Writing PQC Paragraphs about “Doors” -- Writing 4

Writing PQC Paragraphs about “Doors” -- Writing 4

Student sample: (Seyid O Amar O Moctar)

….Asha was not used to a long term houseguest around and to people sleeping downstairs. In contrast, Raj was ready to feel at home and did not mind sleeping between the dining room and the kitchen. This was shown clearly when Asha said, “What I do need to straighten out is the matter of selleping downstairs...” (Dirakaruni, 1999, p. 8). In this quotation, the word “straighten out” depicts how nervous Ahsa was and has she was unable to cope with this cultural gap.

Student sample: Mouhamed Saleck

….The newcomer, Raj, is a very open person and Asha is already informed about this fact by her husband who states, “He was always in and out of our house, laughing and joking and playing pranks. I know you’ll love him—everyone does.” (Dirakaruni, 1999, p. 11). This shows how optimistic Deepak is about his friend’s arrival. He does not realize that a cultural clash may occur between these two contradictory personalities.

….The clash escalates as Raj keeps practising the openness of his culture, unaware of its heavy cadences on Asha’s life. Need to introduce quote here“It was harder than she expected, for the concept to doors did not exist in Raj’s universe.” (p. 12). This kind of limitlessness is what urges Asha eventually to expoled in Raj’s face when he enters her room without permission. This violation of her privacy is so hard that she thinks of it as a real physical violation. For Ray, this is only a way to show where that he was afraid lest she be sick.

Best topic sentence: Sidi Med O Cheikhna

The author of “Doors” portrays the concept of cultural clashes and differences by introducing Asha and Raj, who are alike in terms of origins and background, but distinct culturally and mentally. For instance, they are not in accord on thematter of doors: “Asha liked them closed” (p. 5), while “the concept of doors did not exist in Raj’s universe, and he ignored their physical reality” (p. 9). The tone of these words depicts how the two cultures, American and Indian as embodied in Raj and Asha, are different and distinct.

Furthermore, Asha likes to have her privacy and that is probably the reason behind her closing the doors of the bathroom, study, bedroom and kitchen; whereas Raj has preconceived ideas and privacy and isolation. He does not like them. This is shown clearly when Raj enters into her bedroom without permission: “shocked, speechless, Asha watched Raj. He seemed to advance in slow motion…. He had invaded her last sanctuary, her bedroom. He had violated her” (p. 11). In this quotation, the word “sanctuary” is used symbolically to explain how Asha….

Louise’s ideas:

Compare and Contrast Asha and Raj

While Asha and Raj were both born in India, the fact that Asha was raised in the U.S. means that she and Raj have as many differences as they do similarities. Both Raj and Asha are educated. Both are pursuing a university education in America. However, in the area of their needs for personal privacy, and in their concept of family, they are very different. Put quote here.

The Imagery of Doors

In the short story, “Doors”, the author uses the fact of doors being open or shut to symbolize the differing needs of privacy in the lives of the main characters. Asha, for example, needed doors to be shut. She needed to have her privacy. This is shown in the story when “….” Put quote here.

Raj, on the other hand, having just come form India, has not need for persona privacy. The author reveals this by having Raj make his bedroom in the dining room (p. __). Put quote here

Doors also have a sense of internal privacy. In the closing paragraphs of the story, we see Asha closing the door of her heart. She has spent much of her married life trying to live with Deepak and his culture, but here we see her true feelings coming out, as she shuts the door of her heart. Put quote here.


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