Simple Logistic Regression Using Continuous Predictor

Simple Logistic Regression Using Continuous Predictor

Hypothetical Widget Example

Logistic Regression

Total number of cases: 50 (Unweighted)

Number of selected cases: 50

Number of unselected cases: 0

Number of selected cases: 50

Number rejected because of missing data: 0

Number of cases included in the analysis: 50

Dependent Variable Encoding:

Original Internal

Value Value

0 0

1 1


Dependent Variable.. SUCCESS

Beginning Block Number 0. Initial Log Likelihood Function

-2 Log Likelihood 69.234697

* Constant is included in the model.

Beginning Block Number 1. Method: Enter

Variable(s) Entered on Step Number


Estimation terminated at iteration number 3 because

Log Likelihood decreased by less than .01 percent.

-2 Log Likelihood 54.932

Goodness of Fit 48.264

Cox & Snell - R^2 .249

Nagelkerke - R^2 .332

Chi-Square df Significance

Model 14.303 1 .0002

Block 14.303 1 .0002

Step 14.303 1 .0002

---------- Hosmer and Lemeshow Goodness-of-Fit Test-----------


Group Observed Expected Observed Expected Total

1 6.000 5.177 .000 .823 6.000

2 4.000 4.805 2.000 1.195 6.000

3 3.000 3.432 2.000 1.568 5.000

4 4.000 3.249 2.000 2.751 6.000

5 2.000 2.731 4.000 3.269 6.000

6 3.000 2.140 4.000 4.860 7.000

7 1.000 1.116 4.000 3.884 5.000

8 1.000 .653 3.000 3.347 4.000

9 .000 .695 5.000 4.305 5.000

Chi-Square df Significance

Goodness-of-fit test 4.0833 7 .7701


Classification Table for SUCCESS

The Cut Value is .50


0 1 Percent Correct

0 ⌠ 1

Observed ⎮∫∫∫∫∫∫∫⎮∫∫∫∫∫∫∫⎮

0 0 ⌠ 17 ⌠ 7 ⌠ 70.83%


1 1 ⌠ 6 ⌠ 20 ⌠ 76.92%


Overall 74.00%

----------------- Variables in the Equation ------------------

Variable B S.E. Wald df Sig R

YRSEXP .1896 .0577 10.7799 1 .0010 .3561

Constant -1.9679 .7086 7.7117 1 .0055

95% CI for Exp(B)

Variable Exp(B) Lower Upper

YRSEXP 1.2087 1.0794 1.3535

2 new variables have been created.

Name Contents

PRED Predicted Value

ZRESID Standardized Residual









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