Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : VIII

Jenjang : SMP/MTs Semester : 1 (satu)

|Nama | |Nomor Induk | |

|Kelas | |Tanda Tangan | |

A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

Read the dialog and answer questions 1 to 3.

Rio : Hey, you. Where are you from?

Dinda : O gosh, Rio. Is it you? Why didn’t you tell me you were planning to come?

Rio : Ha ha . . . it’s a surprise for you, my dear cousin.

Dinda : You arrived here by bus, right?

Rio : No. I arrived by train.

 1. Who is Rio?

A. He is Dinda’s brother.

B. He is Dinda’s cousin.

C. He is Dinda’s father.

D. He is Dinda’s friend.

 2. Why is Dinda surprised?

A. Rio gave her a gift.

B. Rio came to her school.

C. Rio didn’t tell her about his plan.

D. Nobody accompanied Rio.

 3. How did Rio arrive?

A. By train. B. By airplane.

C. By car. D. By bus.

Read the dialog and answer questions 4

and 5.

Kayla : Vina, you look gloomy. What happened?

Vina : There is a misunderstanding between Tiara and me. She accused me of telling her secret to someone else, but I didn’t. Can you help me solve the problem?

Kayla : O.K. What can I do?

Vina : Please talk to her. You’re her close friend. I do hope she will listen to you.

Kayla : I hope so. I’ll try.

4. What happened between Vina and Tiara?

A. They have lost contact for a long time.

B. They break their friendship.

C. They have lost communication.

D. There is a misunderstanding between them.

 5. Vina says, “Can you help me solve the problem?” What does it mean?

A. She asks for help.

B. She offers help.

C. She gives help.

D. She refuses to give help.

Read the text and answer questions 6 and 7.

Welcome to the Karavan National Park. You are cordially welcomed to enjoy seeing the animals and plants in this park. But remember! Don’t cut trees or pick any flowers. Don’t feed the animals, and one more thing, keep clean. Thank you.

6. Where might we hear this warning?

A. In a zoo.

B. In a botanical garden.

C. In a city park.

D. In a national park.

 7. What should visitors not do there?

A. Enjoy seeing the animals.

B. Enjoy seeing the plants.

C. Feed the animals.

D. Keep clean.

Read the text and answer questions 8 and 9.

Tika, I am out to buy some medicines for grandma. When you get home, please prepare lunch for her.

Thank you.


 8. Where is Tika’s mother going?

A. To the hospital.

B. To grandma’s house.

C. To the pharmacy.

D. To grandpa’s house.

 9. What should Tika do when she gets home?

A. Prepare her lunch.

B. Prepare her grandmother’s lunch.

C. Prepare her mother’s lunch.

D. Prepare lunch for the family.

Read the text and answer questions 10 to 13.

My Lovely Puppies

My dog, Rover, gave birth to four puppies five months ago.

The first is Robin. He is a big male. His hair is brown with black markings. I put a black ribbon on his neck. The second is a male too.

I named him Oscar. He has brown hair with white markings. He has a white ribbon around his neck.

The two other puppies are brown haired with no markings. They are female. They are Ruby and Opal. Ruby has a red ribbon on her neck, while Opal has a pink ribbon. Even though they are not quite the same, they are all so cute. I love them all.

Adapted from: Jaka Priyana, Arnys R Irjayanti, Virga Renitasari, Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students Grade VIII, Jakarta, Pusat Perbukuan Depdiknas, 2008.

10. How old are the puppies?

A. One month. B. Five months.

C. Six months. D. One year.

11. Which statement best describes Robin?

A. He is small.

B. He has a red ribbon on his neck.

C. He has black hair.

D. He has black markings.

12. What color is Opal’s ribbon?

A. Pink. B. Red.

C. White. D. Black.

13. “. . . they are all so cute.” (Paragraph 3)

What does the word ‘cute’ have a similar meaning to?

A. Tame. B. Soft.

C. Pretty. D. Clean.

14. Anang : I ________ a sister. Her name is Anggraini.

Lita : Really? I want to know her.

A. have B. had

C. has D. am having

15. Arif : Look! There are some fish and

a small turtle in the aquarium. The fish have fins, while the turtle doesn’t have them.

Fanty : Yeah. Fish are ________ turtles.

A. as big as

B. the same as

C. different from

D. bigger than

16. every – classroom – students – their–

2   1    3    4

morning – the – clean

5   6  7

What is the best arrangement of the words?

A. 6–3–7–4–5–1–2

B. 6–3–7–4–2–1–5

C. 6–3–7–2–1–4–5

D. 6–3–2–7–1–5–4

Read the text and answer questions 17 to 20.

There is a coconut tree behind my house.

It’s very tall, about 20 m. It has no branches.

Its leaves are like feathers and have many

segments. The leaves are yellow greenish and the trunk is light gray.

Now, the tree bears about twenty

coconuts. The young coconuts have smooth greenish coverings. The inner shell is brown and hard.

My brother often climbs the tree to pick young coconuts. When the coconuts are still young, they contain a large amount of fluid. During this stage, the coconut meat can be eaten. It is delicious. It can be added with milk for a nutritional drink.

17. Where does the coconut tree grow?

A. In front of the writer’s house.

B. Beside the writer’s house.

C. Next to the writer’s house.

D. Behind the writer’s house.

18. How is the inner shell of the coconut?

A. It is brown and hard.

B. It is white and soft.

C. It is white and hard.

D. It is brown and soft.

19. Which is NOT the characteristic of the writer’s coconut tree?

A. It is tall.

B. It has no branches.

C. Its trunk is dark gray.

D. Its leaves are yellow greenish.

20. “. . . . they contain a large amount of fluid.” (Paragraph 3)

The word ‘they’ refers to ________.

A. coconut trees

B. young coconuts

C. old coconuts

D. coconut meat

B. Try to write a descriptive text about

a unique animal you might have seen, such as a spider, a chameleon,

a tapir, etc.

Jawaban Review A

A. Pilihan Ganda

 1. B. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat Rio ”It’s a surprise for you, my dear cousin.”. Kata ’you’ dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu pada Dinda. Jadi, Rio merupakan saudara sepupu Dinda (Dinda’s cousin).

 2. C. Saat bertemu Rio, Dinda mengungkap-kan keterkejutannya dengan berkata

”O gosh, Rio. Is it you? Why didn’t you tell me you were planning to come?”. Itu artinya Dinda terkejut karena Rio tidak memberitahunya bahwa ia akan datang ke rumah Dinda.

 3. A. Saat Dinda bertanya apakah Rio datang dengan naik bus, Rio berkata, ”No.

I arrived by train.”. Itu berarti bahwa Rio naik kereta api.

 4. D. Vina meminta bantuan Kayla untuk mengonfirmasi masalahnya dengan Tiara. Vina berkata, ”There is

a misunderstanding between Tiara and me.”. Jadi, antara Vina dan Tiara sedang terjadi kesalahpahaman

(a misunderstanding).

5. A. Kalimat Vina tersebut artinya ”Dapatkah kamu membantu saya memecahkan masalah tersebut?”. Kalimat tersebut merupakan ungkapan meminta bantuan (asking for help).

 6. D. Peringatan tersebut dapat didengar di taman nasional (in a national park). Hal itu disimpulkan dari kalimat awal teks ”Welcome to the Karavan National Park.”.

 7. C. Peringatan tersebut berisi hal-hal yang boleh dan tidak boleh dilakukan di taman nasional. Hal-hal yang boleh dilakukan adalah melihat-lihat binatang dan tumbuhan serta menjaga kebersihan. Sementara itu, hal yang tidak boleh dilakukan adalah menebang pohon, memetik bunga, serta memberi makan binatang. Jadi, hal yang tidak boleh dilakukan pengunjung adalah memberi makan binatang. Itu sesuai dengan kalimat ”Don’t feed the animals . . . .”.

 8. C. Dalam pesan pendek tersebut ibu Tika menulis kalimat ”Tika, I am out to buy some medicines for grandma.”. Membeli obat-obatan biasanya di apotik. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa ibu Tika sedang pergi ke apotik (to the pharmacy).

 9. B. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”When you get home, please prepare lunch for her.”. Kata ’you’ dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu pada Tika, sedangkan kata ’her’ mengacu pada nenek. Itu artinya Tika seharusnya menyiapkan makan siang untuk nenek jika ia tiba di rumah.

10. B. Kalimat pada paragraf pertama tertulis ”My dog, Rover, gave birth to four puppies five months ago.” yang artinya ”Anjing saya, Rover, melahirkan empat anak anjing lima bulan yang lalu.”. Jadi, umur anak-anak anjing tersebut adalah lima bulan (five months).

11. D. Pernyataan yang tepat untuk mendeskripsikan Robin adalah (D) yang artinya ia memiliki tanda hitam, sesuai dengan kalimat ”His hair is brown with black markings.”. Pilihan jawaban (A) tidak sesuai dengan kalimat ”He is a big male.”, (B) tidak sesuai dengan kalimat ”He has a white ribbon around his neck.”, dan (C) tidak sesuai dengan kalimat ”His hair is brown . . .”.

12. A. Pita Opal berwarna merah muda (pink). Itu diketahui dari kalimat ”. . ., while Opal has a pink ribbon.”. Merah (red) merupakan warna pita Ruby, putih (white) merupakan warna pita Oscar, dan hitam (black) merupakan warna pita Robin.

13. C. Kata ’cute’ dan ’pretty’ memiliki arti yang sama, yaitu manis/cantik. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya jinak, (B) artinya lembut, dan (D) artinya bersih.

14. A. Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat Anang adalah dalam bentuk the simple present tense. Subjek kalimat tersebut adalah I, sehingga kata kerja yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi adalah have.

15. C. Saat melihat beberapa ikan dan seekor kura-kura, Arif menyatakan bahwa ikan-ikan tersebut memiliki sirip, sedangkan kura-kura tidak memiliki sirip. Itu artinya ikan berbeda dari kura-kura (different from).

16. B. Susunan kata-kata yang tepat adalah (B) 6–3–7–4–2–1–5, yaitu membentuk kalimat ”The students clean their

classroom every morning.” yang artinya ”Para siswa membersihkan ruang kelas mereka setiap pagi”.

17. D. Pohon kelapa yang dijelaskan penulis tumbuh di belakang rumahnya. Hal itu diketahui dari kalimat pada paragraf satu, ”There is a coconut tree behind my house.”.

18. A. Tempurung kelapa bagian dalam berwarna coklat dan keras (brown and hard). Jawaban tersebut sesuai dengan kalimat terakhir paragraf dua, ”The inner shell is brown and hard.”.

19. C. Yang bukan merupakan ciri-ciri pohon kelapa milik penulis adalah (C) yang artinya batangnya coklat tua. Pernyataan tersebut tidak sesuai dengan kalimat terakhir paragraf pertama, ”The leaves are yellow greenish and the trunk is light gray.”. Jadi, batang pohon kelapa tersebut berwarna coklat muda, bukan coklat tua.

20. B. Kata ’they’ dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu pada buah kelapa yang muda (young coconut). Itu disimpulkan dari kalimat sebelumnya, ”When the coconuts are still young, . . . .”. Pilihan jawaban (A) artinya pohon kelapa,

(C) artinya buah kelapa yang tua, dan (D) artinya daging buah kelapa.

B. Esai

Contoh jawaban:

There is a spider under the playground equipment in the park. If you like seeing Spiderman films, you can imagine what it looks like.

The spider is small. It has eight legs or four pairs of legs. It has two body regions, i.e.

a cephalothorax (fused head with thorax) and an abdomen. There are 6 finger-like silk glands located beneath the abdomen, just in front of the anus.

The spider has eight eyes. Below the eyes are two small jaws that end in fangs. It is

a predator and most feed on insects. It uses its venom to kill its prey. Venom is produced in glands.

The most interesting thing about the spider is that it can spin webs. It lays its eggs in silken egg sacs that are placed in the web.

Adapted from: April 13, 2010


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