Overview and Advanced Searching and Lookups

RefWorks Advanced Features Training Module 1

Overview and Advanced Searching and Lookups

Pre-requisite: RefWorks Fundamentals (or basic working knowledge of RefWorks)

Module length: 7 minutes

Module objective: At the end of this module users will be familiar with the Advanced Search and Lookup features of RefWorks.

Overview of RefWorks:

• This session will cover some of the advanced features of RefWorks and assumes participants have good working knowledge of RefWorks Fundamentals.

• Specific topics covered are:

- Advanced Searching and Lookups

- Viewing, Sorting and Printing References

- My List

- Editing Multiple References

- Capturing Data from a Web Page

- Importing from RSS Feeds

- Duplicate Checking

- Using the Output Style Preview Utility

- Working Offline

- Backing Up Your Account

Section 1 – Advanced Search

Besides the Quick Search option in RefWorks (that searches all references and all fields, RefWorks offers two other methods for searching or locating information in your database.

The first method -- Advanced Search -- allows for very specific searching of a RefWorks database because users choose the fields(s) they want to search and can search multiple fields connected by Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT).

o Show Advanced Search area

• Advanced Search allows you to put together a search strategy using Boolean Operators

• Also allows you to search a specific folder or folders

• You can also select Anywhere to perform a search for a particular term or phrase in any field. The Anywhere search is similar to the Search RefWorks feature but may be combined with other criteria.

User tip: You can select Reference Type as the field to search and the specific type you want to locate from the drop-down when you are searching to locate all the references of one type.

• Searching on a phrase within a specific field finds the records that match it exactly (i.e., searching on Emperor Penguins in the title field does not give you records with the words Emperor OR Penguins in the title).

o Show an advanced search selecting specific folders and using 3 terms

• The results of an Advanced Search appear alphabetically by author (vs. Quick Search which displays results by relevancy).

• Search strategy terms are highlighted in yellow in your results. All instances of the search term are highlighted.

• Search results are displayed in the main viewing area, where they can be deleted, added to a folder or edited.

• In addition to Advanced Searching, there are three pre-defined areas called Lookups that provide alphabetical indices of author names, journal titles or descriptors

Section 2 – Using Author, Periodical and Descriptor Lookups

In the Search area of RefWorks there are three lookup options available:

o Lookup by Author

o Lookup by Descriptor

o Lookup by Periodical

• These Lookups are really browsable indexes that allow for viewing and editing records that meet the Lookup criteria.

• Any time information is added to your account, the author, descriptor and periodical information is automatically included in the lookups.

• Lookups can be searched and can be navigated via alphabet and page advancing.

o Launch the Author Lookup and point out the searching, alphabet navigation and Next links

• Lookups are an easy way to locate groups of records and also manage records for consistency (i.e., spelling, author name importing, etc.) allowing you to edit or delete the specific term

• Once the term (author name, descriptor or periodical) is located, you can click on the term to view all the references related to that term.

• You can also modify the term in those specific references or delete that term from those specific references.

• The Edit option in allows you to modify only that specific value in that field. You aren’t changing any other information in the record other than that specific author name, descriptor or periodical name.

o Demonstrate the author name lookup and the edit feature

• When you delete something from a lookup, the reference itself is not deleted; just that item (name, periodical or descriptor) is deleted from the references.

• Global Edit (which we’ll cover later) also allows you to modify the same terms, but in a different way. It doesn’t allow you to change or update existing terms – only add new information or overwrite existing information.

o Quickly show the Lookup By Descriptor and Lookup By Periodical

• The Lookup by Periodical displays only records that are a Journal Article, or Journal, Electronic, Magazine Article and Newspaper reference types.

• To search for other reference types, use the Advanced Search.

• Remember, the Lookups are a great way of easily locating groups of references as well as making sure certain fields of information are consistent throughout your references.

Section 3 – Conclusion

• Users should now be familiar with the Advanced Search capabilities.

• Users should be familiar with how to navigate the three Lookups and what editing can be performed within those Lookups.

• Next up – taking a look at different ways to view references.



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