Ms. Mozley's Adventures in Literature.


Night Webquest

Part One Elie Wiesel’s Life

1. Who is Elie Wiesel?

2. Where was Wiesel born? What year?

3. What happened to Elie at the age of fifteen?

4. Name the four concentration camps Elie was held.

5. Name the three books in the Night trilogy.

Part Two History of the Holocaust

6. View the animated map of the Holocaust. Create a timeline of the Holocaust.

7. List the events of Kristallnacht. Why was it given this name?

8. Why did the Nazis focus their attacks on synagogues?

9. Jews owned businesses were targeted by the Nazis. Describe how the Nazis treated these businesses and their owners.

10. Why did the Nazis establish the ghettos?

11. Give the name and location of the largest ghetto in Europe.

12. How many people were confined there?

13. Read the personal histories of four people who were held in the ghettos and about life in the Warsaw ghetto. List their names and describe their experiences and the conditions in which they lived.

Part Three The Concentration Camps

14. What was the “final solution”?

15. How did Germans plan to implement the “final solution”?

16. When the Germans first established the camps, who was held there?

17. Three concentration camps were originally established in Germany. List them and describe each of them.

18. Auschwitz was the largest of the camps and consisted of several subcamps. List the four subcamps below.

19. How many people are believed to have died at Auschwitz?

20. Many atrocities occurred at Auschwitz including medical experimentation. What were the goals of these experiments?

21. In 1945, as the Soviets approached the Auschwitz complex, what did the German SS do?

Part Four The Perpetrators and the Liberators of the Holocaust

22. The Nazi Party controlled Germany for twelve years. Who did they target?

23. What were the discriminatory degrees? List them.

24. What did Hitler say about propaganda in his book Mein Kampf?

25. What happened to Adolf Eichmann after the war?

26. What was Joseph Goebbels role in the war?

27. Who is Heinrich Himmler?

28. Read the testimonies of at least three liberators and describe each of their experiences.

Part Five Survivor’s Stories

29. Read the testimonies of at least three Holocaust survivors and describe each of their experiences.

30. Write a ½ page reflection on your thoughts about the Holocaust after researching the topic. You can also make predictions about what you think will happen in Night.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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