University of Maryland School of Medicine

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|Curriculum Vitae |

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|H. Neal Reynolds, M.D. |

November 7, 2017

H. Neal Reynolds, M.D.

Co- Director, Multi-Trauma Intensive Care Unit,

University Of Maryland, R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center

Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine

Home Address: 12 Severn River Road

Severna Park, Maryland 21146

Date of Birth: December 30, 1947

Citizenship: United States

Soc. Security #: ___-__-9352

Maryland State Medical License D27163

UPIN: D76325

Maryland Medical Assistance Rendering Number: 259191000

National Provider Number: 1811975006

Medicare ID Number M912

Medicare PIN: 14881ZAL4

Care First F821-0121

Medicare Railroad 810000048


1965 - 1970 BS Electrical Engineering

University of Maryland (College Park, MD)

“With High Honors:

1970 - 1971 Electrical Engineering Graduate Studies, University of Maryland (College Park, MD)

1971 - 1972 Arts and Science;

Pre-Medical, University of Maryland

College Park, MD

1972 - 1976 MD University of Maryland School of Medicine

Baltimore, MD


1976 - 1977 PGY-1, University of Hawaii Integrated Medical Residency Program Honolulu, HI


1977 - 1978 PGY-2, University of Hawaii Integrated Medical Residency Program Honolulu, HI


1978 - 1979 PGY-3, University of Hawaii Integrated Medical Residency Program Honolulu, HI

1979 - 1980 PGY-4 Chief Medical Resident, University of Hawaii Integrated Medical Residency Program

Honolulu, HI


1985 - 1987 Critical Care Medicine, Wayne State University (Detroit, MI)


1977 Diplomat, National Board of Medical Examiners (173260)

1979 Diplomat, American Board of Internal Medicine (072143)

1987 - 1997 Certified: Examination of Added Special Qualifications in Care Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine (10 year duration)

1997 - 2007 Recertification for Added Special Qualifications in Care Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine (10 year duration)

2007 – 2017 Recertification in Critical Care Medicine, American Board of Internal Medicine (10 year duration)


Hawaii (3856).................................Inactive

Maryland (D27163)........................Active

Virginia (0101054131)...................Active

Pennsylvania (MD 058792-L).......Inactive

Washington DC (21879)................Inactive

West Virginia (18670)...................Inactive

Delaware (0004858)......................Inactive

New Jersey (64516).......................Inactive


Regionalized Critical Care Services

A. System/Regional Bidirectional Patient Movement

B. Virtual Physician Presence: The Tele-ICU and Medical Robotics

C. Regionalized Telemedicine for CCM

Extracorporeal Life Support Modalities to include:

A. Extracorporeal Lung Assist via veno-veno route as an advanced modality to support Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

Extracorporeal Therapeutic Modalities to include:

A. Plasma exchange and plasma filtration for Streptococcal Shock, Auto Immune Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage, etc.

B. Continuous dialysis and/or ultrafiltration;

-impact upon survival in patients with multi-organ failure.

-solute clearance.

-nutritional aspects and nutritional implications of continuous dialytic modalities.

-cytokine clearance during continuous dialytic modalities.

Advanced Respiratory Failure

A. Positional therapy for ARDS.

B. Prevalence of ARDS in the State of Maryland

C. Co-investigator: “Multicenter, Prospective, Randomized Controlled Pivotal Trial for

Efficacy of Partial Liquid Ventilation (PLV) with Low and High Doses of Perflubron in

Patients with Acute Lung Injury

Transport of the Critically Ill Patient.

A. Mobile ICU Transport/Interhospital transport of the extremely ill.

Automation in the ICU

A. Remote / Tele medicine Education processes

B. Remote Care of the Critically Ill or Injured Patient




1976 - 1982 Clinical Teaching Assistant in Medicine, University of Hawaii Integrated Medical Residency Program

Honolulu, HI

To include the following medical facilities,

Queens Medical Center

Straub Hospital

Kuakini Medical Center

St. Francis Medical Center

Kaiser Permanente of Hawaii

Veterans Administration Internal Medicine

(Honolulu, HI)

Interim Activity 1982-1985; Private Practice of Internal Medicine, Cambridge, Maryland

8/1987 - 6/1996 Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD

7/1996 – 4/2000 Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Maryland School of

Medicine, Baltimore, MD

4/2000 - 2/2001 Director of Medical Services for VISICU (formerly known as IC-USA), a private corporation dedicated to the establishment of remote Intensive Care Unit services via broadband communications.

2/2001 - 12/2002 Private practice of Critical Care medicine at the St Josephs Medical Center, Union Memorial Hospital and the Greater Baltimore Medical Center. With focus on automation of physician work, HCFA compliance, and IT applications for physician billing and order entry

2/2002 to 5/2005 Vice President for Medical Services @ ICON (Intensive Care On-Line Network) a medical support corporation dedicated to the introduction of technology into the ICU through education and clinical support

12/2002 to 6/2011 Director of Medical/Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Bon Secours Hospital of Baltimore

2/2003-present Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Maryland School of

Medicine, Baltimore, MD

9/2005-2014 Director, Program Development for the Maryland Critical Care Network

7/2009-2013 Director, 6th floor ICU,R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center

2013 – present Co-Director, Multi-Trauma ICU, 5th floor, RAC Shock Trauma Center


1988 to 4/2000 Formation of an Intensivist/nurse run Continuous Renal Replacement Service

1993 – 4/2000 Joint development of an Extracorporeal Lung Assist Program with treatment, training, research and a regional referral base

1993 – 4/2000 Joint development of a high level, mobile Critical Care Transport Program

2012-2013 Tele-ICU White Paper, joint development with the members of the SCCM Tele-ICU committee


1988 – present Society of Critical Care Medicine

1989 - 1994 Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation

1990 - 2000 American Medical Association

1991 - 2000 American Trauma Society

1996 – 2000 Extra Corporeal Life Support Organization

1994 - 2000 Association of Air Medical Services

1999 – 2000 Association of Air Medical Physicians

2007 –present American Telemedicine Association

2010-present Maryland Rural Health Association

2011-present IEEE Electronics in Medicine and Biology

1987-2000 Member Maryland MedChi (Maryland Medical Society)



July 2017 Critical Care Attending of the Year: Awarded by the Shock Trauma Critical Care Fellowship class of 2016-2017

June 2016: Humanism Award: Awarded by the Shock Trauma Critical Care Fellowship class of 2015-2016

June 2015: Critical Care Attending of the Year: Awarded by the Shock Trauma Critical Care Fellowship class of 2014-2015

January 2015: Inducted as a Fellow into the American College of Critical Care Medicine

2013 Inducted into Alpha Omega Alpha – Medicine Honors Society

January 2006 Nursing accommodation for Physician-Nursing Collaborative Efforts

June 2005 Physician of the Year, The Bon Secours Hospital of Baltimore

July 2002 $1,000 stipend for “top resident teaching” evaluations from the medical residency staff, Union Memorial Hospital

June 2000 “Outstanding Teacher” award, from the Shock Trauma Critical Care Fellowship Class of 1999-2000

April 2000 “Hero Award” for 2000 Shock Trauma Gala in honor of dedication and outstanding contribution to saving lives

April 1999 “Hero Award” from 1999 Shock Trauma Gala in honor of dedication and

outstanding contribution to saving lives

June 1998 “Outstanding Teacher Award,” from Shock Trauma Critical Care Fellowship class ‘97—‘98

June 1994 “Excellence in Teaching Award,” from the Shock Trauma Critical Care Fellowship Class 0f ‘93-’94

Jan 1994 “Outstanding Medical Treatment in the Care of a Fallen Police Officer,” presented by the Baltimore County Fraternal Order of Police.

1970 BSEE Degree with "High Honors"

1967 Tau Beta Pi - Engineering Honorary Fraternity

Heta Kappa Nu - Electrical Engineering Honorary Fraternity

Phi Beta Phi - Sciences Honorary Fraternity


2009-present Member of Society of Critical Care Medicine Tele-ICU committee

2008- Present Member of American Telemedicine Association Tele-ICU Special Interest Group

2009-2010 SCCM ICU patient:physcian ratio taskforce

2012 ACCP Consensus Statement Committee: The Delivery of Mass Critical Care During a Disaster-2012, Chicago, Ill. Content Expert


1996 - 1997 Chairman, Sedation, Neuromuscular Blocker Guideline Committee

Therapeutic Perspectives, UMMS ICU Sedation and Paralysis Guidelines. Volume 10, #10, Oct 1996.

1994 – 4/2000 Resuscitation Guidelines Committee

1993 – 4/2000 Multi-State Medical Consultants for Mobile ICU Transport and ECLA Program.

7 – 9 /2004 Full Programmatic review of a major trauma and critical care referral center in Central Maryland (Report Confidential, available only with permission of facility)

10 - 11/2004 Programmatic review of a Long Term Acute Care facility with focus on enhancement of the delivery of Acute, potential Critical Care services. (Report confidential, available only with permission of facility)

10-11/2005 Programmatic review of a critical care program recently established within a medical facility licensed for Acute Care, Chronic Care and Rehabilitation Medicine. (Report confidential, available only with permission of facility)

4-7/2006 Programmatic review of a critical care program at a secondary medical facility within the UMMS with the intent to enhance within system integration of critical care services. (Report confidential, available only with permission of facility)

7-9/2009 Full Programatic review of critical care services delivered at a rural, primary care facility on the eastern shore of Maryland. Facility is within the UMMS with intent to incorporate facility into a critical care network. (Report confidential, available only with permission of the facility)

2-4/2012: Full programmatic review of critical care services delivered at a small-to-mid sized rural southern Maryland primary care facility, part of the UMMS, with the intent to either provide critical care coverage and/or incorporate into the Maryland critical Care network

5-7/2012: Programmatic review of pulmonary/Critical Care coverage of a mid-sized, Western Maryland critical care service to plan and evaluate for a formalized full-time critical care program and expansion of trauma services within the Maryland Trauma system.

7/2013-Present: Establishment of a full-time critical care program within a mid-sized Western Maryland community facility, integrating an on-site Intensivist program with a remote Intensivist Tele-ICU program.


1/2006 Instructor, Fundamentals of Disaster Medicine

1999 – 4/2000 Shock Trauma Medical Peer Review Committee, Chairman

1998 – 4/2000 Infection Control Working Group, Shock Trauma Clinical Center

1994 – 8/1999 Shock Trauma Medical Peer Review Committee, member

1993 - 1997 UMMS Critical Care Committee

1988 – 4/2000 &

2009-Present Shock Trauma Clinical Center ICU Committee

8/2001 – 12/2002 Automation Committee at the St Josephs Medical Center

7/2001 – 12/2002 Information Services Oversite committee at the St Josephs Medical Center

1988 - 1997 Shock Trauma Clinical Center Education Committee

1988 – 4/2000 Shock Trauma Clinical Center Research Committee

1987 – 4/2000 Medical Director of Shock Trauma Clinical Center Biomedical

Engineering Service

12/2002-present Chairman Critical Care Committee, Bon Secours Hospital of Baltimore

5/2003-present Member, Palliative Care Committee, Bon Secours Hospital of Baltimore

02/2006-2009 Chairman: Disaster, Mass Casualty Preparedness committee, BSH

02/2006-2009 Member, Ventilator Oversight Committee, The University Specialty Hospital.

11/01/2014-present University of Maryland Medical Center Albumin Users working group


Maryland Legislative Activities:

2010: Presentation to Maryland Rural Council regarding Telemedicine: Developed support for the promotion of Telemedicine with Delegate Smigiel and Senator Pipkin

2011: Preparatory and Legislative Activities

1/20/2011: Written and Oral Testimony before the Maryland State House Health and Government Operations Committee (Del Hammen, Chairman) in support of HB 0014 mandating physician reimbursement for medical services delivered via telemedicine technologies. HB 0014 sponsored by Del Smigiel.

2/23/2011: Written and Oral Testimony before the Maryland State Senate Finance Committee (Sen Middleton, Chairman) in support of SB 298 and SB 744 mandating physician reimbursement for medical services delivered via telemedicine technologies.SBs 298 and 744 sponsored by Senators Pipkin and Pugh respectively

6/25/2011: Develop Telemedicine position paper with MedChi (Maryland State Medical Society) supporting physician reimbursement for medical services delivered via telemedicine technologies.

7/7/2011 through August 2011: Active member of the Governors Second Telemedicine Task Forces: subcommittees to include the Clinical Advisory Group (Chairman, Dr. Robert Bass, Dir MIEMSS), Technical Advisory Group (Chairman, Mr. David Sharp, MHCC) and the Financial Advisory Group (Chairman, Mr. Ben Steffen, Acting Director, MHCC).

9/15/2011: Presention of MedChi Position paper regarding telemedicine reimbursement to the MedChi “House of Delegates”. Received unanimous vote of support.

9/2012: Established Telemedicine Legislative Strategy group to promote legislation for the establishment of Physician Reimbursement for Telemedicine Services. Strategy Group included: American Telemedicine Association Senior Director Public Policy, American Heart Association Government Relations Director, Former Legislative Aid for Senator Pipkin, Health Lawyer with Nelson, Mullins, Riley and Scarburgh, Senior Public Policy Administrator for the American Telemedicine Association, and Director of the Maryland Rural Health Association.

2012 Legislative Activity:

Maryland General Assesmbly Eastern Shore Delegation Presentation regarding benefits of rural Telemedicine, 2/10/2012

Oral and written testimony before the Maryland State House Health and Government Operations Committee (Del Hammen, Chairman) in support of HB 1149 mandating reimbursement for physician services provided via telemedicine technology. HB 1149 sponsored by Del Susan Lee, et al. Testimony included a live demonstration of telemedicine in the House chambers of the HG&O committee.

Oral and written testimony before the Maryland State Senate Finance Committee (Sen Middleton, Chairman) on 3/7/2012, in support of SB 781 regarding telemedicine reimbursement. SB 781 sponsored by Sen Pugh et al. Testimony included a live demonstration of telemedicine before the Senate Finance committee

Note: HB 1149 and SB 781 passed both houses unanimously during the 2012 Maryland General Assembly session.

Written testimony to the HG&O committee in support of HB 1399 regarding the alignment of physician credentialing to be consistent with the CMMS and JCAHO guidelines. Goal to simplify inter-hospital credentialing to reduce barriers to the expansion of telemedicine services in Maryland.

2013 Legislative Activity

Prepared and presented position paper to the Maryland Medical Society (MedChi) House of Delegates to develop the support of coming legislation to permit Proxy Privileging and Credentialing for Telemedicine services in the State of Maryland.

Member of the MedChi Legislative Council with work to solidify support for the Proxy Privileging and credentialing legislation.

Cybersecurity and Telemedicine Bill of 2013:

HB 937 (Del. Susan Lee) oral&written testimony in support,, Hse Econ. Matters, 3/6/2013

SB 494 (Sen C. Pugh) oral & written testimony in support, Sen Finance Comm, 2/19/2012

A bill to develop health care and information cyber security under the auspicies of the Maryland Cyber Security Commission

Maryland Medicaid Reimbursement for Telmedicine Bill of 2013:

HB 931 (Del Susan Lee) oral&written testimony in support, Hse HG&O Comm, 3/7/2013

SB 496 (Sen C. Pugh) oral & written testimony in support, Sen Finance Comm. 2/20/2013

A bill to mandate Medicaid Care Provider reimbursement to be in parity with payments whether service provided face-to-face or remote and to have Medicaid payment system consistent with 2012 SB 781.

Maryland Proxy Privileging and Credentialing Bill of 2013:

HB 1042 (Del Susan Lee) Oral & written testimony in support, Hse HG&O, 3/7/2013

SB 798 (Sen C. Pugh) Oral & written testimony in support, Sen Finance Comm., 3/6/2013

A bill to simplify and reduce physician/institutional paper work for physicians practicing Telemedicine in Maryland and make Maryland in harmony with CMS and JCAHO guidance on proxy privileging.

Telemedicine Task Force Bill 0f 2013:

HB934 (Del Susan Lee) oral & written testimony in support,Hse HG&O Comm., 3/7/2013

SB 776 (Sen C. Pugh) oral & written testimony in support Sen Finance Comm., 2/20/2013

A bill to re-establish the Telemedicine Task Force with the intent to continue progress in the field of delivery of Telemedicine in the State of Maryland

Member of the 2013 Telemedicine Task Force sitting on the Clinical Advisory (sub) Group under the Direction of Dr. Robert Bass and the Telemedicine Standards and Solutions (sub) Group under the direction of Mr David Sharp and Mr. Ben Steffen .

Chairman, Clinical Advisory Group for the 2013 Telemedicine Task Force as of 2/1/2014 (replacing Dr. Robert Bass due to resignation)

2014 Legislative Activity

Maryland Medicaid Reimbursement for Telmedicine Bill of 2014:

SB 198 (Senator Pugh) Written and Oral testimony before the Maryland Senate Finance Committee (Chr Sen. Middleton) 1/29/2014

HB 802 (Del Susan Lee)

Chairman, Clinical Advisory Committee: Sub committee reporting to the Maryland Telemedicine Task Force Committee.

Goal to create clinical meaningful “use cases” for telemedicine applications in the State of Maryland.

2016: Legislative Activity

Maryland Medical Assistance Program – Telemedicine – Modifications:

SB 242 (Senator Kelley) a bill designed to modify certain behaviors of the Maryland Department of Mental Hygiene (DHMH). Specifically, designed to eliminate the “Addendum”, a lengthy process of application for Telemedicine credentialing with DHMH to receive reimbursement. In addition, the bill aimed to increase the types of care providers eligible. Bill was result of heavy spring and summer education with the involved Maryland state legislators and included written and verbal testimony before Maryland Senate Finance committee 2-3-2016. Bill expected to become law as an emergency bill in June 2016. (Companion HB 886)

State Board of Physicians – Authority to Adopt Regulations – Physician 2 Licensing Reciprocity.

SB 1020 (Senator Pugh) Bill designed to reduce barriers to interstate practice of medicine to include telemedicine. Will likely mandate the Board of Physicians to establish reciprocity for medical licensure with all bordering states. Written and verbal testimony and legislative education provided. Expected to become law.

Interstate Medical Licensure Compact.

SB 446 (Senator Pugh) Bill aimed to enjoin Maryland into the FSMB compact. Unlikely to pass. Legislative education provided with written and oral testimony.

Health Care Practitioners – Use of Teletherapy

HB 1103 (Del Reznick et al). Bill designed to expand the types of providers who can provide Tele-Psychiatric consultions or support. I provided consultation to MedChi and internal reviewer regarding support for the Maryland State Medical society. Passage uncertain as of 3-14-2016

2017 Legislative activity

Maryland Medical Assistance-Telehealth Requirements:

HB 658 (Del Bromwell), SB 570 (Sen Middleton). Legislation designed to control the DHMH regulators from limiting the expansion of Telehealth in Maryland. Bill also designed to expand coverage to RPM (Remote Patient Monitoring) and remove limitations on Originating and Remote sites. Testimony written and oral provided to the Maryland Senate Finance Committee 2/23/2017. Worked with Maryland Hospital Association and Maryland MedChi for promotion of the legislation

Maryland Regional and Community activites:

10/24/2017-present Establishment of the Maryland Telehealth Alliance: A coalition of providers, industry, payers and community for the promotion of TeleHealth in the state of Maryland

7/24/2017 Volunteers in Mission, Rehabilitation of Native American facilities on

The Rosebud Reservation of the Lakota

2/4/2015 &

5/16/2016 &

6/23/2017 BioMedical Day for Severna Park High school STEM students held at the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center

9/2014-present Mentor through IEE (Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineering) for local high school students in the STEM program (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) as part of Project Lead The Way

11/2012-2014 Member, Mission Board of Directors, Maryland branch of the American Heart Association,

01/2009-2011 DHMH Committee for the Allocation of Scarce Resources

07/2011 Maryland GovenorsTelemedicine Task Force:

Financial and Business Model Advisory Group

Technical Advisory Committee

Clinical Advisory Committee

6/24- 7/1/2007 Rosebud Indian Health Services Hospital, Rosebud South Dakota: Medical services provided pro-bono.

6/24-7/2/2006 Rosebud Indian Health Services Hospital, Rosebud South Dakota: Medical services provided pro-bono.

6/18-22/2003 Medical Director and sponsor for the 8th Washington DC AIDS Ride (6

sites enroute, each day, spanning 4 days and 330 miles, from Raleigh-Durham, N.C. to Washington D.C.).

9/13-15/2002 Medical Support for 140th Commemorative Reenactment of the Battle of Antietim, administering acute medical care to re-enactors on-site

6/23-27/99 Medical Director and sponsor for the 4th Washington DC AIDS Ride (6

sites enroute, each day, spanning 4 days and 330 miles)

5/15/99 Medical Staff (volunteer; unpaid) for running of the Preakness at Pimlico

Race Track. Baltimore, Maryland

6/17-22/98 Medical Director and sponsor for 3rd Washington DC AIDS Ride (8 medical sites along cycling route spanning 4 days and 300 miles)

5/3/98 Medical support for the Whitbread Race start/Chesapeake Bay Walk, onsite West End Bay Bridge

9/12-14/97 Medical Support for 135th Commemorative Reenactment of the Battle of Antietim administering acute medical care to re-enactors on-site

6/19-22/97 Medical Director and sponsor for 2nd Washington DC AIDS Ride (8 sites along bike route spanning 4 days and 300 miles)

6/21-23/96 Medical Back-up and sponsor for IST Philadelphia → DC AIDS Ride (6 sites along route from Philadelphia to DC). June 21 - 23, 1996.

10/1995: Medical Back-up for Papal visit to Baltimore, Maryland, Fall 1995.

9/1995: Demonstration of Critical Care Transport and Pulmonary Physiology, Key School. Annapolis, Maryland, Fall 1995.


1987-2000 Intensive Care Unit Patient Care and Teaching Responsibilities:

2009- present Eight of twelve months per year are dedicated to teaching "Fellow" level physicians from the fields of Medicine, Anesthesiology, Surgery/Traumatology and Emergency Medicine. Daily morning and evening teaching rounds for a total of 3 hours per day. Bedside teaching to include;

Basic and Advanced Ventilator and Pulmonary Support

Hemodynamic Management

Parenteral Nutrition

Therapy of Intracranial Hypertension

ICU Management

1987-2000 Bedside Instruction of Basic and Advanced Techniques of

2009- present Bronchoscopy

Didactic instruction of Bronchoscopy to include bronchoscopy "skills lab" with simulator.

1988-2000 Fellows Didactic Course on:

2009- present Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies to include:




1987-2000 Fellow Lectures:

Bi-monthly lecture on Extracorporeal Lung Assist, ARDS,

Continuous Renal Replacement Modalities.

1987-2000 Bedside teaching of technical procedures including:

Venous Cannulation

Right Heart Catheterization

Arterial Cannulation

Closed Chest Thoracostomy Tubes

Airway Management

Large Vascular Cannulation for ECLA

Pacemaker Insertion

1987-2000 Journal Club and /Fellow Morbidity and Mortality Conferences:

Bi-weekly presentations.

2002-2011 Daily teaching rounds with ICU staff at the Bon Secours Hospital of Baltimore

2013-Present: Mentor, Introduction to Clinical Medicine, ICM-1 for first year medical students, University of Maryland School of Medicine

2012-Present: Rural Interest group Yearly Presentation: to the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Telemedicine and Robotic demonstration

2014-Present: Introduction to Telemedicine: Second Year Medical Students, University of Maryland School of Medicine


Maryland HRSA Bio-terrorism Hospital Preparedness Project: Special Consideration Grant, Application December 2005, Awarded February 2006. Grant to enhance preparedness for bio-terrorist attack with emphasis on community outreach. Grant request $353,000 awarded at 80% for $280,000. Benefits of grants to accrue to the Bon Secours Hospital of Baltimore.

HRSA grant to enhance effectiveness of response during a disaster or mass casualty situation. Grant request awarded at $79,000 to support enhanced communications and remote care of critically ill patients. Benefits of grants to accrue to the Bon Secours Hospital of Baltimore.

Phase I SBIR (Small Business Innovative Research) Grant 1R43MD006709-01 from National Institute On Minority Health And Health Disparities: Enhanced Visualization and Autonomy for TeleHealth Robots to Address Health Care Availability. $191,500 awarded 2011, completed 2012

Phase II SBIR Grant Submitted July 2012, decision March 2013. National Institute On Minority Health And Health Disparities: Enhanced Visualization and Autonomy for TeleHealth Robots to Address Health Care Availability. Feasibility to functionality and commercialization. Request $990,000


“Trauma Nursing; From Resuscitation through Rehabilitation.” Second Edition (Eds: Cardona VD, Hurn PD, Mason DJ, Scanlon AM, Berry SW) Saunders Philadelphia, PA 1994.

“Trauma Nursing; From Resuscitation through Rehabilitation.” Third Edition (Eds: K. McQuillan, K. VonRueden, R. Hartsock, MB. Flynn, E. Saunders Philadelphia, PA Editorial review of Chapter 19, Thoracic “Injury”.


2010 to Present: Manuscript review panel for the journal: Telemedicine and e-Health


An Extracorporeal Lung Assist Device, Patent number 5,277,176, Patent date 1/11/94. Patent submitted by Nader Habashi, M.D. and H. Neal Reynolds, M.D. through the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center.

Mobile Videoconferencing Robot System with Autonomy and Image Analysis, Submitted to United States Patent Office 11/24/2011, patent application number: 2011/0288417 A1, pending (as of 1 2/2014). Submitted by InTouch Heatlh with Fuji Lai, Marco Pinter, H. Neal Reynolds and Yulan Wang as co-inventors

Enhanced Diagnostics for a Telepresence Robot: Submitted under two patents #14/091,292 (11/26/2013) and #14/108,036 (12/16/2013). Submitted by InTouch Health with Marco Pinter, Timothy Wright and H. Neal Reynolds as co-inventors.



Reynolds HN, Medical Flight Crew manual; First Edition, June 1999

Bar-Lavie, Y, Reynolds H N, Borg U, Habashi NM, Cottingham CA. Plasmapheresis: Plasma

Exchange Therapy First Edition, 1997

Habashi NM, Borg U, Reynolds HN. Simplified Extracorporeal Lung Assistance Manual:

Training, Guidelines, Policies and Procedures. First Edition 1993, Second Edition 1994, Third Edition 1995, fourth Edition 1996.

Hazzard B, Cottingham C, Borg U, Reynolds HN. Continuous Renal Replacement Manual. First

Edition 1995.


Reynolds HN, Habashi N, Borg U. "New Directions and Applications for Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Support.” Advances in Trauma and Critical Care. Editor K.I. Maull, vol. 9; 100-133. October 1994.

Shillinglaw W, Reynolds H.N.; "Post-Traumatic Acute Renal Failure: Continuous Renal Replacement and Ultrafiltration in the Post Trauma Patient". In Complications in Trauma and Critical Care, Editors: Maull KI, Rodriguez A, Wiles CE, III. W.B. Saunders & Co September 1995.

Habashi NM, Borg UR, Reynolds HN, Aswad MA, Cottingham CA. “New Directions in Ventilatory Management”. In: Advanced Therapy in Thoracic Surgery. Editors KL Franco, JB Putnam Jr, BC Decker Publishers, 1998; 24-35.

Reynolds, HN. The Tele-ICU: Why, How and What. What the Future May look Like. Chapter, 21, 2011 “Telemedicine for Trauma, Emergencies, and Disaster Management. Edited by Rifat Latifi, M.D. Artech House Publishers, 685 Canton Street, Norwood, MA

Reynolds, H.N. “Remote Critical Care Services”, pages 49-61, in Coding and Billing: 6th Edition. Editors; Todd Dorman, M.D., Frann Britton, RN, Daniel Brown MD, Nancy Munro RN. Published by the Society of Critical Care Medicine, Copyright 2014.

Reynolds HN, Bander JA. “Options for Tele-ICU Design: Centralized vs De-Centralized and other Considerations” in Clinics In Critical Care Medicine edited by Richard Carlson, published by Eliviser Publishing Company, April 2015 Vol 31 (2): 335-350. Published in electronic format, January 2015 at DOI: 

Zubrow M Wtizke A, Reynolds HN. “ Legal, Regulatory, and Ethical Issues in the Use of Telemedicine “ in: Telemanagement of Inflammatory Bowel Disease edited by Raymond K Cross and Andrew Watson, Springer International Publishing, pp 153-178, 2015 (e-book  ), DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-22285-1

Reynolds HN, Zubrow M, Sikka N, Alcorta R. Adult Emergency and Critical Care Telehealth, to be published in first edition of “Understanding Telehealth” , edited by Rheuban K and Puchinski E, McGraw Hill Education, Expected date of publication December 2017


Reynolds, H.N., Haupt MT., Carlson, R. Impact of Critical Care Physician Staffing on Patients with Septic Shock in a University Medical Care Unit. JAMA 1988; 260(33) 3446-50.

Reynolds, H.N., Belzberg, H., Connelley, JT: Hyperlactemia in Patients Undergoing Continuous Arterio-Venous Hemofiltration with Dialysis. Critical Care Medicine. 1990; 18:582

Reynolds, H.N., Borg, U., Belzberg, H., Wiles, C.E., III: Efficacy of Continuous Arteriovenous Hemofiltration with Dialysis in Patients with Renal Failure. Critical Care Medicine 1991; 19:1387-1394

Goins, WA, Reynolds, H.N., Nyanjom, D., Dunham, CM.: Outcome Following Prolonged Intensive Care Unit Stay in Multiple Trauma Patients. Critical Care Medicine 1991; 19(3): 339-345

Omert, L., Reynolds, H.N., Wiles, CE: Continuous Arteriovenous Hemofiltration with Dialysis (CAVH-D): An Alternative to Hemodialysis in the Mass Casualty Situation. Journal of Emergency Medicine 1991:9; 51-56

Vanderhayden, BA, Reynolds, H.N., Gerold, K.: Prolonged Paralysis Following Continuous Infusion with Vecuronium. Critical Care Medicine, 1992; 20(2): 304-307.

Reynolds, H.N., Borg, U., McKnight, C., Survival Following 67 Days of Continuous Hemodiafiltration in a Patient with Multisystem Organ Failure. Critical Care Medicine. 1992, 20(10): 1487-89.

Reynolds, H.N., Borg, U., Frankenfield, D. Full Alimentation and Nitrogen Equilibrium in a Renal Failure Patient Treated with Continuous Hemodiafiltration. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 1992; 16(4) July/Aug 379-383.

Frankenfield, D, Badellino, MM, Reynolds, HN, Wiles, CE, III, Siegel, J., Goodarzi, S. Amino Acid Loss and Plasma Concentration During Continuous Hemodiafiltration. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 1993; 17(6) November/December 551-561.

Frankenfield D, Reynolds HN, Wiles CE, Badellino M. Urea Removal During Continuous Hemodiafiltration. Critical Care Medicine. 1994, 22(3): 407-412

Habashi N, Borg U, Reynolds HN. An In Vitro Physiologic Model for Cardiopulmonary Simulation: A system for ECMO training. International Journal of Artificial Organs. 1994,17(7): 399-407.

Habashi N, Reynolds HN, Borg U. Simplified Extracorporeal Lung Assist (SECLA). Ultra Low Blood Flow Rates for Carbon Dioxide Removal During ARDS. In Intensive Care Medicine, 1995, 21:594-597.

Elliott D, Wiles CE, Reynolds HN. Removal of Cytokines in Septic Patients Using Continuous Veno-Venous Hemodiafiltration. In Critical Care Medicine 1994 22 (4);718-719.

Frankenfield DC, Reynolds HN, Wiles CE, Badellino MM" Glucose Dynamics During Continuous Hemodiafiltration. In Intensive Care Medicine.1995; 21:1016-1022.

Frankenfield DC, Reynolds HN: Nutrition in Continuous Hemodiafiltration. In Nutrition, 1995,vol 11, No 4, PP 388-393.

Riblet JL, Shillinglaw W, Goldberg AJ, Mitchell K, Sedani K, Davis FE, Reynolds HN. Utility of the routine chest x-ray after “over-wire” venous catheter changes. In The American Surgeon, PP 1004-1065, Dec 1996.

Aswad M, Habashi NM, Borg UR, Reynolds HN, Cottingham CA, Rodriguez A, Scalea A. “Extracorporeal Liver Exclusion for Management of Severe Traumatic Liver Injuries”. In Trauma Quarterly, ASPEN Publishers 1998 publication.

Borg UR, Reynolds HN, Habashi NM, “Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Lung Assist with

Concurrent Distal Aortic Perfusion: Repair of Ruptured Aorta in a Patient with Dense ARDS. In International Journal of Artificial Organs. 1998; 21(6): 344-347.

Reynolds, HN, MCCunn, U. Borg, N. Habashi, C. Cottingham, Y. Bar-Lavie. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Estimated Incidence and Mortality in a 5,000,000 - Person Population Base. In Critical Care 1998, 2:29-34.

Wiles CEIII, Reynolds HN, Bar-Lavie Y. “Flush Resuscitation for Group A Streptococcus vs. Toxic Shock: A possible role for Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy and Plasmapheresis. In Maryland Medical Journal 1998; 47(4): 188-190.

Gettings L, Reynolds HN, Scalea T. “Outcome in Post-Traumatic Acute Renal Failure

Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy is Applied Early vs. Late Intensive Care Medicine. August 1999; 25(8): 805-813.

Reynolds HN, Cottingham C, McCunn M, Habashi NM, Scalea T.M. “Extracorporeal Lung

Support in a Patient with Traumatic Brain Injury: The Benefit of Heparin-Bonded

Circuitry”, Perfusion 14:489-493, 1999.

Gebremichael M, Borg U, Habashi NM, Cottingham C, Cunsolo L, MCCunn M, Reynolds

HN. “Interhospital Transport of the Extremely Ill Patient,” Critical Care Medicine 2000; 28(1):79-85.

Teiken P., Regan M., Habashi NM. Cottingham CA., McCunn M., Scalea TM., Reynolds HN.:

“Hyperlactemia, Increased Osmolar Gap and Renal Dysfunction During Continuous

Lorazepam Infusion.” Critical Care Medicine, Publication May, 2000.

Tandon, M, Reynolds, HN, Borg U, Habashi NM, Cottingham CA. “Life Threatening Acute

Systemic Lupus Erythematosis: Survival Following Multiple Extracorporeal Modalities:

A Place for the Multi-potential Extracorporeal Service”, in

ASAIO 46:146-149, 2000.

McCunn M, Reynolds HN, Cottingham CA, Scalea TA, Habashi NM. “Extracorporeal Support

in an Adult with Severe Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Shock Following Smoke

Inhalation: A Case Report”, accepted for publication in Perfusion in year 2000.

McCunn M, Mirvis S, Reynolds N, CottinghamC. Physician utilization of a portable computed tomography scanner in the intensive care unit. Crit Care Med. 2000 Dec;28(12):3808-13.

Navarrete-Navarro P, Rodriquez A, Reynolds HN, West R, Habashi NM, Rivera R, Chiu WC, Scalea T. Acute respiratory distress syndrome among trauma patients: trends in ICU mortality, risk factors, complications and resource utilization. Intensive Care Medicine 2001 27:1133-1140.

Klein CJ, Moser-Veillon PB, Schweitzer A, Douglass LW, Reynolds HN, Patterson KY, Veillon C, Magnesium, Calcium, Zinc and Nitrogen loss in Truama Patients During Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy. JPEN 2002 26 (2):77-93.

Reynolds HN, Habashi NM, Cottingham CA, Frawley PM, McCunn M. Interhospital transport of the adult mechanically ventilated patient. Respir Care Clin N Am. 2002 Mar;8(1):37-50.

Reynolds HN, Sheinfeld G, Chang J, Simmons D, Tabatabai A. The Tele-ICU during a "Disaster": Seamless Transition from Routine Operations to Disaster Mode. Telemedicine and e-Health, November 2011; 746-749.

Reynolds HN, Rogove H, Bander J, McCambridge M, Cowboy E, Niemeier M.

A Working Lexicon for the Tele-ICU: We Need to Define Tele-ICU to Grow & Understand It. Telemedicine and e-Health; 17(10) December 2011: 773-783.

Reynolds EM, Grujovski A, Wright T, Foster M, Reynolds HN, M.D.Utilization of Robotic “Remote Presence” Technology within North American Intensive Care Units (ICUs). Telemedicine and e Health, September 2012: Vol 18(7); 507-515

Lilly, Craig M. MD, FCCM, FCCP, FACP1,2,3; Zubrow, Marc T. MD, FCCM1,2,3; Kempner, Kenneth M. MS1,2,3; Reynolds, H. Neal MD1,2,3; et al. Critical Care Telemedicine: Evolution and State of the Art. Crit. Care Med November 2014;42 (11): 2429-2436. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000000539

Radin-Aitken B, Reynolds HN, Bodanapally UK, Dreizin D.. Cerebral Fat Embolism Syndrome: Diagnostic State of the Art: (With and Without Intra-medullary Fixation, With and Without Long Bone Fractures). Accepted (as of 8-28-2015) for publication in the International Journal of Critical Care and Emergency Medicine

Rappaport ES, Reynolds HN, Baucum S, Lehman TM. Tele-Health Support of Managed Care for a Correctional System, The Open Architecture Telehealth model. Accepted for publication fall 2017 in Telemedicine and e-Health


Simon, R., Reynolds, HN."Afterload Reduction". Critical Care Report 1990 1(3);


Lewis, J.V., Reynolds, HN. Continuous Arterio-Venous Hemofiltration with Dialysis; Indications and Potential Complications. Critical Care Report 1990 1(3); 408-414.

McCunn, M., Reynolds, HN. Cottingham, CA., Scalea, TM., Habashi, NM. Extracorporeal support in an Adult with Severe Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Shock Following Smoke Inhalation: A Case Report. Accepted for publication 10/13/99 in Perfusion for 2000.

Stewart, P., Reynolds, HN. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in the Critically Ill Trauma Patient Critical Care Report 1990 1(3):359-304

Reynolds, HN, Bander J, McCarthy,M. Different Systems and Formats for Tele-ICU Coverage. Designing a Tele-ICU System to Optimize Functionality and Investment. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly 2012 October-December; Vol 35 (4): 1-14.

Harder, Linda with contributors: H. Neal Reynolds, M.D., Seth Eaton, M.D., David Pruitt, M.D., Don Richter, M.D. TeleHealth: Expands Care Beyond Office Walls. Maryland Physician Journal; Vol 3 (3) May/June 2013: 29-30.


Reynolds, HN. Haupt, MT, Carlson, R., "Improved Survival from Septic Shock Following Therapy Directed by Critical Care Medicine" Critical Care Medicine. May, 1986.

Omert, L., Reynolds, H.N., Use of CAVH-D in the Mass Casualty Situation, Proceedings of the First International Conference for Emergency Health Care Development, Washington DC, August 1989, p. 279.

Hassan, E., Yuen, G., Reynolds, HN. Bellis, E., Intra and Interpatient Variability of Phenytoin Binding in Critically Ill Head Trauma Patients. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 1989 29:854.

Reynolds, HN. "Complications with the Use of Continuous Arterio Venous Hemofiltration CAVH-D." Critical Care Medicine 1990; 18:5192

Goins, WA, Reynolds, HN. "Outcome Following Prolonged Critical Care Unit Stay in Multiple Trauma Patients". Critical Care Medicine. 1990; 18:217

Frankenfield D, Reynolds HN. Badellino M, Wiles CE. Siegel J., Urea Kinetics During Continuous Hemodiafiltration with High Amino Acid Intake in Trauma Patients with Sepsis. Critical Care Medicine 1992; 20(4) suppl. S-17.

Vanderheyden, BA, Reynolds, HN. Response-"Letter to the Editor.” Prolonged Paralysis After Long-Term Vecuronium Infusion. Critical Care Medicine 1992, 20(11) 1024-25.

Aber TS, Walker LA, Vanderheyden BA, Hassan Erkan, Reynolds HN. “The Acute Hemodynamic Effects of Continuous Infusion Labetolol in the Critically Ill Trauma Patient.” Published Pharmacotherapy August 1992.

Continuous Hemodiafiltration with Aggressive Nutrient Alimentation in Sepsis.” Journal of Enteral Nutrition, 1992; 16(1) Suppl S-25.

Frankenfield D, Reynolds HN, Badellino M, Wiles CE III, et al., “ Urea Clearance in Septic Patients with Full Amino Acid Alimentation.” Presented at the 21st Annual Society of Critical Care Scientific Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, May 27, 1992.

Frankenfield D, Reynolds HN. Wiles CE. “Glucose Balance During Continuous Hemodiafiltration with and without 5% Dextrose Ultrafiltrate Replacement. (Abstract) Critical Care Medicine. 21 (4) Supplement S184, April 1993. Also; presented at 22nd Educational Symposium of Society of Critical Care Med. June 9 - 13, 1993, New York, N.Y.

Frankenfield D, Wiles CE. Reynolds HN., Effect of Catabolic Rate on Nitrogen Loss and

Balance in Septic Patients. (Abstract) Critical Care Medicine. 21 (4) Supplement S274, April 1993. Also presented at 22nd Educational Symposium of Society of Critical Care Med. June 9 - 13, 1993, New York, N.Y.

Bar-Lavie YP, Foster D, Aber T, Reynolds HN, Wiles CE. Myoglobin Clearance During Hemodiafiltration (CAVH-D) in Rhabdomyolysis.

Cunsolo LA, Habashi NM, Borg UR, Reynolds HN. The Rational Development of Specialized Critical Care Transport Program.

Borg UR, Cunsolo, LA, Reynolds HN, Habashi NM. Intrahospital Transport of Patients on Extracorporeal lung Assist (ECLA). European Extracorporeal life Support Organization 4th European Congress of ECLA. May 10-12, 1995 Bergamo, Italy.

Bar-Lavie Y, Wang D, Joshi M, Reynolds HN. Wiles CEW. Severe Group A Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome; Management with High Volume Plasmapheresis: A Report of Two Cases. Intensive Care Medicine vol 22 suppl March 1996.

Klein C, Reynolds HN. Moser-Veillon P, Patterson KY, Veillon C. Mineral Losses in Effluent from Continuous Veno-Venous Hemodiafiltration Detected by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Acute Renal Failure in the 21st Century, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland May 6-8, 1996. (published in proceedings).

Borg U, Reynolds HN. Habashi N, ECLA, ECMO, ECCO2: Is Your System Safe? Part I ECLA Circuit. 5th European Congress on Extracorporeal Life Support, Stockholm Sweden, June 20-29, 1996. Published in proceedings page 27a.

Kuramoto J, Ciesla N, Habashi N, Reynolds HN. Borg U. Physical Therapy (PT) Intervention for Patients Requiring Extracorporeal Lung Assist (ECLA). 5th European Congress on Extracorporeal Life Support, Published in proceedings, page 26. Stockholm Sweden, June 20-29, 1996.

Borg U, Reynolds HN, Habashi N, ECLA, ECMO, and ECCO2: Is Your System Safe? Part II ECLA Circuit. 5th European Congress on Extracorporeal Life Support. Published in proceedings page 27b. Stockholm Sweden, June 20-29, 1996.

Borg U, Habashi N, Reynolds HN. Blood Recovery from Medtronic Maxima PRF Membrane Oxygenator. 5th European Congress on Extracorporeal Life Support. Published in proceedings page P-15. Stockholm Sweden, June 20-29, 1996.

Bar-Lavie Y, Borg U, Kuramoto J, Habashi N, Reynolds HN. Results of a Prospective Prone Positioning Protocol in Patients with the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. European Society of Critical Care. Glasgow Scotland September 1996.

Habashi NM, Borg UR, Bar-Lavie Y, Reynolds HN. Effect and Safety of Intermittent Prone-Positioning as an Adjunct to Extracorporeal Lung Assist. Presented at the American College of Chest Physicians World Congress, Oct 27-31, 1996. San Francisco, CA. Published in Chest, vol 110, (4) Oct 1996. (Suppl) pp 595.

Reynolds HN, McCunn M, Borg U, Habashi N, Cottingham C, Bar-Lavie Y. The Incidence and Mortality Rate Associated with the Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Maryland. Accepted for presentation at the Society of Critical Care Medicine, 20th Educational and Scientific Symposium. Feb. 6-10, 1997. San Diego, CA.

Aswad MA, Habashi NM, Reynolds, HN Borg UR, Rodriguez A, Scalea T. Liver Venovenous Bypass for Complex Liver Injuries with Hepatic Vein Involvement. Published in proceedings and presented at the American Association for Surgery of Trauma. Waikoloa, Hawaii, September 1997.

Habashi NM, Aswad MA, Borg UR, Reynolds HN, Cottingham, C, Scalea T. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures Performed During Extracorporeal Lung Assist. Published in proceedings and presented at the 6th European Congress on Extracorporeal Life Support. Oxford, UK August 1997.

McCunn M, Reynolds HN, Cottingham C, Habashi NM. Craniotomy for Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH) in a Patient with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) on Extracorporeal Support. Published in the proceedings from ITACCS Symposium, Vienna, Austria, May 1998.

McCunn M, Reynolds HN, Cottingham C, Handley C, Habashi NM, Borg U. Interhospital Transport of Critically Ill Trauma Patient with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Complications and Outcome. Published in the proceedings from ITACCS Symposium, Vienna, Austria, May 1998.

McCunn M, Cottingham C, Reynolds HN, Habashi NM, Borg U. Prone Positioning of Trauma Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Complications and Morbidity. Published in the proceedings from ITACCS Symposium, Vienna, Austria, May 1998.

MCCunn M, Reynolds HN, Cottingham CA, Britten JS, Habashi NM. “ Extracorporeal support in an adult with severe carbon monoxide poisoning A case report,” Extracorporeal Life Support Organization Symposium, Sept 18-20, 1998, San Antonio, Texas.

MCCunn M, Mirvis SE, Cottingham CA, Reynolds HN, Habashi NM. “Mobile computerized

Tomographic scan in adult patients on extracorporeal support: Applications, indications

and complications”. Extracorporeal Life Support Organization Symposium, Sept 18-

20, 1998, San Antonio, Texas and published in Perfusion 1999: 14;157.

MCCunn M, Cottingham CA, Reynolds HN, Mirvis SE, Habashi NM. “Impact of a Portable CT Scanner on Physician Ordering Patterns and Practices in the Intensive Care Unit,” Critical Care Medicine, January 1999 supplement to 2791) A153.

Gettings LG, Scalea TM, Reynolds HN. “Outcome in Post-Traumatic Acute Renal

When Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy is Applied Early vs. Late. Blood

Purification vol. 17, Abstract #49, 1999.

Klein CJ, Gettings LG, Reynolds HN. “Nitrogen Balance is not a Requirement for Survival in

Adults Receiving Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy after Traumatic Injury. Blood Purification vol. 17, Abstract #1 1999.

McCunn M, Shanmugathan K, Reynolds HN, Cottingham CA. “Predictive Value of

Computerized Tomography on Outcome from Extracorporeal Support (ECLS) in Patients with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Presented at the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization, September 1999 and published in proceedings.

McCunn M, Reynolds HN: Plasma-lyte as Dialysate for CRRT: Implementation and

Evaluation of a New Therapy. Critical Care 2002: 6;S1, P178.(Presented @

International Symposium of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care, Brussels,March

2002 and published in the proceedings).

Reynolds, H.N: Underserved Does Not Necessarily Mean Rural: Remote Telepresence in Downtown Baltimore. Telemedicine and e Health 2008, Vol 14, Supplement 1, pp103

Reynolds, E.M., Reynolds, H.N., M.D. The Non-Adopter Phenomenon. A case where being “Senior” may enhance technological adoption. Telemedicine and e Health May 2010; 16 (S1): pp S-81.

Reynolds, HN, M.D., Sheinfeld, G, M.D., Chang,J., Tabatabai A., Simmons D., The Tele-ICU During a “Disaster”:Seamless Transition from Routine Operations to Disaster Mode. Telemedicine and e-Health  April 2011; 17 (S1): pp 91. Presented at the 2011 American Telemedicine Association symposium May 1-3, Tampa, Florida.

Reynolds EM, Grujovski A, Wright T, Foster M, Reynolds HN, M.D.Utilization of Robotic “Remote Presence” Technology within North American Intensive Care Units (ICUs). Telemedicine and e Health, April 2011; 17 (S1): pp 116. Presented at the 2011 American Telemedicine Association symposium May 1-3, Tampa, Florida.

Reynolds EM, Reynolds HN. More Data Suggesting Senior Physicians are Major Adopters of Telemedicine. Telemedicine and e-Health 2012 Vol 18 (XX); A-95. Presented at the 2012 American Telemedicine Association symposium April 30-May2, San Jose, California.

Pinter M, Sur S, Reynolds HN, Bedolla K. Enhanced Visualization and Autonomy for Telehealth Robots to address Healthcare Availability. Presented at the NIMDH (NIH National Institute of Minority Health and Health Care Disparities) Summit: Science of Eliminating Health Disparities. National Harbor, Washington, D.C., Dec 17-19, 2012

Reynolds EM, Pinter M, Reynolds HN. Enhancing Remote Examination with Infra Red (IR) Imaging: Use of IR in the Intensive Care Unit Environment. Telemedicine and e-Health Vol 19 (5);A117 May 2013 and presented at the 18th Annual International Meeting and Exposition of the American Telemedicine Association (ATA), Austin, Tx, May 5-7, 2013.

Reynolds EM, Pinter M, Reynolds HN, Evaluation of normal human Infra-Red (IR) images to Improve the remote clinical examination. . Telemedicine and e-Health Vol 19 (5);A113 May 2013 and presented at the 18th Annual International Meeting and Exposition of the American Telemedicine Association (ATA), Austin, Tx, May 5-7, 2013.

Hoffman M, Yeager T, Miller A, Olsen D, Ringley D, Thurman P, Turley S, Reynolds HN, McCarthy P. Implementation of a CRRT: A University and Community Collaboration. Presented at the 20th Annual AKI and CRRT symposium, Feb 17-20, 2015, San Diego, Calif.


Habashi NM, Reynolds HN, Borg UR. "Letter to the Editor." American Journal Resp. and Critical Care Medicine 1995, 1, (151) 255-6, in response to Article by Morris Randomized Clinical Trial of Pressure Controlled Inverse Ratio Ventilation and Extracorporeal CO2 Removal for Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome.

Klein CJ, Reynolds HN, Moser-Veillon PB. “ Letter to the Editor” Radiology April 1998, 270. Continuous Hemodialysis as a Treatment Option for Acute Renal Failure Induced by Contrast Material.


Frankenfield D, Reynolds HN, Badellino M, Wiles CE III, et al. Urea Clearance in Septic Patients with Full Amino Acid Alimentation. Presented at the 21st Annual Society of Critical Care Scientific Symposium, San Antonio, Texas, May 27, 1992.

Aber TS, Walker LA, Vanderheyden BA, Hassan Erkan, Reynolds HN. “The Acute Hemodynamic Effects of Continuous Infusion Labetolol in the Critically Ill Trauma Patient.” Presented - Annual Meeting American College of Clinical Pharmacy, Toronto Canada, August 1992, Published Pharmacotherapy August, 1992. N.Y.

Frankenfield D, Reynolds HN. Wiles CE. Glucose Balance During Continuous Hemodiafiltration with and without 5% Dextrose Ultrafiltrate Replacement. (Abstract) Critical Care Medicine. Presented at 22nd Educational Symposium of Society of Critical Care Med. June 9 - 13, 1993, New York, N.Y.

Frankfield D, Wiles CE. Reynolds HN., Effect of Catabolic Rate on Nitrogen Loss and Balance in Septic Patients. (Abstract) Critical Care Medicine. Presented at 22nd Educational Symposium of Society of Critical Care Med. June 9 - 13, 1993, New York ,

Bar-Lavie YP, Foster D, Aber T, Reynolds HN, Wiles CE. Myoglobin Clearance During Hemodiafiltration (CAVH-D) in Rhabdomyolysis. R A. Cowley 16th Annual Trauma Symposium. Nov. 18, 1994, Baltimore, Maryland.

Cunsolo LA, Habashi NM, Borg UR, Reynolds HN. The Rational Development of Specialized Critical Care Transport Program. R A. Cowley 16th Annual Trauma Symposium, Nov. 18, 1994, Baltimore, Maryland.

Habashi NM, Borg UR, Bar-Lavie Y, Reynolds HN. Effect and Safety of Intermittent Prone-Positioning as an Adjunct to Extracorporeal Lung Assist. Presented at the American College of Chest Physicians World Congress, Oct 27-31, 1996. San Francisco, CA.

Reynolds HN. Klein, C. Effluent from Continuous Veno-Venous Hemodiafiltration Detected by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Acute Renal Failure in the 21st Century, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland May 6-8, 1996. (published in proceedings).

Borg U, Reynolds HN. Habashi N, ECLA, ECMO, ECCO2: Is Your System Safe? Part I ECLA Circuit. 5th European Congress on Extracorporeal Life Support, Stockholm Sweden, June 20-29, 1996. Published in proceedings page 27a.

Kuramoto J, Ciesla N, Habashi N, Reynolds HN. Borg U. Physical Therapy (PT) Intervention for Patients Requiring Extracorporeal Lung Assist (ECLA). Presented at the 5th European Congress on Extracorporeal Life Support, Stockholm Sweden, June 20-29, 1996.

Borg U, Reynolds HN, Habashi N, ECLA, ECMO, and ECCO2: Is Your System Safe? Part II ECLA Circuit. Presented at the 5th European Congress on Extracorporeal Life Support. Stockholm Sweden, June 20-29, 1996.

Borg U, Habashi N, Reynolds HN. Blood Recovery from Medtronic Maxima PRF Membrane Oxygenator. Presented at the 5th European Congress on Extracorporeal Life Support. Stockholm Sweden, June 20-29, 1996.

Bar-Lavie Y, Borg U, Kuramoto J, Habashi N, Reynolds HN. Results of a Prospective Prone Positioning Protocol in Patients with the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. European Society of Critical Care. Glasgow Scotland September 1996.

Habashi NM, Borg UR, Bar-Lavie Y, Reynolds HN. Effect and Safety of Intermittent Prone-Positioning as an Adjunct to Extracorporeal Lung Assist. Presented at the American College of Chest Physicians World Congress, Oct 27-31, 1996. San Francisco, CA.

Reynolds HN, McCunn M, Borg U, Habashi N, Cottingham C, Bar-Lavie Y. The Incidence and Mortality Rate Associated with the Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Maryland. Presented at the Society of Critical Care Medicine, 20th Educational and Scientific Symposium. Feb. 6-10, 1998. San Diego, CA.

Gettings LG, Scalea TM, Reynolds HN. “Outcome in Post-Traumatic Acute Renal Failure

When Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy is Applied Early vs. Late. Presented orally

By HN Reynolds at the Fourth International Conference on Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies, March 12, 1999, San Diego, CA.

Reynolds, H.N: Underserved Does Not Necessarily Mean Rural: Remote Telepresence in Downtown Baltimore. Presented at the 13th Annual International Meeting and Exposition, April 6-8, 2008, Seattle, Washington.

Reynolds, E.M., Reynolds, H.N., M.D. The Non-Adopter Phenomenon. A case where being “Senior” may enhance technological adoption. Presented at the American Telemedicine Association 15th Annual symposium, San Antonio, Tx. 5/15-18/2010 and 5th Annual Remote Presence Clinical Information Forum, Santa Barbara California, 7/22- 23/2010. This poster was awarded as one of the top 5 posters at the American Telemedicine Association, 2010, meeting.

Reynolds HN, Sheinfeld G, Chang J, Simmons D, Tabatabai A. The Tele-ICU during a "Disaster": Seamless Transition from Routine Operations to Disaster Mode. Telemedicine and e-Health April 2011; 17 (S1): pp 91. Presented at the 16th 2011 American Telemedicine Association symposium May 1-3, Tampa, Florida. This poster was awarded as one of the top 5 posters at the American Telemedicine Association, 2011, meeting.

Reynolds EM, Grujovski A, Wright T, Foster M. Reynolds HN. Review of Robotic Telemedicine Utilization in Intensive Care Units (ICUs). Telemedicine and e-Health April 2011; 17 (S1): pp 116. Presented at the 2011 American Telemedicine Association symposium May 1-3, Tampa, Florida. Editor request for submission of full abstract.


Wiles CE, Reynolds, and HN. Educational Videotape by NCM Publishers, Inc. "Management of Cardiac Trauma in a Patient with Pre-existing Heart Disease". November 1987 funded by Eli Lilly.

Reynolds HN, First FAA Compliant high level adult ventilator for use in the Aeromedical environment by the RCTA/D0160D, Category M for radiated and conducted electromagnetic interference, April 23, 1998.


Maryland Telemedicine Task Force 2013: Prepared for the Governor of the State of Maryland, Senate Finance Committee, and House Health and Government Operations Committee. December 2013.


Update in ARDS, St. Agnes Hospital Medical Grand Rounds, Baltimore, MD, February 1990

Update in ARDS, Delaware Medical Center Surgical Grand Rounds, Wilmington, DE, March 1990

Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis: Is it worth it? Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Rockville, MD, November 14, 1990

Nosocomial Pneumonias and Stress Ulcer GI Prophylaxis, Maryland Chapter of American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. Annapolis, MD, April 1990

Continuous Arterial Venous Hemofiltration with Dialysis (CAVH-D) in Trauma Patients. Grand Rounds, Shock Trauma Center/MIEMSS, Baltimore, MD, December 1990

Complications with the Use of Continuous Arterio-Venous Hemofiltration CAVH-D. Presented at the 19th Society of Critical Care Medicine Annual Scientific Symposium, San Francisco, CA, May 1990.

Reynolds, HN. Outcome Following Prolonged Critical Care Unit Stay in Multiple Trauma Patients. Presented at the 19th Annual Society of Critical Care Medicine Scientific Symposium, San Francisco, CA, May 1990.

Biomedical Devices in the Trauma Patient. MIEMSS Regional Symposium, Fredericksburg, MD, March 1991.

Moderator, Critical Care Section, MIEMSS National Trauma Symposium, Baltimore, MD, March 1990.

Frankenfield, D., Badellino, M., Reynolds, H.N., Wiles, CE, III, Siegel, J. Amino Acid Loss During Continuous Hemodiafiltration and Aggressive Nutrient Alimentation in Sepsis. Presented at Annual Scientific Symposium for American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, Orlando, FL, January 1992.

Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in 1992. Medical Grand Rounds, Harbor Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, January 1992.

“Post Trauma Renal Support without Protein Restriction Using Continuous Hemofiltration (CAVH-D).” 14th Annual R A. Cowley National Trauma Symposium. Baltimore, Maryland, March 6, 1992.

“A Progress Report on CAVH-D for Renal Support in the ICU.” Loma Linda University Medical Center, Surgical Grand Rounds, Loma Linda, CA. April 8, 1992.

“The "Nuts and Bolts" of Organizing and Running a "CAVH-D Service.” Loma Linda University Medical Center, Loma Linda California, April 8, 1992.

Moderator: "Diagnosis and Treatment of Myocardial Dysfunction in the Trauma Patient,” "Caloric and Protein Substraite Support of the Septic Trauma Patient" and " Diagnosing Adrenal Insufficiency in the Trauma ICU." Eleventh National Trauma Symposium, sponsored by MIEMSS, December 1-3, 1988, Baltimore Convention Center, "Building... Today’s Foundation, Tomorrow’s Systems.” Baltimore, MD.

“What's New in ARDS.” Maryland Chapter of the American College of Physicians, Annapolis, MD, December 1989

“Renal Support in the ICU.” : University of New Mexico Nephrology Grand Rounds, May 21, 1992.

“An Approach to a "CAVH-D Service,” University of New Mexico, May 21, 1992

“Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Seminar; a) Patient Selection Criteria

b) Medical Management.” CGH Medical Inc. September 24, 1992 Philadelphia, PA.

“Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy in the ICU.” Twenty Sixth Annual Macklin Lecture Series; Portsmouth Naval Hospital, Portsmouth VA. November 13, 1992.

First and Second Biannual MIEMSS Extracorporeal Lung Assist Educational Series; History of ECMO and New Direction Awards SECLA. November 20, 1992

“ CRRT 2) Setting up a CRRT Program.” National Kidney Foundation of Virginia

Medical College Of Virginia, April 1993.

“Volume Control in the Critical Care and Emergency Medicine.” Temple University Philadelphia, Pa. April 1993.

“Continuous Renal Support Modalities in the ICU.” Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Critical Care Grand Rounds September 28, 1993.

“Simplified Extracorporeal Lung Assist. 1st Annual Trauma Respiratory Care Symposium. Critical Care Concepts, October 6, 1993, Baltimore, Maryland.

“CAVH-D/CVVH-D etc.” University of Maryland, Nephrology Grand Rounds, October 19, 1993, Baltimore, Maryland.

“Extracorporeal Pulmonary Assistance, July 27, 1994. and Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies.” July 29, 1994.


Round Table Panels on:

Mechanical Ventilation - July 27, 1994.

Management of Neurologic Injuries - July 28, 1994

Fluid Resuscitation in the Critically Ill - July 29, 1994

Presented at Second International Advances in "Medicina Critica,” Quito, Equador.

July 27-29th, 1994.

Extracorporeal Oxygen Replacement. September 15, 1994

“Transportation of the Critically Ill and Injured Patient.” September 16, 1994. Presented at: The Third Annual Trauma Symposium at Conemaugh Regional Trauma Center. September 15th & 16th, 1994. Johnstown, PA.

University of Maryland, Topics in Respiratory Critical Care. " Simplified Extracorporeal Lung Assist: What's it all about?" Baltimore, Maryland, Oct. 25, 1994.

R A. Cowley 16th Annual Trauma Symposium "Applications of Extracorporeal Life Support in Trauma". R A. Cowley Shock Trauma Center, Baltimore, Maryland, Nov. 18, 1994.

Maryland, Nov. 1, 1994.

“ECCO2 R” Critical Care/Pulmonary Rounds, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, November 1, 1994.

“Extracorporeal Management of Patients with Multisystem Organ Failure.” 11th Annual Shock Trauma Physical Therapy Symposium. April 20, 1995. Baltimore, Maryland.

“Acute Respiratory Failure; The New, The Old, The Controversial.” R A. Cowley Shock Trauma Grand Rounds. February 16, 1996, Baltimore, Maryland 21201.

“Acute Respiratory Failure; The New, the Old, The Controversial.” Fairfax Hospital Surgical

Grand Rounds, April 17, 1996, Fairfax, Virginia.

“Extracorporeal Management of Patients in Multisystem Organ Failure.” Twelfth Annual Symposium: Physical Therapy for Trauma and Critically Ill Patients. June 6, 1996, Baltimore, Maryland.

“Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies, An Update.) Medical Grand Rounds, Harbor Hospital Medical Center, June 14, 1996, Baltimore, Maryland.

Moderator, “Extracorporeal Technology Application for Multiple System Support or Injury.” R A. Cowley 17th National Trauma Symposium. Nov. 7-9, 1996, Baltimore, Maryland.

“The Future of Extracorporeal Support: Fantasy or Reality? “ R A. Cowley 17th National Trauma Symposium. Nov. 7-9, 1996, Baltimore, Maryland.

“Comprehensive Care for ARDS.” Medical Center of Delaware Surgical Grand Rounds, March 15, 1997.

“Comprehensive Approach to the Management of ARDS.” Critical Care and Pulmonary Grand Rounds, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington DC. April 29, 1997.

“Extracorporeal Lung Assist.” Acute Lung Injury and Current Ventilation Techniques Symposium, Baltimore, Maryland, June 3, 1997.

Comprehensive Approach to the Management of ARDS. Medical Grand Rounds, Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, October 2, 1997.

“Diagnostic and Therapeutic Interventions During Extracorporeal Lung Assist in the Treatment of Adult Respiratory Failure. “ R A. Cowley Shock Trauma Surgical Grand Rounds, Baltimore, Maryland, January 9, 1998.

“Diagnostic and Therapeutic Interventions During Extracorporeal Lung Assist in the Treatment of Adult Respiratory Failure.” Eastern Association of Surgery of Trauma (EAST) Sanibel, Florida, January 14, 1998.

“Current Approaches to Managing ARDS” Keynote Speaker, EAST Texas Trauma Symposium 2/27/98 Tyler, Texas.

“More on Managing ARDS” EAST - Texas Trauma Symposium, 2/27/98 Tyler, Texas.

“New Approaches to Mechanical Ventilation.” Special Topics in Trauma Nursing Conference 4/21/98 R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, Baltimore Maryland.

“Post Traumatic Respiratory Failure; The Ventilators, the Position, the Drug, Artificial Lungs…Where is it all going?” Washington County Hospital Medical Grand Rounds, 1/21/99, Hagerstown, Maryland.

“Post Traumatic Respiratory Failure. American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, “Current Trends in Trauma Management”, April 30, 1999, Orlando Florida.

“Airway Pressure Release Ventilation; It’s What Comes after Pressure Control. “Current Topics in Respiratory Care - 1999”, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston MA, May 7, 1999.

“APRV vs. PCIRV…Word Salad Gone Amuck or APRV…It’s What Comes After Pressure Control”, American Association of Respiratory Care, Annual Symposium “Conference by the Sea”, September 16, 1999, Ocean City, Maryland.

“Introduction to Implementing an Organized ARDS Service”, R Adams Cowley National Trauma Symposium, November 18-20, 1999, Baltimore, Maryland.

“Interfacility Transport of the Patient with Catastrophic Lung Failure”, ”, R Adams Cowley National Trauma Symposium, November 18-20, 1999, Baltimore, Maryland.

“Nutritional Support; Nutritional Assessment and Management during Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy for Acute Renal Failure.” Fifth International Conference on CRRT, March 2-4, 2000, San Diego, California.

“Early vs. Late Initiation of CRRT for Post Trauma ARF.” .” Fifth International Conference on CRRT, March 2-4, 2000, San Diego, California.

“Post-Traumatic Respiratory Failure: The Ventilator for Better or Worse. The Position: Up or Down. The Next Steps. Update on Critical Issues in Trauma 2000, Suburban Hospital, Washington, D.C. March 25, 2000.

“ETHYLENE GLYCOL:…..Why would anyone drink this stuff???” Medical Grand Rounds at the Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore Maryland, March 21, 2002

“The Ventilator for Better or Worse; The Position Up or Down” Critical Care 2002 4th Annual Symposium, presented by the Union Memorial Heart Institute at the Franklin Square Hospital, April 5th, 2002, Baltimore, Maryland

“Airway Pressure Release Ventilation: Letter salad or a meaningful innovation” Washington Hospital Center Medical Grand Rounds, July 13th, 2002, Washington DC

Spontaneous Breathing and the Ventilator: True physiologic benefits: Draeger Medical Users Group, July 14th 2002, New York, New York.

APRV: A tutorial Session. Houston Medical Center, August 15, 2002, Georgia. A telemedicine lecture series presented from Baltimore, Maryland via realtime internet broadband telecommunications.

“Who should care for Patients in the ICU….. a debate”. Presented to the American Society of Nephrology international symposium, Nov 3, 2002, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

“Adult APRV”: lecture series presented from Baltimore, Maryland via realtime internet broadband telecommunications

1. October 22 and 23, 2002: University of Cincinatti “University Hospital” as part of the National Respiratory Care Week.

2. November 21, 2002. Lehigh Valley Hospital, Combined respiratory therapy and critical care/pulmonary staff conference

3. January 14, 2003. Wake Forest Univ. Baptist Medical Center, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

4. February 10, 2003. Avera McKenna Hospital, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

5. March 11,2003. Shawnee Mission Medical Center, Shawnee Mission, Kansas

6. March 12, 2003, Erlanger Medical Center, Chattanooga, Tenn.

7. March 25, 2003, Rutland Regional Medical Center, Rutland, Vermont

8. March 25, 2003, Sioux Valley Hospital, Sioux Valley, South Dakota

9. April 11, 2003, Mercy Hospital, Allina Hospital System with dual simulcast, Coons Rapids, Minnesota.

10. June 2, 2003, UMDNJ, Newark, New Jersey

11. June 25, 2003, St Josephs Hospital of Atlanta, Atlanta Georgia

12. July 17, 2003, Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, Virginia.

13. August 20, 2003, Albert Einstein School of Medicine, Phila, PA

14. August 21,2003, Lakeland Regional Medical Center, Lakeland, Fla.

15. August 25, 2003, Grossmont Hospital, San Diego, California

16. September 9,2003, Rapides Regional Medical Center, Alexandria, LA

17. September 10, 2003, Nebraska Methodists Hospital System. Omaha, NE

18. November 6, 2003, Valley Baptist Medical Center, Harlingen, Tx.

19. November 17, 2003, Merit Care Medical Center, Fargo, North Dakota

20. January 28, 2004, Desert Regional Medical Center, Palms Springs, California

21. May 7, 2004, Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore Maryland

22. June 30, 2004, Yavapai Regional Medical Center, Prescott, Arizona

23. July 1, 2004, Strong Memorial, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

24. July 13, 2004, UMDNJ, Newark, New Jersey

25. July 14, 2004, Tuscon Medical Center, Tuscon, Arizona

26. Sept. 9, 2004, Providence St Peter Hospital, Olympia, Washington

27. Sept 21, 2004, MetroHealth System, Cleveland, Ohio

28. Sept 21, 22, 2004, Washington Hospital Center, Washington, D.C.

29. Sept 22, 2004. Aspirus-Wausau Hospital, Wausau, WI

30. November 4, 2004, St Joseph Medical Center, Towson Maryland

31. November 4, 2004, Piedmont Hospital, Atlanta Georgia

32. November 5, 2004, Tennessee Respiratory Care Symposium

33. November 18, 2004, Scott & White Memorial Hospital, Temple Texas

34. November 29, 2004, Centennial Medical Center, Nashville, Tenn

35. November 30, 2004, Fairview Ridge Hospital, Burnsville, MN

36. January 27, 2005, Parkland Memorial Hospital, Dallas Texas (surgeons)

37. March 8, 2005, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester New York (PICU)

38. April 7, 2005, Strong Memorial Hospital, Rochester New York (MICU)

39. June 15, 2005, Crouse Irving Memorial Hospital, Syracuse, New York

“APRV: Pediatric and Neonatal Applications”: lecture series presented from Baltimore, Maryland via realtime internet broadband telecommunications

1. March 10, 2004, Buffalo Children’s Hospital, Buffalo, New York.

“Weaning for the 21st century…..Ventilatory Reduction Strategies” ”: lecture series presented from Baltimore, Maryland via realtime internet broadband telecommunications

1. October 22 and 23, 2002: to the University of Cincinatti “University Hospital” as part of the National Respiratory Care.

2. July 31,2003: Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, Virginia

3. November 19, 2004, Scott & White Memorial Hospital, Temple Texas

“Practical APRV”: lecture series presented from Baltimore, Maryland via realtime internet broadband telecommunications

1. March 11,2003. Shawnee Mission Medical Center, Shawnee Mission, Kansas

2. March 12, 2003, Erlanger Medical Center, Chattanooga, Tenn.

3. June 2, 2003, UMDNJ, Newark, New Jersey

4. June 30, 2003, St Josephs Hospital of Atlanta, Atlanta Georgia

5. August 26, 2003, Mercy Hospital, Allina Hospital System with dual simulcast to Unity Hospital, Coons Rapids, Minnesota

6. November 5, 2003, Geisinger Medical Center, Wyoming, Wilkes Barre, PA

7. December 17, 2003, East Ohio Regional Hospital, Martins Ferry, Ohio

8. March 22, 2004, Palmetto Baptist Medical Center, Columbia, S.C.

9. November 18, 2004, Scott & White Memorial Hospital, Temple Texas

“Wave Form Analysis”: lecture series presented from Baltimore, Maryland via real-time internet broadband telecommunications

1. April 16, 2003, Seventh Johns Hopkins Hospital Symposium on respiratory medicine.

“Non-Invasive Ventilation, Simple therapy, improved outcomes”. lecture series presented from Baltimore, Maryland via real-time internet broadband telecommunications

1. August 28, 2003. Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, Virginia

2. October 23, 2003. University of Cincinnati “University Hospital”, Cincinnati Ohio, as part of the National Respiratory Care Week, 2003.

3. February 12, 2004. East Georgia Medical Center, Georgia.

4. March 5, 2004. Critical Care 2004: 5th Annual Nursing Symposium, Baltimore Maryland.

5. May 5, 2004, Draeger Regional Clinical Specialists training, Telford, Pa.

6. August 24, 2005, Crouse Irving Memorial Hospital, Syracuse, New York

“Dual Targeted Ventilator Modes: Meeting Patient Flow Demands”. lecture series presented from Baltimore, Maryland via real-time internet broadband telecommunications

1. June 4, 2003, University of Cincinnati “University Hospital”, Cincinnati Ohio

2. August 14, 2003, Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, Virginia

“Automatic Tube Compensation: Less Work of Breathing, More Patient Comfort”: lecture series presented from Baltimore, Maryland via realtime internet broadband telecommunications

1. June 4, 2003, University of Cincinnatti “University Hospital”, Cincinnatti Ohio

2. September 11, 2003, University Healthcare, Augusta, Georgia

“Mandatory Minute Ventilation: An Automated Weaning Mode” lecture series presented from Baltimore, Maryland via realtime internet broadband telecommunications

1. June 4, 2003, University of Cincinnatti “University Hospital”, Cincinnatti Ohio

2. August 14, 2003, Winchester Medical Center, Winchester, Virginia

3. September 11, 2003, University HealthCare, Augusta, Georgia

“Introduction to ICON and Draeger Medical; A Partnership” lecture presented from Baltimore, Maryland via realtime internet broadband telecommunications

1. June 25, 2003, Hurley Medical Center, Flint Michigan.

“Return on Investment (ROI): Value added with modern Ventilation” lecture presented from Baltimore, Maryland via realtime internet broadband telecommunications

1. October 22, 2003, North American Draeger Medical, Telford, Pennsylvania

2. May 6, 2004, Draeger Regional Clinical Specialists training, Telford, Pa

“Nitric Oxide: 1992 Molecule of the year; Where now in 2004”. lecture presented from Baltimore, Maryland via realtime internet broadband telecommunications

1. November 19, 2004, Scott & White Memorial Hospital, Temple Texas

“Surviving Sepsis Campaign, A cohesive approach to the treatment of Sepsis”

August 19, 2006, Bon Secours Hospital of Baltimore Medical Grand Rounds

“The Critical Care Network”, A Network for Mass Casualty Response: Use of Medical Robots and the Internet” First Users Conference: InTouch Health, June 22, 2006, Santa Barbara, California

“Remote Presence Solutions for Healthcare”. Fall institute for the American College of Physician Executives, October 13, 14, 2006, Tuscon, Arizona

“Impact of Intensive Care Unit Management upon ED Red Alert”, Maryland Association of Healthcare Executives, 911-Crisis in the ED, conference, October 16, 2006, Baltimore, Maryland

Medical Robots in Disaster and Mass Casualty Situations. Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygene, May 1, 2007

Medical Robots in Critical Care: A Gimmick or Part of the Manpower Solution. Baltimore Washington Medical Center, May 10, 2007.

Medical Robots in Critical Care: A Gimmick or Part of the Manpower Solution. Geisinger Medical Center, June 1st, 2007.

Overlay of a Critical Care Network and Disaster Preparedness: A Perfect Match. Remote Presence Clinical Innovations Forum, July 19-20, 2007, Santa Barbara California.

Risk Reduction Strategies Through Telemedicine: University of Maryland, Maryland Medical Comprehensive Insurance Program, Oct 1, 2007, Baltimore Maryland

Medical Robots: A Solution to Manpower and Communications. 2007 Fall Symposium; Advances in Medicine. Baltimore Washington Medical Center, Octobeer 5th, 2007, Glen Burnie Maryland.

Remote Presence-Virtually There: Enhancing Patient Safety Through Greater Physician Presence. Maryland Patient Safety Center Fourth Annual Patient Safety Conference, March 20, 2008, Baltimore Maryland.

Crisis in the Care of Critical Illness: Telemedicine as Part of the Solution. University of Maryland Surgical/Trauma Grand Rounds. R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, December 11th, 2008, Baltimore Maryland.

Telemedicine Networks and Systems for Critical Illnesses. University of Hawaii School of Medicine, Grand Rounds, December 16th, 2008, Queens Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Virtually There: Patient Safety, Nursing Communications, “Teamness”…..Can Telemedicine Solve the Problem “Special Topics in Trauma Care, 2009”,University of Maryland/R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, October 29, 2009, Baltimore Maryland.

Critical Decisions:  Beyond Futility. It's not D.N.R……. It's  A.N.D Tools and Perspectives “Special Topics in Trauma Care, 2010”,University of Maryland/R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, October 21, 2010, Baltimore Maryland.

What do we do when the workers run out: The Looming “Man-Power” Shortage. Telemedicine as Part of the Solution. “Special Topics in Trauma Care, 2011”,University of Maryland/R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, October 28, 2011, Baltimore Maryland.

Benefits of Telemedicine in Rural Maryland. Maryland General Assembly Eastern Shore Delegation, Maryland House of Delegates, 2/10/2012

Telemedicine Legislation in Maryland 2012. MGMA Legislative Forum. Anne Arundel Medical Center, May 8, 2012, Annapolis, Maryland.

Best Practices and Considerations for the Tele-ICU: The Tele-ICU Structure and Function. 7th Annual Remote Presence Clinical Information Forum, July 28, 2012, Santa Barbara California

Trauma from the Inside Out: View from a Survivor. Special Topics in Trauma Care 2012, Sept. 26, 2012, Baltimore Maryland.

Telemedicine in Maryland. Panelist for the 6th Annual Maryland HIMSS Annapolis HIT day. 2/7/2013. Annapolis, Maryland.

Thermal Imaging and Telemedicine. National webinar presented to members of the Remote Presence Research Consortium, 2/6/2014

Difficult questions for the Tele-ICU and answers: The Centralized vs De-Centralized Tele-ICU and Issues of reimbursement for the Tele-ICU. 19th Annual American Telemedicine Association Symposium. May 20th, 2014, Baltimore, Maryland

Prevention of Chronic Critical Illness. Special Topics in Trauma. R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center. October 14th, 2014, Baltimore, Maryland.

State of Telemedicine in Maryland: An update from the Maryland State Telemedicine Task force. Presented at the Maryland Rural Health Association Annual Conference, Hagerstown, Maryland, Oct 23, 20914

Advancing Telehealth through Innovative Transitions of Care Symposium. A Review of the Maryland Telemedicine Task Force report

1. Presented at the Maryland State House of Delegates, Annapolis Maryland, February 25th, 2015.

2. Presented to the Greater Baltimore Committee, Baltimore, Maryland, March 10th, 2015

Telemedicine in the Correctional System of Maryland presented at the Telemedicine: The Future is Now MedChi Symposium, October 1st 2016. Baltimore Maryland

“A Potpourri of Trauma…and stuff”, 1st Trauma Educational Day, Vasser Brothers Medical Center, Poughkeepsie, New York. 11/16/2016

“A Potpourri of Trauma” Harbor Hospital Medical Grand rounds, Baltimore Maryland, 1/6/2017.

Telehealth in the Criminal Justice and Correctional Setting presented at the annual MidAtlantic Resource Center (MATRC) yearly symposium, 4/2/2017, Leesburg, Virginia

Death with Dignity, Delivering Bad News and Stories Special Topics In Trauma Care Symposium, Oct 20th, 2017, Baltimore Maryland


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