Rules for shooting the long range event

Rules for shooting the long range event

on CAS OB 2014 cowboy action match

Every shooter will have the possibility to compete in two precision shooting events during the competition day of 22th August 2014. The shooter can choose from 4 single shot rifle events and 2 repeating rifle events. Each shooter can have only one single shot and one repeating rifle entry.

I. Long range single action rifle events

1. Position: The shooter is free to choose the shooting position standing, kneeling, sitting or prone. The use of cross sticks is allowed for a single point support for the barrel. More than one point of support is not allowed.

2. Number of shots: 10 shots

3. Approved rifles: All original or reproduction single shot rifles manufactured before 1899, and originally designed for a cartridge loaded with black powder.

4. Approved sights: iron and diopter sights must be of contemporary style prior 1899. No modern sights are allowed. Optical sights an mounting must be of a contemporary style prior 1899, no limitations on magnification or the length of the tube. No click adjusted sights, mounts or scopes are allowed.

5. Approved calibers: Any caliber originally designed as a black powder cartridge before 1899.

6. Distance: 100 m

7. Bullets: Buffalo: only lead, or lead-tin mixture bullets are allowed. Single Shot: no restrictions on bullets.

8. Target: 100 m CASHUN target

9. Other info: Wiping the barrel between shots is allowed. It is allowed to fire one fouling shot after notifying the range officer. Each shooter can choose only one discipline from the disciplines listed in I. / 12. section.

10. Time: 15 minutes + 10 minutes preparation

11. Accessories allowed: cross sticks (wooden stick, with metal spikes, leather stripe connecting them), rifle slings, chair of contemporary style. Blow tube, cleaning rod. No modern shooting accessories (shooting gloves, shooting jackets, shooting boots) are allowed other than shooting glasses and hearing protection. The shooting glasses must not be of a modern style adjustable iris type.

12. Disciplines:

1. Buffalo Single Shot iron and diopter or with optical sight: single shot rifles with contemporary iron or diopter sights or with optical sight, cartridges loaded with black powder.

2. Single Shot iron and diopter or with optical sight: single shot rifles with contemporary iron or diopter or optical sights, cartridges loaded with smokeless powder.

II. Revolver caliber lever action rifle event

1. Position: Standing

2. Number of shots: 10 shots + 1 fouling shot

3. Approved rifles: All original or reproduction repeating rifles manufactured before 1899

4. Approved sights: iron and tang aperture sights must be of contemporary style prior 1899. No modern sights are allowed. No click adjusted sights are allowed.

5. Approved calibers: Any caliber originally designed as a black powder cartridge before 1899.

6. Distance: 50 m

7. Bullets: No restrictions on bullets.

8. Target: 100 m CASHUN target

9. Other info: Wiping the barrel between shots is not allowed. It is allowed to fire one fouling shot after notifying the range officer. Each shooter can choose only one discipline from the disciplines listed in II. / 11. section.

10. Time: 10 minutes + 10 minutes preparation

11. Accessories allowed: Rifle sling. No modern shooting accessories (shooting gloves, shooting jackets, shooting boots) are allowed other than shooting glasses and hearing protection. The shooting glasses must not be of a modern style adjustable iris type.

12. Disciplines:

1. Buffalo repeating rifle: with black powder cartridges

2. Repeating rifle: with smokeless cartridges

III. Scoring

All shots touching the outer ring of the higher score will be counted as the higher score.

In the case of ties the following procedures will apply:

- The shooter with the more bullseye (20 score ring) shots wins.

- If the number of bullseye shots are the same, count the 9, 8, … shots if needed.

- If all shots are the same number, measure the distance of the worst shot from the centre of the target. The shooter with the smaller distance wins.



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