Idea for final exam in Logic

Study sheet for final exam in Logic 2014

Cumulative Exam worth 100 points.


You will be expected to

write at least two sentences each about ten of the following:

1. Sentence

2. Statement

3. Argument

4. Premise

5. Conclusion

6. Induction

7. Deduction

8. Strong

9. Valid

10. Sound

11. Cogent

12. Mention

13. Truth table

14. Disjunction

15. Conditional

16. Antecedent

17. Instantiation

18. Only if

19. If and only if

20. Indirect Proof

21. deMorgan’s rule

22. Distribution

23. Major term

24. Predication

25. Counterexample

Be able to list and explicate:

- Premise- and conclusion-indicating words

-Three kinds of truth-functional statements

-Four comparisons between truth-functional statements

-Describe or comment on the rules of equivalence

-Five rules of categorical syllogisms

-Five patterns of inductive reasoning (Be able to give a simple example of each)

-Six patterns of deductive reasoning (Be able to give a simple example of each)

-Seven patterns of non-arguments (Be able to give a simple example of each)

-Eight valid rules of inference for Natural Deduction

-Twenty informal fallacies (Be able to give a simple example of each and explain what the fallacy consists of)

Be able to do problems:

-Identify informal fallacies in passages

-Translate from ordinary English to Standard form categorical propositions and syllogisms; analyze using Venn diagrams and rules

-Translate from ordinary English to Propositional logic notation; analyze with truth tables and natural deduction proofs, including Indirect and Conditional Proof.

-Translate from ordinary English to Predicate Logic notation, and do a proof using UI, EI, UG, EG, and CQ


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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