Cold calls and texts - Filtering Coffee, Not People

-114300-22860000Oldham Drive Lunch & Learn Being Safe Session 8Phone scams, cold calls and nuisance texts1Phone scamsPhone scams are on the rise and are a common way to con people out of their money. Nearly ?24m was lost to phone scams in 2014, which was treble the amount in 2013, according to Financial Fraud Action UK.What if you fall victim to a scamFraudsters are constantly finding new ways to trick people – anyone can be a victim of a scam and you shouldn’t feel embarrassed about reporting it. Your report could help to ensure that other people don’t become victims of the same scam.Contact Action Fraud if you think you’ve been scammed. You can report to them on their website or via their helpline, and get advice on what to do and how to protect yourself from scams.If you’re concerned about whether a scheme or offer is legal, contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service for advice.Use Google to find the contact details for:Action FraudCitizens AdviceNot only are phone scams a real problem, but many people also suffer from?cold calls, such as unsolicited sales calls, which can feel pushy and intrusive too.It's sometimes difficult to work out when a call is a scam or simply a cold call. 2Cold calls and texts Cold?calls and text messages can be annoying, frustrating and even frightening.They may take the form of automated messages relating to insurance, or involve a caller asking you to complete a household survey. Other types of cold calls may include sales calls or even silent callers who don’t say anything.Increasingly people are also receiving unsolicited text messages to their mobile phones which are selling products or advertising special offers.What type of subjects do cold callers usually call about?3How to protect yourselfThere are some simple things that you can do to protect yourself if you get a cold call.Register with the Telephone Preference Service – it's free and it allows you to opt out of any unsolicited live telesales calls. You can register your landline and your mobile phone. To register your mobile phone text 'TPS' and your email address to 78070.If someone rings you and asks for financial information over the phone such as your account details or PIN number, don’t provide it.Talk to your phone provider to see what privacy services and call-blocking services are available, although be aware, you may need to pay for some of these services.If the?cold call is a live telesales call, an automated marketing message, or a SPAM text message, tell the company not to contact you again. If they do, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. You can also report spam texts by simply forwarding the text to 7726, for which you won't be charged.If you have received a silent or abandoned call, complain to Ofcom. Ofcom also have a dedicated advice area to help you tackle nuisance calls and messages.If you have a 'smartphone', you can use the settings on the phone to block unwanted numbers. How you do this depends on what phone you have, you could pop into your local mobile phone shop to ask them to show you how if you're not sure.Use Google to find the website for the Telephone Preference Service.From find out the steps you need to take to make a complaint to Ofcom. Write the =m below below for future reference.46 phone scams you should know about It's good to know about some of the typical tricks that scammers use so you can be prepared if you ever get a call like these.1) Compensation callsYou may get calls from companies asking about car accidents you have had and offering you compensation. Some of these could be genuine companies looking for business but others will be scammers. Alternatively, you may have received calls about the mis-selling of PPI (payment protection insurance). Either way, don’t engage with these callers directly and call your insurance company if you have had an accident and want to find out more about how to claim on your policy. If you have actually been mis-sold PPI, then check out our page on PPI and what to do.2) The computer scamA type of telephone fraud where scammers will call you claiming to be from the helpdesk of a well-known IT firm, such as Microsoft. They’ll tell you that your computer has a virus and will charge you to upload ‘anti-virus software’. This turns out to be spyware, which is used to get hold of your personal details. Never respond to an unsolicited phone call from someone claiming that your computer has a virus. If you receive a call like this, hang up straight away. Legitimate IT companies don’t contact customers this way. 3) Bank or HMRC scamsIt’s a common scam to be called by someone claiming to be from your bank and saying there’s a problem with your card or account. They may ask for your account and card details, including your PIN number, and may offer to send a courier to collect your card from you so they can resolve the problem. They may also suggest transferring your money to a ‘safe account’ to protect it. If you get a call like this, hang up immediately, even if they try to persuade you that your card has been cloned or your money is at risk.Or you may get a call from someone claiming to be from HMRC saying there is an issue with your tax refund or an upaid tax bill. They may leave a message and ask you to call back. Don't ever call a number you haven't verified first - check your tax paperwork or online to get HMRC's actual number before calling them.4) Number spoofingScammers now have the technology to mimic an official telephone number so it comes up on your caller ID display (if you have one on your phone). This can trick you into thinking the caller is really from a legitimate organisation, like a bank or utility company. Remember if you are in any doubt about whether or not the call is genuine, hang up and?call the organisation directly on a different phone. If you're using the same phone, wait 10 minutes in case the scammers keep the line open.5) Pensions and investment scamsYou may get an unsolicited phone call about an 'unmissable' investment opportunity, or offering pension liberation and legal loopholes to access your pension cash earlier. Hang up on unsolicited calls like these. See our sections on pensions scams and investment scams for more information about these types of scams.6) Anti-scam scamsYou may get phone calls claiming to be from a charity supporting scam victims, a company selling anti-scam technology, or from someone demanding money to renew your Telephone Preference Service registration, which is actually free. Be wary of anyone asking you for money or financial details over the phone, and don’t give them the information they ask for. You can check a charity’s registration with the Charity Commission to find out if they are genuine.Have a look at these texts and label them as to the type of scam they are:Once you have finished this and if you have time look up the tragic story of Olive Cooke online.The grandson of a 92-year-old who died after being hounded by dozens of charities today accused them of sharing her number knowing she 'would give them everything that she had'.Even if we think these things wont happen to us, it is important that we look out for vulnerable people around us how may fall victim to unscrupulous people in the future.5What to do if you get a scam call Older people are often a target for scammers, so it's important to be aware of phone scams and how to handle them. Fortunately, there are things you can do to protect yourself.Don't reveal personal detailsNever give out financial information?over the phone, even if the caller claims to be from your bank. Be wary of anyone asking for personal information such as your passport details.Ring the organisationIf you're unsure that the caller is genuine, you can always ring the company or bank they claim to be from. Make sure you find the number yourself (maybe from a letter,?statement or the phone book) and not use one provided by the caller.Use a different phone if you can, or wait?5 to?10 minutes after the cold call if using the same phone -?just in case they waited on the line.Don't be rushedScammers will try to rush you into providing your personal details. They may?say they have an offer or an investment that is time-limited. Alternatively, they may say your?money or your bank?account is at risk if you don't?give them the information they need right away. These tactics are designed to pressure you but don't be rushed?into doing something you're not sure about.If it's about an offer or an investment, always take the time to seek advice and look into the seller’s credentials first. If the caller claims your bank account or money is at risk, don't panic - hang up and call your bank yourself. Remember to wait at least 5 minutes or use a different phone in case the scammers stayed on the line.Hang upIf you feel harassed or intimidated, or?if the caller talks over you without giving you a chance to speak, you can end the call. It may feel rude to hang up on someone, but you have the right not to be harassed and pressured to buy something, answer a survey, or give out your personal details.Notes: ................

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