Logical Fallacies Jigsaw

Logical Fallacies Jigsaw

Complete the chart by adding a definition of each fallacy as your teacher directs. Provide intext and reference citations for any source you use. Use at least two sources in addition to your textbook (see ).

|Fallacy |Definition |Example(s) |

|Anecdotal Fallacy | |“I asked six of my friends what they thought of the new spending|

|also called Hasty Generalization or Jumping to Conclusions | |restraints and they agreed it is a good idea. The new restraints|

| | |are therefore generally popular” (Downes, 2001). |

| | |Downes, S. (2001). Hasty generalization. Retrieved June 19, |

| | |2008, from |

|False Authority | |“Noted psychologist Dr. Frasier Crane recommends that you buy |

|also known as Appeal to Misleading Authority | |the EZ-Rest Hot Tub” (Downes, 1996). |

| | |Downes, S. (1996, January). Retrieved June 18, 2008, from |

| | | |

|Slippery Slope | |If the government passes a law requiring gun registration, it |

|also called the Camel’s Nose | |will be easier to pass other gun control laws. Eventually we’ll |

| | |lose the right to bear arms (Volokoh, 2003) |

| | |Volokh, E. (2003)). The mechanisms of the slippery slope. |

| | |Retrieved June 18, 2008, from |

| | |slipperyshorter.pdf |

|Either-Or Dilemma | |Either we increase taxes or we have children and old people |

|also called False Dilemma, Either-Or Fallacy, or Black-and-White| |eating dog food (Felkins, 1998, “Abuse of Logic” section). |

|Fallacy | |Felkins, L. (1998, May 27). Retrieved June 18, 2008, from |

| | | |

| | |logic.html |

|Circular Reasoning | |“Past-life memories of children prove that past lives exist |

|also called Begging the Question | |because the children could have no other source for their |

| | |memories besides having lived in the past” (Carroll, 2007). |

| | |Carroll, R. T. (2007). Begging the question. Retrieved June 18, |

| | |2008, from |

|Ad Hominem | |Why should we believe anything Richard Nixon says about trade |

|also called Fallacy of Personal Attack | |with China being a good idea? He’s a liar. (Whitman, 2001) |

| | |Whitman, G. (2001). Retrieved June 18, 2008, from |

| | | |

| | |~dgw61315/ |

| | |fallacies.html#Argumentum%20ad%20hominem |


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