June 12, 2013

6:30PM @ West Central Community Center

*For accuracy, members and guests, please sign in before taking a seat.

*Nonmembers need to attend 3 out of 4 consecutive meetings to qualify for membership.

*If you have attended at least 4 meetings in the last calendar year you may by written request, become a voting member.

*For excused absences please call or email: Jen Hussey (425) 760-5708 or at JLMHussey2000@

See attached Member Roster for Attendees, Excused and Absent Members from WCNC meetings. Guests are noted and tracked for voting member status tracking. Roster is available on our website.

WCNC Website: westcentral.

Welcome and Introductions – Jeff Barnes, Co-Chair lead the meeting

1. Approval of May, 2013 Minutes and June2013 Agenda – No Quorum


3. POLICE REPORT – No report from SPD but Mary Fryback reported there will be no NRO’s for the summer in any of the neighborhoods. Please call the Chief and our Council Members to let them know we are not happy with that decision as Ofc. Douglas was working on some major gang issues in the neighborhood. Also Night against Crime is going to be in Cannon Park and we would like to incorporate an information resource fair if possible. We will ask Lousie Stamper to put in the July/August paper too.

Committee Reports

1. Treasurer's Report – S. Kunkel - $381.52 (Checking) $281.50 (Savings)

2. Community Assembly Report – Kay Howard – Red Light ticket contract is up for renewal. City does get revenue from the project. Amount of intersections has gone up and number of tickets issued increases while the number of traffic accidents has decreased. WC crosswalk project was moved to the list to happen in August, 2014. ONS will provide neighborhood training on use of technology on 6/24/13 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 at the TINCAN downtown. Seats are very limited and Jen Hussey and Chris Kuperstein are attending to represent the WCNC. Kay Howard and Bonnie McInnis stated they would attend also from the CA. The City of Spokane needs all our attendance records from 2012/2013 and Cheryl will provide to Chris Kuperstein who will post on website and get to ONS. There will be upcoming “Effective Communication” training announced later for Neighborhood Councils.

3. West Central Community Development Association – JoAnn Stewart is now the representative on the WCC Board from WCNC.

4. Neighborhood Clean-up – Mary Fryback reported that dump pass pick up for June was not so successful. It may have been too close to the prior handout. Call 323-1957 for appliance pick-up appt.

5. Park Committee – Cheryl Steele reported WCNC received a letter from Jonathan Mallahan which states the City of Spokane will take responsibility for Nettleton Triangle liability issues and we are now clear to move forward with planting and/or other plans which may include a strategy to make a memorial park for community leaders that impacted the West Central Neighborhood in a positive way, like Clancy. We meet again on 6/19/13 @ 6:30 pm at the WCCC and invite you all to help with the five year plan for parks projects.

6. Community Development (CDBG). No Report

7. Bylaws Committee – Andy Rathbun – No Report

8. Communications Committee – There is an ongoing issue with Members complaining they do not get notification and/or information from the Executive Committee in a timely fashion. It was suggested that all communications be posted on the website and then it is the Member’s responsibility to go get the information. We did not have quorum so we will draft a plan for vote at the July meeting on how to handle communications.

9. Sidewalks – Mary Fryback turned in the list of needed repairs. Dr. DeWood stated there is still a list that has not been completed that Whitworth developed and we should ask for the documentation from Keith Kelly.

10. George Mulchan Award – Kay Howard – Kera Nichols is the 2013 award receipient from NC High School. She plans on attending Seattle University and pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice and Forensic Science. We did have a Quorum but came to a consensus that we would increase the amount from $500.00 to $1,000.00 to help her pay her own way through College. She stated it will cost $1,700 per month and she plans to work two jobs to pay her way. Kay Turner will look for grants to add more money to the fund for the future.

• Standing Items with No Report This Month

• Public Safety

• West Broadway SURGE/Streetscape

• Banner Committee


Unfinished Business (from here forward this item will be called “Action Items”)

Insurance –

• Cheryl reported that now we have a clear understanding of “liabilities” it will be much easier to get a real quote for Error & Omission Insurance. Kay Turner suggested we call Conner & Kelly Ins. Brokers to get information. Cheryl agreed to call.

• JoAnn Stewart did try to contact Dave Griswald in Hillyard regarding the domestic violence event but had no response. The issue is no longer going to be pursued.

New Business – No Reports


Meeting Adjourned: 8:00 PM, Respectfully submitted by Cheryl Steele, WCNC Secretary.

Public Forum – No Reports and/or Guests


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