The Ashcombe School

The Ashcombe School: Presentations on the effective and efficient use of ICT in teaching MFL.

Reference details. Any problems – do a search or contact Helen!

As at 27.06.08. [( = WAS AT THE LONDON LANGUAGE SHOW 2007]

|Area |Reference |FREE? |

|Sources / Training / Evidence | | |

|Ashcombe-focussed | | |

|Ashcombe contact detail & info | |FREE |

|Helen Myers, Assistant Head | |( |

| | | |

| |The Ashcombe School, Ashcombe Road, Dorking | |

| |RH4 1LY Tel: 01306 886312 Fax: 01306 742537 | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Main discussion forum: | |

|Dates of presentations at The Ashcombe - |Primary – TBA |FREE |

|contact the school for free places |International Business Week – come and join us any time! 14th-18th July |( |

| |2008 | |

|DSCF Ict; It works – pack with CD ROM of case studies |DfES Publications Reference: Embedding ICT @ Secondary Key Stage 3 Modern |FREE |

| |Foreign Language |( |

| |DfES/0808/2004 Tel: 0845 60 222 69 Fax 0845 60 333 60 | |

| |Textphone: 0845 60 555 60 email: dfes@prolog. | |

| |.uk/ictinschools New online publication service: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Impact2 study (evidence of higher grades for MFL using |Go to Becta site and search for ImpaCT2 (featured in A-Z list of |FREE |

|ICT) |publications) | |

|Info &communication networks | | |

|Association for Language Learning | | |

|ALL events - national |ALL Conference,TBC: Friday 3rd- Saturday 4th April, 2009, - see what |( |

| |happened: | |

|ALL events - London | for details of: |( |

| |Regular Whiteboard Twilight Training Dulwich College, Spanish & ICT The | |

| |Winter Event (Sat Feb 7th, & Teh Summer Event etc | |

|ALL regular electronic bulletin |subscribe to ALLnet: | |

| |then type in the text your name, ALL membership number and the word | |

| |‘subscribe’. | |

|ALL London site | |FREE |

|Linguanet (forum managed by CILT) [cross-sector / fairly |.uk |FREE |

|formal] | | |

|Nacell site + forum (Early Language Learning) | |FREE |

| | |( |

|SSAT forum (for any Language teachers, hosted by SSAT) | |FREE |

|SSAT training events subsidised by DCSF – many include | | |

|ICT | | |

|ALL/CILT gateway to MFL ICT information | |FREE |

|ICT4LT site – managed by Graham Davis – everything you |en/en_home.htm |FREE |

|need to know about ICT! | | |

|LC Net (forum managed by CILT for Language Colleges) |.uk/languagecolleges/lcnet_forum.htm |FREE |

|Informal discussion and resource sharing fora [mainly | |FREE |

|secondary] | | |

| | | |

|TES Staff room forum | |FREE |

|Blogs | | |

|John Bald |johnbald. | |

|Alex Balogna- | | |

|Helena Butterfield |Langwitch (school blog) | |

| |The Langwitch Chronicles (my reflective bog) | |

| | | |

| |Je blogue, tu blogues...let's blog (eTwinning blog) | |

| | | |

|Joe Dale - | |FREE |

| |AND TES ICT blog he writes: |( |

| | | |

|Chris Fuller | | |

|Rachel Hawkes |rachelhawkes.linguacom | |

|Andrea Henderson | |

| |07051004132122 | |

|Steph Hopkins | | |

|Lynne Horne - | | |

|Isabelle Jones | |FREE |

|Jo Rhys Jones' Talkabout Primary Ning | | |

|Neil Jones | |FREE |

|Paul Lawrence | | |

|Ewan McIntosh | |FREE |

|Jess McCullough | | |

|Ruth Parker- | |FREE |

|Marie-France Perkins | | |

|José Picardo | | |

| |His Spanish site (free interactive exercises): | |

| | | |

|Leanne Simmonds - | | |

|Lisa Stevens | | |

| | | |

|Jen Sutton - | | |

|Useful contact names for advice & training: | | |

| |Nicholas Mair, Dulwich College –HOD, ALL trainer, ICT resources | |

|Weny Adenij – Freelance- excellent whiteboard training |Brian Hill & Paul Slater- University of Brighton | |

|Joe Dale – teacher & trainer and new ALL/CILT ICT website|Ewan McIntosh, New Technologies Research Practitioner, Learning and | |

|Graham Davies -Camsoft |Teaching Scotland | |

|Stéphane Derône – Linguascope |Silva Pillai, Goldsmiths ICT Computer Officer | |

|Claire Dugard - CILT |Heather Rendall – freelance consultant | |

|Steve Eatock (Eurotalk) |Mark Pentleton - Partners in Excellence | |

|Vincent Everett – ALL/ICT website |Lesley Hagger- Vaughan - Shireland City Learning Centre | |

|Kristina Hedges, CILT Cymru |Francisco Villatoro RGS High Wycombe | |

|Lizzie Hoskins – Ppt maker!! |Ros Walker, University of Hull / Promethean | |

|Steve Glover (Really Useful Site) |Richard West-Soley (Linguascope + Shirelands) David Wilson –MFL teacher | |

|Richard Hamilton HOD, Cox Green School, Maidenhead |specialising in SEN – Harton Technology College South Shields - frequent | |

|Lynne Horn, Tobermory High |Linguanet contributor | |

|Martin Lapworth, TaskMagic |Lesley Welsh/Marland – Lead Practioner | |

|Helen Groothues - CILT primary |Chris Harte –Teacher of the Year | |

|Literature / packs | | |

|Recommended reading from CILT |Impact on learning - CILT Pathfinder series (Dugard & Hewer ISBN |( |

| |1-904243-15-0) | |

| |Multimedia in Language Learning - CILT InfoTech6 ISBN 1-902031-62-8) | |

| |Reflections on ICT - CILT (series editor Mike Calvert ISBN 1-902031-93-8 | |

| |Lights, Camera, Action! CILT | |

|Hardware | | |

|Powerpoint can act as an OHP!: |Function key + F5 to toggle between show both / show big screen only / | |

|use of show/no show + keys |show computer screen only | |

| |'Full stop' key to toggle between show and black screen | |

| |W = white screen; B = black screen | |

|Bluetooth Graphics Tablet - | | |

|Pen Tablet CTE-630BT | | |

| | seems to offer good prices. | |

|Hardware providers – CSE | | |

|Software management system - NetSupport | | |

|Sanako Media Assistant (subtitle / bookmark / attach | | |

|questions) | | |

|Mini whiteboards |Synergie Learning Products | |

| |Approx. £1.20 each - 01243 779967 | |

|Data projectors |Selectasize | |

|Laptops |Acer | |

|Headsets |CPC(£3.50 each from | |

|Laptop speakers |Creative ‘Inspire’ | |

|Wireless media mouse |Logitech | |

|Bluetooth Optical mouse |Logitech | |

|IWB- Smartboard (can download software) | |FREE if |

| | |school has|

| | |whiteboard|

| | |s |

|Voting systems (about to be trialled) |Quizdom | |

| |Others seen: ActiVOTE, Promethean | |

| |Evaluation from Falkirk: | |

| |NB NetSupport includes voting / survey | |

|USB Microphone |Logitech USB Desktop microphone 980186-0914 | |

|Voice recorder |Olympus WS-200s Digital Recorder (£60) | |

|Voice recorder |Transcend T.sonic 610 - Digital player / voice recorder / radio - flash 2 | |

| |GB - WMA, MP3 | |

|Apple video iPOD 80GB | | |

|Microphone for iPOD |Belkin Tune Talk stereo Part # F8Z082-BLK | |

|Resource lists / supplementary | | |

|Ashcombe MFL ICT reviews |home > Curriculum > modlang > Teaching Resources > ICT Resource Reviews |FREE |

|Ashcombe download area (docs) | |FREE |

|Sites for sharing resources | |FREE |

| | | |

| | | |

|Sites which help reference / give resources (nations, | |FREE |

|regions) | | |

| | | |

| |.uk/call/langsite | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|(individuals) – Steve Smith, Ripon Grammar | |FREE |

| | | |

|Castle Hall Language College | | |

|David Wilson | | |

|BECTA ‘Say IT’ | |FREE |

|ICT suite management | | |

|Examples of good practice – Ashcombe video of class | |FREE |

|management | | |

|Net Support School management | |FREE |

|Becta Target langauge sheets | |FREE |

|CD ROMs / Powerpoints /DVDs |Presentation + self access | |

|CD ROM references |see site – illustrations from presentation listed below | |

|Heinemann e.g. Métro/Logo Electro + Expo Pupil package + | |( |

|Teacher package | | |

|Das Tor: | | |

|Capitale: | | |

|En Route & Unterwegs |Granada learning – for shop, you are directed to | |

| | | |

|French Grammar Studio |Granada learning | |

|Who is Oscar Lake? |Who is Oscar Lake? (type in search engine or go to camsoft | |

|‘Walk through’ | | |

| | | |

|Tell me more |Auralog |( |

|Talk Now |Eurotalk |( |

|World Talk | | |

|Talk More | | |

|Ecoutez bien |+ ‘Where In The World?’ (geography) | |

|Movie Talk | | |

|Launchpad |CD ROM & on-line: Virtual Learning Systems (previously Vektor) |( |

|Essentials | | |

|Expressions | | |

|Foundations | | |

|Connections | | |

|Language Library | | |

|VLS On-line | | |

|Passport 2 French / Spanish | | |

|Birchfield - | | |

|Francoscope |Oxford resources |( |

|Fokus Deutsch | | |

|Elan | | |

|Oxford Hachette Dictionary | | |

|équipe intégrale | | |

|échange intégrale | | |

|Revilo – reading + listening (primary – Junior – Plus in | [see Linguascope catalogue?] |( |

|French German & Spanish) | | |

|Language Martians | [and Linguascope catalogue] |( |

|Language Futures | | |

|Grammar Martians | | |

|Départ + Start + Preparados | | |

|Grammar Tutor (German, Spanish) |from Camsoft | |

|Rosetta Stone |home |( |

|Channel 4 Extra TV ROM | | |

|Mission:Possible |From |( |

|Early Start French DVD | |( |

|Early Start ‘Story Maker’ | | |

|DVD recommendations |Buy in Belgium / Woolworths for selection of audio/subtitles! | |

|Recommendations: |See Amazon / Art House + International section | |

|Harry Potter, Ground Hog Day, Shrek, The Simpsons, Amélie|York contact – J Whiting julianwhiting@ | |

| |FNAC + Virgin | |

|Boardworks –ready made powerpoints for all programmes of | |( |

|study | | |

|Ensemble (Primary) | | |

|PowerPoint GCSE Vocabulary Presentations |Camsoft/Hamilton: | |

| | | |

|Black Country Pathfinder – powerpoints to support | | |

|Certificate in Business Language Competence + | | |

|Going Places with Languages CD ROM | | |

|Talk Business DVD | | |

|Little ‘Tails’ | |( |

|Oxford on-line Dictionaries | |( |

| |Pop-up: | |

|Pilote-moi / mon école / ma ville | | |

| |Kent LEA resources | |

| | |FREE |

|KS2 Spanish |.uk | |

|Espresso | |( |

| |Contact: Claire Jones | |

|i-café | |( |

| |[Oxford University Press] | |

|200 words a day | | |

|Clef – basic French |Camsoft distributor - | |

|Smart Board software | | |

|Doki |from Linguascope |( |

|Houlala | | |

| |Contact: Stéphane Derone | |

|Authoring resources: generic | | |

|(1) Generic | | |

|Microsoft suite to create templates / display |Word, Powerpoint, excel, Photo viewer, Windows Movie Maker |FREE?! |

|Microsoft ‘extras’ –Photo Story 3 | |

| |ault.mspx | |

|Example source of texts to import into word | |FREE |

|Battleships / Blockbusters grid | |FREE |

|Spellcheck | |FREE |

|Teacher’s Pet | |FREE |

|Powerpoint templates – millionaire & ready made |see |FREE |

|IWB- Smartboard (can download software) | |FREE |

|Photo viewer | |FREE |

|Photo story | |FREE |

|& Support file | | |

|Comic Life | | |

|(2) Specific for enhancing MFL | | |

|(a) Images | | |

|Images – google | - then click ‘images’ before you enter key word |FREE |

| | then 'big pictures' | |

|Images - google version of the target languages | | |

| | | |

|Images - yahoo version of the target languages | | |

| | | |

|example website for French cartoons! | |FREE |

|2 Specialist resources fro authoring ... | | |

|Clipart for FLE – include verbs etc! | |FREE |

|-Hemera | | |

|Fast Trak ‘Mammoth - 800,000 Clipart’ -2 DVD-ROMs |+ see Amazon and search (special offer on 4.4.06.) | |

|-OUP visuals |OUP Oxford Visuals | |

|- Melvin | |( |

|- MLG publications | |( |

|- Widgit | | |

|(b) Audio | | |

|Digital sound files | | |

|Audo: |'Audacity' |FREE |

|Windows sound recorder | | |

|Audacity (free!) |INSTRUCTIONS: | |

| | | |

|Karaoke |dvd-player. | |

|Tutorial from JimmyP | | |

| |or | |

| | | |

|Audio: Adobe Audition (professional solution!) | | |

|iTunes - free download (includes possibility of | |FREE |

|converting CDs to mp3) |Edit / preferences / Advanced / Importing | |

|Sound files on the web | |FREE |

|6,000 Sound Effects, Cosmi Europe Ltd |search on OR PC world | |

|Vokis | |FREE |

|Crazy talk | | |

|(c) Video /Film | | |

|mflresources page | | |

|Convert VHS tapes to digital | | |

|Video: Authentic video (listings) | (incl Millionaire, Karaoke) | |

|Ashcombe video clips | |( |

|Finger puppets | | |

| |020 7379 7866 | |

|Editing clips |Windows Movie Maker free |FREE |

|clic Yabla | | |

|ready made clips – sources | | |

|Video for fun |search Internet e.g. |FREE |

|e.g. streamed video from sites | | |

|(incl YouTube – but beware!) | | |

|Capture streamed video - Replay & Replay converter | | |

|Capture streamed video - zamzar | (limit on size) |FREE |

|You Tube example: Hugo! | |FREE |

|You Tube example: Beatbox | |FREE |

|TF1 videos | | |

|You Tube 'favourites' | | |

|Pink Martini audio | | |

|Pink Martini with subtitles | | |

|Pink Martini school version | | |

|Übel Knübels Welt + Herr Nelson beim Psychologen + | | |

|Unterwegs mit Herrn Nelson + Kochen mit Herrn Nelson + |iTunes | |

|Der Mann der die Gummischuhe trägt | | |

|Film trailers example: | + commentaires | |

|Authentic / shorts | | |

|YouTube contributers e.g. French dad: | | |

|National organisations fro film e.g. French: | | |

| | | |

|Saturnin | | |

|La Révolution des Crabes | | |

|Linea | | |

|Der Schwarzfahrer | | |

|L'Epicerie | | |

|DVD Roxio DVD Builder | | |

|(3) Teacher –controlled software | | |

|Games Box | [OR Linguascope] |( |

|Splatter | [OR Linguascope] |( |

|Game Box - Discovery | | |

|Double Jeopardy | |FREE |

|Templates available | |FREE |

| | | |

|Interactive authoring sources / resources | | |

|Fun with texts | | |

|Gapkit | | |

|Developing Tray | | |

|BC Pathfinder Toolkit for teachers |pathfinder |FREE |

|TaskMagic2 | [OR Linguascope] |( |

|Hot Potatoes | |FREE |

|Spellmaster | |FREE |

|Linguamate | | |

|Usina |usinaquiz. |FREE |

|Birchfield Hangman |.uk | |

|Class tools | |FREE |

|Internet resources | | |

|School sites with web resources |see Ashcombe links:Homepage > Curriculum > MFL > MFL web sites |FREE |

| |.uk | |

| | | |

| | | |

|RGS – online | |FREE |

|Language learning sites |See Ashcombe links | |

|Subscription sites: | | |

|Linguascope, Linguastars, Linguaprime | |( |

|Zut + Gut |.uk/ | |

|Quia | | |

|Vektor |vos/ ?? VLS ?? |( |

|Espagnol-extra (recommended by another school) | | |

|i-Café (buy OUP products and get this free!) | |( |

|A Tantot (Esther Mercier) | | |

|Free sites | | |

|Languages on line (VIC) (Includes free downloadable game | |FREE |

|makers) | | |

| |For full categorised lists, go to: |FREE |

|OUP |Ashcombe Homepage > Curriculum > |( |

| |MFL > Teaching Resources > Web Links | |

|Spellmaster | |FREE |

|BBC | |FREE |

| | |( |

|BBC example: primary French | |FREE |

| | |( |

|BBC example: primary Spanish | |FREE |

| | |( |

|BBC: tutor guide | |FREE ( |

|BBC: Spanish 'Mi vida loca' | |FREE ( |

|Channel 4 |learning/microsites/E/extra/ | |

|Goethe Institut - Voyage Site | |FREE |

| | |( |

|About ... series for many languages | |FREE |

|Languages on line - Victoria | | |

|Phonetique (pronunciation) | |FREE |

|Sites + Podcasts | | |

|Podcasts – Partners in Excellence | |FREE |

|See Mark Pentleton’s recommendations on other podcasts on| | |

|this site | | |

|example: French Podclass and others on iTunes and on | |FREE |

|websites – go to French Store to see audio + video (e.g. | | |

|M6) |Allociné - M6 [M6]- Premiere | |

| |Europocket news - La télélibre | |

| | | |

|Learn Italian (I’ve tried it – it works for me!) | |FREE |

|German |Langsamer gesprochene Nactrichten |FREE |

|German - Ubels Welt! | |FREE |

|Authentic sites. Example |webcams |FREE |

| | | |

| | | |

|Magnifying glass for reading Internet pages | |FREE |

|Webquests – examples (warning – most links don’t work!) | |FREE |

|Conferencing | | |

|First Class conferencing | | |

|CSE Webspace Explorer | | |

|Second Life | |FREE |

|Blogs – see Joe Dale and PIE sites | |FREE |

|Creative ICT (as well as all above!) | | |

|Front Page | | |

|Cut, Paste & Surf | | |

|Looks interesting: Comic Book Creator | | |

|Comic Life | | |

|Recommended: Kar2ouche | | |

|Glasgow song ‘Je suis une pizza’ |Graeme Pate of the Glasgow Primary Project | |





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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