School Speak


Rollout Preparation

Welcome to SchoolSpeak

We thank you for joining SchoolSpeak.

This document helps us collect information to tune your SchoolSpeak account. Please fill the information and set back to us.

School Information

This information will be public.

|Name | |

|Address | |

|Web Address | |

|Telephone | |

|Fax | |

|Email | |

|Time zone | |

School email for SchoolSpeak:

Create an email like SchoolSpeak@. All emails through SchoolSpeak will have this email as the from address. Ask everyone to add this email to their safe sender list. It helps preventing emails from going to spam/junk mail folder. You can use reply or reply all feature of email program and the reply will go to the sender. Do not use ‘Reply to Sender’ feature in Mac.

If you don’t provide this email, SchoolSpeak will use the default email, admin@. Ask everyone to add this email to their safe sender list.

Account administrators for your School

Who will have administrative access to your SchoolSpeak account?

|First name |Last name |Email |

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| | | |

List the emails for receiving requests for help with the system

Users can click ‘contact’ link at the top of the SchoolSpeak pages to request help, for example password reset. Please provide one or more email where such requests should be delivered.



You can have one or more emails for receiving help requests from parents.

Do you plan to let students login to SchoolSpeak?

_x_ Yes

___ No

Access to online directory?

Should parents & students be allowed to look up anyone in school?



What parents and students see in other users profile?

___ Address

_x_ Phone number

___ Email

Email privileges for parents and students:

Select one:

___ No access to email

_x_ Email only teachers

___ Email anyone in the system

___ Email their class and anyone in the system

List the classes/grades in your school?

e.g. Kindergarten room 12, Kindergarten Room 13, 1A, 1B, 2A,2B,…

Pre-Algebra, Algebra …


Do you plan to publish homework on SchoolSpeak? _x_Yes __No


Do you plan to publish grades on SchoolSpeak ?

_x_ Yes

___ No

List the terms and when the term begins and ends

|Term |Start Date |End Date |

|Quarter 1 |91/2009 |11/23/2009 |

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Letter grades and GPA

Leave GPA empty if you are not planning to use it.

|Letter Grade |Range |GPA |

|A+ |97-100 |4.3 |

|A |94-96 |4 |

|A- |90-93 |3.7 |

|B+ |87-89 |3.3 |

|B |84-86 |3 |

|B- |80-83 |2.7 |

|C+ |77-79 |2.3 |

|C |74-76 |2 |

|C- |70-73 |1.7 |

|D+ |67-69 |1.3 |

|D |64-66 |1 |

|D- |60-63 |0.7 |

|F |0-59 |0.0 |

Which grade book do you plan to use? _x_SchoolSpeak ___ Gradekeeper

SchoolSpeak Gradebook

Skip this section if you are not planning to use SchoolSpeak Gradebook.

Following parameters will be setup in all gradebooks. They can be tuned individually for each gradebook.

Do want to send an email notification to parents when grades are published?



(SchoolSpeak recommends not sending email notification when grades are published, but using summary email – consolidated summary daily or weekly.)

Default method of grade computation

_x_ Total points earned

___ Category weighted

___ Assignment weighted

Default categories and weight

|Term |Weight |

|Test |40 |

|Homework |20 |

|Class work |20 |

|Project |20 |


Do you plan to take attendance on SchoolSpeak?



Do want to send an email notification to parents when attendance is updated?



Attendance codes

|Code |Description |Type |Weight |

|A |Absence |Absence |1 |

|A/ |Morning Absence |Absence |0.5 |

|/A |Afternoon Absence |Absence |0.5 |

|M |Medical Absence |Medial Absence |1 |

|M/ |Medical Absence |Medical Absence |0.5 |

|/M |Medical Absence |Medical Absence |0.5 |

|E |Excused Absence |Excused |1 |

|T |Tardy |Tardy |1 |

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Report Card

Do you plan to publish Report cards on SchoolSpeak? _x_Yes __No

Send softcopy of your report card format to your SchoolSpeak account representative.

Summary email

SchoolSpeak can send a summary email daily or weekly. On Friday it sends a summary of home page for the next week. On Sunday – Thursday, it sends summary of next day’s home page. We recommend the summary email as it reduces the number of emails through SchoolSpeak.

Do you want to enable summary email?

_x_ No



Preferred time for the summary email: _4pm___

List teachers, their email and classes they teach

This will be used for creating homework, gradebook and Report Card resources and assigning permissions. Please indicate homeroom teachers.

|First name |Last name |email |Grades and classes taught |

|Smith |Laura |lsmith@ |6th grade homeroom |

| | | |6 – language arts |

| | | |7,8 – social studies |

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Roll out dates

Once you provide this data, we will create a SchoolSpeak account for you. Next we will train your trainers on SchoolSpeak. Please identify SchoolSpeak trainers.

|Date and time for SchoolSpeak training | |

|Who will be attending SchoolSpeak training | |

|Date for teacher training (you will be training teachers) | |

|When do you expect teachers start using the system | |

|When do you expect to have family data available? This is for adding families to | |

|SchoolSpeak. Need name of parents, email, name of students and their grades. | |

|Date for announcing SchoolSpeak to families | |

|Date for sending username and password to families. We recommend adding families few days | |

|after teachers start using the system. | |



Your School and You


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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