21 Things Portfolio Work Sheet

21 Things Portfolio Work Sheet for 1-7

For the following seven elements of the 21things, please use this document to complete the activities and include a screen shot of each. Reflections should be 150-300 words minimum. At the end of this document will be your capstone reflection related to all seven, which should be 2-5 pages minimum. Submit this segment of your portfolio as per the deadline given by your Agency Coordinator. Include additional pages where appropriate to attach additional information.

Make sure to include your time logged at the top of each element.

Participant Name: Nicole Boettcher District: Van Dyke Public Schools

Email address: _Boettcher.Nicole@___________________

Thing Name: About Basics Thing Number: ___1___ Time Logged: 4hours


1. Before beginning this "Thing", complete the Pre-Assessment of your technology proficiency. Circle your score below.

|Proficiency Score: |Score |Score |Score |Score |Score |

|Lickert Scale |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|NETS-T Performance Proficiency |------ |Beginning |Developing |Proficient |Transformative |

2. Open any Word document or PowerPoint file, try out the shortcuts we have shown you, and create something that shows you have used some of the formatting shortcuts.

3. Capture a screen shot (using the Print Screen shortcut), paste it into your portfolio, and write some reflections on at least three other shortcuts you used. Reflect on how this helps increase your productivity.

Insert a ScreenShot from #2 above


Reflections from #3 above. I really like all of these shortcuts. I knew a few of the shortcuts already and have been using them for some time now. Three of the shortcuts were new to me. I never knew the “change the case” was possible by just highlighting the words. I can really see how this will save me so much time in creating documents with uniform titles. Another one I did not know of was the “Format Painter”. I will definitely be using this one. I can see the time saved not having to go and look up a font and just be able to point and click. Also, bold, italics and underline control shortcuts were new to me. A simple Control B-I-U and voila and the work is done. These shortcuts will be really useful for my 8th Grade English students as they work on their Research Papers. I think they will also appreciate learning these all of these time saving shortcut tricks.

4. Create your own diigo (or delicious) page; add at least 5 bookmarks with at least three tags per bookmark. Copy and paste the URL to your diigo/delicious page in the portfolio. Take a screen shot of your page and reflect on how diigo/Delicious will help you be more productive.

5. As you learn about new tools from this point forward make sure to bookmark them in diigo/Delicious

Insert a Screen Shot from #5 above:


Reflections from #5 above: I was introduced to delicious a few years ago. I tried it for a short time and then lost my password. I really like the idea that at no matter what computer I am sitting at I would have access to all my favorites. I could see how this could save so much time and effort in locating sites that you visited a week ago and want to go to again. I use my favorites on my home computer all the time but sometimes when I am at a friend’s house I want to show them a website but can’t quite remember the website name. But now I am going to start bookmarking everything in Delicious so I can keep one continuous list of all the good sites that I find. I am also going to make my students aware of this free site so they can bookmark their favorite sites.


6. After completing all of the activities for this "Thing", take the Post-Assessment of your technology proficiency for this "Thing". Circle your score below.

|Proficiency Score: |Score |Score |Score |Score |Score |

|Lickert Scale |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|NETS-T Performance Proficiency |------ |Beginning |Developing |Proficient |Transformative |

Thing Name: Face of the Classroom Thing Number: ___2___ Time Logged: _5 Hours___

Complete the following activities for the Face of the Classroom portion of the hands-on activity for Thing 2:


1. Before beginning this "Thing", complete the Pre-Assessment of your technology proficiency. Circle your score below.

|Proficiency Score: |Score |Score |Score |Score |Score |

|Lickert Scale |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|NETS-T Performance Proficiency |------ |Beginning |Developing |Proficient |Transformative |

Note: If you already have an online presence, you must update it by adding new pages, text, images, documents & web-links to fulfill the requirements of this thing.

2. Create your own web presence using one of the tools above or one of your own choosing.

3. Include at least three web pages, text, images, documents and web-links. You may want to use your site as a means to demonstrate some of the things you have learned from this 21 Things course.

Insert a Screen Shot Page 1:


Insert a Screen Shot Page 2:


Insert a Screen Shot Page 3:


4. Include the URL to your site and a reflection about the ways you could use a web page creator to create a web presence.

Web address: mrsboettcher.

5. Capture a screen shot of your Home page(s) to include in the portfolio.

Insert a Screen Shot Home Page:


Reflection: I always admired teachers who could have a current website for their classroom. Now after learning about Weebly I could see how I could have a current website too. I really think it would be great for parents to be able to look at the Syllabus and the Lesson Plans and know what is expected of their child. I know it would help for the student who is absent and needs to know what they missed. I could direct them to the website and then have them get any handouts from me. It would give students the possibility if they left their assignment in school to simply go to the website and retrieve one online. I could see this as being a huge help for me and the students. I would also like to have my class build a webpage that could be maintained by many different students each week. I would love for them to have a hand in creating what goes on that page. Maybe we could even post editorials each week. That would really get the students writing.

|Proficiency Score: |Score |Score |Score |Score |Score |

|Lickert Scale |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|NETS-T Performance Proficiency |------ |Beginning |Developing |Proficient |Transformative |


6.  After completing all of the activities for this "Thing", take the Post-Assessment of your technology proficiency for this "Thing". Circle your score below.

Thing Name: Collaboration Tools Thing Number: 3 Time Logged: 4 Hours


1. Before beginning this "Thing", complete the Pre-Assessment of your technology proficiency. Circle your score below.

|Proficiency Score: |Score |Score |Score |Score |Score |

|Lickert Scale |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|NETS-T Performance Proficiency |------ |Beginning |Developing |Proficient |Transformative |

Complete the following activities for Collaboration Tools of the hands-on activity for Thing 3:

2.       Open your Google Account.

3.       Create a new document using one of the Google Templates. Capture a screen shot and paste it into your portfolio. Include some reflections on how you see Google Documents templates making you more productive in the classroom.

Insert a Screen Shot for #3 above:


Reflections from #3 above: I really like this “thing”. Very easy to use, I simply went in and found a lesson plan template and made it my own. This lesson plan is for my 8th Grade English Class. I like how simple it was to edit and change. I also like that it has the same tool bar as word which makes it visual pleasing to me like I am just in word document. I was able to make this my own in a matter of minutes. I actually know that I will use this site. I could also see my 8th graders using this site to use already made templates. You could even just use it to build calendar template to put assignment due dates on. In fact I think I would have my 8th Grader build their own calendar and put all due dates on it. They could post it and then their parents could log on and see when their assignments are due.

4.       Create a new document using the Google Docs application of your choice (document, spreadsheet, presentation). For example: 1) select document/text to create a handout for class or agenda for a meeting; 2) spreadsheet (classroom budget or grading sheet); or 3) presentation (slideshow for use with a lesson/instruction or meeting). Reflect on how you can use this technology and/or document to increase your productivity.

Insert a Screen Shot for #4 above: [pic]

Reflections from #4 above: I am very impressed with Google Docs. I could see myself using this in my 8th grade English classroom on writing assignments. I could easily help students with their assignments without other students knowing I am helping someone. Many times in middle school students do not want to accept help because simply it is not cool. So with this tool in the computer lab I could collaborate with a student showing them corrections without other students knowing it is happening. I would imagine my “private help” may lessen the stigma of asking for help therefore may increase students inquiring my help. .

I could also see using this feature with colleagues in putting together school improvement documents and working together. The beauty of this collaborative tool is you could be working in your own classrooms or possibly at your own house. Each person could have a section to work on but able to see everyone else piece to make sure it fits nicely together. In my district we are asked to work together to plan PLC meetings I could see this tool helping us to use our time more efficiently.

5.       Collaboration Assignment: Get a collaboration assignment from your instructor, this might be to use Doodle, or a Google document and/or contribute to a shared document or discussion within your online classroom.

Insert a Screen Shot for #5 above:


Reflections from #5 above: I really could see the potential in the Doodle website. I could see teachers collaborating on when to hold IEP Meeting or such. I could see parents being part of the process to decide when to schedule meetings too. In my school district and especially at the middle school we don’t always have subs available to cover your class for IEP’s. This website would be great way to ask many teachers at once if they would want the meeting before school, during lunch, or after school. I could also see this working to schedule an appointment with the principal too. It gives everyone a voice to say what works in their schedule and what does not. Students could also use this application to schedule time with the teacher. Maybe some students would like to conference early in writing their research paper and some want to have a bulk of it done before having a conference with the teacher.

6.       Optional: Complete Activities 2-4 using the Zoho suite

7.       Optional: Demonstrate your use of the Discussion/Forums utility within your Learning Management System (e.g. BlackBoard, Moodle). Post a thread/comment regarding new technology tools used in education.

I posted on the 2 discussion topics on Blackboard and replied to 2 others posts.

8.       After completing all of the activities for this "Thing", take the Post-Assessment of your technology proficiency for this "Thing". Circle your score below.

|Proficiency Score: |Score |Score |Score |Score |Score |

|Lickert Scale |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|NETS-T Performance Proficiency |------ |Beginning |Developing |Proficient |Transformative |

Thing Name: Communication Tools Thing Number: ___4___ Time Logged: 4 Hours


1. Before beginning this "Thing", complete the Pre-Assessment of your technology proficiency. Circle your score below.

|Proficiency Score: |Score |Score |Score |Score |Score |

|Lickert Scale |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|NETS-T Performance Proficiency |------ |Beginning |Developing |Proficient |Transformative |

2.  Skype Assignment:

• Watch the Skype tutorial, then download Skype and create a userid. Check with your school tech department to find out if access is blocked in your district. You may need to do this assignment on your home computer.

• Once you have installed it and created your username, (you do not need to sign up for a paid account), send a message via Skype to your instructor.

• Use Skype to call and talk with a friend or family member.

• Optional Fun – you can set up a group chat in Skype.

• Write a reflection in your portfolio about how (if you have classroom access) this could be used in your content area to bring in ‘experts’ to talk with your class.

• *Take a screenshot of one of your Skype connections, and also include your Skype username for the portfolio.

Insert a screen shot for #2 above: [pic]

Reflections from #2 above: This was my first time Skyping! Truly amazing! I Skyped my cousin Joy and her family who live in Texas who I don’t get to see very often. It almost brought tears to my eyes to see little Ryan. I could see this being an amazing tool for bringing experts into the classroom for writing projects, math projects and science projects. I have done something similar to this called Distance Learning with the Toledo Zoo for a Polar Bear Question and Answer sessions when I taught third grade. We had to travel to another school to use their equipment. Using Skype would remove the middle man and allow my students to not to have to travel thus relieving the cost. I would have to use my laptop in order to have a microphone though. This would be a really nice ending project for pen pals too. I could see after many letters back and forth finally being able to see the person in real time.

And / Or

3.  BackChannel Chat:

• Participate in a live backchannel chat session. Suggestions: you can attend the virtual “21things” session for this activity, the instructors will post a link to use; participate in a note-taking session with other educators at a conference; hold one with your classroom participating; hold one during a staff meeting, or your own creative use.

• Be sure to take a screenshot of your participation and paste into your portfolio.

• After participating, write a reflection about how this could be used in an educational setting, such as staff meetings, the classroom, or conferences. Are there some directions or ground rules you think would be needed to make this beneficial? How might this be used with your students as an ‘effective’ teaching strategy?

Insert a screen shot for #3 above:

Reflections from #3 above:

4. After completing all of the activities for this "thing", take the Post Assessment of your technology proficiency with this "thing". Circle your score below.

|Proficiency Score: |Score |Score |Score |Score |Score |

|Lickert Scale |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|NETS-T Performance Proficiency |------ |Beginning |Developing |Proficient |Transformative |

Thing Name: Content Area Tools Thing Number: ___5___ Time Logged: 3 Hours


1. Before beginning this "Thing", complete the Pre-Assessment of your technology proficiency. Circle your score below.

|Proficiency Score: |Score |Score |Score |Score |Score |

|Lickert Scale |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|NETS-T Performance Proficiency |------ |Beginning |Developing |Proficient |Transformative |

Complete the following activities for the Content Area Tools portion of the hands-on activity for Thing 5:

2. Visit Thinkfinity and M.O.R.E.

3. Choose at least two activities from Thinkfinity or M.O.R.E. or from the “Additional Resources”.

4. For the portfolio assignment, write a short synopsis of the activity and how you are going to use it within your lesson and be sure to include the hyperlink to the two activities from that web that you are using.

Insert a Screen Shot for Activity 1 from #3 above: [pic]

Hyperlink to Activity 1 from #3 above:

Synopsis Activity 1: Students will work in small groups to create an imaginary marine ecosystem illustrating the various trophic levels, adaptations, symbiotic relationships, and niches of a community of marine organisms living in that ecosystem. Give each group markers and two pieces of butcher paper. Read aloud the directions. Clarify that students will create at least eight different organisms to inhabit their imaginary ecosystem. Six must be real marine organisms and live in the same real world ecosystem. The other two must be organisms that students invent.

Reflections from #3 above: Finally a website where you can get free lesson without all the hassle of sifting through all the bogus websites. I can believe how easy that was to put in a search and voila there is a great activity. My class is actually studying ecosystems right now and I am going to use this activity to see if there is true understanding of all the vocabulary we have been using. I also like that it was a National Geographic website. A site you can trust will have accurate information. So many times I have searched for activity or information only to find it lack facts. I had never heard of Thinkfinity before so once again I am learning something new. This is a website I will use again and share with other teachers in my building and district. I think I am going to bookmark it in Delicious right now!

Insert a Screen Shot for Activity 2 from #3 above: [pic]

Hyperlink to Activity 2 from #3 above:

Synopsis Activity 2/ Reflections from #3 above: This website is for gathering facts on ecosystems. It is in the form of an encyclopedia which is perfect for research. This website has ecosystem vocabulary with definition for each word. Students can go to this site and be sure they are getting correct facts on ecosystems. I would use this site in my classroom for students to do their own research on science topics. I like the fact that the information on the site is factual and not anything just anyone could put on the web. This would so helpful with my tier two 6th grade students who have a difficult time finding information. Students would be able to use this site and not have to look up each term . For my special education students I could use the videos that are the site on the topic of ecosystems. These students sometimes do better with visual learning.


5. After completing all of the activities for this "Thing", take the Post-Assessment of your technology proficiency for this "Thing

|Proficiency Score: |Score |Score |Score |Score |Score |

|Lickert Scale |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|NETS-T Performance Proficiency |------ |Beginning |Developing |Proficient |Transformative |

Thing Name: Differentiated Instruction and Diverse Learning Thing Number: ___6__Time Logged: 4 Hours


1. Before beginning this "Thing", complete the Pre-Assessment of your technology proficiency.

|Proficiency Score: |Score |Score |Score |Score |Score |

|Lickert Scale |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|NETS-T Performance Proficiency |------ |Beginning |Developing |Proficient |Transformative |

Complete the following activities for the Differentiated Instruction & Diverse Learning portion of the hands-on activity for Thing 6:

2.  Differentiated Learning Assignment - As you read through the key elements which guide differentiation, jot down some notes of things you already do in your teaching which meet these elements of differentiated instruction. List or write a few paragraphs about these in your portfolio.

Reflection for #2 above: I try to present concepts in at least 3 different ways so the different learners in my classroom can have equal opportunities to gain information. I usually write on the board for my visual learners, and of course I am usually speaking for my auditory learners and I try to have at least one hands on activity for my tactile learners. I have also started showing short cartoon videos on a the website to my students. The clips are very short, maybe four minutes in length but are very good on explaining topics. I teach 6th grade science and I feel that this element of differentiating by using media really works well. The students are very focused when watching Tim and Moby who are the main characters who explain all kinds of topics. It presents the concept in a different way and usually with a funny ending. I find that the students remember information much more when I use Brainpop as another way to impart knowledge. The one downside is that Brainpop is not free,. although there are several free segments available to use.

3. Diverse Learning Assignment - visit the Using Technology to Support Diverse Learners and click on and explore one of the spotlights or the Tech Tips Areas (Digital Text, Audio, Digital Enhancement, Software, Visual, Curricular Supports).Your task is to discover something which will be very helpful to support a struggling learner in your classroom and describe it and how you feel it will help.

Insert a Screenshot from #3 above:


Reflection for #3 above: I loved this science curricular support. It is a virtual fetal pig dissection. This would be very helpful for students who may be shy about touching the fetal pig but could succeed at the task of identifying structures of the pig. They could show their smarts in another way. Maybe they could take screen shots of structures and make their own labels for each structure. This would allow a learner learn in a way that is more comfortable to them instead of making them conform to your teaching style or standard. The end goal is to learn the structures of the fetal pig not to see if you can touch the fetal pig without vomiting. I think teachers may have taught a subject a certain way for many years and feel that it has always worked so they are not making any exceptions. I feel you must think outside the box on how can I help this student learn this material in a way that is comfortable.

4. Universal Design for Learning Assignment - There are two options for this part:

  A. Create an account in Learnport (specific to Michigan educators) to access NetTrekker and set up your profile. Use the readability tool to determine the appropriateness of the selection, or to locate materials at three different reading levels. Capture a screen shot and write a reflection in your portfolio.

  B. Visit the Universal Design for Learning: Strategies, Tools, and Resources (wiki) and on the left navigation pane locate a content area resource for your classroom and write a reflection on it in your portfolio. 

      Select either 3A or 3B and complete.

Reflection (3A or 3B): I visited Universal Design for Learning: Strategies, Tools, and Resources. I was amazed by the vast resources available. I visited the visual Resources tab and there had to be at least 60 different links to help a student learn visually. I was impressed that there were so many different options to choose from. I feel that when a student is not able to understanding a topic in the classroom it is the teacher’s responsibility to find another way to locate another way to present the material to the student. Now with this website I will have at my fingertips many avenues to find ways to present the information in a new way. I also like how they have the navigation pane putting the topics in categories of how the information will be presented so if you know that your learner learns best visually you can go right to that content area.

Insert a screen shot (3A or 3B):



5. Text-to-Audio Conversion Assignment - Using vozMe or another FREE text to speech converter, make a text to audio recording. Capture a screenshot while you are creating the audio recording. Write a reflection on how this tool could help the students in your classroom.

Insert a Screen Shot from #5 above:


Reflection from #5 above: I would really like to use this site to create directions for assignments for my classroom. Yes, I agree that the voice is a bit robotic but it is free and you bet I love Frank Mircola’s famous line Free is Good. I would also use this to free website to set up a weekly assignment lists for the students who are absent. Being a middle school teacher everyone hour there are students who are missing. This would allow me to type it in once and then the students could go on the computer and get there assignment without disruption. I could also put this on my weebly and then students could click from home to get assignments. It could be great for those who need to hear the assignment directions one more time. I would think it could be seen as differentiated instruction because the learner would be hearing the information in a different way.


6.  After completing all of the activities for this "Thing", take the Post-Assessment of your technology proficiency for this "Thing". Circle your score below.

|Proficiency Score: |Score |Score |Score |Score |Score |

|Lickert Scale |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|NETS-T Performance Proficiency |------ |Beginning |Developing |Proficient |Transformative |

Thing Name: Digital Citizenship Thing Number: ___7___ Time Logged: 4 Hours


1. Before beginning this "Thing", complete the Pre-Assessment of your technology proficiency. Circle your score below.

|Proficiency Score: |Score |Score |Score |Score |Score |

|Lickert Scale |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|NETS-T Performance Proficiency |------ |Beginning |Developing |Proficient |Transformative |

Complete the following activities for Digital Citizenship portion of the hands-on activity for Thing 7:

2.  Select two websites from the bogus/hoax list. Critically review the two websites using the Joyce Valenza criteria at the BASIC (elementary) or ADVANCED (Secondary-CARRDSS) level. You may utilize a format similar to the sample shared by 21things4teachers graduate Shawn Worden-Smith or a paragraph that includes each aspect of the BASIC or CARRDSS system.  Include critical evaluation of each web site, the web addresses, screen shots, and a reflection.



Insert a Screen Shot Bogus/Hoax site 1: [pic]

Web address site 1:

Reflections -- Critical Evaluation of site 1 (see Shawen-Ward Sample Above):


Insert a Screen Shot Bogus/Hoax site 2:


Web address site 2:

Reflections -- Critical Evaluation of site 2 (See Shawen-Ward Sample Above):


3.  Write up a plan in your portfolio identifying 2 activities that you will use in your setting to help others learn about: cyber-bullying, personal information on the web, acceptable use of the Internet, and/or Netiquette.

Reflections: Middle school students need understand the dangers in cyber-bullying. I hear students talk about who said what on Facebook all the time. I see the hurt that it causes my students. The girls seem to get their feelings hurt most often.

Activity 1 Students will watch the powerpoint at this website and have a open discussion using backchat.

Activity 2: Students will create a powerpoint showing how cyber-bullying can be a very dangerous activity. Students will present their powerpoints to the class and have an open discussion.


4.  After completing all of the activities for this "Thing", take the Post-Assessment of your technology proficiency for this "Thing". Circle your score below.

|Proficiency Score: |Score |Score |Score |Score |Score |

|Lickert Scale |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|NETS-T Performance Proficiency |------ |Beginning |Developing |Proficient |Transformative |

21 Things Portfolio Work Sheet

For things 1-7, please type in your reflection. Submit this portion of the portfolio to your instructor by the deadline. Your final reflections should be 2-5 pages.

Things 1-7 – Capstone Reflection

A. How will you use these technology applications to improve learning experiences for your students and/or improve your own practice?

B. What effective teaching and learning strategy(ies), based on the work by Marzano ( ) will these technology applications address, to make a difference in the learning experience for your students?

C. Check out one of the student activity links provided from the resources repository. Create your own project-based student activity lesson you could implement in your classroom that meets a Michigan curriculum standard and Educational Technology standard (NETS-S and/or METS). Your lesson should use one or more of the 7 things you have learned about. Follow the directions provided to copy the blank template and create a student activity lesson. Make sure you modify the Share settings so that anyone with the link can view it. Add your lesson to the repository per the directions on the share-lessons page. For your portfolio, include the name of the student activity lesson, include a summary about the activity, and a hyperlink to the lesson in Google.

How to Create, Share, and Add project-based lessons to the 21things4student lesson repository:

We want to encourage you to use the templates provided to develop your own project-based student activities and teacher lesson plans, share them, and add them to the lesson repository for others to access. Please put your name as the lesson creator, and include your email address in the private field (it will not be displayed in the database).

You will need a Google docs account to access and edit these.

Before you start these directions, log into your Google docs account.

|[pic][pic] | |

| |Step 1. Open one of the student activity buttons on the 21things4students |

| |pages or click either of these buttons which are hyperlinked to a student |

| |activity to view some samples. |

| | |

|[pic] | |

| |Step 2. Open the Blank Student Activity Template. |

|[pic] |Step 3. Click on the name of the document, |

| | |

| | |

|[pic] |and in the Rename Document window, create a new name for the document |

| | |

| |click on OK. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |Step 4. Edit the lesson and save it, adding in any Curriculum standards, |

| |the NETS-S and METS standards as appropriate. |

|[pic] | |

|[pic] |Step 5. To make it available for others to view, click the Share button |

| |(top right) and where it says "Who has access" you can click on the |

| |"Change” link to make it available to others. |

| | |

|[pic] |Private (default) – keeps it only visible to you. |

| | |

| |Anyone with the link (no sign-in required) lets you email or post the link |

| |for students or others to click on to access the document. |

| | |

| |Public on the web makes it available for anyone to find and access. Note if|

| |you include your email address on it, or other personal information, then |

| |that will become public as well. |

| |*** Please *Make it available to anyone with the link or Public on the web.|

| |Please Note: If you share it with us, and add it to the lesson repository |

| |it becomes public domain. All efforts will be made to honor creative |

| |commons licensing you attach to your lesson. |

| | |

|[pic] |Step 6. To submit your lesson to the repository, go to the |

| | web site and scroll |

| |down to the bottom. |

| | |

| |Click on the Add button. |

|[pic] |Step 7. With your Google doc student activity open in a browser window, |

| |copy the URL. Paste it into the URL box. |

| | |

| |Link Name box. Put the Title of your activity here. |

| | |

| |Type: Indicate if this is a: Student guide, Student activity or Teacher |

| |activity. |

| | |

| |Things: Select the “thing” from the list which best fits your lesson. |

|[pic] |Description: Type in the objectives/goals for your lesson with a short |

| |headliner to interest others. |

| | |

| |Grade(s): To select more than one set of grades you can hold down the |

| |control keyboard key (mac users use the command key). |

|[pic] |Subject(s): Select the appropriate subjects, if more than one, hold down |

| |the control key (or command) to select more than one. |

| | |

| |Creator name: Put your name in this field |

| | |

| |Creator email (kept private) : Please provide your email so we can contact |

| |you. |

|NOTE: Your lesson will not show up automatically in the database immediately. The administrator will be checking the submitted lessons to prevent spam |

|or student misadventures. *Send any questions to our 21things4students@ address. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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