Electronic Voting System

Electronic Voting System


Version 0.21.0

Revision History

|Date |Version |Description |Author |

|20/Oct/06 |0.1 |Initial Draft |McElrath, Marc |

| | | |Moloche, Samuel |

| | | |Morris, Patrick |

| | | |Murphy, Kenn |

| | | |Roman, Victor |

| | | |Slomka, Mikolaj |

|23/Oct/06 |0.2 |Hefty revisions following peer review. |McElrath, Marc |

| | |Significant formatting changes. |Moloche, Samuel |

| | | |Morris, Patrick |

| | | |Murphy, Kenn |

| | | |Roman, Victor |

| | | |Slomka, Mikolaj |

|11/Dec/06 |1.0 |Minor revisions following software design document|McElrath, Marc |

| | |creation. Corrections to formatting. |Moloche, Samuel |

| | | |Morris, Patrick |

| | | |Murphy, Kenn |

| | | |Roman, Victor |

| | | |Slomka, Mikolaj |

|  |  |  |  |

| | | | |

|Date |Version |Description |Author(s) |

|10/20/06 |0.1 |Initial Draft |McElrath, Marc |

| | | |Moloche, Samuel |

| | | |Morris, Patrick |

| | | |Murphy, Kenn |

| | | |Roman, Victor |

| | | |Slomka, Mikolaj |

|10/23/06 |0.2 |Hefty revisions following Peer Review. |McElrath, Marc |

| | |Significant formatting changes. |Moloche, Samuel |

| | | |Morris, Patrick |

| | | |Murphy, Kenn |

| | | |Roman, Victor |

| | | |Slomka, Mikolaj |

|  |  |  |  |

|  |  |  |  |

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 4

1.1 Purpose 4

1.2 Scope 4

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 4

1.4 References 4

2. Product Features 5

2.1 Logon 5

2.2 Vote 5

2.3 Cast Vote 5

2.4 Print Audit Trail 5

2.5 View Vote Information 5

2.6 Secure Maintenance Mode 5

3. Constraints 5

4. Quality Ranges 5

5. Precedence and Priority 6

6. Other Product Requirements 6

6.1 Platform Requirements 6

6.2 Performance Requirements 6

7. Documentation Requirements 6

7.1 User Manual 6

7.2 Online Help 6

7.3 Installation Guides, Configuration, and Read Me Files 6

7.4 Labeling and Packaging 6


1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to define the high level requirements of the “Electronic Voting System” software in terms of the needs of the end users.

1.2 Scope

This Vision Document applies only to the “Electronic Voting System” software. The program will be designed to run as a stand-alone application on a dedicated voting unit.

The “Electronic Voting System” software will enable the user to cast a vote in a secure fashion, print an audit trail, and look up relevant vote information. The “Electronic Voting System” software will also allow system administrators to add, modify or remove content as needed.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

The following is a list of terms, acronyms and abbreviations used by the “Electronic Voting System” software package and related documentation.

Admin: An administrator.

Audit Trail: A step-by-step record of choices made on a given ballot to facilitate accurate, manual recounts.

Ballot: A round of voting, or the particular record of a voter’s choices.

Candidate: A person who seeks or is nominated for an office.

Cast: The process by which one votes.

Database: A collection of data arranged for ease and speed of retrieval or search.

Election: The selection of a person or persons for office by vote, or a public vote on a proposed submittal.

Electorate: The body of persons enlisted to vote in an election.

Initiative: A publicly proposed statute, constitutional amendment, or ordinance to be voted upon for adoption.

Jurisdiction: The territory over which an election occurs.

Poll: The place where votes are taken.

Referendum: A measure proposed or passed by a legislative body to the vote of the electorate for approval or rejection.

Tabulate: To count votes.

Voter: One who votes, a member of the electorate, or a citizen with the right to vote.

The following is a list of terms, acronyms and abbreviations used by the “Electronic Voting System” software.

Audit Trail: A step-by-step record of choices made on a given ballot to facilitate accurate, manual recounts.

Ballot: A round of voting, or the particular record of a voter’s choices.

Candidate: A person who seeks or is nominated for an office.

Cast: The process by which one votes.

Election: The selection of a person or persons for office by vote, or a public vote on a proposed submittal.

Electorate: The body of persons enlisted to vote in an election.

Initiative: A publicly proposed statute, constitutional amendment, or ordinance to be voted upon for adoption

Jurisdiction: The territory over which an election occurs.

Poll: The place where votes are taken.

Referendum: A measure proposed or passed by a legislative body to the vote of the electorate for approval or rejection.

Tabulate: To count votes.

1.4 References


2. Product Features

1. Logon

Voters shall provide a valid government issued ID for entry into the voting system. The user’s information will be verified and the system will determine if they are eligible to vote.

Administrators shall provide a system access ID for entry into the voting system’s secure maintenance mode.

2. Vote

The “Electronic Voting System” software shall present the voter with a series of displays, each representing a single ballot item and available voting options. The voter shall be able to chose from amongst the given options and then proceed to the next item. Upon reaching the end of the ballot, the voter shall be given the choice to either review their choices or record their vote.

2.3 Cast Vote

The "Electronic Voting System" software shall submit the voter's final selections for each ballot item, allowing these selections to be tabulated in a secure fashion. Once the vote has been cast, any record of activity shall be cleared from the "Electronic Voting System" software.

2.4 Print Audit Trail

The “Electronic Voting System” software shall print a copy of the voter’s choices for each ballot item.

2.5 View Vote Information

The “Electronic Voting System” software shall display a brief synopsis of any ballot item upon voter request.

2.6 Secure Maintenance Mode

The “Electronic Voting System” software shall enter a secure update mode to enable updating of the ballot information upon system administrator login. Administrators shall be able to add, modify or delete ballots and ballot items as needed.

3. Constraints

The following constraints apply to the “Electronic Voting System” software:

• A voter may only cast a ballot if they are eligible to vote.

• A voter may only cast one (1) ballot per election.

• All stored data pertaining to the voter’s ballot choices shall be encrypted.

• The system shall only have the ability to write vote data.

• Ballot information cannot be changed once a vote has been cast.

• Once vote data has been recorded, it shall not be overwritten.

4. Quality Ranges


• The system shall be available for voter use only during normal poll operation times.

• Secure maintenance mode shall have 24 hour access.


• The system’s user interface shall be ADA compliant and otherwise easy to use for the general electorate.

• The system shall include online help for the user.

Fault Tolerance: The system shall not allow users to choose two (2) different options for any single ballot question.

Supportability: The system shall be designed for easy maintenance and election specific updates.

5. Precedence and Priority

During system development, priority shall be given to:

• The basic functionality as described, voting.

• Preservation of the integrity of the vote.

• Preservation of the integrity of the paper trail.

6. Other Product Requirements

6.1 Platform Requirements

The “Electronic Voting System” software shall run on a dedicated voting machine platform.

6.2 Performance Requirements

The “Electronic Voting System” software shall perform all functions with minimal delay from the time of the initial request.

7. Documentation Requirements

7.1 User Manual

Two distinct user manuals shall be provided, describing the usage and basic operations of the system from the perspective of either the voter or the system administrator.

7.2 Online help

Online help shall be available to the users for each system function. Electronic access to the complete user manual shall also be provided.

7.3 Installation Guides, Configuration, and Read Me File

An installation guide shall be included as an appendix in the system administrator’s User Manual.

7.4 Labeling and Packaging



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