U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, DMQ, 08/28/1992


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'e In the Btg Kid. 330-f}allon dISposable 100e. 5~. 30 and 15-gallon drums. 5-gallon pails; gallorls. 4 per case In compliance WIIh EPA

regl~hof)S, each gaJJon IS eqUIpped

With an approved chlkJ resistant closure

Gu8ran. . . :

Sparlan's modern manulacluflng and laboralory conlrol insure uflliorm quailly II

dissallshed Wllh performance 01 product. any unused porllon may be relurned for credil wilhin one year 01 the dale 01

manulaclure Use produCl as dlfecled

and read all precaullonaoy slalemen(s

F", "'??lIut......, and lndua'rl.1 U. . Only

S".rt.n ClMtmlcal Co., Inc. 110 N. W??twood Av.. TI),."", CJhIo 43607

DlSlflbutedr...;b~y_:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-,


.C'E'P'1 ED


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