why wait 5 years later to take action now?Where are we moving to?Why didn't you specify the location in the proposal?Will there be a salary adjustment?Where are we going?Is this the thanks we get for putting all the years in?Do you really care about us and what we need and want?Why weren't we considered in the decision making in the beginning?Where are we moving and when?Will there be a salary adjustment?Where and when are we moving?Why Rocky Mount and why now?Timetable of when we are moving?Is transportation going to cost me?Will there be a salary adjustment?Where are we going? They have been talking about it for 20 years.Where are we going?When will the decision be made for sure? Don't wait until the last minute.Where is the location?Once the decision is made is there any possibility of change? I don't want to make changes based on a major move and then find out we are able to stay close.Where are we going?If the move goes through, what will be the move date?Why Rocky Mount?We are leaving due to building concerns, but you want us to relocate to another building with safety concerns? i.e. floodingWhere are we moving?Why can't we stay in Wake County?What is the schedule/timeline for the moveWhy can’t we move to one our empty DOT buildingsWhat date is the moveWhy the cheapest site?Why not the best site in Wake CountyWhy was logic not thought about in the decision to move the DMV HQs out of Wake County? This makes no senseIf stupidity prevails, when will we physically start moving?Can you help me find a new job?Where are we going?Why weren't these focus groups done far prior?Why does it always have to be politicalI need to know when we are moving so I can plan my next moveWhy do we have to move to a surrounding countyWhy are you making this stressful to all DMV employeesWhere are we moving toWhen and where are we goingWhy can't we us the NC State owned property on Poole Rd. Why waste space?Why a key component can be relocated so far from the capital?If 3 of the top 7 city populations are Raleigh, Durham and Cary, why move people away from our servicesExplain how this particular spot was not a political decisionWhy are we below average paid state employeesHow are out individual concerns & thoughts considered important if were told to pool ideas as a groupWhat makes you think that the cheapest option is the best optionNeed to know why we are not looking at more options in and around the Raleigh area? There are so many empty buildings?Why won't one of the locations closer to Raleigh approvedWill they spend more money to purchase a better building and take this hardship off of us?What are the other locations for the move?You want us to move further away with no compensation?Why wasn't a closer location to maintain staff chosen?Why didn't the state act sooner?Why did you wait until the last minute to do this when you knew it a long time ago?It is totally unfair to fund policy decisions on the backs of low-wage workers pitting urban workers against rural works is a false dichotomy. Whose idea was it to notify employees so late?Why can't other empty buildings in Raleigh be used?Can we cancel the bid process and start over?Who is moving? When is the 1st move?Who qualifies for relocation expenses?Other options for location?APPENDIX B – employee comments from listening sessionsEach employee attending the listening/feedback sessions was asked to record their comments, concerns and questions on the pending move on sticky notes. Following are all of the comments, concerns and questions from each note.Wouldn't have applied here if I had known we had to move. Political moveLegislationPancake of job categoriesEmployees are tax payers too.The move is all about politicsBand-Aid on real problem if Rocky MountThey have known for 5 years and a building could have already been built or redone by now. Lowest bid did not have to be taken, a justification can be written. No consideration to employee relocation.You are forcing me to make a change in careerForcing career changeI'm leaving the DivisionI'm finding a new employmentForcing retirement or Job changeForced career decision - change or retirementForced into retirementKeeping employees in the dark about the moveWorking under or for people that have little to no regard for employeesWas not advised of possible relocation when hiredFairness across the DivisionBurning through my sick leave because I have to take a whole day off for appointments. My leave balance will go downWe put you in office and we can take you out. What a way to say thank you to usWe are voting citizensCommissioner needs to move to Rocky MountThese workshops, stress training, and bidding on a new building should have begun in 2015, Not 1 year prior to moving. Very unorganized & selfish.They only care about themselvesAll law makers making this decision should move too. See how it feels.Rocky Mount is too farOur lives matterWe are very hurt and anxiousDurham is too farDMV needs to stay in RaleighCheap is not always foodRocky Mount is too farShort amount of time to find a new jobI applied for this job at this location because of the distance from my housePeople being forced to leave95% of employees live in Wake CountyFollow the money and you get the agendaI'm not movingNo thought process went into this Staff committed to organization, but organization not committed to staffI'm finding a new employmentI'm finding a new jobDidn't apply for a job in Nash CountyEverything is wrongdoesn’t make sensethis whole thing could have been handled differentlycan't relocatecan't relocate to rocky mount or DurhamI'm not moving my familycausing emotional distressThis is a hardship for customers and employeesI don't like the way the move is being communicatedNot movingThe intent to move to Rocky Mount appears to have been the intent for years, e.g. the change from wake county to adjacent counties, the extended radius and the connection between at least one insider & the general assembly, re the Rocky Mount Bldg.lack of consideration of employeesI'm not movingwill not moveI will quit my jobNot logical, PoliticalMakes no sense to move outside of RaleighI'm looking for a new jobnot knowing where the move will bestress & stomach problems nowstress of not knowingwe are the lowest paid in the statenot moving- too farbus assistance is nice, but who wants to ride for an hour or moreGreat customer service does not seem to apply when executives are dealing with internal customers i.e. staffrepeated discussions with no answersCannot movenot movingDistrust is at the core of my concerns. If there was any genuine concern, this sort of input would have been solicited years ago when the first move-out date was set forth.I was employed two months ago and not toldI don't like crackLack of communication on the moveCannot goEven if I do 4 days and 10 hours, travel time is still like 13 hoursRebuildI like working close to downtown. Many lunch options and parksWhy should I have to pay someone to pick up my grandbaby from school that I can't affordWas not asked, was told.Not getting paid enough for thisYou don't care about usRocky Mount or Durham will not help DMV.Too expensive to commuteToo far, no extra money for gas.We are the lowest paid state agency & not paid enough money to move too farNot worth itOur security offices will lose their job too. This location is bad enough and now we are moving to crack city. This is just a political moveStaff was not taken into considerationYou've been telling us for 20 years about moving and you waited until the last minute. They should have been building a new building. Leadership doesn't careLeadership is not really concerned.We know that the plan is for the employees to quit so you can hire the people in Rocky Mount.True expenses are being hid to fool the public just so it can move out of RaleighI signed up to work in this areaAlready not appreciatedNeed a permanent locationmake a decisionWake county counts on us economicalCheapest bid is not cheapest, other cost are importantMove would mean a staff upgradeRelish the opportunity for advancementEmployees will always be tired and not productiveMajor negative impact on current communityRocky Mount far worse than current locationDo more trust or hope in executive managementThis move is an example of White House Trump vs Immigrants and NC officials vs NC DMVSalary does not match the move or mileage Lease is wasting state moneyready for a decision to be madenot goingcheaper to be in a building we ownmoral of employees have droppednot goingcurrent transportation is not goodanxiety attacks on hwys, no back roadsmarket value on houses are lower because or locationyou don't pay me enough to relocatedon't get paid enoughI will not goWould not gonot goingnot goingnot going it is not the move that is stressing us, it is where they want us to move that itwe belong in the state capitalRocky Mount is high crime and I leave the building lateCausing my family stress over job stabilityI-95 Traffic accidentsAccessTravel TimeCan't leave that early in the morning.Travel thereTravel timeTime to commute Cost of travelTravel time over an hourSome people already drive a long way away and can't goToo far to driveDistanceGas ExpensesTravel TimeTravel TimeDistanceDistanceOptions?TransportationTransportationTransportationDistanceTravel timeTransportation for those that take the public busSafety in travelingToo farTransportationCost of transportationTransportationDriving distanceTransportationDistanceVehicle maintenanceVehicle mileageWear & Tear on carLocation is too far to commute dailyDistance too farTravelLocation for driving too farcommute timeDistance to workDistance to work from hometravel timetravel timemore travel timeExtended travel timeTravel timeMileageDistanceWear & Tear on vehicleTimeTransportationTransportation- no vehicleNo vehicle- Public TransportationCan't take public transportation in case of emergency need my carTransportationLong daytoo much drivingReliable autoMileagetravel timemilestravel timetoo far to travelToo far to travel on dangerous interstateToo farmilesMileageDistanceTravel timeHours spent on roadTravel timeTransportation concernsDistancetoo farGasWear & Tear on vehicletoo farmilestoo long to commutetravel timetoo fartoo far awayExtended travel timeToo fardangerous trafficlots of accidents longer you are on the roadSafety of driving alone Safety of being on the road too longlonger transportationtransportationtoo far to drivetoo far to driveno public transportationtoo fartransportation feestransportationtoo farToo farToo farDistance too farTransportationToo farTransportationtoo farToo far awaydistance too fardrive timetoo fartoo fartoo fardistancetoo fardistancedistancedrowsy driving- too fardistancedistancecommuting stresscommuting would be 24,000 milesdistancedistancedistancedistancedistancedistancedistancedistancedistancedistancedistancedistancedistancedistancedistancedistancedistancedistancedistanceI need a vehicleI need transportationstress of drivingstress of drivingTrafficTrafficTraffictraffictraffic stresstravel timetravel timeSafety of the building for your healthHealth from mold and asbestosPet careTraveling to existing doctorsHealthcare access, affordability, and choices of doctors thereMore stress on employeesSafety because of how many miles to appointmentsElderly employees healthMold in buildingAnxietyLife safety issues with buildingMold in buildingQuality of health servicesAge of buildingBuildingQuality of the new locationMold in buildingI have several dr appts in a monthDr appt, I can't work 1/2 dayDoctor and Dentist are hereToo far from drStressMold in buildingDr ApptsDr Apptsthis is causing emotional distressHealth care not good theredr appts locatedr appts not close bydr in Raleighdr appt would take all dayMold in buildingbuilding has been floodedlong term health conditions i.e. dialysismedical offices here- specialized careDrs in Raleighbuilding concerns i.e. molddr appts hereDr appts hereDoctors heredr at DukeHealth care not good theredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heredr's heremedical conditionsstressstressI pick up grandchildrenElder caretakerEducation for high school studentsAftercareElder care Can't get an afterhours care giverCan't get home that late for childSupport services for special needs, gifted & talented, learning challengedMy child must stay in Wake County for her services. I will not move.Civic involvementCivic commitmentQuality of lifeSpousal employmentMore time spent away from family due to travel timeQuality of lifeLoss of family timeFamily timeWork hoursRemoving kids from schools, friendsElder CareChild careAfter hours for child careSpousal employmentSpousal employmentTime on the roadElder parentsChild care hours are limited to 10 hours a dayToo far away from my child in an emergencyChildcareElder careChildcareFamily careUnable to participate in school activitiesTime spent drivingDaycare 10 hour limitElderly serviceschild care Time with my familyDisrupting my family life and my children's lifeTime away from family due to travel timeChildcare Reduced time for myselfElderly parentsDaycareMy family timeQuality of schoolsNot being able to get to my kids quickly if there is an emergency.childcareCan't drop off my kids and be to work on time and will be late picking them up.time away from familyMore time away from homeMore time away from homeSchool systemSome days I go home for lunchDaycareChild gets sick I am too far awayChild in Wake county schools can't be picked up lateSick parent and this is too farAttorneys hereToo far from homePets inside can't pay someone to take care of themBible studyReligious obligationNo balance in work & life if I goCollege age daughter in Charlotte already 3 hours away, don't want to be 5 hours. Family evening eventsLoss of family timeGrandchildren ballgamesFamily obligationsFamilyToo far from familyElder CareElder Care- too farElderly ParentsElderly parents to care forChildcareChildcareGrandchild care Child in schoolToo far away if an emergencyDivorceHave to get up too earlyI have a 2nd jobI have other people to supporttravel time affects my kidsFamily to take care oftoo far away for an emergencyWould have to put my kids in new schoolsdaycaredaycarechildcarechildcare2nd jobscollege interruptionswhat about our petsPetsAnimal careToo far away in case of emergencycarpool with husbandcarpool with spousechildcare2nd job2nd job-would be lateschool drop offchild to and from schoolMore time away from homesecondary support systems threatened & dismantledsupport systemsaffects my quality of lifeChildcarePart time jobI have to work part time just to make it. I cannot goFamily emergencies too far to get tofamily commitmentsNo family time afterhours if I goI take care of disabled siblingsElderly parentsdisabled parentsMore time away from familyDaycareChild in schoolfamily timechildrenfamily timefamily family commitmentsfamily comes firstChild careChild in schoolChild careChild carelose family time due to the drivelosing sleepI car poolChild in schoolfamily2nd jobovertime is my 2nd jobtime loss due to long commutetime away from familytime away from familydue to distance, lose sleep, family, social time, etc. childcarechildcarechildcarechildcarechildcarechildcarechildcarechildcarechildcarechildcareelder careelder careelder careEmergency concernsEmergency concernsEmergency concernsEmergency concernsFamily timeFamily timeFamily timeFamily timeFamily timeFamily timeFamily timeFamily timeJob stability effects lifeSelf-timeSafety of the areaHigh crime areaFlood zoneLocation of the buildingIn a Flood zoneWeatherNightlifeRetailCultural Resources, Art, SportsConcerns for the areaNot able to find community that family desiresLocation of the buildingInclement weatherInclement weatherWeatherParkingSecurityInclement weatherWeather conditionsSafetyIn a bad areaFlood areaBuilding conditionFlood zoneWork environment and surrounding areaflooding of buildingBuilding flooding againBuilding condition due to floodingStorm area Floods heavier thereSafetyArea is in a flood zoneSafety in the new buildingLocationSecurity of areaConcerned about the crime in Rocky MountCrime RateCrime RateHousingrelocatingSafety of new locationCrime in Rocky Mount is awfulWorking in a flood plainFlooding in buildingWeather issuesmold in new buildingmold spores in buildingsurrounding communityFlood zoneFlood zoneFlood zoneweatherSecurity concernsFlood zoneFlood zonesafety of the buildingbuilding up to codecrime ratebuilding unsafesafetysafety of areaEnvironment concernsConcerns of environmentflood zoneCrime rate of areaSafety issues/crimegetting robbed leaving workSafety concerns because of floodingFlood zoneAdverse weatherAdverse weatherBuilding floodsCondition of buildingsafety concerns Need state capital police to protect us still. I know there is crime everywhere but when you are unfamiliar or new to an area you are an easy target for crime.Crime rate in Rocky MountCrime rate in Rocky Mountsafety concernsCrime ratedrugs and crimeAdverse weathersafetysafety concernsWeatherAdverse weatherBuilding conditionsBuilding conditionsBuilding concernsadverse weatheradverse weatheradverse weatheradverse weatheradverse weatheradverse weatheradverse weatheradverse weatheradverse weatheradverse weatheradverse weatherage of new buildingage of new buildingcrimecrimecrimecrimecrimecrimecrimecrimecrimecrimecrimecrimecrimecrimecrimecrimecrimeflood zoneflood zoneflood zoneflood zoneflood zoneflood zoneflood zoneflood zoneflood zoneflood zoneflood zoneflood zoneflood zoneflood zoneschoolsRelocation costHousingPay rateLoss of wages due to distanceTravel costWear & tear of lease vehicleGas costWear & tear on carNot enough pay for gas and upkeep of carLess moneyRelocation expensesCar repairsIncrease expensesGas expensesTransportation costTransportation costExpense of extra child careCost of mileageCost of gasCost of mileageCost of transportationCost of transportationCost of transportationCost of car insurance with more mileageTravel costVehicle maintenanceMy drive time will cost me.I can't afford to move.Loss of our overtime or secondary employmentThis affects my moneyNot paid enough to goLoss of my part time job to make ends meetLoss of extra money for people who work overtimeThis is more cost on me expense wisemore money for gasCost to us for goingMy costExpense of moving & relocatingCost of moveCost of living Not cost effectiveThis increases my expenses but the pay is the sameSalary not enough to drive to Rocky Mount.Cost more for me to go for the same amount of money.Can't afford gasCan't afford wear and tear on vehicleCost of vehicleWear and tear on a vehicleCost more in gasMore oil changesMore wear and tear on vehicleWear and tear on a vehicleCost more in gasMy part-time job requires me to be there by 6Wear and tear on a vehicleadditional wear and tear on a vehiclegasCost of gasCost of gasCost too much to commuteTravel costInsurance rates for more milesIncrease in child carerelocation costcommute costgas costcost of gasGasCommuting expensesgas costSpeeding ticketsEscalation in all expenses per monthCostfood costI don’t have the money to gocost too much to goI care poolVehicle maintenanceVehicle maintenanceVehicle maintenancegaslow paygas costgas pricetoo expensivegas priceI have an old car with high milesWear and tear on a vehiclemore expensesmore money for gasWear and tear on a vehiclemore money out of pocketcost of gasmore miles on carsgas costgas priceNo incentive to driveSingle vehicle in my familytoo expensiveCost too much Increased expensesVehicle maintenancetoo much gasSingle vehicle in my familymore gas costWear and tear on vehicleI already need more moneyDon't get paid enough to goPay cut as expenses moreHigh mileage will cost me to have to get another vehicleWear and tear on vehicleWear and tear on vehiclemaintenance for cargasMiles on carWear and tear on vehiclegasgasgasgasgastoo much expenses to gocost of gasgasMiles on carI'd lose my part time jobMiles on carhigher auto insurance due to mileshigher auto insurance due to mileshigher auto insurance due to milesWear and tear on vehiclegasgascost more moneyno increase in pay cost more moneygasVehicle maintenancecost of gasPay cut as expenses moreWear and tear on vehicleextra expenseextra expenseextra expenseextra expenseGasgasgasgasgasgasgasgasgasgasgasgasgasgasgasgasgasgasgasgasgas gas gas I need a vehicleI need a vehicleinsurance going uploss of 2nd jobloss of 2nd jobloss of 2nd jobloss of 2nd jobmechanical issuesmore vehicle maintenanceneed a reliable cartravel expensetravel expensetravel expensevehicle deteriorationvehicle deteriorationvehicle deteriorationvehicle deteriorationvehicle deteriorationvehicle deteriorationvehicle deteriorationvehicle deteriorationvehicle deteriorationvehicle deteriorationvehicle deteriorationvehicle deteriorationWhy does it have to be out of Wake County?Why not move where you can maintain your current staff?How does our voice make a difference when it is the council of states decision and politics are around the decision?Why weren't employees considered in the cost factor?Low bid or total cost?How many buses will there be and what times?What does this mean for retirement? Do they lose it when they are almost able to retire but can't go?Will there be flex hours for all units?Why would you move from the 2 world class hospitals?Are customer facing employees staying here?How can leasing be better than purchasing?Will we get more days off when we have to use our personal days for weather?Is this location really the best?Who all at HQ is actually moving?What is the plan for the move?How much is the move to Rocky Mount costing the state?What other state agency has relocated out of Wake County?Can we get paid for mileage?Will there be compensation for those traveling for an hour?Can those of us that have morning responsibilities come in late?Is both buildings being torn down? Why can't you move local?Will I get a raise for my driving?If we are lowest paid, can we get a pay increase?How will adverse weather be handled?Who decides on the whether or not the weather conditions are viable for that area?Adverse weather?Are government officials aware that they will have to travel to Rocky Mount to get their plates?Why do people who don’t do the work and don't know the work load making the decisions on the move?Who benefits?Are flex hours available?If the building floods, what will be the cost/time to re-establish the business of DMV?How and where is this a cost savings?Can we make up our time?What is the plan if the building in Rocky Mount floods before the 10-1-2020 date?When the building floods again all the equipment will be destroyed. How will the division operate?What kind of building issues does the new building have?Building conditions verses what we are in now?Can we have a meeting with council of state and the legislature here at the DMV location with the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioners and directors & managers of the units within DMV?Why does a budget supersede customer service, staffing experience & knowledge that will be lost with this move?How will relocation assistance be decided?Will there be a pay incentive?Car & Van pooling, I see no advantage. What is your proposal?If can't stay in Wake, are lay-offs or rideshares possible?Since people will be gone, will our work be outsourced?Can we be put in RIF if we put on our application that we aren't willing to travel over 50 miles?Why move to a building that may have mold?Will that building be repaired before the move?Will there be compensation to move?How was Rocky Mount chosen as the location when 80% of the employees are from Johnston/Wake county?Whose idea was it to move Headquarters from a central location in the capital?Why aren't what is good for us being considered?Will there be a location for the Special Plates section?Are all units moving to the same location?Flex time?Is the area sage?Is the building in a flood zone?Is there asbestos in the new building?What is the condition of the new building?Will there be security in the new building?Is Raleigh Window movingIs Raleigh Window going?Why risk losing knowledgeable employees?Will there be food places in the area?Will there be a cafeteria in the building?How will this affect the customers?How will this affect the health of the DMV?What is located around the location?Is Raleigh Window staying in Raleigh or Wake?Does Rocky Mount have the infrastructure to handle this move?Where will the office be?How many state agencies have their HQ outside of Raleigh/Wake county?DMV has had 5 years to find a suitable location. Why does it feel like this is a rushed decision?Why were employees not polled prior to this move?Why didn't we get a vote on the move?Why can't they move us to a central location based on where the employees live?How will adverse weather be handled?Was there a decision to move to Rocky Mount due to the home of the Deputy Commissioner?Will we have to pay for parking?Pay for parking?Is onsite daycare available?Will there be flex hours for those that have kids in daycare?How can I get my kids to school and be at work by 8?Why move out of the State capitalWill day care be assisted?How will family emergencies be handled?Will transfers within other agencies be available?Will there be flex hours?Who is going to train these people?Will telecommute be available?Will flex schedulesWhy would you move us so far which causes employees to take more time off of work due to doctor appts, etc.?How will I afford the gas for the long commute?How can I pick up my kids from daycare on time?How will I be compensated for the extra time/cost to Rocky Mount?Is anyone considering that DMV is the lowest paid State departments?Why is spending 30 million on a 1.35 million building considered being fiscally responsible?Are there any other options?What are the other choices?Can this building be rebuilt and lease another building until it is completed?What happens if the vote from Rocky Mount is accepted and the funding not approved?How much revenue will the NCDMV be losing?Where are we moving?Is transportation from Raleigh going to be available?Can employees work from satellite offices if they can't move?Will we be able to work from home?Will employees see the results?Is there a location for C U?Are we moving in phases?When?When?Is this meeting beneficial or is this a way for management to appear concerned prior to the SEANC meeting this evening?Will these meetings actually affect change?Will there be employee assistance hunting jobs for those who cannot leave?Will we get priority when applying for other state jobs?Will we be rifted?Will flex schedules be allowed?Transportation assistance available?How will long commutes be handled?How are you going to replace employees that are leaving?Are there alternate sites?Why not building on Poole rd.?Why not build a new building with all of the rent money?Is there enough free parking?Is parking paid or free?Can we stay local?Has the building been flooded?Will gas and travel be compensated?Are you concerned about the loss of employee experienceWhat happens to those that take public transportation?Will there be incentives for those who choose to relocate? House, vehicle maint, travelWill I get a raise if I decide to relocateCan't we build in Raleigh or Garner>If Wake county can build schools, courthouses, etc. why can't DMV. It is the taxpayers moneyAfter the final meeting will the move date be given as to when to start?When will move begin?Can we obtain an extension from the Fire Marshall?Which units will remain in Raleigh?What benefit is being gained by moving from one mold and asbestos laden building with an antiquated HVAC system to another building with the same characteristics?Why not building on Poole rd.?Why move HQ out of RaleighWhy are we moving very far awayWhat about disabled employeesWhy was this not addressed 10 years ago instead of waiting until the last minute and no one has a genuine concern.If HR, etc. cannot manage to get one vacant position posted until 6 months down the road, how are they going to handle losing 100 plus people?What has been considered with regard to DMV staff spouse or domestic partner without job related mobility?Why move to a building that has been flooded?Will Capital Police move with us for protectionWhy are you collecting data now?Why can't they find a building in Wake County?Why Rocky Mount?Why is the new proposed location not central?Why take the jobs away from Wake County when we are on the bus line with a stop right in front of the building?Who is making MONEY because of this location?Does Rocky mount have good internet access?Travel accommodations like vanpool, is it dependable?Will DMV help me with my transportation cost?Why so far?When will the move start?How far is the new location from the current location?What are the other locations they have in mind?Why not other locations?Why not find a location within 30 mins of current location?What were the proposed places?If I carpool and leave early how it that going to work?When was the decision to made to move?Were specific boundaries/locations mentioned in the proposal?Why were the employees not part of the location decision?Why not demolish current building & rebuild a new high rise on our state owned land? Temporary relocate us in current DOT buildings until then.If you do not want to move, will they let you transfer?Can we go to another job site and work within the state?Why did you wait so long when you knew it in 2015?Will there be a salary adjustmentWhy did you wait so long to get a place?Can you give us more money?Mileage reimbursementwho will protect us there?Who is moving?will the cost of moving be on the state budget?Are you offering early retirement with full benefits?Does the DMV care about what we say?Why can't we stay in Raleigh?Will we know in a timelier manner?DMV states that customers are moving to NC at a faster rate but you are going to a city with no public transportationDo you really care or is these just words?How safe is this place?Will there be assurance employees will get other jobs?Will my pay increase?Why didn't you start looking sooner?Is the proposed area safe? Crime, environment?Who are the 100 people getting help with the move?Who determines who gets assistance?Why should I have to drive this far away?Mileage expectations for Law Enforcement?Why aren't we being kept informed?How do you ensure mail service?How do you plan to train the loss of knowledge?How will new employees get trainedHow will new people be trainedDOT is supposed to be a transparent and diverse so why is the decision made without the employees input?Did someone study where the employees live before or was it already chosen?will we be compensated for mileage and wear and tear on his vehicleHave you thought about moving state employees to other state agencies?will temp positions be filled by existing employees until they can find other jobshas the public been surveyed about the movewill there be a cost of livingwhy can't it be in wake countywhy can't a building be built on the present property the cost would be less than the 15 year leaseIf you ride the van and get sick, how do you get home?Split up and move to local areas instead of big moveEmpty space in other location in Wake countyProvide TransportationIncrease in salaries to be in line with private industryIn house caféProvide daycare services @ new locationGymEducation HelpResume HelpGet hiring priorities with other state agenciesGive future communication channelsHR supportWork from home?Flex hours with tele commutework from home Higher pay if you moveWill you pay for adjusted for gas and other financial burdens?Child care @ new locationStay in Wake CountyYou should say in the capital since every state except Alaska has their DMV HQ in their state capital.I'm a tax payer and I would rather you purchase instead of leasing a place. Use your resources you already buildings. CafeteriaWe need a comprehensive survey addressing the totality of the impact of a move to another county. Build more stories to the annex building. Cost of living increaseCompensation for employees regarding the move.Give a raiseJob transition opportunitiesMoney for relocationPick a closer location to RaleighWork from homeState vehicles for meetings in RaleighWork from homeRebuild on this spotMore central location should be consideredJob placement for DMV agents staying in Raleigh, Internal PostingSalary increaseLife safety issues need to be taken into account when picking a new building.Need more moneyNeed to look at how the info is being shared to reduce the frenzy of anxiety in the building. Work from home if possibleAddress the fears of the employees so the work will not be impacted negatively.Email details on move.Invest in a new building with 2019 new technology and that can accommodate growth?Cost of living increaseRent a building temporarily and rebuild this office. Keep in Wake pensation payLowest bidder is lowest quality. We should look at other proposals. Cheap is not always goodChildcare discounts in the new areaFlex Time for employees that have children in child carepay increaseLevel up my payCall centers should telecommuteWork from hometelecommuteWe need a designation similar to RIF to allow employees to find another jobteleworking4 day work week 10 hour daysDecentralize work unitsTransit bus service to work from a central pointTransportation bus, train, planeBetter pay to make up for moveAccommodation for employees over 60 milesSpecial accommodations for employees that live 60 miles or moreflex hoursCafeteriaIncentivesStipends for gasRehouse at a different state buildingAdditional paid time off Time off for medical leaveAdditional paid time off You need to assist us with job searchingOpen communication from now onHave clear expectationsTransparencyTransparency on moveTransparency in processStipends for gasfree parking for allfree parking work from homeWork from homeflex hoursUse empty Doretha Dix CampusSpecial accommodations for employees that live 60 miles or moreflex hoursalternate work hoursPick our hours to accommodate our driveRaiseSalary increaseRaiseRaiseRaisePay Raisemore payraiseDo another RFP for Wake countyBuild a new building in RaleighBuild for the future More compensationSalary increaseMore moneypay increaseflexfull-time teleworkwork from homework from homehelp me get a new jobHelp finding another jobstay in RaleighFind a building in Raleightemp relocation and build hereGet in a building 5 years or newerDMV has always been in Raleigh; leave it in RaleighTelecommute- go to office once a weektelecommuteflex time - 4 tenscarpoolvanpoolneed capital police4 10 hour dayscareer and job fairs for none-state agenciesJob fair with state agenciesresume writingInterview sessionsMore moneyRelocation packagesKeep in State CapitalRebuild our integrityRide shareMore payDaily commuter train & bus servicesalternate work scheduleRental opportunities during the work weekteleworkNeed more moneyJob assistance for other jobsMaintenance for car reimbursementGas reimbursementWiden the scope for assistance with movingCould our units be split into other locations near usOptions to help transition out of DMV or to Rocky MountBring in financial planners for employeesHost budgeting sessionsOffer continue educationOffer continue educationOffer resume building sessionsOffer W4 training from Tax professionalsFlex timeFlex timeConsider workers who are care givers to othersConsider workers with health issuesremote work3 or 4 day work weekwork from home3 days’ work from home 2 days on siteoffer severance packageoffer retirement packageYou should be willing to help 5 plus year employeesIt would be nice to go green4 day 10 hour weekhave many satellite offices and let us work at themuse a building we already onrebuild here and lease temp while being builtEmployees should know where all locations werework from homework from homework from homework from homework from homework from homework from homework from homework from homework from homeneed assistance to travelgrace period to get to workgrace period to get to workneed transportationneed transportationneed transportationraise to commutemore moneyraise to commuteraise to commuteraise to commuteraise to commuteraise to commuteneed moneyneed busvan poolbussingmove to garneroffer rifoffer rifRaleigh garner Cary would be better4 10 hour days4 days out the week same pay7-3 same paychange starting time to 9move to garnerbuild in SmithfieldTransportation, flooding, relocation cost need to be consideredgive raisebuild in GarnerLoss of staffLoss of seasoned staffMail handlingTechnical SupportCustomer ServiceEmployee brain drainLoss of staff and no one to train new hiresAlready have backlogs and will be more with loss of employeesloss of experienced workersTrainingLoss of veteran knowledgeBrain drainLoss of employees How many employees are going to look for other jobs?Harder for customers to visit due to not being centralized.For the customersCustomers given wrong information from new employees and DMV having to waive fees for wrong information being given. New employees can't explain insurance laws, title laws and fees, etc. Meetings with ITMeetings in RaleighAttendance decreasing because doctor appts will be too far awayTook far away from programmers (IT) to help with changes due to new laws. (meetings)Backlogs will be longer, not one will come on SaturdaysDecrease in SMEDecrease in revenue if customer's go to a LPA instead of the state offices or don't go at puter issues not being fixed immediately will cause customer service delaysNo subject matter experts will affect customer service.How can we train new staff when we are short-handed?As people leave or retire how do we train new staff?Loss of skilled employeesImpact on working overtimeAlready short-staffedRevenue goes down without SMEsAbsences for DR apptsWhere will IT be for computers, etc.Remote location could damage production, morale and accessibilityLose experienced employeesMore time off due to appts. Staffing issuesIf we lose 30-50% of the employees that will affect all driving citizens of NC for years. Angry customersMore leave will be used due to distanceFinding staff with job knowledge in a remote locationHow many employees are we going to loseExtra time for Worried about training new employeesLosing staff to other agenciesLoss of staffExtra time for appointmentsLoss of knowledgeWill lose a lot of experience when people quitCost of retraining new employeesHow far we are from legislatureLoss of intellectual resources necessary to provide consistent servicelong travel effects performanceTraining new employeesMy employees that can't goLoss of 10 years of experienceLoss of knowledgeloss of experience and knowledgeLoss of years of serviceDMV knowledge lossLoss of knowledgeDistance from legist rationDistance from Executive leadershiploose continuity by losing employeesbe out all day due to apptslosing vested employeesEmployees leavingLoss of employeesCustomer serviceMore employees will take off for apptsshort staffingincreased backlogsshort staffingEmployees using more sick leave from taking whole day offWork production to decrease due to short staffingDMV doesn't need to move somewhere that may flood and destroy machines and customer paperworkCondition of buildingCustomer service will suffershort staffingTrainingSharing knowledgeFurther travel for customersHidden cost- Mail delay, training new employees, wear & tear on State vehiclesBack log will be more due to loss of staff and overtime workerscost to change all letterhead, envelopes, etc. Customer service with loss of staffCustomer service with loss of staffCustomer service with loss of staffCustomer service with loss of staffdistance for customersemployee turnover rateImage team support (IT)IT supportmail deliveryno overtime due to travel timeseasoned employees will leaveWho will train new employees?APPENDIX D – employee valuation of four potential retention concepts ................

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