LiveText Training - Chicago State University


A Guide to Submitting and Reviewing

The University Assessment Reports

Using LiveText

(201B, 201BC, and 201C)

Mr. Steve Damarjian

LiveText Administrator

Chicago State University

College of Education



Step 1: Log into LiveText.


Step 2: Click on the DOCUMENTS tab at the top. Now select the NEW button under the My Work header in the Documents section.


Step 3: Look under the IL: Chicago State University/ University Assessment Committee: IR folder. Now select the “University Assessment Committee – Master Documents.”


Step 4: Choose the UAC Assessment Plan & Report template that corresponds to the respective program/unit.


Step 5: Click on CREATE DOCUMENT. Use the pattern below to name your document. Then click OK.



Step 6: The document opens up in a browser view. To make changes or edits, select an edit button near the right-hand edge of the screen for each appropriate section.


Step 7: Click the EDIT button near the file attachment text at the bottom left of the screen. Then click on the REMOVE button to remove the Master template. Click UPLOAD NEW FILE to attach the new report file. Select Browse and follow the steps to select the file. You may select Save Changes at any time to preserve your work in progress. When completely done with this section, select SAVE & FINISH, which will exit the editor view window and return you to the browse view.





Step 8: Repeat Steps 6 & 7 for each report section, as appropriate. When completely finished, please select the SHARE button.


Step 9: Type in the username for the appropriate CSU Assessment Committee (Undergraduate: csuac_02), (Graduate: csuac_03), (General Education: csuac_04), and (Non-academic: csuac_05) in the Search Editor box. When the name pops up onto the screen, click on the name to confirm that this is the correct choice. Now select the ADD TO SHARE button. You will receive verification that the CSU Assessment Committee will now be able to access the document.


Step 10: The next step is to send the project to the respective committee account for review (Undergraduate: csuac_02), (Graduate: csuac_03), (General Education: csuac_04), and (Non-academic: csuac_05). Select the SEND FOR REVIEW button. Next, type in the name of the account for the university committee. Confirm your choice by clicking on the name of the account. Then click the SUBMIT FOR REVIEW button.


Step 11: You will receive a confirmation statement as shown below.


Step 12: Return to the main documents page.


Step 13: Note that your file now exists in the My Work section of the Documents tabbed section. It has been archived with a date created.


Step 14: You can check the progress of your review by selecting REVIEWS / SENT buttons.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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