Table of Contents

-590550-58102500Table of ContentsContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Table of Contents PAGEREF _Toc355955839 \h iiIntroduction PAGEREF _Toc355955840 \h 5Controls and Interface PAGEREF _Toc355955841 \h 6Home Page PAGEREF _Toc355955842 \h 9Player Profile PAGEREF _Toc355955843 \h 11Store Page PAGEREF _Toc355955844 \h 12Queuing Up PAGEREF _Toc355955845 \h 14 Summoner’s Rift PAGEREF _Toc355955846 \h 17Warding PAGEREF _Toc355955847 \h 18Roles PAGEREF _Toc355955848 \h 20Top Lane PAGEREF _Toc355955849 \h 21Abilities PAGEREF _Toc355955850 \h 21Summoner Spells PAGEREF _Toc355955851 \h 21Itemization PAGEREF _Toc355955852 \h 22Masteries PAGEREF _Toc355955853 \h 22Middle Lane PAGEREF _Toc355955854 \h 23Abilities PAGEREF _Toc355955855 \h 23Summoner Spells PAGEREF _Toc355955856 \h 24Itemization PAGEREF _Toc355955857 \h 24Mastery Page PAGEREF _Toc355955858 \h 25Bottom Lane PAGEREF _Toc355955859 \h 26Abilities PAGEREF _Toc355955860 \h 26Summoner Spells PAGEREF _Toc355955861 \h 27Itemization PAGEREF _Toc355955862 \h 27Mastery Page PAGEREF _Toc355955863 \h 27Support PAGEREF _Toc355955864 \h 28Abilities PAGEREF _Toc355955865 \h 28Itemization PAGEREF _Toc355955866 \h 29Mastery Page PAGEREF _Toc355955867 \h 30Jungling PAGEREF _Toc355955868 \h 31Summoner Spells PAGEREF _Toc355955869 \h 31Itemization PAGEREF _Toc355955870 \h 31Mastery Page PAGEREF _Toc355955871 \h 32Jungling Path PAGEREF _Toc355955872 \h 32Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc355955873 \h 33Troubleshooting PAGEREF _Toc355955874 \h 34Glossary PAGEREF _Toc355955875 \h 35Bibliography PAGEREF _Toc355955876 \h 39Index PAGEREF _Toc355955877 \h 41IntroductionLeague of Legends is an online multiplayer game for PC and Mac. The game focuses on picking a champion and taking part in a five on five battle to destroy the opposing team’s base or Nexus. League of Legends has rapidly become the most populated online game with an average of 12 million daily players and over 70 million total registered users. With 112 unique champions, five versus five battles can be tailored for casual gamers or structured for tournament level play. League of Legends has quickly become one of the most enticing strategy games of all time because of its visuals, performance, and nearly unlimited possibilities in gameplay.This manual is for players that are just starting the game. It will show some of the things that the game offers and also the game mode that is available in the game itself.-60007527622500-40259017589500-60007537274500Controls and Interface-4386581644650There are many controls to League of Legends especially during game play. Here is a list of controls to keep in mind while you play the game.In Game Controls: Movement: Right Click button on your mouse (NOTE: Green areas will point to the area you are moving to.)Q-W-E-R: These keys are for the champion’s skill that they use in battle. (Note: Displayed at the bottom of the screen.)D-F: These keys are for the summoner spells that each player can choose for the champion they are playing. (NOTE: Displayed at the bottom of the screen.)Y: Relates to how your camera acts. You can either have your camera follow your character as they move, or move the camera around with your mouse by pushing it towards one side of the screen.1-6: These keys relate to your items area. (NOTE: This only applies to items that have actives on them.)P: Opens the shop in game where you can purchase items from.V: Opens up a small menu showing the different types of pings that you can do during game.S: Stops the character from attacking or moving.C: Pulls up your champion’s stats. (NOTE: Your stats are displayed at the bottom left corner of the screen, but this pulls up a bigger version of it, not including your items.)B: Lets the player recall, teleporting them back to their base.Z: Pulls up the chat box. (NOTE: During game the chat box may go invisible, so this gives access to it.)Enter: Lets the player access the chat box.TAB: Pops up a menu showing your team and the enemy team, their levels, kills, deaths, assist, summoner spells, and their items.ESC: Shows a menu that has more options for your game pertaining to graphics, interface set up, etc.These are the basic controls that can help you while during your match.-41275028956000-9048759525000-106680031559500Home PageAfter logging into League of Legends you are brought to the main home screen. It has many features to it. The Play Button gives you access to enter a game, which will be explained more later on. The purple bar show by your icon is your experience bar, showing what level you are. The max level in League of Legends is 30. This icon represent a currency in the game called Riot Points XE "Riot Points" . The only way to have access to Riot Points is that you have to purchase it. This feature is found in the store. With Riot Points you can purchase items such a new champions, and new skins for champions.lefttopThis icon represents another currency in the game, called Influence Points XE "Influence Points" . The way to obtain influence points is by participating in matches. Your earn Influence Points based off your performance in game. You can purchase new champions, and also buy runes with this currency.The Golden Icon gives you access to the Store where you can purchase different items and also purchase Riot Points XE "Riot Points" .The icon with the person on it gives you access to your player profile, where you can look at your match history, mastery pages, runes and the summoner spells you have unlocked.The other icons relates to the lore of the game (the leaf icon) and the question mark relates to a help area. At the bottom of the screen there is also a button at the bottom that is for your friend’s list. (Has the same design as the player profile button but more avatar icons are on it.)Let’s focus on the Player Profile tabPlayer ProfileThis is the first screen that pops up when you select the Player Profile button. It shows different stats based off of how many games you have played. The League tab pertains to ranked play, which can only be accessed if you’re level 30 and in a ranked team. The Match History shows the past battles you have made. It shows if you won or lost them, your items, kills, death, assist and other stats as well. The Champion tab shows all the champions in the game. The champions that you own, as well as free week champions will be highlighted. (NOTE: Free week champions are champions that are free for that week that players can try out.)The next tab shows your rune page. Runes are items that help buff up your stats making your stats even more powerful which can help you take down people in battle. There are many types of runes that can help out different stats and they range in tiers; tier 3 being the most powerful but also the most expensive. There are 30 rune slots. Every time you gain a level you unlock one rune slot. (NOTE: It is recommended to wait until level 20 to buy runes.)The next tab is the Mastery Page. There are three trees that you have: Offense, Defense, and Utility trees. Each one helps towards giving you buffs to different stats. Each level you unlock one mastery point which can go towards your trees.Store PageThis is the Store page. Typically on the front page they will show champions or skins that are new or popular now. Here you can use either your Riot Points XE "Riot Points" or you Influence Points XE "Influence Points" and purchase whatever you need. You can also purchase Riot Points here, and gift people on your friends list.(NOTE: If you wish to purchase something for a friend, you have to be Level 20 to gain access to this feature.)-41910028575000-112395013335000-103822535496500Queuing Up228600457200To play a game, go and press the play button. You will then be lead to a screen that shows the different game types you can play.You can choose several different games modes and maps to play, but for the purpose of this manual we will focus on one map and one game mode: Summoner’s Rift and PvP (Player Versus Player.)When choosing what game mode and map you want, you can either make a game lobby and invite friends from your friend list, or you can solo queue. After you get your group together or solo-queue, you will be put in a waiting lobby, until you find a match you can be in.After you find a match you are put into the Champion Select screen.On the Champion Select screen, you select the champion that you wish to play. There are five people on each team. You can also choose your summoner spells, rune page, and mastery page. After you get everything situated with your character you lock in. Now you are ready for your battle at Summoner’s Rift!-38100024765000-10953758572500-94297514478000Summoner’s RiftSummoner’s Rift is the primary map in which League of Legends takes place. The map is remotely square-like, and is broken down into three lanes; top, middle, and bottom with an area in between the lanes referred to as the jungle. The map is split into two sides along a diagonal, making a blue side and a purple side. In the top right or bottom left of the respective sides, each team possesses a base in which, their Nexus is located. Around the Nexus is an arrangement of inhibitors and turrets, which each serve the purpose of defending the Nexus. Minions spawn out of the Nexus every thirty seconds and proceed down each lane to battle the other side’s minions when they meet.The objective of Summoner’s Rift is to invade into the enemy’s territory and take out their Nexus. Since the map is large and people tend to roam throughout the game, we will now discuss a useful item to use for this map.WardingWarding gives sight to your team. It allows you to see when your enemies are sneaking around. A good example of where to put your wards is here:Now that we’ve establish warding, we will now talk about the various roles that the players can do.-37147534290000-100965011430000-80962523939500RolesTop Lane XE "Top Lane" Bruisers fill the position of top lane. These champions are considered to be tanks, they can deal a lot of damage and also take a lot of hits. They are mainly the initiator of the group. Riven will be the champion that will be the focus for Top Lane XE "Top Lane" .AbilitiesPassive:056515Bruisers have passives that typically help towards either strengthening their attack damage or giving them survivability to last longer in the lane. For example with Riven’s passive, when Riven activates her Q ability, her sword gets a charge for 5 seconds letting her basic attacks do extra damage.Q-W-E-R:0-635The ability on Q typically is the skill that relates to doing more damage to minions or enemy champions. Riven’s Q (Broken Wings), helps her deal extra damage when activated.03810The ability on W is a CC or crowd control. Riven’s W (Ki Burst), is a stun that keeps minions or enemy champions from moving for a few seconds and let her get in an attack.0-1905The ability on E helps towards giving them a better sustain in the lane. It can also be used as an escape as well. Riven’s E (Valor), let’s her dash away and as she dashes, a shield comes around her, shielding her from attacks.00The ability on R is called ultimate. It is the strongest skill that each champion has. It mainly does damage and can also aid the champion or his team. For Riven’s Ultimate (Blade of the Exiled), her make her basic attacks or other skills stronger, and if she activates it again, she unleashes and shockwave that does damage to people in front of her.Summoner SpellsIt is ideal for people that go to top lane to take Ignite and Flash. When you’re close to taking out an enemy champion and they are trying to escape from battle, you can activate your ignite on them possibly kill them. With Flash, whether your opponent is trying to escape from battle or you’re trying to escape, you can activate your Flash spell to teleport to them and continue to chase them, or use it to get out of battles before you die.ItemizationFor Top Laners the goal that needs to be achieved is that you have a lot of damage and can be a good initiator for team fights, and also be able to take hits and not be affected by them. To achieve this, it is good to build damage items and armor items. It’s also good to have boots since they increase your speed and also give other special effects. Here are some good examples that can be used for Top Lane XE "Top Lane" .Offensive Item:-19050304800Black Cleaver-55 Attack Damage-200 Health-Passive: Gives +10 Armor Penetration Defensive Item:0263525Runic Bulwark-20 Armor-300 Health-20 Magic ResistanceUtility Item:0272415Mecury Treads-25 Magic Resistance- 45 Movement Speed-Passive: Reduces duration of various CC (Stuns, Silence, Taunts, etc.)MasteriesFor Top Lane XE "Top Lane" it’s good to have your mastery points into your Attack and Defense tress to make your characters deal more damage but can also take a lot of torture in lane and be good. A good build for someone in Top Lane, can be something like this:489585015875000Middle Lane XE "Middle Lane" The term “APC” is used to describe champions that fit the role of an Ability Power Carry. The purpose of APC’s is to deal as much damage as possible with their abilities. We are going to focus on one of the APC named AhriAbilitiesPassive:04445APC have passives that give them spell vamp, and helps them deal damage through auto attacking. For example, Ahri’s passive is based off of charges for how many times an opponent is hit. If she gets 9 charges on an opponent then she gets a spell vamp.Q-W-E-R:00The Q ability of an APC is an ability that has a low cooldown that can be cast in rapid succession. In this case, Ahri’s Q is “Orb of Deception”, which lunges forward through any enemy minions and champions and then comes back to Ahri, causing damage in both directions.0-4445The W Ability deals greater damage than Q, but can costs significantly more mana than Q. Ahri’s W is “Fox-Fire”. It creates three orbs of fire around her that seek out the closest enemy in her range.0-4445The E ability usually causes a stun or slow, allowing for free hits on the enemy champion. Ahri’s E is Charm, which does as its’ name says, charms an enemy champion into walking towards Ahri, unable to attack or cast abilities for a few seconds.03810The R ability is a unique ability to each APC. Each APC’s R, or ultimate ability, is unique and special to that champion. Ahri’s ultimate, “Spirit Rush” allows her to quickly engage or disengage combat quickly.Summoner SpellsMid-lane champions take the summoner spells “Ignite” and “Flash” for a good combination of offensive and defensive spells.ItemizationAPCs typically only have one thing to worry about: damage. The APC will want to deal as much damage as quickly as possible to help slide the fight into your team’s favor. This results in the APC building mostly offensive items, however, there are times when defensive items are required to survive the opposing APC’s burst or last a little bit longer in a team fight.Offensive Item:Abyssal Scepter0-2540+70 Ability Power+45 Magic ResistUnique: Grants an aura that reduces nearby enemies MR by 20Defensive Item:Rod of Ages0635+60 Ability Power+450 Health+450 ManaUtility Item:Rylai’s Crystal Scepter03175+80 Ability Power+500 HealthUnique: Dealing spell damage applies a 35% slow over 1.5 secondsMastery PageIn most cases, APC’s will take a majority of their points in the offensive tree, then spread the rest of their points out depending on how they like to play. For an APC like Ahri, you take plenty of point in Offense, and spend a few points in Utility for additional Mana and Mana Regen. Here is an example:45123109271000Bottom Lane XE "Bottom Lane" ADCs, or Attack Damage Carry, fill ? the role in bottom lane. Their purpose is sustained damage output. While the remainder of your team uses their abilities to incapacitate and possibly eliminate a single opponent, during this time you're expected to have the largest impact on enemy health. The key attributes differentiating ADC's are: mobility, damage output, and scaling. Our example champion for ADC is Corki.Abilities0196850Passive:Passives for ADC are of the auto-attack enhancement variety. For example, Corki’s passive, Hextech Shrapnel Shells, deal true damage equal to 10% of his attack damage.Q-W-E-R:00The Q for most ADCs help towards dealing more damage to opponents and has a lot cooldown. For example with Corki’s Q, Phosphorus Bomb when someone is hit by it they take magic damage for a small duration and the cool down is 8 seconds, making it a skill that can use frequently.0127000The W for ADCs relate towards having mobility buffs that can help them while fighting or help them escape sticky situations. When Corki uses his W, Valkyrie, he charges to the selected location, letting out a fire path as he goes which does damage and continues to deal damage if someone is still in the fire path.0177800The E for ADCs help towards giving buffs that can help them do more damage. For Corki’s E, Gatling Gun, it does damage as someone is hit and they also have a armor reduction, causing more damage and it persist the longer they are hit.0173355The R for ADCs typically are used for when there are low health players are trying to escape, they can use their Ultimate and ensure that the low health players are taken down. Corki’s Ultimate, Missle Barrage fires out missle at targets that deals a lot of damage and has a good range as well.Summoner SpellsAs ADC, the two summoner abilities you will choose are Flash and Cleanse. Flash allows you to instantly travel a short distance. Cleanse removes any effect that has disabled your character from moving or performing attacks.ItemizationAs an ADC you will focus on purchasing Attack Damage items, and also some Defense item to keep you alive as well.Offensive Item:Bloodthrister0-1270+70 Attack Damage+12% LifestealDefensive Item:Banshee’s Veil00+400 Health Points+300 Mana Points+45 Magic ResistanceUtility Item:Berserker’s Greaves01270+20% Attack SpeedUnique Passive: +45 Movement SpeedMastery PageDue to ADCs needing to deal a lot of damage but also have good sustain, it’s good to put most or you points into the Offense tree and put some point into your Defense tree for some sustain in lane. A good example for an ADC is this:4648835265430Support XE "Support" The Support XE "Support" role joins the ADC, Attack Damage Carry, in the bottom lane. As Support you will assist the ADC by imposing your presence in the lane through warding and auto attack harassing. When grouped with your team you will not focus on attacking enemies, instead you will attempt to prolong your team mates lives and disable as many opponents as possible. For our example we will focus on Sona.AbilitiesPassive:02540Most passives with Support XE "Support" champions helps deals more damage when auto attacking. This can help towards lower minion’s health for your ADC so they can get more farming. For Sona, her passive, Power Cord, going into effect after she does 3 ability casts, which will make her next attack will do more magic damage.Q-W-E-R:0-635The Q for a Support XE "Support" does deals damage to whoevers close and can also have an extra effect as well. For Example, Sona’s Q, Hymn of Valor, does damage to opponents but can also heal nearby allies as well.0-1905The W for Supports helps towards buffing or healing their allies. Sona’s W, Aria of Perseverance, it heals her and the allies around her and also grants bonus armor and magic resistance. 0-3175The E for Support XE "Support" can either help allies in team fights, whether that be fighting or trying to retreat. For Sona’s E, Song of Celerity, she gives a speed buff to the allies around her.0168910The Ultimate for Support XE "Support" are used to in team fights and can even turn team fights if they are going bad. That can be through either giving a strong buff to one or more of your allies or limiting the enemy team in what they can do. Crescendo, Sona’s R, deals damage and also stuns the enemy team.ItemizationSince the Support XE "Support" isn’t supposed to farm, it is good to pick up items that can give and increase in gold generation and also items that can give the Support sustain so she can always be there to support her team. Whether then show items that fit into the offense and defense category, this will show general items that are good for Supports.Aegis of Legion0520700+250 Health+20 Armor+20 Magic Resistance+Unique Passive: Allies gain +10 armor, +15 magic resistance and +10 health regeneration.Philosopher Stone0-4445+7 Health Regeneration+9 Mana RegenerationUnique Passive: Gains 5 Gold every 10 secondsIonian Boots of Lucidity01270Unique Passive: +15 Cooldown ReductionUnique Passive: +45 Movement SpeedMastery PageFor building Support XE "Support" it is good to put your points into Utility and Defense for good sustainability. Here is a good example:lefttop436245038100Jungling XE "Jungling" Jungle is an area between the lanes where it contains different kinds of unique monsters. Junglers gain experience and golds from these areas, thus giving more advantage to the solo laners by letting them absorb all the resources from the lane rather than splitting it with another player. The primary role of the jungler is to support the ally by flanking enemy laners to create more advantage to ally laners. For jungling section, we’ll mainly focus on the point of view of Hecarim. (NOTE: Since it mainly depends on if the Champions are good with jungling and also since it’s situational, there will be no abilities paragraph.)Summoner SpellsFor time efficiency, junglers almost always take smite into a battle. Smite deals 490-1000 true damage to minions. Smite is essential for junglers in early game. Players are free to pick whatever they want for the other summoner’s spell slot, but for Hecarim, the recommendations are either Flash, or Ghost. Itemizationtemization of the jungler mostly depends on the player’s choice of a champion, but average players prefer to buy items that make them more resilient. This is because junglers often fill in the role of tank and support, and in many situations stand in the front line to attract enemy player’s attacks.Offensive Item:Junglers aren’t required to buy as many damage items as other players, but is normally demanded to buy crowd control and debuff items.Spirit of the Elder Lizard-8572515557500+45 Attack Damage+10 Cooldown Reduction+14 Health RegenerationUNIQUE Passive: Butcher: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 25%. UNIQUE PassiveDefensive Item:As mentioned earlier, junglers are required to be one of the most resilient member of the team. The recommendations for defensive items are generally health, armor, and magic resistance items.00+20 Cooldown Reduction+200 Health+50 Magic ResistanceUNIQUE Passive: Increases your healing, regeneration and drain effects on yourself by 20%Mastery PageThe recommendations for masteries on a jungler is to take the Runic Affinity in utility tree. Runic Affinity boosts the duration of monster buffs such as blue, red golem, and baron nashor buff. This will give Jungler an additional time to utilize the buffs. The player has all the freedom to spend rest of the points.Jungling XE "Jungling" PathThe jungling path is an optimal killing path that Junglers take for both time efficiency and Safety. Normal path for Junglers are as described in the picture below:As a jungler, key points to ward are either blue and red golem, or dragon and baron. They are also free to ward as many places as they want, but keep in mind, wards are not very cheap.ConclusionAfter reading through this information you’ll have a basic understanding for League of Legends and the game mode Summoner’s Rift. As you continue on through playing the game you will gain more experience and find champions that you like to play. Whether that be being a tank and initiating in top lane, or supporting your allies as they fight, there will a place for everyone in a team.TroubleshootingQ: I try to purchase something in the store but I get an error.A: Restarting the League of Legends Client will fix the problem.Q: When I enter into Summoner’s Rift, my mouse is stuck in the bottom right corner of the screen.A: Press Alt Tab. It will minimize, then just go back into the game. Q: The game is lagging.A: It is either the League of Legends servers or a problem on your end. I would suggest turning down the quality of your graphics because that can also be a problem.Q: When the game is being patched, it gets stuck at a percent and doesn’t continue.A: Restart the patcherGlossaryAOEShort for Area of Effect. It generally indicates skills that deal damages to multiple targets in great radius.BShort for Back. It is generally used when ordering a retreat.BaronBaron is a unique neutral monster that gives both gold and a buff to the entire slaying team.BarrierSummoner’s spell. Shields the champion for 95 + (25 × level) for 2 seconds.BDShort for Back door. It is used to indicate sneaky tower sabotages.Blue GolemBlue Golem is a unique neutral monster in a jungle that gives a blue buff when killed. Blue buff decreases cooldown duration and increases mana regeneration.BushRegions of long grass that gives hiding spot for champions. These areas are crucial positions that can be used to create great Short for Crowd control. Crowd control skills cripple enemy players by either slowing, stunning, silencing, pulling, pushing, or knocking them up in air.ClairvoyanceReveals an area of the map for 5 seconds. ClaritySummoner’s spell. Restores 40% the champion's maximum mana. Also restores nearby Allies’ Mana by 40%.CleanseSummoner’s spell. Removes all disables and summoner spell debuffs affecting the champion and lowers the duration of incoming disables by 65% for 3 seconds.DiveEngaging enemy players under enemy turret. It also simply indicates an action of engaging enemies.DragonDragons are unique neutral monsters that gives golds to the entire slaying team when killed.ExhaustSummoner’s spell. Exhausts target enemy champion, reducing their movement speed and damage dealt by 30% for 2.5 seconds and reducing their attack speed by 50% for the duration. FlashSummoner’s spell. Flash teleports the player to nearby location in the direction of the mouse cursor.GankFlanking is referred as Gank in league of legends.GhostSummoner’s spell. The champion passes through any unit and moves 27% faster for 10 seconds. HealSummoner’s spell. Restores 75 + (lvl x 15) Health to the champion and 100% of that to nearby allies. All targets healed will have a 50% reduction in heal amount from other summoner heal spells for 35 secs.IgniteSummoner’s spell. Ignite deals 50 x (level x 20) true damage over 5 seconds and reduces enemy’s healing effects and regenerations by 50%.InhibitorDestroyable structure. Inhibitors are Third most destroyable structure; it allows the enemy players to spawn super minions when destroyed.MiaMissing in action. Enemies are mia when the information of his/her location is unknown.NexusThe final destroyable structure. If Nexus is destroyed, the game ends.PokePoking indicates the action taken by players to continuously damage enemy laners for fairly long period of time. Poke is also referred to as Harass.Red GolemRed golems are unique neutral monsters that give red buff when killed. Red buff allows the players to deal additional damage after each attacks.ReviveSummoner’s spell. Instantly revives your champion at your team's Summoner Platform and grants 125% movement speed increase which decays over 12 seconds. SilenceSilenced players cannot use skills for certain amount of duration.SmiteSummoner’s spell. Deals 460 + (lvl x 30) true damage to a jungle monster, enemy minions, or pets. Super MinionsAlly super minions spawn when enemy inhibitors are destroyed. These minions are incredibly durable and powerful units that can cut through enemy’s swarm ofminions.TowerDestroyable structure. There are 2 towers on each lane for each team. When destroyed, next tower becomes vulnerable to attacks.. Also, golds are given to the attacker’s entire team.Bibliography BIBLIOGRAPHY . (n.d.). Retrieved from Mobafire.. (n.d.). Retrieved from Mobafire.. (n.d.). Retrieved from Mobafire.. (n.d.). Retrieved from Mobafire.. (n.d.). Retrieved from Mobafire.. (n.d.). Retrieved from Mobafire.*All skill pictures, item pictures and maps taken from League of Legends Wiki WebsiteIndex INDEX \c "2" \z "1033" Bottom Lane, ii, 26Influence Points, 10, 12Jungling, ii, iii, 31, 32Middle Lane, ii, 23Riot Points, 10, 12Support, ii, 28, 29, 30Top Lane, ii, 21, 22 ................

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