Instructions for Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Title: Investigating Scale DrawingsTime Frame: 3-5 class periodsTeacher: ChamberlinSubject: Math 7Stage 1 – Desired ResultsContent Standard(s):7.GA GeometryDraw, construct, and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them.1. Solve problems involving scale drawings of geometric figures, including computing actual lengths and areas from a scale drawing and reproducing a scale drawing at a different scale.Understanding (s)/goals:Students will understand that:Drawing a building to a smaller scale means dividing the original dimensions.Working collaboratively helps with problem solving.Essential Question(s):What are the steps involved to change the scale of a building?Learning Objectives (outcomes):Students will be able to:Build a building with given dimensions to a smaller sale using MinecraftWrite their challenges and successes in their own words on a blog.Materials Raspberry Pi with Raspbian Software and Minecraft loaded on SD cardKeyboardMonitorMouseStage 2 – EngageAnticipatory SetPass out the assignment to the students (see student worksheet on page 3). Review with the students the objectives for the day. Go over with the student’s proper etiquette of working on the Pis.Stage 2 – ExploreExplorationDuring the exploration, students will work in groups of 2. The job of both students is to pick a scale that they would like to work with (this scale should be a fraction). As students will figure out that this means that their dimensions will get smaller and that the scale is that fraction of the original size. Example: a scale of ? means their scale drawing is half the size of the actual building.Stage 3 – ExtendExtensionAfter each day, students will write in their blogs on (using their Raspberry Pi’s Chromium internet server). Students will describe their successes for the day as well as their frustrations. At the beginning of each day, students will log into Kidblog again and read another group’s blog. They will comment with suggestions, and ways to help curb the group’s frustrations. This is a great way for students to work collaboratively and problem solve by seeking answers from their peers.Stage 4 – ExplanationExplanationDuring the next week, there will be a classroom discussion about how to create scale models. Students will write up their own steps on how to create a scale model (including first dividing the original dimensions to their scale) and then building it in Minecraft on the Pi. Students will also discuss what would happen if we took their scale drawings and built a real building with them. They will describe how they would have to multiply their dimensions and using the correct sized materials.Stage 5 – EvaluateEvaluationStudents will be evaluated with a rubric (please see student rubric on page 4).Name: ______________________________________________________ Hour: ________________________Introduction to Scale ModelsObjectives:Build Scale Models of a BuildingCongratulations! Equations International has hired you to research new information discovered by one of their mathematicians. Below is the layout of your job.In groups of two, you will build scale drawings of a building of your choice. You MUST know the dimensions of your building in order to complete this project.Step 1:To begin your job, you must choose a search engine to utilize. You may start at or to find your answers. Pick a building that you would like to use to build a scale drawing. Make sure to RECORD where you found the dimensions of your building as you will return to this website multiple times.Step 2:Pick a fraction that you would like to use to draw your scale drawing. Figure out a way to apply this fraction to your original dimensions and find your new dimensions of your building. Directions to Use Minecraft on Your PiPlug in your Pi and wait for the username to pop up. Type in Pi for your username and Raspberry for your password.Type in startx in the terminal and wait for your desktop to pop up.Click the arrow (in the lower left of your screen) and find LXTerminal in your accessories.Type in cd mcpi followed by minecraft-piFind your world and begin workingAfter Class:Log into your Kidblog and record your successes and challenges. Make sure to go into detail as this will help you in the long run.Before Class:Log into your Kidblog and read another group’s blog. Comment on theirs to help them with their challenges and encourage them to try different ways. Use your own knowledge with the project to help one another succeed.Grading:Please see the attached rubric for the scoring guide.Scoring GuideStudent Name: _______________________________________________________________________________531Collaborative Group WorkI was on task the entire time and completed my job in the group successfully.I was on task most of the time and completed my job in the group successfully.I was on task some of the time and was not a contributor to my group. BlogI answered all three questions in my own words and included a list of reliable references. I answered two of the questions in my own words and I might have included a list of references. I answered one of the questions in my own words and I did not include a list of references.Scale DrawingAll of my dimensions are to the same scale and the building is complete.Some of my dimensions are to the same scale and the building is almost complete.None of my dimensions are to the same scale or my building is not complete.DiscussionI commented on another student’s blog and helped them with a challenge.I commented on another student’s blog, but became off topic.I did not comment on another student’s blog.__________/20Comments: ................

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