Symbolab Derivatives Cheat Sheet

ο»ΏSymbolab Derivatives Cheat Sheet

Derivative Rules:

Power Rule: () = -1

Derivative of a Constant: () = 0

Sum/Difference Rule:

( ? ) = ?

Constant Out: ( ) =

Product Rule:

( ) = +

Quotient Rule:



- 2

Chain Rule: () =

Common Derivatives:

(ln()) = 1

(ln(||)) = 1

() =

Trigonometric Derivatives:

(sin()) = cos()

(cos()) = - sin()

(tan()) = sec2()



1 ln(10)



1 ln()



tan() cos()



- cot() sin()




1 sin2()

Arc Trigonometric Derivatives:



1 1-2




1 1-2



1 2+1



1 2(2-1)




1 ||2-1




1 2+1

Hyperbolic Derivatives:

(sinh()) = cosh()

(cosh()) = sinh()

(tanh()) = sech2()

(sech()) = - sech() tanh()

(csch()) = - coth() csch()

(coth()) = - csch2()

Arc Hyperbolic Derivatives:



1 2+1

(arccosh()) = 1




+2 1-1 (-1)



1 1-2

(arccsch()) = - 1




1 1-2


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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