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4686300-139698S00TUDENT HANDBOOK2020-2021Kingsbury High School 1270 N. Graham, Memphis, TN 38122(901) 416-6060E. Matthew Smith, PrincipalShenar Miller, Vice- PrincipalTimothy Batts, Vice-PrincipalJohn Beattie, Assistant PrincipalNora Jones, Assistant PrincipalDanyel, Turner, Assistant PrincipalAngelique Moffett, Assistant PrincipalDr. Joris Ray, SuperintendentShelby County Schools, Memphis, TennesseeTable of Contents256540063500Attendance17 Attendance17 Cutting Class17 Make-up Work17 Student Check-out17 Student Illness & AccidentsStudent Conduct18 Auditorium/Assembly Procedures18 Bus Conduct18 Cafeteria Rules18 In-School Suspension19 KHS FALCON Rules19 SCS Student Code of Conduct Handbook19 Student Rights and Responsibilities19 Students’ Rights to Due Process and Appeals General Expectations19 Child Abuse & Neglect Reporting19 Confidential Student Information20 Extended-learning Opportunities20 Field Trips and Excursions20 Grading and Conduct Scale 21 Hall Passes21 Homework21 Limited English Proficient/English Language Learner21 Lockers21 Media Access to Students22 Optional Schools22 Personal Property23 Promotion & Graduation Requirements23 Special Education23 Test Security and Standardized Tests23 Textbooks23 Tutoring256540063500No Child Left Behind04 Parents’ Right to Know05 Student/Teacher/Parent CompactLearning Environment06 Drug-Free Environment06 Emergency Procedures07 Gang Prevention, Intervention & Enforcement07 Safety and Security08 Smoke-Free Environment08 Student Discrimination/Harassment & Bullying/Intimidation08 Visitors09 Weapons PolicyGeneral Information 09 Cell Phones09 Computer Use10 Driver’s License/Permit10 Extracurricular Activities10 Family Engagement10 Fundraisers11 Guidance Services00 Handbook Awareness Statement (Insert)11 Homeless Students11 Hours of Operation and Bell Schedule00 Internet Acceptable Use Agreement (Insert)11 Medicines03 Mission/Vision/Beliefs03 Principal’s Statement12 School Calendar14 School Closings24 School Map/Floor Plan14 School Nurse14 School Telephones14 School Uniforms16 School Volunteers16 Student Insurance Program16 Support Staff for Promoting Student Achievement FALCON STUDENT HANDBOOK2020-2021Message from the Principal-495299228600W-495299228600 elcome to the 2020-2021 school year. I am indeed honored to navigate our school and community through times that we have never seen before. We look forward to the safe return of all our students. We value our families as well as all our stakeholders in the Kingsbury community. We will be determined to make sure that everyone our students is prepared for colleges and careers.Our staff has high expectations for our students, and we are committed to delivering a quality education to assist our students in meeting these expectations. This highly qualified staff has committed to outstanding service as we build the relationships to foster our shared vision.We are convinced that no matter what obstacles may arise, a determined, focus and inspired Kingsbury will overcome them and deliver a quality education for our students.MissionOur mission is to empower our students to Love education, Excel in everything they do, Achieve and Accomplish goals together and Do the right thing at all times. (L.E.A.A.D.)VisionOur vision is to craft strong positive relationships with our students and to enable them to achieve independence while becoming college and career readyCreed-I choose to be responsible for my learning, my actions, and my behaviorI fiercely defend the sanctity of instructional time.I will be respectful. I will be responsible. I will build relationships!!!I accept the challenge. I will succeed. \sThe following is a summary of TN Diploma requirements changes including Elective Focus information.1an increase to a minimum of four math classes including one every year of high school which would mean five math classes if a student takes Algebra I in the 8th grade. It includes Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry plus a higher level math class/bridge class. Core classes such as Algebra I and Physical Science can count for graduation credits but in some cases other requirements must also be considered.enhanced science requirements including Biology, either Physics or Chemistry and one other Lab SciencePersonal Finance plus Physical Education in addition to Lifetime Wellnessan Elective Focus which is a minimum of 3 credit hours in a focus area is in addition to posted core requirements.Humanities, according to the state definition includes; English, Language Arts, Foreign Language and Social Studies. Any combination of three credits from any of the four areas will meet requirements.Fine Arts- any combination of three credit hours from a broad offering of courses in music, dance, theater, etc.Science & Math- any combination of the two areas beyond posted core requirements.AP/IB can be any combination of AP/IB and can overlap with core requirements.Dual Enrollment can be any combination of DE and can overlap with core requirements.CTE includes three credit hours in one Program of Studies not a random collection of CTE courses. See the MCS CTAE Website for a list of PoS.ROTC requires choosing either use as an Elective Focus or substituting for core requirements.PE- Courses identified by HPELW- All course beyond core requirements (see pages 47-48 in 2012-13 Student Guide) PLUS Diagnostic Medicine, Health Science Education, Sports Management Marketing, Anatomy & Physiology, Human Growth & Development, Exercise Science, Recreation & Fitness Leadership.College Readiness- Any three “Plus” classes and/or “A” classes and also includes Service Learning.Career Readiness designed to focus on building capacity for matriculation to college or career plan- This focus includes any combination of three Coop Work/Learning, School-sponsored Enterprise, CTE courses and the following on-line courses: Accounting I, Accounting II, Computer Technology, Computing Application, Keyboarding, Computer Literacy, Computer Programming, Visual Programming, Web Design I, Web Design II.Professional judgment should be used to address students transferring into our district who due to scheduling conflicts can’t meet Elective Focus Credit requirements. In those limited situations a school-based decision can be made to include a focus area, in part or whole, from prior enrollment outside of MCS.College & Career Readiness Elective Focus areas were recommended by SPED but can be used for students outside of SPED who due to specific academic needs are required to take courses that limit their ability to complete another Elective Focus area.LEAs can add areas of focus if approved through a review process starting with the Academic Council and ending with approval of the superintendent. The request to add a focus area would need to fulfill a district-wide need, be universally available and be confirmed as a series of courses meeting acceptable LEA standards and Academic Rigor.The default Diploma is Academic College Preparatory. A student may opt out of the Academic Diploma option with parent approval, has been counseled on the limitations opting out may cause and submits a plan to replace Foreign Language and Fine Arts with an additional three credits in a focus area.Shelby County Schools also requires students to complete one year minimum in Computer Education, (*DRAFT and complete an approved Capstone Experience.)Early graduation plans must be approved by the school and parents by the end of the first 20 reporting periods during the school year of the planned graduation. Prior year approval is preferred to ensure all conditions are met.The role of the Professional School Counselor is to ensure that students receive assistance in creating a 4+ year Focused Plan of Studies in the 8th grade and receive a complete graduation status review each year. The graduation status review is completed through the (Form to be Determined) and includes annual scheduling and advising to keep graduation plans on track.. This PDF provides answers to many common questions.Grading and Conduct Scales ACADEMIC GRADING SYSTEMA93-100ExcellentB85-92GoodC76-84AverageD70-75Below AverageF0-69FailureIMay be used to denote incomplete work but shall not be left as a final grade.EExcellentSSatisfactoryNNeeds ImprovementUUnsatisfactoryMake-up Work In the event of an excused absence, students are expected to make up work missed within a reasonable time. In the event of an unexcused absence, one day of makeup time shall be allowed for each day of unexcused absence, if the following conditions are met. The parent of a student or a student with an unexcused absence must submit a written request to the teacher to makeup the work and must participate in an appropriate intervention (e.g., student or parent conference with the teacher, Saturday school, online tutorial, other appropriate intervention determined and scheduled by the teacher). For absences due to long-term suspension (over 10 days)/expulsion, the program of making up work should be in accordance with state law.ACADEMIC PROGRAMSAJROTC ProgramsThe Kingsbury Army JROTC program is one of the largest in the state and consistently produces winners in AJROTC competitions. Students who elect to continue in the AJROTC program after the introductory year can use AJROTC credits toward graduation. Qualified students have the option of joining the AJROTC Honors Academy to complete the four-year honors curriculum and potentially earn college scholarships to military institutions of higher learning.Career and Technology CenterWhile at Kingsbury, students have the opportunity to take classes for credit toward graduation at Kingsbury Career and Technology Center during the regular school day. These classes include courses in:Business and Information TechnologyMarketing TechnologyHealth and Medical TechnologyTrade and Industrial TechnologyCulinary ArtsDual Credit ProgramWhile at Kingsbury, qualified high school students have the opportunity to enroll in college level courses taught by college instructors. These students can earn college credit while earning credit that counts toward high school graduation.Bioscience Careers Program (Optional/NAF Academy)While at Kingsbury, qualified students have the opportunity to take a planned curriculum focusing on science and math courses to prepare them for careers in the medical field. Extended-learning OpportunitiesKHS offers a variety of extended-learning opportunities for all students—including English Language Learners, deficient, proficient, and advanced students. After-school tutoring programs focus on academic content, preparation for standardized testing, and in-depth exploration of general topics introduced in the regular curriculum. Programs may be school-based, community sponsored, and grant funded. All programs must have the principal’s approval and comply with SCS board policy. Information regarding extended-learning opportunities will be announced during school assemblies, parent/community meetings, and in flyers or newsletters mailed and sent home with students. Teachers, counselors, and support staff are available to help students enroll in appropriate programs. ESL students, students at-risk of failure, and students enrolled in advanced placement classes are expected to attend extended-learning classes. Athletes, during their off-season, must be enrolled in extended-learning classes.Limited English Proficiency (English Language Learner) SCS Policy 5016(in part)Administrators, principals and teachers are responsible for developing and implementing language instruction programs that are adapted to enhance second language acquisition. This includes modifying lessons and strategically adapting the delivery model of instruction to optimize English language proficiency. Parents and students are responsible for becoming knowledgeable of school-wide programs, including supplemental programs and the opportunities provided. This policy conforms to the State Board of Education English as a Second Language Program.GENERAL EXPECTATIONSHours of Operation & Bell ScheduleHours of attendance: 7:15 a.m. – 2:15 p.m. Doors open at 7:00 a.m. to the main building. Students who eat breakfast may enter the cafeteria at 6:45 a.m. Supervision is NOT provided on campus before 6:45a.m.School is dismissed for the day at 2:15 p.m. Students are to be out of the building and off the campus by 2:30 p.m. unless in a supervised program. KHS Bell Schedule is as follows:{INSERT SCHEDULE HERE}Hall PassesNo students are permitted in hallways during class periods without a regulation hall pass.Students remaining in hallways after the tardy bell are subject to disciplinary actions.No hall passes are issued during the first 15 minutes and last 15 minutes of class.Only one student per hall pass—no pairs of students or groups.Guidance ServicesKHS has full time guidance counselors to assist students and their families in decision-making regarding selections of courses, scheduling, transcripts, scholarships, testing, and careers. Additionally, the guidance office is an excellent source for information regarding community services available to KHS students for concerns which cannot be addressed at the school level. Eligible students are invited to participate in career fairs, college fairs, and visits to institutions of higher education. Appointments to meet with grade-level counselors are highly recommended.GENERAL INFORMATIONAttendanceTennessee law and Shelby County Schools require you to attend classes every day and to be on time. If you have unexcused absences from school, SCS will work with parents/guardians to learn why you are not attending school and to help you attend regularly. Too many unexcused absences will result in referral to law enforcement authorities. Absence and Tardy Guidelines Unexcused absences are prohibited by Tennessee law. Students accumulating 10 days of unexcused absences within one school year may be referred to Juvenile Court and the U.S. District Attorney General’s Office. Absences will be excused only for these reasons:Personal illness of the studentDeath or serious illness in student’s immediate familyRecognized religious holiday or eventValidated court appearance of the studentPrincipal-approved absences. Absences will be marked UNEXCUSED until (within 3 days) the student brings the homeroom teacher a signed note stating an approved reason for being absent.Student Check-outThere will be NO DISMISSAL AFTER 1:30PM. Students may NOT be checked out by telephone. Only persons whose names appear in the KHS database as family/contacts for the students may sign them out. Students are never allowed to leave school at any time during the day except with office and parental permission. This applies to all puter UseAny access to the SCS network must be approved by the principal based on SCS instructional and/or administrative policies, regulations and guidelines. For Internet and e-mail access, an Acceptable Use Agreement ("Agreement") must be signed by each user and the parent/guardian of students and kept on file at the school. Access will be terminated promptly when an employee or student leaves the SCS system or violates the Agreement. All files, Internet use and e-mails are subject to review at any time by SCS or by the school. Students using SCS computers must have the permission of the attending school personnel and abide by all rules regarding computer use. This includes classroom, lab, and multi-media center computers. Students are not allowed to use teacher workstations or office computers.Driver’s License/PermitState of Tennessee Department of Safety Certification of Compulsory School Attendance forms are available in Pupil Services. Interested students must have a hall pass to Pupil Services to request forms.Extracurricular ActivitiesExtracurricular activities are available to high school students who meet eligibility requirements. Students should be alert for announcements of meetings for these activities. Students may be removed from these activities for violations of the Code of Conduct. 2476500152400AthleticsBaseballBasketball (Girls and Boys)CheerleadingFootballGolf (Girls and Boys)Soccer (Girls and Boys)Softball (Girls)Tennis (Girls and Boys)Track & Field (Girls and Boys)Volleyball (Girls)WrestlingSwimming (Girls and Boys)2476500152400Clubs & OrganizationsDebate TeamFuture Business Leaders of AmericaNational Honor SocietyStudent CouncilTutoring ProgramsBand MajorettesAnime ClubYearbookJROTCChoirFamily EngagementThe purpose of this policy is to partner with families in a coordinated effort to provide Shelby County Schools' students with a home/school/community environment that encourages academic achievement and enables students to meet Federal, state and city academic performance standards. This policy applies to all families that have children in Shelby County Schools and to administrators, principals, teachers and other support personnel in Shelby County Schools.Families have the primary responsibility for the education of their children. They provide the foundation for academic success. Shelby County Schools respects the roles and responsibilities of families in assuring that their children are adequately educated and is committed to developing a strong, ongoing partnership with families to create or strengthen stimulating home and school learning environments. FundraisingThe Board authorizes fundraising activities that supplement funds for established school programs, events and services. Fundraising activities may not supplant funds which are the responsibility of the public. In addition, the Board believes the district should support fundraising activities by community service agencies that limit undue burden to students and families.Principals must obtain written approval from the Superintendent or designee for all fundraising activities that involve the participation of students in the marketing process. In addition, all fundraising activities must have approval from the principal.Participation in all fundraising activities, including charitable fundraisers, shall be voluntary to students. No fundraising activity shall be conducted which distributes prizes or makes awards to winners from among purchasers of chances by means of tickets or otherwise through a random drawing or other random selection process.For complete fundraising procedures and restrictions, refer to SCS Board Policies.Homeless Students (Mckinney-Viento Act)Homeless students have equal access to the same free appropriate public education as provided to other students. Please refer to SCS Board Policy 6002 School Admissions Policy available on the SCS homepage.First Day of SchoolThe first day of school for students in Grades 1 – 12 is Monday, August 10. The first day of school will be a FULL DAY this year. It’s important that students attend school from the first day and every day throughout the school year. Every day counts! School ClosingsParents/guardians are responsible for providing current contact information to KHS in the event school must close at a time other than as regularly scheduled, i.e. inclement weather. Administrators will monitor weather reports for change in conditions and follow SCS School Board instructions regarding early dismissal. School NurseKHS has a part-time nurse who is available on Fridays. Students must have a hall pass to make an appointment to see the nurse. For student health care concerns, including vision and hearing screening, guidance counselors may have information regarding available services within the community.MedicinesIf a child is required to take non-prescription or prescription medication during school hours and the parent cannot be at school to administer the medication, only the principal or the principal’s designee will assist in self-administration of the medication if the student is competent to self-administer medicine with assistance in compliance. The medicine must be delivered to the main office in person by the parent or guardian of the student. Written instructions signed by the parent will be required. Please see SCS Board Policy.Student Illness and AccidentsIf a student becomes ill or it becomes necessary to leave school during the day, a parent/guardian or emergency friend must come to the office to sign the student out of school. Students cannot sign themselves out; students may not be checked out by telephone. Students who become ill at school should report to class or the office. Students who remain in the restroom without permission are cutting class.Any accident or injury received during school hours must be reported to a teacher and/or the office immediately.School TelephonesThe Office phone is for visitors and for students under the supervision of office personnel. Students must have a hall pass to use the Office telephone. The Office closes at 2:30 p.m.; students should make all transportation arrangements before coming to school. School VolunteersKHS believes that the use of volunteers within Shelby County Schools enhances the educational process for students and promotes community involvement in education. A volunteer is a person who renders aid, performs a service, or assumes an obligation of his/her own free will and is not paid for services. Volunteers may be involved in many aspects of a school's operations, from working with students on a one-to-one basis to participating on school leadership councils. KHS encourages volunteer activities by parents and other individuals in the community, by community groups and religious organizations and by Board employees. SCS School Volunteers are detailed and specific regarding who can volunteer to work with students. Prior to participating as a volunteer all requirements of the District Policy must be met. Volunteers who violate this policy or its administrative rules and regulations may be removed from their volunteer services and/or prohibited from volunteering within the Shelby County Schools. Media Access to StudentsParental Consent and Notification—Each year parents/guardians will be given the option to grant or withhold permission for public news media interviews or photographs of their child at school. In addition, district employees may release student information to the media only in accordance with applicable provisions of the education records laws and Board policies governing directory information and personally identifiable information. Parents will be advised of this policy at such times as the student’s registration and in the student/parent handbook.Personal PropertyPersonal property, including but not limited to lasers, radios, recorders, cd players/cds, mp3 players, pagers, cell phones, electronic games, should NOT be brought to school. If in student’s possession, they must be turned off, kept out of sight, and not used during the school day. Violation of this rule will result in disciplinary action, including possible confiscation of the item(s). Confiscated item(s) will be returned to the student or parent/guardian at the discretion of the Administration. Also, valuable personal property, such as fine jewelry and large sums of cash, should NOT be brought to school. TextbooksTextbooks are issued at “No Charge” to the student. Students are responsible for returning books at the end of the courses in the same condition in which they were received. Textbooks which become damaged or lost must be paid for by the student and/or parent/guardian before the student can clear KHS. Replacement textbooks will not be issued until restitution is made. All report cards, certificates of progress, or diplomas will be withheld until restitution is made.Visitors PolicyAll visitors must report to the High School Main Office. They must sign in using Raptor in the main office and be provided a visitor’s pass. Only parents, legal guardians, or state officials will be allowed to visit with students, check students out of school, or conduct any business on behalf of any student. Photo I.D.s must be provided by all visitors. Persons wanting to have contact with a student must be registered on the student contact list in PowerSchool.Students enrolled in other SCS schools may not visit KHS during school hours.Not all personnel will be available at all times to meet with visitors, based on classroom instructional times and scheduled events. Appointments are recommended before arriving on campus, if time permits (Call: 901 416-6060). KHS DRESS CODEProper attire and grooming are deemed important to scholastic and orderliness. The responsibility for the appearance of the students begins with the parents and the students themselves. Students’ clothing, make-up, and hairstyle should reflect neatness, cleanliness, and self-respect so that the school is a desirable place in which to promote learning and character development.It is virtually impossible to formulate a set of regulations that adequately cover every detail of proper grooming. Violations of the Dress Code will be dealt with in accordance with the Shelby County Schools Code of Discipline. It will be treated as insubordination and will be handled as stated in the Code of Discipline of Shelby County Schools. Shorts should be walking shorts or Bermuda shorts. Students may wear walking shorts or Bermuda shorts that are no shorter than (2) inches above the knee. They should be excessively tight or baggy. Athletic shorts are not permitted unless they are a part of an approved gym class or athletic class activity.Pants (no tights, jeggings, leggings, spandex material bottom, etc.) must be worn at the waist,(no sagging) be an appropriate length, and be appropriately sized with no holes, rips or tears that reveal skin or undergarments.Shirts, blouses, and dresses must have sleeves and must completely cover the abdomen, back, and shoulders. Shirts or tops must cover the waistband of pants, shorts, or skirts with no midriff visible. Low-cut blouses, shirts, or tops, or extremely tight tops, tube tops, or any top that exposes cleavage are prohibited. Shirts, blouses, and tops must be no longer than wrist-length.Head apparel (such as hoods, hats, bandanas, scarves, etc.) must not be worn inside the school building, except for religious or medical reasons (see Individual Exemptions from Certain Dress Code Requirements or from Standardized Dress/Uniforms).Skirts, dresses, and shorts must be no shorter than four (2) inches above the knee.Footwear is required and must be safe and appropriate for indoor and outdoor physical activity. Flip flops, slides and house shoes are not permitted. Sandals must have a strap around the back.Clothing and accessories such as backpacks, patches, jewelry, and notebooks must not display (1) racial, ethnic, or gender and sexual slurs/symbols; (2) gang affiliations; (3) vulgar, subversive, or sexually suggestive language or images; nor promote inappropriate and/or illegal products such as alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs.Prohibited items include: (1) large, long and/or heavy chains; (2) studded or chained accessories; (3) sunglasses, except for health purposes; (4) sleepwear, pajamas, slippers, and/or blankets; (5) skin-tight outer materials such as spandex or leggings.The principal or his/her designee has the discretion to make all decisions on their campus. The principal is responsible for developing and publishing any other rules and regulations concerning student attire at school or school-related activities. PROGRESSIVE DISCIPLINE FOR DRESS CODE VIOLATIONSSchools may use the following behavioral intervention strategies and disciplinary measures for violations of the Kingsbury High School Dress Code policy: classroom and school-wide intervention strategies (It is expected that the initial intervention will be a call to the parent/guardian.) confiscation of item and/or loss of privileges in school suspension overnight suspension/parent or guardian conference\sCELL PHONES/PERSONAL COMMUNICATION DEVICES (POLICY #6024) It is the District’s policy that students are prohibited from possessing any type of phone or personal communication device that is turned on or in visible/audible use at any time during the regular school day. Under the policy, the term “possession” means being found in any article of clothing, purse, book bag, carry bag, or in any location on school property other than the approved storage location as written and approved by school officials, and the phrase “school day” means the entire day from the school start time or bell that indicates the start of the school day until the final dismissal time of the school day. Students who wish to carry a cell phone or other personal communication device with them to and from school must keep the device turned off and stored (e.g., kept in the student's assigned locker, automobile, or other school approved location at all times during the entire school day), unless otherwise determined by the principal. District security officials may, if they have reasonable suspicion to do so, search any cell phone brought onto any SCBE property, which includes but is not limited to parking areas. However, such officials must obtain a warrant before searching the cellphones of students and students being placed under arrest. A student found in unauthorized possession of any type of cell phone or communication device during the school day shall have the device taken from him or her and kept by the school principal or designee until the parent is notified. The parent may pick up the device at the time and location designated by the principal at the close of the next school day following the day that the parent received notification or earlier at the principal’s discretion. Thereafter, the parent may pick up the device by appointment. Any subsequent violation shall result in the device being taken from the student and retained until the close of the next school day following the day that the parent received notification or earlier at the principal’s discretion. Thereafter, the parent may pick up the device by appointment. Moreover, for such subsequent violation of this policy, the student shall receive additional consequences in accordance with the district-wide discipline policy. The District does not take responsibility for confiscated items and will not compensate the owner for any lost, stolen, or damaged confiscated items while in the custody of the district.1st Offense- Confiscation for 24 hours and parents or guardians must pick up the phone.2nd Offense-Confiscation for 48 hours and parents or guardians must come pick it up. 3rd Offense- SuspensionAny student who refuses to provide a cell phone or electronic devices, will be considered insubordinate and may be suspended. Bus Conduct SCS Policy 6050 (in part)In order to maintain conditions and an atmosphere suitable for learning, no person shall enter onto a school bus except students assigned to that bus or parents and other persons with lawful and valid business on the bus. The school bus is an extension of school activity; therefore, students shall conduct themselves on the bus in a manner consistent with the established standards for safety and classroom behavior. Students are under the supervision of the bus driver while on his/her bus, and all reasonable directions given by him/her shall be followed. The principal of the student transported shall be informed by the bus driver of any serious discipline problem and may be called upon to assist if necessary. Except as provided by law, a student may be denied the privilege of riding the bus if the principal determines that his/her behavior is such as to cause disruption on the bus, or if he/she disobeys local rules and regulations pertaining to student transportation. The suspension of a student from riding the school bus shall follow the same procedures as for any other school suspension.KHS General Bus Rules? All school rules apply on school buses.? No inappropriate language or conduct.? Students must remain seated at all times. ? No loud or disruptive behavior.? No candy, snacks, food or drinks. ? Do not place hands, arms, or objects out windows.First offense: 5 days loss of bus privilegesSecond offense: 10 days loss of bus privilegesThird offense: loss of bus privileges for the school yearThe principal has the discretion to change consequences at any time. In-School SuspensionIn-school suspension requires a student to leave class and complete academic requirements in another location at school while on suspension. The ISS student retains the opportunity to complete and receive credit for assignments. ISS includes lessons in behavior management designed to help a student gain skills that will lead to making better choices. Out of School SuspensionOut of School suspension requires that a student be removed from school for a certain number of days. Upon return at the end of the suspension, a parent must come to clear the suspension by meeting with administration. Student Rights to Due Process and AppealAs a KHS student you have certain rights in regard to accusations of misbehavior and resulting disciplinary action. Please refer to SCS Student Code of Conduct Handbook for information about due process and appeals.Lock Down DrillIn the event of a Lockdown Drill, follow these procedures:Remain in the classrooms until otherwise notified.Classroom doors must remain closed/locked and wait for instructions from Administration or designee.Disruptive and misbehavior during the procedure, disciplinary actions will follow.Fire DrillIn the event of a fire drill, follow these procedures:Remain calm and quiet so that you can hear your teacher's instructions.Exit the building as quickly as possible in an orderly and safe manner (do not run, push or bump into other students)Line up outside in your designated area and remain quiet so that your teacher can take attendance.Tornado DrillIn the event of a tornado drill, follow these procedures:Go to the designated safe place in a calm, orderly manner.Upstairs will quickly move to the downstairs hall of your building.Crouch low, head down, protecting the back of the head with your arms.School House Adjustment Program Enterprise (S.H.A.P.E.) S.H.A.P.E. aims to divert youth from progressing into the juvenile justice system by decreasing the number of SCS students sent to juvenile court for minor infractions. Students who qualify for S.H.A.P.E. and complete the program avoid having a complaint filed with the court. S.H.A.P.E. operates in many of the SCS middle and high schools and in all of the alternative schools. If a student is referred to the S.H.A.P.E. program as the result of a substance-related school offense, participation in alcohol and drug counseling will be one of the program requirements. Alcohol and drug counseling services will be provided to S.H.A.P.E. by the SCS Alcohol & Drug Clinical Program. For more information go to > Departments > SHAPE. Contact: John Hall, Special Project Specialist 416-6259, halljt@Alcohol and Drug Use SCS Policy 6056Shelby County Schools Alcohol & Drug Program Shelby County Schools’ Alcohol & Drug Program, a component of the SCS Mental Health Center, has been providing assessment, early intervention and outpatient treatment services at no charge to Shelby County Schools’ students for more than 30 years. The Alcohol & Drug Program has been licensed since 2010 to provide Seven Challenges?, an evidence-based intervention program for drug-using teens. This program empowers youth by helping them be mindful of their behaviors, understand why they are doing them, and then teaching them the decision-making process that will bring them to the best possible decisions about their drug use. Students may be referred to the SCS Alcohol & Drug Program by an administrator, school counselor, SCS Mental Health Center clinician, parent, juvenile court or community agency or as the result of a substance-related school offense. All referred students receive substance-use screenings from a licensed mental health clinician and are referred to the appropriate level of intervention based upon their identified needs. Early intervention services are provided for students who are using substances and are at high risk for developing an alcohol or drug use disorder. Treatment services are provided for students who have developed a substance use disorder and are able to be managed on an outpatient basis. If a student requires a level of intervention that is more intensive than the services offered by the SCS Alcohol & Drug Program, the student and parent are provided with assistance in accessing those resources. Interventions for students under the age of 13 are provided on a case-by-case basis. All assessment and intervention services provided by the SCS Alcohol and Drug Program are confidential and require parental consent. Students who have received an alcohol or drug-related school charge and are participating in Shelby County Schools’ S.H.A.P.E. program must complete the Seven Challenges? Program to satisfy the requirements of S.H.A.P.E. For more information, go to the SCS website at under the Department of Coordinated School Health. For information or to make a referral contact: Melrose Morrell, Prevention Specialist, 416-7275, morrellmr@-6667328575TOBACCO USE OR POSSESSION (POLICY #6028) The Shelby County Schools system prohibits student smoking or possession of tobacco products, lighters or matches, vaping devices (e.g., electronic cigarettes, vaporizers, vape pens, etc.) on school campuses, at school-sponsored activities or on school buses. Additionally, smoking and/or the use of all tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco, are prohibited in all board of education buildings(schools and other facilities); in any public areas, including but not limited to, bleachers used for sporting events, or public restrooms; and in all vehicles, owned, leased or operated by the district at all times. Signs will be posted throughout the district's facilities to notify students, employees and all other persons visiting the school that the use of tobacco and tobacco products is forbidden. A “Smoking is Prohibited by Law in Seating Areas and in Restrooms” sign shall be prominently posted for elementary or secondary school sporting events (including at each ticket booth). Any student who possesses tobacco products shall be issued a citation by the school principal. Parents and students shall be notified of this citation requirement at the beginning of each school year.GANGS AND NON-SCHOOL RELATED SOCIAL CLUBS (POLICY #6030) Enforcement The board prohibits the activities of criminal gangs on school property and at school-sponsored events. In order to discourage and prohibit students from participating in gang activities the board prohibits students from: 1. Wearing, while on school property or at school-sponsored/sanctioned activities, any type of clothing, apparel or accessory that denotes the students' membership in or affiliation with any criminal gang; 2. Any activity that encourages participation in a criminal gang or facilitates illegal acts of a criminal gang; and 3. Any gang-related conduct that is seriously disruptive to the educational process or endangers persons or property; A violation of any portion of this policy is grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with the district-wide discipline policy. Prevention and Intervention In addition to enforcing disciplinary consequences for gang activity, the Shelby County Schools seeks to support students, schools, and the community by providing gang prevention and intervention services. The district has implemented a comprehensive districtwide gang prevention and intervention programs to address the needs of students involved in gangs, students at-risk for gang involvement, and schools and neighborhoods with high gang activity. The district shall partner with law enforcement agencies to continuously monitor school and neighborhood gang activity and provide ongoing prevention, intervention, and gang awareness training to school staff, parents, and community members.The superintendent shall arrange for all school principals to be trained to recognize local gang signs and symbols. This training will be coordinated with local law enforcement agencies. For more information, please contact the Safety and Security Office at 901.416.6295.HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, BULLYING, CYBERBULLYING (POLICY #6046) Student harassment, intimidation, bullying or cyberbullying will not be tolerated. Additionally, the following conduct will not be tolerated: ? Conduct aimed at defining a student in a sexual manner; ? Conduct impugning the character of a student based on allegations of sexual promiscuity; ? Conduct motivated by any actual or perceived characteristic, including but not limited to, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, a men a mental, physical or sensory disability, socio-economic or familial status. Furthermore, Shelby County Schools does not tolerate harassment of students on the basis of disability. Shelby County Schools is committed to taking immediate action to investigate and address reports or claims of harassment, prevent any recurrence, and mitigate its effects on our students and employees, as outlined in Shelby County Board of Education Policy #6046, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Cyberbullying. Shelby County Schools encourages students, parents and staff to work together to prevent and address harassment, including harassment on the basis of disability. Any student who believes he or she has been subject to harassment on the basis of disability is encouraged to report the harassment to the Federal Rights Coordinator for students, Dr. Angela Hargrave, at 901-416-6007. All inquiries, complaints and investigations of harassment are treated in a confidential manner. However, the identity of the complainant is usually revealed to the respondent and witnesses in order to complete an investigation. Shelby County Schools takes adequate steps to ensure that the complainant is protected from retaliation during the period of any investigation. Any students or employees found to have engaged in harassment on the basis of disability may be subject to appropriate progressive discipline pursuant to the terms of Shelby County Schools’ student and employee conduct and discipline policies and procedures, which may include, if circumstances warrant, disciplinary action up to and including expulsion of students and up to and including termination of employees. A. Definition Tennessee law defines “harassment, intimidation, bullying or cyberbullying” as acts that substantially interfere with a student's educational benefits, educational opportunities, or educational performance, and: 1. If the act takes place on school grounds, at any school-sponsored activity, on school-provided equipment or transportation, or at any official school bus stop, the act has the effect of: a. Physically harming a student or damaging a student's property; b. Knowingly placing a student in reasonable fear of physical harm to the student or damage to the student's property; c. Causing emotional distress to a student or students; d. Creating a hostile educational environment, or 2. If the act takes place off school property or outside of a school-sponsored activity, it is directed specifically at a student or students and has the effect of creating a hostile educational environment or otherwise creating a substantial disruption to the educational environment or learning process. B. Reporting Alleged victims of harassment, intimidation, bullying, or their parents or guardians shall report these incidents immediately to the principal or building level administrator. Any reports made to staff should be forwarded to the principal or building level administrator immediately but no later than 24-hours of the expressed concern. Anonymous reports may be made, however, disciplinary action may not be based solely on an anonymous report. The Shelby County Board of Education has adopted the “Safe School Tips” program which allows any parent, student, teacher, or employee to report information about illegal or inappropriate activities, including but not limited to bullying, theft, distribution or sale of drugs, possession of weapons, etc. “Safe-School Web-Tips” should be sent to or text to 274637, you will then be asked to type in a “code”, the code is SCS, then start typing the text message.Any complaints of harassment, intimidation or bullying should include the following information: ? Identity of the alleged victim and the person accused; ? Location, date, time and circumstances surrounding alleged incident; ? Description of what happened; ? Identity of witnesses; and ? Any other evidence available. C. Investigation 1. If the complainant is not the parent or guardian, the parents/guardians of alleged victim shall be notified of the reported conduct by phone or in person prior to the end of the school day upon which the conduct was reported. The principal or his/her designee shall promptly and fully investigate allegations of harassment, intimidation, bullying cyberbullying. The principal or building level administrator will revisit substantiated incidents and all follow-up efforts conducted will be appropriately documented. 2. After a complete investigation, if the allegations are substantiated, immediate and appropriate corrective or disciplinary action shall be initiated pursuant to the Shelby County Board of Education's Discipline Policy if the offender is a student. A substantiated charge against an employee may subject such employee to disciplinary action up to and including termination. The principal or his/her designee will meet with and advise the complainant and their parent/guardian regarding the findings, and whether corrective measures, and/or disciplinary actions were taken. The investigation and response to the complainant will be completed within twenty (20) school days. A substantiated charge against a student may result in corrective or disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Additionally, under state law, behavior constituting cyber-bullying may be prosecuted as a delinquent act. D. Right of Appeal – Students/Parents 1. If the complainant is not in agreement with the principal's or his/her designee's findings. The complainant may, within five (5) school days, contact the Shelby County Schools' Federal Rights Coordinator (FRC) at 2800 Grays Creek, Arlington, TN 38002; Telephone: 901.416.6007. Any student disciplined pursuant to this policy may appeal the decision in accordance with Shelby County Board of Education’s disciplinary policies and procedures. Within five (5) school days the FRC or his/her designee will review the investigation of the alleged charges. Upon completion of the review, the FRC will meet with and advise the complainant regarding the findings, and whether corrective measures, and/or disciplinary actions were taken. 2. If the complainant is not in agreement with the findings of the FRC, an appeal may be made, within five (5) school days, to the superintendent. Within five (5) school days, the superintendent will review the investigation and provide a written advisory to the complainant whether corrective measures and/or disciplinary actions were taken. E. Right of Appeal – Employees An employee disciplined pursuant to this policy may appeal the decision by contacting the Federal Rights Coordinator at 160 South Hollywood Street, Memphis, TN 38112; Telephone: 901.416.5300. F. Procedures for Other Prohibited Conduct The procedure outlined above shall also be followed in cases in which a student is the subject of: ? Conduct aimed at defining a student in a sexual manner; ? Conduct impugning the character of a student based on allegations of sexual promiscuity; ? Conduct motivated by any actual or perceived characteristic, including but not limited to, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, a mental, physical or sensory disability, socio-economic or familial status. G. Retaliation Prohibited There will be no retaliation against any person who reports harassment, intimidation bullying or cyberbullying or participates in an investigation. However, any employee who gives false information during the course of any investigation or who retaliates against someone for: (a) truthfully reporting harassment, intimidation bullying or cyberbullying or (b) participating in an investigation of allegations of harassment, intimidation bullying or cyberbullying may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination if the offender is an employee and pursuant to the Shelby County Board of Education's Disciplinary Policy if the offender is a student.Weapons Policy WEAPONS PROHIBITED ON SCHOOL PROPERTY11143001114300395250395250The carrying of any weapon on school property is prohibited and may be a felony as defined in Tennessee Code Annotated 39-17-1309. A fine of up to $3,000 and/or imprisonment of up to six (6) years may be imposed.This KHS FALCONS STUDENT HANDBOOK is the property of:Student (Print Name) ______________________________________________Grade_________Homeroom Teacher _______________________________________________Room_________I have completed, signed, and returned the Handbook Awareness Statement form and SCS Student Release and Authorization form.__________________________________________Student Signature Date__________________________________________Home Room Teacher Date This publication summarizes a number of expectations, responsibilities, polices, and practices that are important to Kingsbury High School students and their parents/guardians. It is not intended to be a complete source of all programs, policies, and regulations relating to KHS.KHS, SCS, state and federal laws, policies, regulations and practices are subject to change. Confirmation and updates are available on SCS web site at and Kingsbury High School’s web site accessible through SCS’ homepage. Translations of any content included in this publication will be provided upon request as available through the English as a Second Language Central Office. -266699203200Shelby County Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex or age.-266699203200 ................

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