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MATH 30-2 LOGIC & SET THEORY - Module ONE Module 1 - Assignment Booklet Student: _____________________________ Date Submitted: ______________________ Lesson 1: Strategy in Games, Puzzles, and plete “Your Turn” on page 49 of your textbook. Note: If you require help in solving the puzzle, read “Example 4” on pages 48 and 49 as a guide. Be clear and neat in your diagrams.2.A lovely cashmere sweater was found torn to shreds on the sidewalk in the international quarter. The sweater police talked to six witnesses, including the shredder. The six were very open about what had happened. The only trouble was that none of them spoke any language the police could understand. Nonetheless, the police were able to piece together the following information.Clue 1: The witnesses were three men and three women: Fred, John, and William; Gloria, Gilda, and Barbara.Clue 2: The men were married to the women, though not necessarily in the order listed.Clue 3: William’s wife was the cashmere murderer.Clue 4: Fred speaks and understands only Basque.Clue 5: John is bald.Clue 6: The couple who lives next door to Gilda and her husband have the same hair colour as Gilda and speak both Spanish and Basque.Clue 7: William’s wife recently gave Barbara’s hair a home perm.Clue 8: Gilda’s husband speaks only French.Who destroyed the lovely sweater? Explain your reasoning.3..Create a variation on a numerical puzzle, such as the one in Try This 3, and explain the strategy involved in solving the puzzle you create.4.On this diagram, you may start at any square and move up or down into the next square, but you cannot move diagonally. No square may be used twice.591847362For example: 172638495 would be acceptable, but 174626… is not acceptable because 6 was used twice.What is the largest number that can be made using all the digits? Explain your reasoning.Lesson 2: Introduction to Sets1.Akmid drew a Venn diagram.a.Describe what sets A, C, H, and S might represent.b.Where should Akmid place goggles in the Venn diagram?c.What elements are described by ?d.Is equal to S? Explain.e.Why is C drawn inside H? (Hint: What added feature would C have that H does not have?)2.Using words, describe what numbers are contained in each set. List the elements. a.b.3.Write the following sets of numbers using correct set notation.a.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8b.–2, –1, 0, 1, 2, 3, …c.5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 404.Provide an example of a set best described using a Venn diagram and an example of a set best described using set notation. Your example should not come from the lesson or textbook. Explain your choices.Lesson 3: Application of SetsPerjeet asked 85 students what sciences they were taking in Grade 12.45 students were taking physics.35 students were taking chemistry.15 students were taking only biology. (No biology student takes any other subject.)a.Identify the sets in this question.b.Draw a Venn diagram to represent these students and their study of sciences in Grade 12. Include the number of students in each region of your diagram.c.State the number of students in each region.n(P C)n(P C)n(P \ C)n(not P C)v.n(P C B)d.Describe two sets that are disjoint.MODULE 1 – LOGIC & SET THEORY SUMMATIVE ASSIGNMENTComplete the following questions from your text book. Show steps completely and clearly, as marks are assigned for mathematical literacy and communication. Always use graph paper, rulers, and pencils as necessary. Attach questions in order and study notes securely to this booklet before you hand everything in. Make sure your name and date are clearly printed on your work.Text: Principles of Mathematics 12 - Chapter 1: Set TheorySection 1.1: Pages: 14 to 18 #3, 4, 9, 11, Section 1.2: Pages: 20 to 21 #2, 4Section 1.3: Pages: 32 to 35 #3, 4, 6, 11Section 1.4: Pages: 51 to 55 #8, 10, 11, 12Module 1 is now complete. Once you have received your corrected work, review your instructor’s comments and prepare for your module one test. ................

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