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MT. OLIVET LUTHERAN CHURCH 2019—2020 YEARBOOK TOC \o "1-6" \h \z \u ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PASTOR PAGEREF _Toc31441824 \h - 2 -MT. OLIVET COUNCIL MEMBERS PAGEREF _Toc31441825 \h - 2 -MT. OLIVET CHURCH LEADERS PAGEREF _Toc31441826 \h - 5 -PARISH BUILDING AND CHURCH RULES PAGEREF _Toc31441827 \h - 5 -2020 COMMITTEES PAGEREF _Toc31441828 \h - 6 -WORSHIP/SERVER INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc31441829 \h - 8 -Flower List 2020 PAGEREF _Toc31441830 \h - 8 -Server List 2020 PAGEREF _Toc31441831 \h - 9 -Lector, Communion Assistant, Altar Guild, Counters and Ushers PAGEREF _Toc31441832 \h - 9 -Communion Dates 2020 PAGEREF _Toc31441833 \h - 10 -Parish/Cluster Services 2020 PAGEREF _Toc31441834 \h - 11 -FINANCIAL INFORMATION PAGEREF _Toc31441835 \h - 12 -Peak Springhill Parish Budget 2020 PAGEREF _Toc31441836 \h - 12 -Peak Springhill Parish Treasurer’s Report 2019 PAGEREF _Toc31441837 \h - 13 -Mt. Olivet Budget 2020 PAGEREF _Toc31441838 \h - 14 -Mt. Olivet End of Year Treasurer’s Report 2019 PAGEREF _Toc31441839 \h - 15 -2019 ATTENDANCE REPORT PAGEREF _Toc31441840 \h - 16 -COMMITTEE/GROUP REPORTS PAGEREF _Toc31441841 \h - 17 -Altar Guild PAGEREF _Toc31441842 \h - 17 -Bulletins/Yearbook/Website PAGEREF _Toc31441843 \h - 17 -Christian Education PAGEREF _Toc31441844 \h - 18 -Evangelism PAGEREF _Toc31441845 \h - 18 -F.A.C.E.S PAGEREF _Toc31441846 \h - 19 -Finance & Stewardship PAGEREF _Toc31441847 \h - 19 -Lutheran Men in Mission PAGEREF _Toc31441848 \h - 20 -Relay for Life PAGEREF _Toc31441849 \h - 22 -Social Ministry PAGEREF _Toc31441850 \h - 23 -Women of the ELCA (WELCA) PAGEREF _Toc31441851 \h - 24 -Worship and Music Committee PAGEREF _Toc31441852 \h - 28 -MT. OLIVET BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES PAGEREF _Toc31441853 \h - 29 -MT. OLIVET CHURCH MEMBER DIRECTORY PAGEREF _Toc31441854 \h - 36 -MT. HERMON CHURCH MEMBER DIRECTORY PAGEREF _Toc31441855 \h - 45 -ANNUAL REPORT OF THE PASTOR Greetings to you, my brothers and sisters in Christ! You and I are all called in our baptism to share the light of Christ to others so that in us, others may see God’s light and love. We are in a season of light that began with the candles for Advent, culminating with the candlelight ceremony on Christmas Eve and now continues with the votive candles on the altar during the season of Epiphany. When we reach the last Sunday of the Epiphany season we come to see Jesus’ Transfiguration when his whole being shines with brightest light. Then we move into the darker time of Lent when Jesus life and light are extinguished on Good Friday before the universe lights upon Easter day with the power of God and the dead man Jesus is resurrected to a life beyond the power of death. The Paschal Candle is lit for each of the seven Sundays in Easter as well as at every baptism and every funeral. That which is dead has new life in Christ. The sinful body that we are dies to sin and rises into new life as God’s child at every baptism. At Pentecost the flames of the Spirit lit the lives of the disciples and they were sent on their missions to the world sharing the light of God and the church took root, survived and grew in spite of persecution.Simeon, in Luke 2, starting at verse 25, is moved by God to recognize the Messiah when Mary and Joseph brought their son to the Temple to present Jesus to the Lord God. Simeon calls to God that he has seen the Messiah, as he had been promised would happen before he died. “Lord, now let your servant go in peace, for my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared in the sight of every people. A light to reveal you to the nations, and the glory of your people Israel. Lord now let your servant go in peace.” God’s Son is a light to reveal the Lord God to all nations, both the people of Israel and the Gentiles. We are charged with sharing that light by treating others with dignity and respect. When we remember that all of us stand before our Lord in need of forgiveness we can treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves. None of us are free of sin and none of us can save ourselves. What we can do is join together as one family and receive God’s grace through the Lord’s Supper—the bread and wine are the body and blood of Christ given and shed for our salvation. We join together to hear God’s Word in Sunday School, Vacation Church School and in worship. We join together in fellowship for meals and outings and we join together for service both within our churches and within our community. We join together to support the work of the wider church with contributions to the Lutheran World Relief, World Hunger Appeal as well as to support the work of the SC Synod. We contribute to the community through We Care and by providing meals to those who are hungry at Finlay Park. Together, our positive impact is one way to shine our light to point toward our Lord.Our parish continues to find ways to build bonds within our own churches and among the parish. We continue to keep our members who are shut-in in the mind and prayers of our community, and as a parish and as churches reach out to those who are in need to discover what we can do to meet those needs. None of this can be fully done as individuals; it can be done when we act together through the presence of the Holy Spirit.As you look at the ministry of our parish as described in this yearbook, celebrate what we have done and look for ways that you can see yourself getting involved in something new this year. Look for the path that God has set forth for you and know that you are walking as a child of the light. “I want to walk as a child of the Light”- Words and music by Kathleen Thomerson, ELW #815 I want to walk as a child of the light, I want to follow Jesus. God set the stars to give light to the world, the star of my life is Jesus. REFRAIN: In Him there is no darkness at all; The night and the day are both alike. The Lamb is the light of the city of God. Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus. I want to see the brightness of God, I want to look at Jesus. Clear Sun of Righteousness shine on my path And show me the way to the Father. 3) I'm looking for the coming of Christ; I want to be with Jesus. When we have run with patience the race,We shall know the joy of JesusSpecial Services of Worship at PSP in 2019Funerals Sid “Jamie” James at Mt. Hermon1/5/2019Yvonne Sterenberg at Mt. Olivet1/29/2019Elise Wheatley (private)4/6/2019David Kroll at Mt. Olivet7/6/2019Eddie Simpson at Mt. Olivet11/23/2019Laverne Mattox at Mt. Hermon12/14/2019There were no baptisms, confirmations or weddings in 2019Living Our Calling through PSP in 2019In 2019:We worked with the Dutch Fork Cluster for midweek Lenten services.We worked with St. Thomas, Chapin for the HUB VBS and provided new bookbags with school supplies for the participants. We hosted the PSP VBS at Mt. Olivet.We held midweek Advent Holden Prayer services with Pormaria Lutheran and St. John’s Lutheran, both in Pomaria.We held a community Fall Festival at Mt. Hermon.We volunteered as groups and as individuals at many places in the community.On the fourth Sunday of the month we worked with many others at the Peoples Picnic in Finlay Park.We worked with the Peak Pharmacy in collecting money, baby items, personal hygiene items and canned/ dry goods for the Chapin We Care Food Bank. We raised and distributed funds for those in need, both in our own parish and in the greater community.We provided housing for Seminarian Shelia Goins from August through December.We sent out weekly letters signed by PSP members to leaders of ELCA institutions and parishes.We prayed for those in need of God’s healing.We supported the ministry of the PSP and church Council, Sunday School and VBS teachers, the choir, the ushers, the musicians, the Altar Guild as well as the WELCA and the LMM.In 2020:We will continue to work with the Dutch Fork Cluster for midweek Lenten Services.We will continue to work with St. Thomas to provide VBS programs for the HUB children and youth and for the PSP families. Both are tentatively scheduled for June 21-26, 2020.We will continue to work with the Pomaria Lutheran Churches for midweek Advent servicesWe will continue to support the Peoples Picnic by serving and providing food.We will continue to work with Peak Pharmacy to stock the cupboards of We Care.We will continue as individuals to volunteer in many places in the community.We will continue to offer community-wide fellowship events.We will continue to raise and distribute funds for those in need.We will continue to pray for leaders throughout the ELCA community and send letters to them.We will continue to pray for those in need of God’s healing.We will develop a healing service with prayers and anointing that can be used at various times during the church year.We continue to support the leadership of our church and parish leaders.Sisters and Brothers, we are renewed in God’s love and light. Together we are sent out to love and serve our community and the world. In Christ,Pastor Beverly AurandMT. OLIVET COUNCIL MEMBERSNAMETERMBeverly Aurand, Pastor***Albert Amick2020—2022 Linda Amick2020—2022 Vernell Bundrick2019—2021 Dan Caudle2018—2020 Wanda Edwards2020—2022 Lee Knopf2019—2021 Jackie Powers2018—2020 MT. OLIVET CHURCH LEADERSPastorBeverly AurandDirector Of Music/OrganistLinda AmickCongregational TreasurerLinda BranhamChair, Mt. Olivet CouncilLinda Amick Secretary, Mt. Olivet CouncilLee Knopf Superintendent, Sunday SchoolGlenn AmickPresident, WELCA Betty Jo AmickPresident, Lutheran Men Eddie BoozerPARISH BUILDING AND CHURCH RULESThe Parish Building and Church were built by Mt. Olivet and are primarily intended to be usedfor church functions. All Church functions have priority over all other events.Groups or organizations using the building will be responsible for cleaning it afterwards.Alcohol, other than for sacramental purposes, and smoking in the buildings is prohibited.There will be no loans of furniture, equipment or appliances, except on approval by Council.The personal use of the building by active church members for purposes not related to rites and ceremonies of the church (funerals, weddings, baptisms, etc.) shall be subject to a free will offering to be credited to the general treasury of the church. Member must be on premises during the use, and will be responsible for any damage. Member will be responsible for cleanup afterwards. The disposable paper products and supplies are property of the Church and will not be available for personal use. Contact Marian Eleazer to reserve use. She can be contacted at 803-781-6096 or mkeleazer@. There will be no political use of the building.DO NOT sit on tables.DO NOT slide tables on floor—pick them up.The responsible person for the building, after a meal, will move chairs and run dust mop under the tables.DO NOT take food or drink of any kind from parish building into the church.Anyone who has a meeting in the church or parish building is responsible for the doors being locked and the lights turned off, and adhere to the thermostat control as posted.Uses not stipulated in the above rules must be approved by the Church Council.2020 COMMITTEESALTAR GUILDCHRISTIAN EDUCATIONThis Committee shall be responsible for the preparation of the sanctuary for all worship services and for the maintenance of all paraments, vestments, and vessels.This committee is responsible for the promotion of Sunday School, Vacation Bible School and all other educational activities of the church. It shall encourage the use of teaching and worship materials published by the ELCA or other materials deemed appropriate. It shall promote church periodicals and books of devotion in the homes of the congregation.Council Rep: Linda AmickChair: Marian EleazerMembers:Albert AmickBetsy ArdDebra BarrettMarian EleazerRobert HuffLinda AmickLinda BranhamSheila HuffAnna SellersCouncil Rep: Vernell Bundrick Chair: Members:Linda BranhamSheila HuffWanda EdwardsJackie PowersBUILDING AND MAINTENANCEEVANGELISMThe building and maintenance committee shall see to the proper maintenance and protection of all buildings--inside and out. This includes keeping in good repair and insured.The Evangelism Committee are volunteer servants of Christ who are committed to planning and implementing activities and programs that reach out to all church members. It exists to serve our community and our world by establishing Christ-like relationships through love and service.Council Rep: Albert Amick Chair: Albert AmickMembers:Adam BoozerRobert HuffMike SellersBetty AmickTroy BranhamPalmer WheatleyCouncil Rep: Wanda EdwardsChair: Betty Jo AmickMembers:Betty Jo AmickDebra BarrettVernell BundrickHazel Caudle Wanda EdwardsCEMETERY AND GROUNDSFINANCE & STEWARDSHIPThe Cemetery and Grounds committee is responsible for maintenance of the church grounds, cemetery, and playground. This also includes communication with funeral homes for grave preparation when there is a burial in the cemetery & keeping record of grave plots that have already been assigned & those available for purchase.The Finance and Stewardship Committee is responsible for managing the resources God has entrusted to the congregation.? The committee's duties include oversight of financial activities and investments, preparation of annual budgets, monitoring of receipts, review of expenditures,?and encouraging members to share their gifts for the Lord's work in local, national & worldwide ministries.Council Rep: Jackie PowersChair: Jack PowersMembers:Carroll AmickEddie BoozerDan Caudle Mike SellersAdam BoozerTroy BranhamRobert HuffCouncil Rep: Dan CaudleChair: Jerry DerrickMembers:Linda AmickLinda BranhamRobert Huff2020 COMMITTEES (Continued)SOCIAL MINISTRYWORSHIP & MUSICIt is the responsibility of this committee to strengthen a sense of community and fellowship within the congregation. Members of the Social Ministry Committee help lead the congregation to extend Christian compassion and comfort to those in need. The committee is called upon to support various gatherings within our congregation and other church supported activities.This Committee assists the Council in seeing that the services of God’s house are conducted regularly and in accordance with the liturgy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. It trains ushers and all servers to assure that their duties are carried out properly and timely. It works with all of the choirs of the congregation to provide music for the seasons. It shall arrange for the care of musical instruments and, in consultation with the pastor, the organist and the choir director, it shall furnish music supplies appropriate for use in the worship the congregation. Council Rep: Dan CaudleChair: Vicki WheatleyMembers:Jane AmickGene BolandBeth BoneyHazel Caudle Sheila HuffAnna SellersVicki WheatleyBetty AmickGretchen BolandMarcia EllermanRobert HuffSandra KrollJackie PowersPalmer WheatleyCouncil Rep: Linda AmickChair: Betsy ArdMembers:Linda AmickBetsy ArdLinda BranhamBetty Jo AmickMarian EleazerYOUTH MINISTRYThis committee is responsible for planning and overseeing all events for the youth.Council Rep: Lee KnopfChair:Members:Betsy Ard Sonja CarnaggioJackie PowersWORSHIP/SERVER INFORMATIONFlower List 2020FEBRUARYAUGUST2Jack & Jackie Powers2Tony & Betsy Ard9Jack & Jackie Powers9Tony & Betsy Ard16Mike & Anna Sellers16Tony & Betsy Ard23Mike & Anna Sellers23Glenn & Linda Amick30Glenn & Linda AmickMARCHSEPTEMBER1NO FLOWERS – Lent6Glenn & Linda Amick8NO FLOWERS – Lent 13Palmer & Vicki Wheatley15NO FLOWERS – Lent 20Jerry Derrick22NO FLOWERS – Lent 27Jerry Derrick & Vicki Wheatley29NO FLOWERS – Lent APRILOCTOBER5Palms4Sam & Debra Barrett12The Hutto Family11WELCA19The Hutto Family18WELCA26The Hutto Family25WELCAMAYNOVEMBER3Robert & Sheila Huff1Dan & Hazel Caudle10Beth Boney8Betty Amick17Sam & Debra Barrett15Reeves& Knopf24Sam & Debra Barrett22Reeves & Knopf31Sam & Debra Barrett29NO FLOWERS – Advent JUNEDECEMBER7Albert & Betty Jo Amick6NO FLOWERS – Advent 14Albert & Betty Jo Amick13NO FLOWERS – Advent 21Kathy & Fernando Vidal20NO FLOWERS – Advent 28Kathy & Fernando Vidal24Marian Eleazer27Marian EleazerJULYJANUARY 20215Gene & Gretchen Boland3Marian Eleazer12Gene & Gretchen Boland10 Marian Eleazer19Linda & F.L. Branham17 Glenn & Linda Amick26Linda & F.L. Branham24 Glenn & Linda Amick31Glenn & Linda AmickServer List 2020Lector, Communion Assistant, Altar Guild, Counters and UshersMonthLectorCommunion Asst.Altar GuildCountersUshersFEBRUARYMarian EleazerSheila HuffLinda BranhamLinda AmickBetsy ArdAlbert Amick—captainEddie Boozer, Hazel Caudle, Palmer WheatleyMARCHWanda EdwardsMarian EleazerBetsy ArdRobert HuffSheila HuffSam Barrett—captainGene Boland, Robert Huff, Mike SellersAPRILTony ArdBetty Jo AmickLinda AmickJerry DerrickVicki WheatleyJerry Derrick—captainEddie Boozer, Hazel Caudle, Jack PowersMAYSonja CarnaggioJerry DerrickBetty Jo AmickDan CaudleHazel CaudleAlbert Amick—captainDebra Barrett, Gene Boland, Gerald Edwards, JUNELinda BranhamLinda BranhamSheila HuffAnna SellersMike SellersEddie Boozer—captainAlbert Amick, Hazel Caudle, Robert HuffJULYLee KnopfAnna SellersSheila HuffAlbert AmickBetty Jo AmickJerry Derrick—captainSam Barrett, Gerald Edwards, Jack PowersAUGUSTVicki WheatleyBetsy ArdMarian EleazerLinda AmickBetsy ArdSam Barrett—captainGene Boland, Jack Powers, Palmer WheatleySEPTEMBERJerry DerrickMarian EleazerMarian EleazerRobert HuffSheila HuffAlbert Amick—captainEddie Boozer, Jerry Derrick, Mike SellersOCTOBERMarian EleazerAnna SellersDebra BarrettJerry DerrickVicki WheatleyJack Powers—captainGene Boland, Jerry Derrick, Robert HuffNOVEMBERGerald EdwardsSheila HuffBetty Jo AmickAnna SellersMike SellersSam Barrett—captainAlbert Amick, Debra Barrett, Hazel Caudle,DECEMBERBetsy ArdLinda BranhamAnna SellersDan CaudleHazel CaudleAlbert Amick—captainGerald Edwards, Jack Powers, Palmer WheatleyJANUARY 2021Linda BranhamBetty Jo AmickDebra BarrettAlbert AmickBetty Jo AmickDebra Barrett—captainEddie Boozer, Gene Boland, Mike Sellers Communion Dates 2020DateFestivalCommunionTypeCommunion Asst.Altar GuildFebruary 2Presentation of our LordIntinctionSheila HuffLinda BranhamFebruary 95th EpiphanyIntinctionSheila HuffLinda BranhamFebruary 166th EpiphanyIntinctionSheila HuffLinda BranhamFebruary 23TransfigurationFullSheila HuffLinda BranhamFebruary 26Ash WednesdayIntinctionSheila HuffLinda BranhamMarch 11st SundayIntinctionMarian EleazerBetsy ArdMarch 153rd SundayIntinctionMarian EleazerBetsy ArdApril 5Palm SundayFullBetty Jo AmickLinda AmickApril 12EasterFullBetty Jo AmickLinda AmickApril 192nd EasterIntinctionBetty Jo AmickLinda AmickApril 263rd EasterIntinctionBetty Jo AmickLinda AmickMay 34th EasterIntinctionJerry DerrickBetty Jo AmickMay 105th EasterIntinctionJerry DerrickBetty Jo AmickMay 176th EasterIntinctionJerry DerrickBetty Jo AmickMay 247th EasterIntinctionJerry DerrickBetty Jo AmickMay 31PentecostFullJerry DerrickBetty Jo AmickJune 7Holy TrinityFullLinda BranhamSheila HuffJune 213rd SundayIntinctionLinda BranhamSheila HuffJuly 51st SundayIntinctionAnna SellersSheila HuffJuly 193rd SundayIntinctionAnna SellersSheila HuffAugust 21st SundayIntinctionBetsy ArdMarian EleazerAugust 163rd SundayIntinctionBetsy ArdMarian EleazerSeptember 61st SundayIntinctionMarian EleazerMarian EleazerSeptember 20HomecomingFullMarian EleazerMarian EleazerOctober 41st SundayIntinctionAnna SellersDebra BarrettOctober 183rd SundayIntinctionAnna SellersDebra BarrettOctober 25ReformationFullAnna SellersDebra BarrettNovember 1All Saints FullSheila HuffBetty Jo AmickNovember 153rd SundayIntinctionSheila HuffBetty Jo AmickNovember 22Christ the KingFullSheila HuffBetty Jo AmickDecember 61st SundayIntinctionLinda BranhamAnna SellersDecember 203rd SundayIntinctionLinda BranhamAnna SellersDecember 24Christmas EveFullLinda BranhamAnna SellersDecember 271st ChristmasIntinctionLinda BranhamAnna SellersJan. 3, 20212nd ChristmasIntinctionBetty Jo AmickDebra BarrettJan. 10, 2021Baptist of Our LordFullBetty Jo AmickDebra BarrettJan. 17, 20212nd EpiphanyIntinctionBetty Jo AmickDebra BarrettJan. 24, 20213rd EpiphanyIntinctionBetty Jo AmickDebra BarrettJan. 31, 20214th EpiphanyIntinctionBetty Jo AmickDebra BarrettHoly Communion is celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, every Sunday during the seasons of Christmas, Epiphany and Easter and on all major Festivals.Parish/Cluster Services 2020DATESERVICETIMEPLACEFebruary 26Ash Wednesday7:00 pmMt. Olivet LutheranMarch 4Lenten Service6:00 meal7:00pmMt. Olivet Lutheran March 11Lenten Service6:00 meal7:00pm St. John Lutheran, IrmoMarch 18Lenten Service6:00 meal7:00pm Bethlehem LutheranMarch 25Lenten Service6:00 meal7:00pm St. Thomas LutheranApril 1Lenten Service6:00 meal7:00pm Bethel LutheranApril 6Holy Monday7:00 pm Healing ServiceSt. Michael LutheranApril 9Maundy Thursday7:00pmMt. Olivet LutheranApril 10Good Friday7:00 pmMt. Hermon LutheranApril 12Easter Sunday8:00 am BreakfastMt. Hermon Lutheran9:00 amMt. Hermon Lutheran11:00 amMt. Olivet LutheranOctober 25Reformation4:00 pm with ReceptionCluster – TBD locationNovember 22Thanksgiving 4:00 pm 5:00pm meal Cluster—TBD locationDecember 2Advent Service 6:00 meal7:00pmTBD location December 9Advent Service 6:00 meal7:00pmTBD location December 16Advent Service 6:00 meal7:00pmTBD location December 24Christmas Eve12:00 pmMt. Hermon LutheranChristmas Eve7:00 pm Candlelighting Mt. Olivet LutheranFINANCIAL INFORMATIONPeak Springhill Parish Budget 2020 ITEMBUDGETEDBase Salary$36,744.00Social Security$8,508.00Living Expenses$13,928.00Pension$7,224.00Insurance$7,524.00Professional Expenses$1,100.00Auto Allowance$7,000.00Office Supplies$100.00Postage$100.00Supply Pastor$1,050.00Vacation Bible School$1,500.00Miscellaneous$1,000.00Discretionary Fund$250.00Parsonage Fund$12,000.00Parsonage Receipts/Savings($12,000.00)Youth$1,000.00Web Site$350.00TOTAL:$87,378.00TOTAL EACH CONGREGATION:$43,689.00Peak Springhill Parish Treasurer’s Report 2019 January 1 - December 31, 2019BALANCE ON HAND JANUARY 1, 2019$41,624.56 RECEIPTS:Monthly Deposit - Mt. Olivet$42,777.36Monthly Deposit - Mt. Hermon$42,780.00Christian Education$2,100.00VBS/HUB$900.00Parish Fund$300.00Parish & HUB$300.00Miscellaneous Donations/Receipts$459.00Parsonage Receipts$4,725.00Total Receipts$94,341.36DISBURSEMENTS:Base Salary$34,686.66Social Security$8,281.92Living Expenses$14,095.68Pension$7,035.64Insurance Allowance$7,330.24Auto Allowance$7,674.13Supply Pastor$2,200.00Christian Education$2,069.27Parish VBS & HUB VBS$725.93Miscellaneous$4,147.99Parsonage Maintenance, Ins & Taxes$4,160.89Website$352.00Youth$476.00Total Disbursements$93,236.35Balance on December 31, 2019$42,729.57 Youth Designated Funds($3,542.94) VBS Fund Parish FundParish & HUB($1,954.64)($300.00)($300.00) Christian Education Fund($2,591.97) Bibles for Youth Fund($176.55) General Balance on hand December 31, 2019$34,863.47Davis Pinner, Parish TreasurerMt. Olivet Budget 2020ITEMBUDGETEDBenevolence$10,000.00Parish Fund$25,317.00Pastor Salary$18,372.00Communion Supplies$150.00Candles$100.00Devotional Books$300.00Music/Education$150.00Evangelism$1,000.00Social Ministry$750.00Delegate Expense$300.00Postage$150.00Offering Envelopes$250.00Gas/Heat Parish Building$1,350.00Electricity$7,600.00Cleaning$3,200.00Insurance$7,800.00Building Maintenance$3,000.00Dir.Music/Guest Organist$6,150.00Telephone$2,000.00Office Supplies$300.00Organ/Piano Maintenance$600.00Miscellaneous$1,000.00Guest Pastor$180.00Copier/Supplies/Bulletins$2,500.00Newberry College$1,000.00Youth Scholarship$1,750.00Emergent Repairs$20,000.00Building Fund/Gifts($20,000.00)102870010032900TOTAL BUDGET AMOUNT:$95,269.00Needed Monthly:$7,939.30Needed Weekly:$1,832.10Mt. Olivet End of Year Treasurer’s Report 2019Balance on January 1, 2019$51,710.00 Budgeted Budgeted Month Received Received Paid Out Paid OutJanuary$8,642.00$7,685.00$6,972.21 $9,611.79February$8,054.00$7,240.00$8,066.34 $8,656.67March$9,100.00$7,575.00$6,548.70 $7,142.28April$8,567.00$7,097.00$5,628.38 $8,086.98May$10,681.00$6,181.00$7,900.34 $9,553.25June$8,281.00$7,226.00$7,695.70 $12,609.98July$8,024.70$6,781.00$6,690.70 $8,268.47August$9,224.19$8,457.00$6,605.00 $7,583.33September$7,823.00$6,980.00$6,615.33 $7,539.85October$7,416.00$6,780.00$6,556.73 $7,350.31November$7,679.10$6,492.10$6,467.14 $7,082.72December$10,152.20$7,702.20$9,661.63$11,376.84TOTALS$103,644.19$86,196.30$85,408.20$104,862.47-11430011430000Balance on December 31, 2019$50,491.72Fund BalanceSunday School$3,533.00Cemetery Fund$2,559.60Building Fund$4,347.57Flowers$153.84Miscellaneous$8,616.79Mt. Olivet RFL$83.65Lutheridge$101.88Honoraria Fund$125.00Paving$840.00Playground$3,455.63Supper Club$514.00Ellerman Fundraiser$37.00Memorials$14,190.00Total Designated Funds$38,557.96General Fund Balance$11,933.76TOTAL$50,491.72 Thrivent Inv value $63,157.35Cemetery Fund CD$2,692.34Total Cemetery Funds$65,849.69GRAND TOTAL $116,341.41Respectfully Submitted, Linda C. Branham, Congregational Treasurer2019 ATTENDANCE REPORTMt. Olivet Sunday AttendanceMonthDateName of DayAttendanceMonthDateName of DayAttendanceDayMth AvgDayMth AvgJan6Epiphany 4741Jul74th Pentecost333913Baptism 40145th Pentecost39202nd Epiphany38216th Pentecost42273rd Epiphany38287th Pentecost43Feb34th Epiphany4943Aug48th Pentecost4240105th Epiphany42119th Pentecost38176th Epiphany421810th Pentecost38247th Epiphany372511th Pentecost40Mar3Transfiguration4138Sept112th Pentecost324410Lent 132813th Pentecost4017Lent 23915Homecoming7024Lent 3352215th Pentecost3831Lent 44429Michael & Angels38Apr7Lent 54648Oct617th Pentecost333614Palm Sunday391318th Pentecost3921Easter Sunday642019th Pentecost37282nd Easter4327Reformation35May53rd Easter3434Nov3All Saints4140124th Easter351022nd Pentecost41195th Easter351723rd Pentecost37266th Easter3324Christ the King41Jun27th Easter3738Dec11st Advent33369Pentecost4382nd Advent4016Holy Trinity43153rd Advent37232nd Pentecost38224th Advent32303rd Pentecost30311st Christmas36-209550108585TOTAL YEARLY SUNDAY ATTENDANCE:2,059AVERAGE SUNDAY ATTENDANCE: 40AVERAGE ATTENDANCE (Communion Sundays): 43Cluster/Parish/Pomaria Midweek AttendanceDateServiceAttendanceMarch 13thCluster Midweek Lenten85April 19thParish Good Friday25December 4thPomaria Midweek Advent40December 24thParish Christmas Eve50COMMITTEE/GROUP REPORTSAltar GuildThe Altar Guild has been working diligently during 2019 preparing for the?worship services and communion.? These duties are continuous throughout the year.? A special thanks is extended to all members of this committee for their dedication and commitment. Altar Guild Schedule for 2020:January Linda BranhamJuly Sheila HuffFebruary Linda BranhamAugust Marian EleazerMarch Betsy ArdSeptember Marian EleazerApril Linda AmickOctober Debra BarrettMay Betty Jo AmickNovember Betty Jo AmickJune Sheila HuffDecember Anna SellersJanuary 2021 Debra BarrettOil candles are filled weekly by Albert Amick.Respectfully Submitted,Betty Jo AmickBulletins/Yearbook/WebsiteThe committee continues to update and monitor webpage and Facebook page. The website contains a plethora of information, including the history of Mt. Olivet and Mt. Hermon, information about our varied ministries, photos and more. A detailed calendar and events information will keep you up to date on all of the many events and happenings of the Parish. Please visit the website at . The weekly bulletin insert has been expanded to include Special Prayer requests, Financial information, calendar and upcoming events.Thank you to Linda Amick for all her assistance in printing the weekly bulletins and the Yearbook.Respectfully Submitted,Betsy ArdChristian Education The Christian Education Committee of Mount Olivet is responsible for all educational needs of our congregation, including our main focus of Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOLVacation Bible School for the Parish was held at Mt. Olivet Friday and Saturday July 19-20, 2019. The theme this year was “To Mars and Beyond” with the focus on Ephesians 3:20 – “Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine by his power at work within us!” A celebratory lunch was held after church on Sunday, July 21st. The HUB Vacation Bible School was held at Mt. Olivet from July 8-12th. Thank you to all teachers and volunteers for your hard work!SUNDAY SCHOOLFor the 2017-2018 year, the teachers were as follows:Adult Class Debra Barrett, Jerry DerrickWe would like to thank these individuals for continuing to serve us as our teachers.Evangelism The Evangelism Committee was very busy serving others during 2019. A meal as served at Irmo High School for the Literacy Program. Congregational members went to Finlay Park on the fourth Sunday of each month to feed the homeless. The jewelry sales continued with proceeds going to Relay for Life and to Marcia Ellerman. A fundraiser was held in May for Marcia Ellerman. Items were donated to the Special Needs class at Springhill High School. A trip for the Supper Club was taken to McCaskills Farm in Rembrant. a breakfast was served for the teachers and staff at the Alternative Academy for Success on August 13 before school started and also in November for American Education Week, Danish and fruit was delivered along with goody bags. The four 5th Sundays during 2019 were celebrated with “Each One, Bring one” and “Loose Change to Make a Change”. The monies from this loose change were donated to Landon Derrick to help with medical expenses. In November, the committee planned and sponsored the Veterans Recognition Sunday. To celebrate the holidays, the committee visited shut ins of the congregation and took frozen meals and goodies to each of them, visited and had communion. The Supper Club will be announcing plans for 2020. Respectfully Submitted,Betty Jo AmickF.A.C.E.SFriends At Church Eating & Socializing Submitted by Gene H. Boland, TreasurerBeginning Balance 1/1/19$ 179.00Total Monthly Freewill Offerings Received$ 411.00Expenses:Miscellaneous$ 22.00Food$ 410.00Guest$ 25.00Memorial Fund, charities$ 50.00Total Expenses$ 507.00Balance on hand as of December 31, 2019$ 83.00Average attendance = 25Finance & StewardshipThe Finance & Stewardship Committee has continued to originate monthly articles for the Mt. Olivet Newsletter. The purpose of these articles is to keep our members and friends aware of the importance of stewardship and to encourage everyone to give of their time, talents, and resources to serve Christ.In March, the committee reviewed the financial activities for the calendar year of 2018. This review documented that Mt. Olivet’s finances were in order to support our mission of God’s work. In October, Mt. Olivet’s and Mt. Hermon’s committee chairmen met to review input from the Pastor and Parish Treasury and to develop a proposed budget for the parish. Later in the month, our committee adopted the proposed Parish Budget and held a working session to develop a recommended 2020 Budget for Mt. Olivet. The budgets were reviewed with the Congregational Council at their November meeting where they were approved for submission to the congregation. The budgets were presented and adopted at the Congregation’s Annual Meeting on November 17th.Linda Branham continued her outstanding service as Congregational Treasurer. Thank you, Linda, for all your work in managing the day to day financial activities of the congregation.Actions by our pastor, committee chairpersons, council members, and other faithful members were also instrumental in optimizing and reducing expenditures throughout the year. The Finance & Stewardship Committee urges all members to pray that we will be able to meet any challenges which come before us in 2020. If we all work together, Mt. Olivet will continue to serve Christ for many years to come.Respectfully Submitted,Jerry Derrick Lutheran Men in MissionThe Lutheran Men’s group experienced another good year in 2019; however, we were saddened by the death of our friend and former Unit President, David Kroll. Our group normally meets on the first Monday evening of each month and shares a meal with WELCA. A business meeting with programs as scheduled follows the meal. We also enjoy the fellowship with other Lutheran Men’s Groups in the area at the Heartland Conference Quarterly Meetings. On February 16th at the SCLMM Convention, our unit was presented one of the twelve South Carolina Outstanding Unit Awards for 2018. This convention was held at Wittenberg Lutheran Church in Leesville and was attended by our President. A SCLMM Memorial Membership was also given during the year to recognize the Military Veterans of Mt. Olivet. Meetings in 2019 included programs on the following topics: Our 2019 Calendar, Operation InAsMuch, Project Reports, and the LMIM Unit Award Process. Pastor Charles Aurand, Pastor Karen Young, and Pastor Ralph Hill led LMIM and WELCA in Joint Bible Studies during February, June, and October. We also held planning sessions to prepare for Operation InAsMuch, Family Night, Lutheran Men’s Sunday, and Manger Scene Setup. During 2019 we participated in various projects including: Displaying the Lenten Crosses, supporting the Relay for Life yard sale for Operation InAsMuch, sponsoring Relay For Life luminaries, assisting Social Ministry with Lenten Meal and Funeral Meal/Receptions, barbequing chickens for Family Night, leading service for Lutheran Men’s Sunday, assisting the Youth in collecting nutritious snacks for the HUB VBS attendees, displaying the Manger Scene on the front lawn, and assisting WELCA in decorating the church and Christmon Tree. We also reached out into the community to construct an access ramp at the home of person who is facing health challenges. We were assisted with this project by Ard Pest Control and Boland’s Ace. Officers for 2020 will be Eddie Boozer, President; Robert Huff, Vice President; Gerald Edwards, Secretary; and Jerry Derrick, Treasurer. A current revision of our 2020 Calendar is posted on the Bulletin Board in the rear of the Narthex.We are proud of our service and are currently being considered for another Outstanding Unit Award. We strongly urge all men of the congregation to join us for fellowship, learning, and outreach. We have no required dues or contributions and fund our projects through free will offerings. In 2020 we will continue to seek ways to increase our group’s membership and improve its service! Respectfully submitted, Eddie Boozer, PresidentLutheran Men’s Treasurer ReportBEGINNING BALANCE 01-01-2019$1,004.11Receipts:Monthly Contributions$747.00Family Night$1,831.50Special Gifts$200.00Ramp Project Gift$250.00Memorial Gift$100.00Memorial Membership$35.00TOTAL RECEIPTS:$3,163.50Expenses:Lenten Meal$25.00Funeral Meal/Reception$70.00Relay for Life Luminaries$50.00Family Night Expenses$285.50Ramp Project Expenses$500.62WELCA (Family Night)$915.75SCLMM (Memorial Membership)$35.00SCLMM (2019 Fund Goals)$415.00We Care Christmas Project$100.00Member Memorial$50.00TOTAL EXPENSES:$2,446.87ENDING BALANCE 12-31-2019$1,720.74Respectfully Submitted,Jerry Derrick, TreasurerRelay for LifeAppreciation is expressed to each team member, survivor and caregiver during 2019. A special thanks to the team members for their commitment, dedication, and hard work that made 2019 Relay for Life such a great success!? Also, appreciation is expressed to the congregationfor all your support of our team by donating, purchasing luminary bags, and supporting our fundraisers. We raised $4,935. We look forward to 2020 being another successful year.? The 2020 Relay Cancer Walk will be held Saturday, May 2, 2020 from 6-10 pm at Crooked Creek Park. ? We need more team members!! We need all Survivors and Caregivers to register for the Relay.? The website is:? Again this year the emphasis is on having more luminary bags around the track.? You can purchaseseveral bags in honor or in memory of your loved ones.? Each one of us knows at least one or more person(s) that has or had cancer.? For a $10 donation, you can commemorate those people with a decorated luminary bag(s).? If you don't join our team, come out and walk with us or just enjoy the nights activities. We are walking for a "CURE"!!Relay for Life Fundraisers in 2020:Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper: Tuesday, February 25th at 6 pmIndoor Yard Sale: Date TBDOngoing Jewelry SalesBetty Jo AmickTeam CaptainSocial MinistryThe Social Ministry Committee provided the following services to our congregation in the year 2019:Provided cookies, coffee and juice between Sunday School and Worship Service. Coordinated the Bereavement Meal for the family of Yvonne Sternenberg prior to her Funeral Service on January 29th.Together with LMIM and WELCA, prepared the Cluster Lenten Meal prior to the Service on March 13th.Prepared snacks and drinks for the fellowship time following the service on March 31st., “Each One, Bring One” Sunday.Provided ice cream with toppings and lemonade for the fellowship time following the “Each One, Bring One” Sunday on June 30th.Provided the Bereavement Reception prior to the Memorial Service of David Kroll on July 6th.Prepared meals for the Parish Vacation Bible School, July 19th & 20th; also, provided sandwiches and salads following the Worship Service on July 21st.Coordinated the Homecoming Meal on September 15th. Special set-up and decorations for the event.Provided snacks and drinks for the fellowship time following the “Each One, Bring One” Sunday on September 29th.Together with WELCA, replaced the ficus trees in the Fellowship Building.Provided the Bereavement Reception following the Memorial Service of Eddie Simpson on November 23rd.Prepared the meal prior to the Pomaria Area Advent Worship Service on December 4th.Provided snacks and drinks for the fellowship time following the “Each One, Bring One” Sunday on December 29th.Thanks to each one of you for giving of your time and talents to make this a successful year. We strive to continue providing for the service needs of our congregation.Respectfully Submitted,Vicki Wheatley, ChairWomen of the ELCA (WELCA)-190500156210 Our SymbolCross, water, and the water lily identifies the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as children of God, baptized, forgiven, and adopted into God’s family. It is a reminder of the growth, beauty, and vitality that rises out of life-giving baptismal water. It is also a reminder of the mission of the church to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Mathew 28:19).The NameMt. Olivet Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America(WELCA).Purpose StatementAs a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing, and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.One Mission, Three Mission AreasCommunity, Growth, and Action---our three mission areas are at the heart of the ministry of Women of the ELCA. These three mission areas unite us in our one mission: To mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.OfferingsA Regular offering is received at each monthly meeting. A budgeted amount of the offeringIs sent to the SC Synodical Unit and the balance is used to carry on the work of our own unit.A JOY offering is received twice a year---usually in May and November. All of this offering is sent to the SC Synodical Unit to help support specific ministries of the ELCA.The Sunshine offering is used in our own organization to cheer hospitalized WELCA members, whether with a flower or a gift.MembersWELCA welcomes any woman and invites all women of the church to join our group. We all work together to serve our church, community, and world. We now meet on the 1st Monday night of each month unless it falls on a holiday, at 6:00 p.m. with our business meeting followed by the meal with the Lutheran Men.2020 Officers:President: Betty Jo AmickVice-President: Linda AmickSecretary: Vicki WheatleyTreasurer: Sheila HuffCongregational Committee: Gretchen Boland, Chair; Marian Eleazer; Sheila HuffProgram Committee: Vicki Wheatley, Betty Jo Amick, Linda AmickGoals and Projects for 2020: Remember members of the congregation who are 75 years and older with a Birthday card. Remember members of the congregation who are hospitalized with a get well card or phone call.Remember members of the congregation when there is a death in the family with a sympathy card.Remember members of the congregation who are 75 years or older during the Annual Homecoming Service.Remember members of the congregation who are 75 years or older with a small Christmas gift.Lead the worship service on WELCA Sunday.Write article for the monthly newsletter.Donate to a specific ministry during the year.Promote World Hunger Appeal.Contribute to a special Christmas project.Sponsor a Spring/Summer Church Cleaning Day: Friday, March 20th after FACESContribute to the Lenten Meal, as necessary, when hosted by our Church.Proposed Programs and Activities for 2020:January 6: Installation of OfficersFebruary 3: Bible Study inviting LMM/Canned Goods Collection for WE CAREMarch 2: Attend the World Day of Prayer Service on March 6th April 6: Participate in service opportunity (Operation Inasmuch); Work on Convention responsibilitiesMay 4: Joy offering program; collect items for SC WELCA Convention project. June 1: Cook WELCA/LLM MealJune 12-13:SC WELCA Convention at St. Phillips, NewberryJuly 6: Ministry project to benefit designated groupAugust 22: Sponsor Family Night with Lutheran MenSept 14: Sponsor World Hunger Appeal, Honor Golden Agers on Homecoming Sunday, September 20th, and attend Heartland Fall ConferenceMeeting October 5: WELCA Sunday on October 18 and Bible Study with LLMNov 2: JOY Offering Program and Executive meetingNov 29: Christmas luncheon and decorate Church and Chrismon treeWhat WELCA Has Done In 2019The theme of the 2019 SC WELCA convention was from Hebrews 4:16, stating “Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need”. This scripture was brought to light in the overwhelming collections of filled backpacks for the Lighthouse for Life. Our WELCA circle collected and donated 13 Freedom Bags to the convention project. In February, we participated in a Bible study with Lutheran Men. WELCA purchased one of the two artificial trees in the Parish building. For Operation Inasmuch we sent furniture and baby items left from the Relay for life yard sale to Lutheran Services of the Carolinas for the refugee families. With the JOY offering program we 2 pigs and 10 chicks through the ELCA Good Gifts. WELCA along with Lutheran Men sponsored the Annual Family Night BBQ in August. The group, “God’s Toolbox” was the entertainment. In September, we honored the Golden Agers at Homecoming. The Heartland Fall Conference meeting was attended and plans were being made for the convention as Heartland Conference is the host. In October, we lead the worship service on WELCA Sunday. In November, plans were made for the projects, programs and activities for 2020. The JOY offering was collected and used to purchase 2 solar lanterns and 4 mosquito nets from the ELCA Good Gifts program. WELCA sponsored the Congregational Christmas luncheon on the first Sunday in December. After the luncheon, we returned in to the church to decorate the Chrismon tree and the church. A monetary donation was given to the Chapin WE CARE center for the holidays. Christmas gifts were distributed to our Golden Agers. Thanks to the congregation for all your support. We give God the Glory for another year to serve Him and our fellow men and women. All ladies of Mt. Olivet come join us, our group is small, but we can make a difference!Peace Be With You,Betty Jo Amick2019 WELCA TREASURER REPORTSubmitted by Sheila Huff, Treasurer20192020 ProposedSynodical$200.00$200.00Local:Administrative$188.00$210.00Service Opportunities$960.59$1000.00TOTALS:$1,348.59$1,410.00REGULAR ACCOUNTBalance on hand January 1, 2019$515.87 Disbursements:Synodical$200.00Administrative$188.00Convention Offering$50.00Convention Registration$128.00Heartland Conference Dues$10.00Service$960.59American Cancer Society$50.00Lenten Meal$24.55LM/WELCA Meal$52.86Funeral Meals$20.05Heartland Conf. Project$50.00Family Night BBQ$137.49Golden Agers Sunday$58.96WELCA Project – Silk Ficus$87.48Joy Offering$170.00Memorials$25.00WELCA Project-WeCare$100.00Golden Agers Christmas Gifts$73.57Total Disbursements:$1,348.59 Offerings:Regular$836.00Joy Offering$170.00Family Night BBQ$915.75Total Offerings:$1,921.75Balance on Hand December 31, 2019$1,089.03Worship and Music CommitteeThe Worship and Music Committee annually compiles the Flower Chart, Communion Dates, Joint Services, Communion Assistants, Lectors, Ushers and Counters. The choir works throughout the year to provide vocal music for the congregation. Linda Amick serves as Organist and Director of Music. Special thanks to the members who volunteered to donate flowers and to serve in the various service roles. Your time and talents in assisting with the service of worship during 2019 was invaluable. As a Committee we look forward to providing another successful year of worship for the members of Mt. Olivet and the Peak Springhill Parish.Respectfully submitted,Linda Amick, Director of MusicMT. OLIVET BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIESJANUARYBirthdaysBaptismsAnniversaries2Charles Munn, Jr.7Brad Carr8Susan Clements13Michael & Sherry Powers15Danny CaudlePalmer Wheatley17Travis Amick20Kaitlin OchoaAllison Talbot25Kristie Benton28Albert Amick29Robert Eargle31Gretchen BolandBrenda CarrFEBRUARYBirthdaysBaptismsAnniversaries4 Gene & Gretchen Boland10Robert Huff13Christina BranhamMyrna Ragsdale14Betty Jo AmickGlenn Amick16Janet Caudle17Brad Carr18Sam & Debra Barrett20Sam Barrett24Mike Sellers25Toni Amick28Linda AmickMT. OLIVET BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIESMARCHBirthdaysBaptismsAnniversaries5Faye AmickIrma Edwards7 Gerald & Wanda Edwards11Hazel Caudle14Jessica HarrellChristilyn PowersTara Thomas 15Daniel Clements16 Palmer & Vicki Wheatley18Camryn ClementsBrayden Pittman 20Troy BranhamGerald EdwardsGretchen Boland21Debra BarrettMargie BranhamPete CarrAnna ShealyRichard & Denise Amick23 Marcia & Bill Ellerman29E.J. Talbot31B.J. BruceLee KnopfMT. OLIVET BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIESAPRILBirthdaysBaptismsAnniversaries1 Dannie Amick5 Betty Jo Amick6 Beth BoneyRobert & Sheila Huff7 Breana Amick11Billy AmickDonald Shealy12 Margie Branham13Jason AmickKayla Gardner17 Kirsten Kaminer18Dot ShealyBrenda CarrGerald Edwards19Ashelyn Ariail21Calvin Eargle23Janice ComptonJesse OchoaVicki Wheatley 24Chase Sternenberg25Marcia EllermanMonroe & Frankie Shealy26Brayden Pittman27Jane Amick29Robin BartschJackie Powers30Randy SternenbergMT. OLIVET BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIESMAYBirthdaysBaptismsAnniversaries1Joshua PorterAnna Sellers 3Nathan & Jessica Harrell4Mary Ann Gable 5Whitney Satterfield6Trey Simpson9Scott EargleTim MorrisChristina Branham10Vernell Bundrick11Beth CumalanderTeddie Thomas12Cathy Amick13Kirsten KaminerMonroe ShealyRay & Sonja Carnaggio14 Clyde Reeves Davis & Kristen Kaminer18 Ashelyn Ariail20Pam AmickAshley Ochoa21William & Lee Knopf24Tony Ard 25 Troy & Margie Branham31 Wes ClementsTim & Hope MorrisJUNEBirthdaysBaptismsAnniversaries1Jerry Derrick 3Donna Stinman5William Knopf6 Jack Powers9 Donald & Dot Shealy12Ray Carnaggio14 Mattie Powers15Sheila HuffWanda GardnerMary Ann GableJackie Powers17Carl Ray Barrett 20 Christilyn PowersJoe & Terri Anderson HorecnyAndy & Kristie Benton23 Daniel & Heather Powers25Gene Boland Skylar & Whitney Satterfield27 F.L. & Linda Branham29Mark Bartsch Keith & Kim AriailMT. OLIVET BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIESJULYBirthdaysBaptismsAnniversaries1Michael Bundrick6Carroll AmickAlice EargleE.J. & Allison Talbot7Jason Morris8Brady Branham10Joe Zeigler14Sandra Kroll15David Morris17Angel Powers22Linda Branham24Gene & Tammy Kelly26Lucille Meetze30Glenn AmickSandra Hughes31Adam BoozerAUGUSTBirthdaysBaptismsAnniversaries1Shannon Powers2Aidan ArdKenlee Ard8Mattie Powers9Robert Rowe10Ashley Ochoa11Liam KnopfDan & Hazel Caudle15 Charles & Beverly Aurand16Wes Clements17F.L. Branham18Taylor Thomas19Kim AriailSheila Huff20Allie Anderson-HorecnyZoie Anderson- HorecnyAllie Anderson-HorecnyZoie Anderson-Horecny23Beverly Aurand24Betty AmickAllison Talbot25Joseph Ochoa27Samantha Benton28Frankie Shealy30Teri Anderson-HorecnyMT. OLIVET BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIESSEPTEMBERBirthdaysBaptismsAnniversaries3Tammy Kelly5Emily Sellers8Susan & Daniel Clements12Margaret Zeigler13Diane Price16Sandra Hughes17Lindsay Boozer18 Kim Ariail22 Tom & Linda Porter23Linda AmickCalvin & Sharon Eargle25Nathan KoonBunyan & Vernell Bundrick26Sharon EargleAllison Gonzalez 2830Wanda EdwardsRiley PowersOCTOBERBirthdaysBaptismsAnniversaries2Jack Powers9Beverly Aurand 10Eddie BoozerMary Branham11Marie Barrett13Brady Branham15Justin Gable16Daniel Powers18Richard AmickOwen CumalanderTravis & Lauren Amick20Faye HaltiwangerJesse & Ashley Ochoa28Franklin Powers29Melvin EleazerMT. OLIVET BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIESNOVEMBERBirthdaysBaptismsAnniversaries3Betsy ArdJoseph Ochoa4Heather PowersAlbert & Betty Jo Amick6Aidan ArdKenlee Ard10Breana Amick 11Pete & Brenda CarrClyde & Vivian Reeves15 Liam Knopf James & Mary Ann Gable16 Linda Branham17Vivian Reeves23 Robin Bartsch25Linda Porter Stephanie Thomas 26Joe HorecnyMary Branham27Peggy Amick 30Scott AmickStephanie & Teddie ThomasDECEMBERBirthdaysBaptismsAnniversaries2 Samantha Benton3Albert AmickMike & Anna Sellers5Debbie SimpsonMark & Robin Bartsch6 Justin Gable7 Glenn & Linda Amick8 Billy & Sheila Amick10Gene Kelly14Lester Amick15 Tony & Betsy Ard17Lucas AmickSonja Carnaggio18Marian EleazerJoe & Margaret Zeigler22Carroll & Jane AmickOwen & Beth Cumalander24Robert HuffBetsy ArdTroy Branham26Jason Morris27McKiley Ford28Bunyan BundrickBetty Jo RoweMT. OLIVET CHURCH MEMBER DIRECTORY*Denotes Confirmed/Communing/Contributing members^Denotes Baptized membersNAMEADDRESSTELEPHONE/EMAILAmick, Albert* Amick, Betty Jo*1208 Jake Eargle RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-345-5060803-315-5174 (Betty Jo Cell)803-442-3187 (Albert Cell)ABJAmick72@Amick, Betty*1233 Mary Sites RoadChapin, SC 20936803-345-1866Amick, Billy Amick, Sheila108 Sharon StreetCheraw, SC 29520843-537-5796wamick@Amick, Carroll* Amick, Jane* ~Lucas222 Joe Free RoadChapin, SC 29036803-781-7615Camick6@sc.amick222@sc.Amick, Cathy9 Garrington CourtChapin, SC 29063803-345-9838Amick, Faye* The Heritage at LowmanRoom 212PO Box 444White Rock, SC 29177Amick, Glenn*Amick, Linda*145 Uldeen Sites RoadIrmo, SC 29063803-345-2491803-606-5391 (cell)lmamick@ Amick, Peggy ~Pam631 Sid Bickley RoadChapin, SC 29036Amick, Lester ~Toni ~ScottPO Box 788Chapin, SC 29036Amick, RichardAmick, Denise ~Jason ~Breana*1231 Mary Sites RoadChapin, SC 20936Amick, Travis *Amick, Lauren* ~Taylor^ ~Dannie^230 Whitby CircleIrmo, SC 29063Ard, Tony*Ard, Betsy* ~Aidan^ ~Kenlee^3549 Kennerly RoadIrmo, SC 29063803-920-5548 (Betsy)803-420-4905 (Tony)Garnetgirl72@anthonyard@ Ariail, Kim Ariail, Keith ~Ashelyn1213 R. Stoudemayer RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-932-9670KSAriail@Aurand, Beverly*Aurand, Charles1707 Clarkson AvenueNewberry, SC 29108803-271-3412bjraurand@ Barrett, Carl RayBarrett, Marie29581 Lake DriveMcCloud, OK 74851Barrett, Sam*Barrett, Debra*2157 Old Hilton RoadChapin, SC 29036803-345-2687samdebra@ Bartsch, MarkBartsch, Robin* ~Bruce, B.J.2241 Chapin RoadChapin, SC 29036803-345-7761Benton, KristieBenton, Andy ~Samantha1050 Windsong Bay LaneTega Cay, SC 29708803-396-8621KBenton@ Boland, Gene*Boland, Gretchen*11944 Broad River RoadChapin, SC 29036803-945-0015BolandGG@ Boney, Beth*1350 Wash Lever RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-446-0258Boozer, Adam ~Zack^1233 Mike Stuck RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-345-2535803-807-6032 cellBoozer20002907@Boozer, Eddie* Malik, Maggie404 Arrowwood RoadColumbia, SC 29210803-665-0405boozeref@mmalik0405@Branham, BradyPO Box 551Chapin, SC 29036Bbranham1974@ Branham, F.L.* Branham, Linda*11695 Broad River RoadChapin, SC 29036803-345-3594803-920-9579Branham123@Branham, TroyBranham, Margie* ~Christina ~Mary230 Mt. Olivet Church RoadChapin, SC 29036803-546-3454henryleeb@ Bundrick, Bunyan*Bundrick, Vernell*2247 Chapin RoadChapin, SC 29036803-345-3451803-518-7253 (Bunyan Cell)803-518-7267 (Vernell Cell)VernellBundrick@Bundrick, Michael 160 Covington DriveChapin, SC 29036803-920-5104Cameron, Vivian*833 Haltiwanger RoadChapin, SC 29036 Viviancam1@Carnaggio, Sonja*Carnaggio, Ray ~Pittman, Brayden1133 Jake Eargle RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-238-3935 (Ray)803-528-6181 (Sonja)SECarnaggio@ Carr, Pete Carr, Brenda ~Brad1237 Mary Sites RoadChapin, SC 29036Carson, Marty*Carson, Ingrid*101 Wittenberg DriveChapin, SC 29036803-331-7343 (Ingrid)803-231-9780 (Marty)ingridcarson2@mcarson@ Caudle, Dan*Caudle, Hazel*204 Parkside RoadLexington, SC 29072803-399-1497Djchac1973@ Caudle, Janet* ~Ford, McKiley^103 Bradstone RoadIrmo, SC 29063JAII_ford2@ Clements, Daniel Clements, Susan ~Wes1543 Wash Lever RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075IrmoSCCR@ Clements, Camryn1543 Wash Lever RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-760-9267irmosccr@ Compton, Janice937 Bryon PlaceColumbia, SC 29209803-776-7253Cumalander, OwenCumalander, Beth*132 Elsie CourtWest Columbia, SC 29172803-755-1131Ocbc1222@ Derrick, Jerry*1270 Lazy Creek CourtChapin, SC 29036803-345-2774JDerrick9@sc.Eargle, Alice*192 Sid Eargle RoadIrmo, SC 29063803-345-3432Eargle, Calvin*Eargle, Sharon* ~Scott196 Sid Eargle RoadIrmo, SC 29063803-397-5077SEargle@ Eargle, MichaelOld Hilton RoadChapin, SC 29036803-345-2053Eargle, Robert*521 S. StevensonOlathes, KS 66061913-782-5653Edwards, Irma*11832 Broad River RoadChapin, SC 29036Edwards, Gerald*Edwards, Wanda*2022 Island TrailChapin, SC 29036803-932-7132WME93054@ge8367725@ Eleazer, Marian*106 Deptford RoadColumbia, SC 29212803-781-6096MKEleazer@Ellerman, Marcia*112 Shillingford RoadIrmo, SC 29063803-749-6889marciaellerman@ Gable, Mary Ann Gable, James125 Jacquelyn Powers CircleIrmo, SC 29063803-345-9193Gable, JustinGable, Shelley ~Lilly^228 Heatherwood CircleIrmo, SC 29063Gardner, Wanda* ~Kayla*1345 Old Hilton RoadChapin, SC 29036Garrett, Mary105 Hearthwood CircleIrmo, SC 29063803-446-0944Marygarrett1945@Gonzalez, Allison Porter1110 Pet Sites RoadChapin, SC 29036Haltiwanger, Faye 1520 Wash Lever RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-760-5081Harrell, Jessica Harrell, Nathan ~Margaret ~GavinHorecny, Joe Horecny, Teri Anderson ~Zoie ~Allie125 Driftwood RoadChapin, SC 29036803-749-1843TJAZ125@ Huff, Robert*Huff, Sheila*1342 Wash Lever RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-206-3762 cell (Robert)803-206-3744 cell (Sheila)roberthuff1@ huffsheila2@ Hughes, Sandra*3548 Kennerly RoadIrmo, SC 20963803-345-2567Sanandtal@ Kaminer, Kirsten 4 Forest Walk CourtIrmo, SC 29063Kirstens3@ Kelly, Gene *Kelly, Tammy*PO Box 84572Lexington, SC 29073Kinard, Cody1011 George Eargle RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-945-4889Knopf, WilliamKnopf, Lee* ~Liam^431 Crawley LaneChapin, SC 29036803-513-1918 (William)803-608-7172 (Lee)williamknopf@marylee.knopf@ Koon, Nathan406 Foxhall RoadLexington, SC 29073Kroll, Sandra*2150 Cordova AvenueVero Beach, FL 32960772-774-8320803-397-9336 Krollbear@ Martonen, Rosalind803-422-1996Meetze, Lucille*124 Owens Lowman RoadIrmo, SC 29063803-479-6542Moore, Sara ~Mace, Mikee ~Mace, HaleighMorris, DavidMorris, Jason*PO Box 63Sunset, SC 29685Morris, TimMorris, Hope395 North Church StreetSwansea, SC 29106Munn, Jr., CharlesPO Box 5443Ft. McClellan, AL 36205BubbaMunn@ Ochoa, Ashley Ochoa, Jesse ~Kaitlin ~Joseph3559 Kennerly RoadIrmo, SC 29063803-724-4442803-873-8775 (Ashley)803-414-3195 (Jesse)10scgirl@ (Kaitlin)Porter, Linda Porter,Tom 1110 Pet Sites RoadChapin, SC 29036803-345-1948Lpporter22@Porter, Joshua600 Sunset Maple CtFountain Inn, SC 29644Powers, Daniel Powers, Heather ~Natalie^ ~Riley^22 Market Hall CourtIrmo, SC 29063Powers, Franklin*Powers, Susan* ~Angel1101 Hopewell Church RoadIrmo, SC 29063803-345-9861Powers, Jack*1017 Sid Sites RoadIrmo, SC 29063803-345-1659Powers, Jackie* ~Mattie^ ~Christilyn^133 Jacqueline Powers CircleIrmo, SC 29063803-807-6871Jacquelyn_Powers@ Powers, Michael*Powers, Sherry*1005 Sid Sites RoadIrmo, SC 29063803-345-3063Powers, Shannon -Kosten -Paxton116 Quail Creek DriveWest Columbia, SC 29169itsshanners@Price, Diane11724 Broad River RoadChapin, SC 29036Ragsdale, Myrna*337 Stamford Bridge RoadColumbia, SC 29212803-781-3168Reeves, Clyde*Reeves, Vivian*624 Cloverview RdChapin, SC 29036803-608-4333clyde.reeves@ Rowe, Betty Jo*1319 Old Hilton RoadChapin, SC 29036 Rowe, Robert1368 Muddy Ford RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-345-1176Satterfield, Whitney111 Jacquelyn Powers CircleIrmo, SC 29063Sellers, Michael*Sellers, Anna* ~Emily120 Breckenwood TrailIrmo, SC 29063803-260-0070 (Anna)803-465-4515 (Mike)803-661-2767 (Emily)mfsellers120@emilysellers1997@ hunley01@ Shealy, Anna1010 Carrie Shealy RoadIrmo, SC 29063803-345-0323Shealy, Don*Shealy, Dot*1326 Nunamaker DriveColumbia, SC 29210803-772-1167Shealy, Monroe*Shealy, Frankie*1540 Pet Sites RoadChapin, SC 20936803-345-5648Simpson, Debbie*36 Hunting Inc. RoadCamden, SC 29020803-713-8235Sternenberg, Randy143 Hamilton Park DriveIrmo, SC 29063Stinman, Donna1508 Churchill Downs DriveWalhaw, NC 28173704-843-5755Talbot, AlisonTalbot, E.J.2147 Heath Pond RoadElgin, SC 29045803-438-9496Thomas, StephanieThomas, Teddie ~Taylor ~Tara3102 Kennerly RoadIrmo, SC 29063803-665-0787Wheatley, Palmer*Wheatley, Vicki*120 Amy’s PointChapin, SC 29036803-345-5093VWheatley@sc.PWheatley@sc.Zeigler, Joe*Zeigler, Margaret*151 Heidelberg CircleChapin, SC 29036803-732-9648MHZeigler12@ ASSOCIATE MEMBERSNAMEADDRESSTELEPHONE/EMAILAmick, Dr. Jeremy Amick, Angela16600 Cobbler DriveMidland, NC 28107336-692-3036 cellBallard, Father Richard Ballard, Ruth3 Terra LaneGreenville, SC 29615864-404-0205 cellrichardballard@ Rose, Nell*2920 Good HopeWinston Salem, NC 27106336-978-6958 cellnellrose@MT. HERMON CHURCH MEMBER DIRECTORY*Denotes Confirmed/Communing/Contributing members^Denotes Baptized membersNAMEADDRESSTELEPHONE/EMAILAltman, CarolineP. O. Box 63Peak, SC 29122803-528-0747Altman, John*P. O. Box 63Peak, SC 29122803-528-0745johnaltman@Ariail, Bob*Ariail, Margaret*1208 Mayer RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-945-9936803-260-3780 (Margaret’s cell)803-360-4910 (Bob’s cell)ariailr@Ariail, Chris Ariail, Amanda511 Seabreeze DriveMurrells Inlet, SC 29576chris.ariail@Ariail, Stephen128 Arber Springs Dr.Irmo, SC 29063stephen.ariail@Aurand, Beverly* & Charles1707 Clarkson Ave.Newberry ,SC 29108-3925803-271-3412 (cell)bjraurand@Baskins, Judith AllisonPO Box 71Peak, SC 29122803-345-5405judy.baskins@Bates, Paul Bates, Bonnie1434 Long RoadProsperity, SC 29127803-397-3839junkman543@ wndyknoll@onyxcd@Baxley, DeniseSeattle, WA803-491-8011Canon, Jack*P. O. Box 25Peak, SC 29122803-345-2787jandlcanon@Chastain, Leon*Chastain, Judy*2123 Clark RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075345-3427Counts, Jimmy1715 Dominick AvenueNewberry, SC 29108276-8664Dixon, Betty Ariail* Tred300 Firebridge DriveChapin, SC 29036528-5699bettyad@Drummond, Sylvia*Bryan Nursing Care Center3514 Sidney RoadColumbia, SC 29210Dyches, Dal*Dyches, Mary Jo*Dyches, Joanna452 Rocky Ramp DriveChapin, SC 29036803-345-2080 (home)803-345-1707 (work)803-422-9121 (Mary Jo’s cell)803-603-4366 (Dal’s cell)803-465-3663 (Joanna’s cell)daltondyches@jedyches@ (Joanna)Dyches, Mary Margaret452 Rocky Ramp DriveChapin, SC 29036803-465-5701(cell)Carolinagirl10210@Ellisor, Lonnie* Jeremy Rustin Brooke325 Olin Slice RoadChapin, SC 29036345-2397Ellisor, Ola Mae*331 Olin Slice RoadChapin, SC 29036345-2397920-7771 (cell)Frick, Evelyn*1700 Mike Stuck RoadLittle Mountain SC 29075945-7641Frick, Russell1700 Mike Stuck RoadLittle Mountain SC 29075Havird, Kathy*210 Mayer RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075345-2529 (home)Kitchen, Shane*Kitchen, Amy*Kitchen, Wallace*Kitchen, Davy^586 Lon Stoudemire TrailLittle Mountain, SC 29075 803-271-6035 (Amy’s cell)803-271-6034 (Shane’s cell)803-944-6439 (Wallace’s cell)Amy: dskask@ Shane: skitchen@neso.Lindler, Andrea1229 R. Stoudemayer RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-603-0040AndreaR1128@Lindler, Stanley*Lindler, Renee1229 R. Stoudemayer RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-932-7643803-603-4482 (Stanley’s cell)StanleyLindler@Mars, Laura Summer Bennett Zander12236 Broad River RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075345-9497Mattox, Anne*1815 Mike Stuck RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075Mailing Address:PO Box 27Peak, SC 29122803-345-9668803-296-1407 (Anne’s cell)annemattox@Palmer, Tom*Palmer, Cindy*1121 Burdell Fuller RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-361-4418 (Tom)803-361-4419 (Cindy)thbilly@Pinner, Ben* James^ Charlie^ Madelyn^2093 Wash Lever RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-271-4401bcpinner@Pinner, Carroll*Pinner, Dinah*P. O. Box 56Peak, SC 29122803-945-7475803-920-3463 (Dinah cell)mkpinner@Pinner, Davis*P. O. Box 85Peak, SC 29122803-924-4240davispinner@Pinner, Mary Ellen (“Mimi”)*Grunwald, DougP. O. Box 60Tybee Island, GA 31328912-484-1807mimipinner@Pinner, EmilyCharleston, SCPinner, MikePinner, Jean PO Box 104Peak, SC 29122345-1525Price, David*Price, Elaine*2029 Mike Stuck RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-345-1847803-206-6572 (David’s cell)803-206-6568 (Elaine’s cell)playinhookyii@Richardson, Anna Sheely1229 Teal AveCharleston, SC 29412843-762-6013arichardson@Shealy, CalvinPO Box 33Peak, SC 29122945-7565Smith, H.J. (Joe)*PO Box 39Peak, SC 29122945-7313 (home)345-1707, 945-7923 (work)Stoudemayer, Eleanor*1224 R. Stoudemayer RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075Mailing Address:P. O. Box 28Peak, SC 29122803-932-1224 (Peak house)803-530-0601 (cell)828-675-4958 (mountain house)estoudemayer@Stoudemire, Lonnie*Stoudemire, Ruth*4648 SC Highway 34Pomaria, SC 29126803-276-1106803-924-4834 (cell)lonnie289@Summer, Annie Laura*12216 Broad River RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075345-5671530-9918 (cell)Summer, Marjorie*1125 R. Stoudemayer RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-345-2058summermw@Summer, James*Summer, Kim* Georgia1809 Mike Stuck RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075 803-345-1005kimsummer@ kgsummer@Swygert, ButchSwygert, MerriWessinger, Andy* Dylan Gabrielle (Gabbie)205 R. Stoudemayer RoadLittle Mountain, SC 29075803-605-5367 (cell)andywessinger@ ................

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