The United Kingdom: Permanent Observer Country

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Date of Entry: September 6, 1995

National Holiday: 21 April (Queen’s Birthday)

Capital: London

Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth Realm

Head of State: Queen Elizabeth II (since 6 February 1952)

Head of Government: Prime Minster Thresa May (since July 11, 2016)

Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs: Boris Johnson (July 13, 2016)

Permanent Observer: Mr. Michael Tatham

|ECONOMIC |2010 |2011 |2012 |


|1999 |$82,000.00 |$8,015,935.00 |1.02% |

|2000 |$530,498.00 |$9,515,678.00 |5.57% |

|2001 |$496,000.00 |$6,923,000.00 |7.16% |

|2002 |$425,528.00 |$8,460,084.00 |5.03% |

|2003 |$794,700.00 |$12,125,944.00 |6.55% |

|2004 |$405,056.00 |$11,908,651.00 |3.40% |

|2005 |$492,140.00 |$11,650,039.00 |4.22% |

|2006 |$241,900.00 |$19,060,470.00 |1.27% |

|2007 |$137,424.00 |$20,398,686.00 |0.67% |

|2008 |$277,164.00 |$22,684,500.00 |1.22% |

|2009 |$376,212.00 |$20,318,115.00 |1.85% |

|2010 |$537,926.00 |$15,781,991.00 |3.41% |

|2011 |$4,985.00 |$15,692,757.00 |0.03% |

|2012 |$46,684.00 |$13,239,105.00 |0.35% |

|2013 |$280,107.00 |$16,926,686.00 |1.65% |

|2014 |$214,507.94 |$10,999,892.00 |1.95% |

|2015 |$1,679,969.50 |$17,489,205.00 |9.61% |

|2016 |$2,710,737.00 |$14,048,254.00 |19.30% |

|Total US$ |$9,733,538.44 |$255,238,992.00 |3.81% |




| | |IN US$ |IN US$ |

|1999 |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Electoral Observation Mission |$2,000.00 |  |

| |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Training |$40,000.00 |  |

| |OAS/UN Mission to Haiti |$40,000.00 |  |

| SUBTOTAL |$82,000.00 |  |

|2000 |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) |$513,236.00 |  |

| |Office of the General Secretariat- Belize/Guatemala |$17,262.00 |  |

| SUBTOTAL |$530,498.00 |  |

|2001 |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Electoral technical assistance, Caribbean |$35,000.00 |  |

| |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Electoral Observation Mission, Saint Vincent and the |$20,000.00 |  |

| |Grenadines | | |

| |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Electoral Observation Mission, Haiti |$12,000.00 |  |

| |Electoral Observation Mission, Nicaragua |$10,000.00 |  |

| |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Electoral Observation Mission, Peru |$38,000.00 |  |

| |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Constitutional Reform, Caribbean |$30,000.00 |  |

| |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Demining Project |$272,000.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)- Seminar in Caribbean |$24,000.00 |  |

| |Peace Fund |$55,000.00 |  |

| SUBTOTAL |$496,000.00 |  |

|2002 |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Technical Assistance, Caribbean |$23,250.00 |  |

| |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Electoral Observation Mission, Colombia 2002 |$21,900.00 |  |

| |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Demining Program |$276,602.00 |  |

| |Special Mission in Haiti |$14,268.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Committee on Terrorism (CICTE) |$14,268.00 |  |

| |Peace Fund- Belize/Guatemala Sub-fund |$75,240.00 |  |

| SUBTOTAL |$425,528.00 |  |

|2003 |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) |$50,000.00 |  |

| |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Seminar on Political Dialogue- Andean Region (Peru) |$18,000.00 |  |

| |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Electoral Observation Mission, Guatemala 2003 |$24,123.00 |  |

| |Unit for the Promotion of Democracy (UPD) - Demining Program |$308,042.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD)- Project in Colombia |$158,210.00 |  |

| |Office of the Assistant Secretary General- Peace Fund- Sub-fund Belize/Guatemala |$236,325.00 |  |

| SUBTOTAL |$794,700.00 |  |

|2004 |Office of the Assistant Secretary General- Peace Fund- Sub-fund Belize/Guatemala |$125,710.00 |  |

| |CICAD |$181,600.00 |  |

| |Office of Sustainable Development |$53,496.00 |  |

| |Department of Democratic and Political and Affairs |$44,250.00 |  |

| SUBTOTAL |$405,056.00 |  |

|2005 |Secretariat for Political Affairs (SPA) - Department of Democratic and Political Affairs- Peace |$492,140.00 |  |

| |Fund- Belize/Guatemala Sub-fund | | |

| SUBTOTAL |$492,140.00 |  |

|2006 |Secretariat for Political Affairs (SPA)- Crisis Prevention and Specialized Missions- |$137,800.00 |  |

| |Belize/Guatemala | | |

| |Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) - Promotion of Democracy MOE 2006 Guyana |$94,600.00 |  |

| |Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) - Promotion of Democracy MOE 2006 Saint |$9,500.00 |  |

| |Lucia | | |

| SUBTOTAL |$241,900.00 |  |

|2007 |Department of Crisis Prevention and Specialized Missions – Fund for Peace – Sub-fund |$137,424.00 |  |

| |Belize-Guatemala Democratic Sustainability and Special Missions – Santa Rosa Project | | |

| SUBTOTAL |$137,424.00 |  |

|2008 |Department of Sustainable Democracy and Special Missions (DSDSM) - Fund for Peace – Office of the |$198,910.00 |  |

| |General Secretariat in the Adjacency Zone between Belize and Guatemala | | |

| |Department of Sustainable Democracy and Special Missions (DSDSM)– Belize-Guatemala Sub-Fund of the |$78,254.00 |  |

| |Peace Fund | | |

| SUBTOTAL |$277,164.00 |  |

|2009 |Department of Sustainable Democracy and Special Missions (DSDSM)- Belize/Guatemala ICJ Legal Fees |$284,740.00 |  |

| |Fund | | |

| |Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) - Electoral Observation Mission to |$28,474.00 |  |

| |Antigua and Barbuda | | |

| |Peace Fund – Prevention of Conflicts Belize-Guatemala Adjacency Zone |$35,593.00 |  |

| |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) - Access to Information |$27,405.00 |  |

| SUBTOTAL |$376,212.00 |  |

|2010 |Department of Democratic Sustainability and Special Missions (DSDSM)- Adjacency Zone Office in |$152,530.00 |  |

| |Belize/Guatemala | | |

| |Department of Democratic Sustainability and Special Missions (DSDSM) – Sub-fund of the Peace Fund |$131,176.00 |  |

| |for Belize/Guatemala ICJ legal fees | | |

| |Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) – OAS Electoral Observation Mission to |$11,248.00 |  |

| |St. Kitts and Nevis | | |

| |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) – Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression – |$125,193.00 |  |

| |Access to Information | | |

| |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) – Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression – |$117,779.00 |  |

| |Access to Information | | |

| |Executive Secretariat for integral Development / Department of Human Development, Education and |  |$2,018.00 |

| |Culture – Course: The New Economic Powers: Brazil, Russia, India and China –2 scholarships | | |

| SUBTOTAL |$537,926.00 |$2,018.00 |

|2011 |Department of Democratic Sustainability and Special Missions (DSDSM)- Adjacency Zone Office in |$4,985.00 |  |

| |Belize/Guatemala | | |

| SUBTOTAL |$4,985.00 |  |

|2012 |Department of Democratic Sustainability and Special Missions (DSDSM)- Mission to Support the Peace |$30,443.00 |  |

| |Process in Colombia (MAPP) | | |

| |Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) – OAS Electoral Observation Mission to |$3,841.00 |  |

| |Guyana 2011 | | |

| |Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) – OAS Electoral Observation Mission to |$6,400.00 |  |

| |St. Lucia 2011 | | |

| |Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) – OAS Electoral Observation Mission to |$6,000.00 |  |

| |Belize 2012 | | |

| SUBTOTAL |$46,684.00 |  |

|2013 |Department of Democratic Sustainability and Special Missions (DSDSM)- Adjacency Zone |$95,126.80 |  |

| |Belize/Guatemala | | |

| |Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) – Rights of LGBTI persons within the framework of |$59,908.00 |  |

| |the Strategic Plan 2011-2015 | | |

| |Department of Democratic Sustainability and Special Missions (DSDSM) – Mission To Support Political |$48,157.00 |  |

| |Dialogue In Paraguay | | |

| |Department of Democratic Sustainability and Special Missions (DSDSM)- Mission to Support the Peace |$29,410.00 |  |

| |Process in Colombia (MAPP) | | |

| |Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) – OAS Electoral Observation Mission to |$22,515.00 |  |

| |Grenada (2013) | | |

| |Department for Public Security / Secretariat for Multidimensional Security - Music for Social Change|$24,990.00 |  |

| |through the British Embassy in San Salvador | | |

| |Department of Human Development, Education and Employment - 1 Scholarship Awarded with the Support |  |$40,009.00 |

| |of the University of Manchester| PAEC-Academic | | |

| SUBTOTAL |$280,106.80 |$40,009.00 |

|2014 |Department of Democratic Sustainability and Special Missions (DSDSM)- Mission to Support the Peace |$66,494.00 |  |

| |Process in Colombia (MAPP) | | |

| |Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) – Electoral Observation Mission for the |$20,000.00 |  |

| |General Elections in Antigua and Barbuda | | |

| |Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) – Electoral Observation Mission in |  |$3,188.00 |

| |Bolivia October 2014 (in-kind contribution of one observer) | | |

| |Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) - Strengthening Cyber Security in the Americas |$128,013.94 |  |

| |(Caribbean sub region) | | |

| SUBTOTAL |$214,507.94 |$3,188.00 |

|2015 |Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) – Electoral Observation Mission for the |$15,466.00 |  |

| |General Elections in Suriname, May 25, 2015 | | |

| |Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) - Strengthening Cyber Security in the Americas |$117,076.00 |  |

| |(Caribbean sub region; Development in Costa Rica, Peru and Colombia) | | |

| |Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) – Electoral Observation Mission for the |$10,461.50 |  |

| |General Elections in Saint Kitts & Nevis, February 16, 2015 | | |

| |Department for Electoral Cooperation and Observation (DECO) – Electoral Observation Mission for the |$15,466.00 |  |

| |General and Regional Elections in Guyana, May 11, 2015 | | |

| |Mission to Support to Peace Process in Colombia (MAPP) |$1,521,500.00 |  |

| SUBTOTAL |$1,679,969.50 |$0.00 |

|2016 |The Secretariat of the Inter‐American Committee against Terrorism CICTE (84D), Cyber Security |$49,175 | |

| |The Secretariat of the Inter‐American Committee against Terrorism CICTE (84D), Cyber Security |$23,003 | |

| |The Department of Electoral Cooperation and Observation (64C) |$14,210 | |

| |EOM 2015 Jamaica | | |

| |The Secretariat of the Inter‐American Committee against Terrorism CICTE (84D), Cyber Security |$45,366 | |

| |The Secretariat of the Inter‐American Committee against Terrorism CICTE (84D), Cyber Security |$25,218 | |

| |The Secretariat of the Inter‐American Committee against Terrorism CICTE (84D), Cyber Security |$22,926 | |

| |The Department of Sustainable Democracy and Special Missions (64D), |$2,530,840 | |

| |POA 2012 MAPP‐OEA Basket Fund | | |

|SUBTOTAL |$2,710,737 |$0 |

|TOTAL |$9,733,538.44 |$45,215.00 |


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This page was last updated on July 5, 2017.





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