Doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0085r0

IEEE P802.11

Wireless LANs

|Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group |

|Date: 2009-01-19 |

|Author(s): |

|Name |Company |Address |Phone |email |

|Stephen McCann |Research in Motion (RIM) UK |200 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 |+44 1753 667099 |smccann@ |

| |Ltd |3XE, UK | | |

IEEE 802.11 Plenary Meeting – Session #113

Hyatt Regency, Los Angeles, California, USA

January 19th -22nd, 2009

IEEE 802 Wireless Opening Plenary, Monday 19th January 2009

8:03 802.11, 802.15, 802.18, 802.20, 802.21, and 802.22 Chairs called the joint meeting to order.


• Session is being run by Face-Face Events

• Attendance will be collected via the IMAT

Straw Poll of new attendees: 5

8:05 IEEE patent policy

802.15 WG chair read the IEEE-SA instructions for the WG chair and displayed the four slides explaining patent policy and informed the attendees that additional information could be found on the patcom web site.

Chair asked participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard in the appropriate WG.

8:09 Financial report by John Barr, (15-09-0013-00)

• 9 Nov 08 balance was $226,407.54

• Jan 09 balance was $226,793

• Additional funds in face-face

• Los Angeles

o 347 registered

o Registration Income: $230,025

o Expected surplus: $4,724

• Question: what happens to the reserve in the new calendar year? Will be kept in IEEE account for contingencies.

8:13 Wireless announcements: (802.15 -08-0466-02)

Wireless Network Updates by Rick Alfvin

• (docs and attendance links)

• IEEE.1x is not available


• To get an IEEE web account and follow directions

• Enter activity profile in myProject

• Register with IMAT

• Uses IEEE web account

• Register with IMAT once per week

8:17 Review Interim meetings

• 10-15 May 2009, Fairmont Queen Elizabeth, Montreal, Canada

• 20-25 September 2009, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, HI, USA

• 17-22 January, 2010 -Hyatt Garden Grove (pending)

• 9–14 May 2010 – Shangri-La Beijing, Beijing, PRC

• 12-17 Sep 2010, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, HI, USA

• Comments:

o Short term economic issue (job loss, etc.), expense restraints on travel (mostly airfares), electronic meeting quality is improving. Proposed (not a motion) that we change the way that we work by cancelling all interim meetings in 2010 (maybe also 2009) and replace them with electronic meetings.

o Chair noted that the meeting cancelation fees would be above $1,000,000

o Midweek’s plenary will have time to talk about this subject

o Noted that large conference calls are problematic

8:35 Task Group Updates

• 802.11

TGMB: amendment roll-ups

TGN: Sponsor Ballot comment resolution

TGP: vehicular WG ballot comment resolution

TGS: comment resolution

TGU: comment resolution

TGV: comment resolution

TGW: comment resolution

TGZ: comment resolution

TGAA: video transport

VHT-TGAD will be transitioning from study group with officer elections

Standing committees: WNG is supporting white space

802.15 (~189 voters)

WNG: container

TG3c: final comment resolution of Letter Ballot

TG4c: done

TG4d: done

TG4e: baseline proposals

TG4f: Active RFID kickoff

TG4g: SUN kickoff

TG5: done, recommended practice

TG6 (BAN): completing efforts leading up to proposals

TG7 (VLC TG): drafting PAR and 5C

802.18 (17 voters)

• Prepare input to FCC on white space rules

• Review impact of EN 300 328

• Complete proposed revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1450

• Begin P&P update and draft OM

• Approve IMT-Advanced submission for February ITU-R WP5D meeting


• Letter Ballot comment resolution for two letter ballots

802.21 (57 voters)

Security TG starting this week

Emergency services and multi radio study groups will continue


• Comment resolution

• Security, impact of FCC white space rules

White Space exec committee study group (ECSG) (09/0011r0)

• FCC R&O on unused TV channels (i.e. White Space)

• Reflector is whitespace@listserv.

• Discussion on electronic participation

• Q&A:

o Results of experiment sent to all WGs? Will work with Matt for distribution to other WGs

o Considered effect on wireless LAN (Webex)? No

o What meeting room? Not known at this time

8:56 joint meeting adjourned

IEEE 802.11 Opening Plenary, Monday 19th January 2009

Presiding chair: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell Semiconductor) opened the meeting at 09:05 PST

Jon Rosdahl CSR

Adrian Stephens Intel Corporation UK Ltd

Stephen McCann Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd

There are 236 voting members of IEEE 802.11

1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-08-1450r2)

1. Chair: please remember that there is no recording or pictures allowed.

2. Chair: Any modifications

3. No objection to the approval of the agenda

2. November 2008 Minutes (11-08-1466r1)

1. Secretary would like to thank David Hunter for taking November 2008 minutes

2. Review and approve joint minutes from the Dallas, November 2008 meeting.

3. Any objection to approving the November 2008 minutes by unanimous consent

4. Moved Stephen McCann, 2nd: Stuart Kerry

5. Following neither discussion nor dissent these minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

3. Attendance

1. The chair then asked for those attending for the first time, 4 responded out of a total of 110 people in the room.

2. Attendance (together with affiliations) at this meeting is shown in Annex A.

4. Financials (11-09-0081r0)

1. Jon Rosdahl (Vice-Chair)

2. Presented various issues with the current treasury, as presented in the IEEE 802 wireless opening plenary (see above). Also please note that costs are trying to be reduced based on the current worldwide financial situation.

3. No questions

5. Policies and Procedures


2. The vice-chair presented the P&Ps. This document contains all the information and links to the appropriate PatCom rules. Please note there is a new version of the P&Ps from 1st January 2009.

1. Please review these slides for all current procedures and information together with:

1. Patent FAQ -

2. LoA Form -

6. Call for essential Patents

1. The vice chair called essential patents and there were none.

2. No questions or statements were made.

7. Affiliation, Anti-Trust and Ethics

1. The following slides were presented by the WG chair:

1. Affiliation

1. If you do not provide your affiliation then your rights can be withdrawn. Please see: for further information.

2. Anti-Trust

1. Please note the following anti-trust statements

3. Ethics

1. Please note the following ethics statements

2. No questions about any of this.

8. Meeting notices

1. No joint meetings noted at this time.

2. TGac/ad joint meeting is already present in the agenda

3. 802.18 will review some IMT outgoing documents, so please take note of this.

4. Whitespace meetings have been already mentioned this morning in the joint wireless meeting.

9. Missing Chairs

1. All chairs are present this week.

2. Terry Cole will not be here for technical editor, so Peter Ecclesine will stand in for him.

10. Nominations for TGad chair

1. Please note that nominations for TGad chair are now open for this position. The election will be held during the mid-week plenary on Wednesday.

11. ExCom issues

1. Conditional approval of TGn was approved at the last ExCom meeting. The subsequent ballot passed, so that TGn then initiated a sponsor ballot.

12. Working Group P&Ps (11-08-1060r0)

1. Vice chair: 802 LMSC submitted their P&Ps to the compliance board. Hopefully these will be considered and approved this month. Hence at this moment in time, they are still pending, although do remember that the ExCom did approve them in November 2008.

2. At the March 2009 plenary, 802.11 P&Ps will be available for review and comment.

13. Voting status & attendance (11-09-0018r0)

1. Document describes how to download documents.

2. Please note virus protection notice.

3. There is a state transition diagram for membership status.

4. Please pay attention to letter ballots, as members have lost their membership since the last meeting, by not responding to them. Note the difference between mandatory ballots as opposed to re-circulation ballots.

5. Since we often have 2 or 3 ballots running together, I suggest that we perhaps modify this rule. We will not do this today, but later in the week, when we have more time.

6. Please provide comments in the template document, not as individual comments within the tools.

7. Please use your secret voting ID, which was given by the vice chair, not the one on your attendance badge.

14. Publicity

1. Presented by the secretary.

2. An inquiry came in from Eric Griffith (PC Magazine). WG chair and secretary will have a telephone call with this person on Wednesday. He would like a summary of new issues within IEEE 802.11.

3. Please send either the chair or secretary any questions about this telephone call.

4. Will report back on this on Friday.

15. Timelines

1. Presented by the secretary.

2. No recent updates since 2008. Will add a new row for TGad.

3. Please can all TG chairs send the secretary any timeline updates this week.

16. Status of all groups (11-09-0067r0)

1. There are quite a few missing positions within the officer positions. If you can help this would be most appreciated.

2. Technical editors meeting Tuesday 7am

3. This is a new snapshot document which summarizes the status of all the groups. Only the highlights will be mentioned this morning.

4. Note that WNG SC has two timeslots this week, to allow plenty of time for the whitespace discussion to occur.

5. The TGp chair has had to leave and Wayne Fisher will stand in for him.

6. Question (Q): So can we confirm that TGp will have a meeting today at 10:30?

7. Chair: as far as we know it will be ok. I’ll go over the room just to make sure.

8. TGu hopes to go to re-circulation letter ballot (LB) this week.

9. TGw’s sponsor ballot finished yesterday (with 82 comments). They will spend the time this week resolving these comments.

10. TGz may go to re-circulation LB this week.

11. TGac is referred to as VHTL6., TGad is referred to as VHT60

12. Note: the VHT SG will transfer to TGad mid week.

13. Q: will there be two sets of minutes this week for these meetings?

14. Chair: Yes.

15. Letter Ballots

16. Please see slides for the two letter ballots which have recently closed:

17. TGn recirculation, TGz, TGv, TGp, TGn sponsor ballot, TGw re-circ sponsor ballot

18. Chair: TGn has a very large sponsor ballot pool, but it was noted that many people did not vote (~80%).

19. Comment (C): One of the TGw negative voters has now changed their vote.

20. Chair: Any more questions and/or updates?

21. None seen

17. Any Other Business

1. None

2. Meeting recessed at 09:59 PST

Wednesday, 21st January 2009

IEEE 802.11 Mid Week Plenary

Presiding chair: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) opened the meeting at 10:31 PST.

138 people present.

18. Approve/modify joint opening agenda (11-08-1450r3)

1. Changes to the liaison order based on who is today.

1. Some of the discussion topics have been filled in.

2. Any objection to accepting the changes to the agenda?

3. No objection, so moved and approved.

19. Call for Essential Patents

1. Call for essential patents

2. No items raised.

20. CAC

1. Reminder about 19.30 meeting on Thursday

21. Other Announcements

1. Social tonight at the “Pink Taco” restaurant across the street from this hotel.

2. Problem with listserver: so new document for WNG whitespace issue 11-09-0077r3, which will be discussed later in this meeting. You can now download it.

3. Whitespace attendees who are in 802.11. The system has not been working for reciprocal attendance. The vice-chair is working with IEEE to sort this out.

4. FacetoFace have reported back that the hotel like having us here. We are kind and polite.

22. Liaisons

1. 802.18 : Radio Regulatory Tag (11-09-0157r2)

1. Did some work on the ECC WG SE24 on aircraft bands

2. Outlines 802.18 work plan

3. Re-edited the 802.11 contributions to M.1450

4. Weather radars and 5 GHz RLANs

5. No questions

2. 802.19

1. Did this not meet this week, and no conference calls since November 2008, but there is a report of teleconference calls, since the July 2009 meeting.

2. 802.19 will be looking at some co-existence documents in the new feature.

3. 802.15.3c at the moment and then 802.15.4g will be considered in the future.

4. Q: When will these co-existence documents be ready?

5. Answer (A): 802.15.3c will be ready shortly. I will send it to the 802.11 reflector when it is ready.

6. Chair: I think this will have to be added to the next sponsor ballot, which is an EC rule. Hence a TGn co-existence document will have to be produced.

7. No questions

3. Bluetooth

1. The status is basically the same as last time.

2. Work is still continuing on Bluetooth/802.11 co-operation.

3. There were quite a few comments on 802.11n received by the Bluetooth SIG. The Bluetooth SIG is trying to collate these questions.

4. No questions

4. Wi-Fi Alliance

1. Brief update on a few items:

1. Continues on multiple projects

1. TGn alignment is continuing. This will help the market.

2. Voice enterprise


4. Security

5. Protected Setup

6. Management

2. The WFA has a development progress for new activities.

1. 11u and 11z will shortly come up, so I encourage attendance if you are interested in these topic

3. Next meeting is in Venice in February 2009.

4. There is a threat to 5 GHz spectrum in Europe, so please pay attention to WFA and 802.18 in this respect.

5. No questions


1. No outstanding liaisons requests at the moment.

2. CAPWAP moving along, EMU and RADEXT continuing.

3. Next meeting is March 22nd 2009 in San Francisco.

4. No questions

6. 3GPP

1. The secretary mentioned a 3GPP CT1 liaison which is on its way to IEEE 802.11 regarding network discovery.

2. No questions

23. TGad Chair election

1. Chair: Any nominations

1. Eldad Perahia

2. Sheung Li

2. Chair: Ok, the nominations are now closed. Would the nominees like to come and make their presentations.

3. Sheung Li (11-09-0152r0)

4. Q: Do you have support from your sponsor for the duration for TGad

5. A: Yes, and indeed I feel that my small company will not be able to set policy within the group

6. Q: Do have any schemes to reduce conflict with 802.11 task groups.

7. A: I have to understand that opinions are valid. Previously I’ve always tried to resolve issues, before allowing any votes. Work toward compromises.

8. Eldad Perahia (11-09-0027r0)

9. Q: There are two task groups working on similar issues, 802.15.3c and TGad. How will you handle the overlap?

10. A: We need a dedicated contact person in both groups.

11. C: As chair of 802.15.3c, I appreciate your co-operation so far.

12. Chair: Any additional questions for either candidates

13. Q: To both. How will you deal with people not providing technical content due to conflict of interests?

14. Eldad: Technically I prefer to leave my work to TGac (< 6 GHz)

15. Sheung: Eldad is stronger than me technically, but I feel that I’m more of an administrator. Technical aspects stand on their merits within the task group.

16. Chair: Ready to vote. Do the candidates wish to leave the room?

17. Chair: There are two choices, for voting members only.

18. Q: I assume this is a simple majority vote?

19. Chair: Yes

20. Please stand for Sheung Li as TGad chair: 23

21. Please stand for Eldad Perahia as TGad chair: 53

22. Chair: I therefore announce Eldad as the new TGad chair.

23. Q: Point of order: Are you going to count the abstains?

24. Chair: I don’t think they will add anything. It was not a motion.

25. Chair: Please note that we do have some TGad slots in this week’s agenda. I’d also like to thank Sheung for all his contributions in IEEE 802.11 and his presentation today.

24. Membership Rule Change Proposal (11-09-0018r0)

1. Vice chair: From slide #13, you can tell that the number of sequential letter ballots is increasing. As the LMSC rules state that you lose voting rights for missing 2 out of 3 ballots, I propose a change to the rules.

2. One idea is to increase the integration time over which we perform the calculation of loss of membership.

3. I don’t want to bring a motion today, but I do seek advice and comments.

4. Q: 3 out of 4 would be better. The real problem is when you get several letter ballots, running simultaneously, on documents which have not passed the 75% approval rate.

5. Chair: But because of the way the calculation is made, a change in the time integration time is required, not really the absolute number.

6. Q: The choices of being able to vote are too diverse. Approve, disapprove and “abstain due to lack of technical knowledge”, sometime don’t cover the problem of running out of time to vote. It’s not the honest thing to do. In a sponsor ballot, you can vote with “abstain due to lack of time”.

7. Q: In 802.15, we appeal to the EC when people lost their voting rights.

8. Chair: Sure, we do consider appeals in 802.11.

9. Q: Can we state that two ballots that terminate in the same week, count as a single membership ballot.

10. C: Regarding lack of time, I believe that you can have this as an option. Hence 802.11 could consider it. I also think that people are still confused between mandatory and non-mandatory.

11. Vice-chair: If someone looses their voting rights due to lack of time, we don’t usually allow the appeal. For other reasons, we will consider them. Perhaps it should be a more specific rule.

12. Q: We acquire rights based on a time schedule, but loose then on an event basis. We need people to vote and must encourage people to pay attention and review the drafts. Hence I agree that multiple ballots in close proximity should be treated as a single event for membership consideration.

13. Q: Over the last few years, the number of voting members was higher, but the number of letter ballots was lower. Hence the time required to be an 802.11 voting member has increased on an individual basis.

14. Chair: Another method is to introduce the sponsor ballot pool concept into letter ballots.

15. Chair: Ok, we’ll come back in March 2009 with more information on this.

25. Future Meeting Schedule

1. Chair: This was raised on Monday. Shall we still continue to attend meetings in the future, due to the economic crisis?

2. Chair: Please remember that we must consider those meetings, where hotels are already under contract. The cancellation penalties can be very severe. I will try to bring back to this group what the contractual effects of cancellation would be.

3. Chair: I will limit the discussion time to 15 minutes.

4. C: Each task group needs to consider the interim meetings. Can any groups wrap up early? For example, can TGw cancel some of their future meetings? It would also be useful to consider modern tools, which allow improved external attendance, as has been done in the whitespace experiment this week. Another issue is voting with external meetings (such as teleconferences). Please can other people stand up and give me some feedback.

5. C: Since task groups have specific life cycles, I think that face to face meetings are essential. TGn have been meeting for 5 years and therefore can work effectively with a face to face every 4 months, with the comment resolution committee meeting by teleconference between those times. Hence towards the end of the lifecycle, perhaps groups could arrange their own interims.

6. C: regarding the cancelling of interims. Can I remind the WG about the cancellation charges, which would amount to over $1 million dollars, which would bankrupt the 802.11/15 treasury. Beyond the existing contractual agreements, this may be possible.

7. Chair: I appreciate that you came in late, but I’ve already mentioned that point at the start. We have thought about other ways of conducting business where we can. Perhaps have smaller interim meetings with less task groups.

8. Q: I’m treasurer of 802.15, and I’m not sure about the $1 million dollars. The cycles of each task groups vary and possibly not having all these groups meeting would be fine. Perhaps they could have multiple ad hocs instead. However, the voting rights rules must be changed to reflect this. Smaller meetings may also reduce the meeting expense. We’re still running interims as though we have 1000 people.

9. C: To make decisions for WG which are in hibernation, this is fine. However for new issues such as whitespace, everyone across many WGs must be considered simultaneously. I think it’s more effective to keep the meetings going, but use external tools for teleconferencing.

10. C: Cancelling interims is not practical. It would create too much upheaval within the groups. However, teleconferences are great, but cannot replace face to face meetings. Again voting rights may be modified. Remember that you only have to attend plenaries to maintain your voting rights.

11. C: It costs about $17 a day for your internet per person. We have reduced the cookies and coffee, but that causes problems. In order to get the meeting space, we had to guarantee so much money on food and beverages, so it’s always a trade off.

26. Whitespace Activity (11-09-0077r3)

1. This topic was covered in WNG SC last night.

2. This is regarding the use of unused TV channels at a specific location at a specific time.

3. Biggest block appears to be wireless microphones, which travel around.

4. Constant sensing is imperative to run this scheme, which requires power.

5. Motion: The IEEE 802.11 Working Group supports an IEEE 802 Petition for Reconsideration of FCC rules 47 CFR 15.711(b)(iii) and 47 CFR 15.711(c )(i) that discusses the alternative concepts presented in slides 11 and 13 of 11-09/0077r3, and authorizes Peter Ecclesine to work with 802.18 to incorporate these alternative concepts in an IEEE 802 petition.

6. Moved: Peter Ecclesine, 2nd : Richard Kennedy

7. Chair: How many members of 802.18 do we have here: 3

8. Q: Apologies, but I don’t understand this motion.

9. C: The first ruling (in the motion above) refers to you may have to wait for 48 hrs, if you don’t have access to the internet (i.e. the TV band database). Hence you have to constantly sense, which uses power. The second ruling (in the motion) refers to sensing wireless microphones.

10. Q: So do you want a waiver to sense wireless microphones?

11. A: No, I want to question whether these rules can be re-considered.

12. Chair: Please can we look at slide #13. Do we have a specific question for the FCC, or are we going to tell them that there rules do not make sense (from an 802.11 point of view).

13. A: The latter.

14. Chair: Back to the motion, no more discussion.

15. For 53, Against 1, Abstain 14 (Motion passes 98.14%)

27. 802.21 PARs

1. Chair: Scott Henderson from IEEE 802.21 will present an 802.21 PAR for our information.

2. IEEE 802.21 Emergency Services Study Group PAR

3. This group has generated a PAR which I wish to show to you today.

4. Please can you send any comments this week to 802.21, which we can address on Thursday morning.

5. Chair: Please can you send your presentation number to the 802.11 reflector. Please note that this is to pre-empt the EC vote on this in March.

6. IEEE 802.21 Power Radio Management PAR (11-09-0158r)

7. Again it would be nice to receive comments at this point.

28. Any Other Business

1. Please note that there are some room changes as TGmb has released some of its slots: TGu PM1, TGp AM2

2. Any objection to re-assigning room allocations

3. No objections.

4. Meeting recessed at 12:34 PST

Friday, 12th January 2009

IEEE 802.11 Closing Plenary

Call to order at 08:02 PST by Bruce Kraemer (Marvell).

69 people present in the room.

29. Announcements

1. Note that we will probably finish around 11:00 PST

30. Agenda (11-08-1450r4)

1. Chair: There are some extra changes that I have put into this morning’s agenda.

2. In addition, I’d like to suggest that we do not have a break this morning, as I think we will finish quite early around 11:00 PST. Coffee will be available continuously between now and about 10:30 PST.

3. Any objection to adopting the changes to the agenda.

4. None seen

31. Patents

1. Please note that this meeting is still operating under Monday’s IEEE P&P rules

2. Call for Essential Patents and Letters of Assurance (LoA)

3. No items arose.

4. No questions on this

32. Announcements (11-09-0201r0)

1. Chair’s minutes, reports and web pages

1. Please can you send these to the secretary

2. Please be aware of the Chair’s schedule for the chair’s committee meetings

2. Letters of Assurance (LoA)

1. None received since November 2008

3. IEEE Store

4. The IEEE sells drafts and other publications. The slides show the drafts currently for sale.

5. The situation with the store is getting better; so for example TGy should now be removed.

6. Chair: Action: I will ensure to try and sort this out before March 2009.

7. TGT for Sale (slide #3)

8. Chair: Regarding TGT, the PAR has been removed in December 2008. Please see slide #3 of 11-09-0201r0 regarding the rules on this.

9. Tutorials in March 2009 (slide #4)

10. Chair: Currrently we have 3 tutorials planned, as shown on slide #4. Possibly another tutorial on an “IP Pool” from the IEEE staff.

11. ATIS Home Network Invitation (slide #5)

12. Letter of invitation from ATIS. Please note that the date should be February 3rd 2009. Please can you decide yourself, if you wish to attend?

13. Please note that this is not a formal liaison request.

14. Published TGy Amendment

15. The original version from November 6th 2008 had an error it.

16. The IEEE has stated that it was there fault on one of the figures. The IEEE have extended the 30 day period for a free day downloaded. However, as of today, the document is still incorrect. We are trying to sort this out.

17. C: I purchased a copy and have not received an erratum message from IEEE.

18. Chair: One we find out that the correct version is there, we will post an update.

33. Meeting Location

1. Chair: Can I have a show of hand to see who is in favor of returning to this location next year?

2. For: 27, Against: 10

3. Chair: I also know that the economic news from around the world is getting increasingly bad. I also realize that some of the people here may not be to return next time. Hence I wish to thank everyone for being here and assisting.

34. Attendance and Documents

1. Vice-chair: There were some issues with the attendance during the whitespace meeting earlier in the week.

2. Regarding the documents, there are quite a few whitespace documents in the 802.11 09 folder. I will try and remove these after this meeting.

3. C: Please note that 802.11 members cannot access the 802.16 server, due to a problem on their server last week.

4. Chair: Something has changed and I have mentioned this to the 802.16 chair. We continuously have to re-set access to their folder.

35. WG Reports

1. Publicity

1. The chair and secretary spoke to Eric Griffith (PC magazine) on Wednesday, as mentioned during the opening plenary on Monday. He wanted to know about the current status of TGn, Very High Throughput and TGs. All the information that was spoken about was public domain information and indeed some of his questions (especially about timescales), were not answered as he was referred to the 802.11 website.

2. Timelines

1. The secretary presented the updated timeline chart, which was updated last night for several task groups. There are still some changes missing and these will be done over the weekend.

2. Q: Please can someone put in URL links for k, r, and y?

3. Chair: Please note that the TGmb timeline has been changed to N/A. This is quite an important issue.

4. Chair: note that we still do not have a solution to the TGmb editor problem.

36. WG Committee Reports (11-09-0190r0)

1. Technical editor (slide #3)

1. I must thank for the editors.

2. There are no new requests for ANA.

3. The running order does not appear to be changed as of Tuesday. The new dates from the update timeline have not been considered yet.

4. All amendment inclusions were updated on Tuesday morning.

5. Q: What version of frame are we using?

6. Frame 7.2, but the vice-chair is trying out Frame 8.0, which allows colored track changes. Hence I suggest that TGac should start with TGac.

2. WNG SC (slide #21)

1. Broadband issues were discussed

2. Whitespace was also discussed, which influences 802.18 and 802.22.

1. Wireless microphones are the biggest issue and it is felt by some members that some of the FCC requirements are broken in this respect

3. Chair: So what will happen next

4. A: There will be 802.18 teleconference, which we can all join in. They would like inputs from the other 802 WGs, so that they can pass something out in a letter ballot.

3. ARC (slide #28)

1. No questions

4. TGmb (slide #31)

1. I wanted to emphasize the situation within TGmb. The shown candidate on the screen (slide #32) actually attacked the secretary during the week, which is a bit extreme.

2. We are looking at various options for sponsoring an editor. Please talk to the 802.11 treasurer if you have any information. I understand that MSword may be a possible tool which can be used.

3. Q: Did we address the FCS issue in TGn?

4. A: Yes, that was done.

5. C: Perhaps we should re-consider this in TGn

6. C: Ok, but I don’t think that will change the interpretation request.

5. TGn (slide #39)

1. LB138 closed in December 2008, with 95.25% approval. Hence this allowed TGn to go sponsor ballot. This closed 2 weeks ago and finished with 77.8% approval.

2. No questions

6. TGp (slide #45)

1. Still working through LB141 comments.

2. No questions

7. TGs (slide #51)

1. Still working on resolving the comments from LB126. Hopefully will go to re-circulation ballot in March 2009.

2. No questions

8. TGu (slide #55)

1. Managed to go to re-circulation ballot this week.

2. No questions

9. TGv (slide #60)

1. Progressed on comments from letter ballot 140.

2. Still have 122 comments to resolve.

3. Have decided to cancel the previously arranged Ad Hoc.

4. No questions

10. TGw (slide #69)

1. Resolve comments from re-circulation sponsor ballot.

2. However, there are still a few outstanding comments regarding Public Action Frames. This may require a new security model, so were looking at a compromise at the moment.

3. No questions

11. TGz (slide #77)

1. Q: When will the revised draft be on the server

2. A: That is up to the editor.

12. TGaa (slide #81)

1. Q: The problem is with the timing issues.

2. A: Yes, I agree.

3. TG chair: Hope to have a joint meeting with 802.1AVB in the Mach 2009 meeting.

4. Q: Regarding TGn, we also have an OBS definition you may need to be aware of.

13. TGac (slide #90)

1. Note that some of the conference calls will be jointly held with TGad

2. No questions

14. TGad (slide #95) (includes VHT SG report)

1. Elected two vice chairs for this group

2. Approved a TGad timeline

3. Determined a way forward to work with 802.15.3c

4. No questions

15. JTC1 Ad Hoc (slide #100)

1. Liaison letter from SC6, which will be discussed later.

2. No questions

37. Liaison Reports

1. 802.21 (11-09-0202)

1. Q: I spoke to the radio people about the multi-radio issue. I don’t see how the other PHY groups can expose their interfaces to allow this .21 to proceed.

2. A: Could you respond to the email on the 802.11 mailing list.

3. Chair: There was an email about some other 802.21 PARs, which we can respond to.

4. 802.21a met for the first time as a new security task group.

5. Please also not that 802.11 has access to the 802.21 document repository.

6. Chair: When was the 802.21 closing plenary

7. A: on Thursday morning.

8. Chair: I will ask the 802.21 chair to re-circulate the PARs so we have a chance to comment upon them.

9. C: Please can you send an email to the 802.11 reflector about these PARs please.

2. 802.15.6 BAN (11-09-xxxx)

1. This also covers the ETSI EP eHEALTH, covering wearable PANs

2. Some issues concerning the 2.4 GHz ISM band, but it appears that the actual frequencies will be above those for 802.11.

3. No questions

3. ETSI TC ITS transportation (11-09-0203r0)

1. No formal liaison, but this is just a short report

2. Standardization of V2V (vehicle to vehicle) and V2I (vehicle to infrastructure) using 802.11p, to develop their own profile standard within Europe.

3. Chair: When is the next meeting?

4. A: I think its April 22nd 2009 in Mainz, Germany and I shall be attending.

5. No questions

4. 3GPP CT1

1. The incoming liaison will be put on the server.

2. No questions

38. Working Group Motions (11-09-0191r0)

1. Old business motions

2. Teleconference motion (slide #4)

1. Please remember there is a calendar on the website that you can download into your own personal calendar, which includes these teleconferences.

|Group |Dates |Start Time |Duration |

|TGmb |None |  |  |

|TGn |Wed |11:00 ET |2 Hours |

|TGp |Thu |15:00 ET |2 Hours |

|TGs |Wed Feb 4, Feb 18, Mar 4 |17:00 ET |1.5 Hours |

|TGu |Wed Feb 25 |11:00 ET |1 Hour |

| |Tue Mar 3 |11:00 ET |2 Hours |

| |Thu Mar 5 |12:00 ET |2 Hours |

|TGv |Tue Feb 3, 10, 17; Mar 3 |12:00 ET (noon) |2 Hours |

|TGw |Wed Feb 4, Feb 11, Feb 25, Mar 4, Mar 18 |12:00 ET (noon) |1 Hour |

|TGz |Tue Feb 3, 17, Mar 3 |12:00 ET (noon) |1 Hour |

|TGaa |Mon every other week starting Feb 2 |11:00 ET |1 Hour |

|TGac |Thu Feb 12 |10:00 ET |2 Hours |

| |Thu Feb 26 |20:00 ET | |

|TGad |Feb 5 |11:00 ET |2 Hours |

| |Feb 19 |20:00 ET | |

| |Mar 5 |11:00 ET | |

|ARC |Tue Feb 3, 17, Mar 3 |13:00 ET |1 Hour |

2. Moved Adrian Stephens, 2nd Clint Chaplin

3. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

3. TGu Ad Hoc (slide #9)

1. Authorize TGu to hold an Ad Hoc meeting on Sunday March 8th 2009 in Vancouver, Canada with the preferred venue being the Hyatt Regency hotel, for the purpose of comment resolution.

2. (TGu Moved: Dave Stephenson, 2nd : George Bumiller, Result: 4/0/0)

3. Moved on behalf of TGu

4. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

4. TGu re-circ (slide #10)

1. Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from letter ballot 137 on P802.11u Draft 4.0, as in contained in document 11-08-1225-25-000u-lb137-comment-spreadsheet.xls, Instruct the editor to prepare Draft 5.0 incorporating these resolutions and, Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Letter Ballot asking the question “Should P802.11u Draft 5.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

2. (TGu Mover: Dave Stephenson, Seconder: Necati Canpolat. Result: 4/0/0)

3. Moved on behalf of TGu

4. No objection to approving by unanimous consent.

5. JTC1

1. Motion: Move to authorize Jesse Walker to send the liaison letter found in doc 11-09/0192r0 to the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 Secretariat

2. (Ad hoc: Moved: Andrew Myles 2nd: Tom Kurihara, Ad hoc vote: 7-0-0)

3. Moved on behalf of Ad Hoc

4. Q; Does this one require approval from the EC?

5. Chair: We have been told not to bring this to the EC and therefore the 802.11 WG is control of this document.

6. There is an objection to approving by unanimous consent.

7. For: 43, Against: 0, Abstain: 1 (Motion passes 100%)

6. New business motions

7. Chair: How many people would like to take a break at this point?

8. Yes 20, No 20

9. Chair: Hence I would like to continue.

10. TGz re-circ (slide #14)

1. Approve comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB 139 on TGz draft 3.0 as contained in document 11-09-0097-02-000z, Instruct the editor to prepare TGz draft 4.0 incorporating these resolutions, and Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should TGz draft 4.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

2. Moved Menzo Wentink, 2nd Clint Chaplin

3. For: 61, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes 100%)

11. TGmb Approval of Interpretation Request

1. Accept the interpretation response contained in 11-09/0042r0 on the subject of the sample FCS calculation in Annex G of 802.11-2007, and Forward this document to the appropriate IEEE officer as the official response of the IEEE 802.11 Working Group.

2. (TGmb vote on approval motion: Moved: Jon Rosdahl, 2nd: Mark Hamilton, Result: adopted by unanimous consent)

3. Moved Matthew Gast

4. Q: I understand that EC has to approve this first

5. Chair: I agree and hence the motion needs to be updated.

6. Accept the interpretation response contained in 11-09/0042r0 on the subject of the sample FCS calculation in Annex G of 802.11-2007, and Authorize the working group chair to obtain approval from the EC and forward to the IEEE Standards Board Secretary if approved by the EC

7. Moved Matthew Gast, 2nd Jon Rosdahl

8. For: 39, Against: 0, Abstain: 2 (Motion passes 100%)

9. C: Please can we make this into a template

10. Vice-Chair: yes, I shall do that.

39. Other New Business

1. Loosing Voting Rights (11-09-0018r2)

1. Straw Poll: Do you support changing the rule that currently requires a voting member to return “2 of 3” mandatory letter ballots to “4 of 6”?

2. Q: Is this the only straw poll in this item of business

3. A: Yes, because there were flaws in our earlier ideas

4. Q: How does this equate to the upper rules that the WG is bound by. Doesn’t the EC need to approve this?

5. A: I believe we can do this immediately, within the rules. We are re-interpreting the word “active”. But I do recommend that we take our new interpretation to the EC, regarding the LMSC rules, which we are bound by.

6. Q: Please can this be minuted.

7. Chair: yes. The commenter is correct, as the EC may have a different view of the rules than this WG.

8. Yes: 45, No: 4, Abstain: 3

2. Whitespace Experiment Straw polls

1. Chair: The straw poll had actually failed due to an error in their process. However it has been suggestion is that the experiment actually went not too well. Do we have any more opinions and/or comments?

2. C: Some of the people calling in were trying to correct what was being said, which was useful. However apart from that the sound was not too good.

3. C: Of course, in terms of an experiment; it was a success, even though the results of that experiment itself were negative. Trying to get non f2f meetings to work is a good objective and these experiments should continue.

4. C: We were restricted by the tool of the chair’s company. Hence we should try other tools next time.

3. Venue Planning

1. Chair: I would like to repeat this issue about financial conditions on our future venue meetings. I’ve asked the joint 802.11/802.15 treasury to determine what cancellation fees would be incurred.

2. Q: I think the previous discussion about the whitespace segways into this point quite well. To circumvent a lot of WG discussion and time, I thought I’d bring a couple of personal motions at this time.

3. Motion 1

4. The 802.11 WG requests the WG Chair to investigate new modes of WG operation, including the possible cancellation of future interim sessions and an increased use of remote collaboration tools. Any transition to the new mode of operation should be possible in a way that is financially responsible and that allows the WG to continue to develop high quality standards.

5. Moved: Andrew Myles

6. Motion 2

7. The 802.11 WG directs the WG Chair not to agree, until the Mar 2009 session, to any contract for an interim session in Jan 2010 or 2011.

8. Moved: Andrew Myles

9. C: I think we’re mixing two issues together here. I support the use of tools, but I think that cancelling meetings shouldn’t be included in the same motion.

10. C: I think its ok as it is.

11. C: I’m also confused. Are the two slides one motion or two?

12. Chair: Two separate motions, on two separate slides.

13. C: I think that motion 1 is fairly benign. Motion 2 is then the decision itself, which is attempting to cancel interim meetings. If successful this may result in new procedures and rules. A transition plan would be required. Motion 2 is the stick and please remember that meeting arrangement lead times are quite long. Motion 2 does not allow transition, so therefore I advise case and speak against both motions.

14. C: I agree that Motion 1 can be split into 2 issues. I think we could have fixed locations for our meetings (e.g. Denver in the summer and Los Angeles in the winter).

15. C: I speak against the motion

16. Mover: I think there are actually many ideas which have been brought up in these discussions, which is good…..

17. Chair: Stop! Please can the person at the back erase their photograph which has just been taken.

18. ……People should not be scared of potentially cancelling interim meetings. This is why I decided to separate out Motion 2 as a separate item.

19. C: I think that fixing North American venues does not help travel costs for the whole of the IEEE membership. Please consider this, as a lot of people come from overseas.

20. Motion to amend

21. May I suggest a change to Motion 1, as follows:

22. The 802.11 WG requests the WG Chair to investigate new modes of WG operation. This would include the possible cancellation of future interim sessions and an increased use of remote collaboration tools. Any transition to the new mode of operation should be possible in a way that is financially responsible and that allows the WG to continue to develop high quality standards.

23. Moved: Rolf de Vegt

24. No objection to approving by unanimous consent

25. C: I speak against this motion, as we do not need this approval to do our work.

26. C: I would like to state that there are many deals in countries, where the economic crisis is hitting badly. Conference centers would be glad to have us.

27. C: I think the chair does this task anyway and hence I speak against this motion. The WG should not need to do this. The WG officers were elected with this mandate.

28. Chair: Question is called.

29. The 802.11 WG requests the WG Chair to investigate new modes of WG operation. This would include the possible cancellation of future interim sessions and an increased use of remote collaboration tools. Any transition to the new mode of operation should be possible in a way that is financially responsible and that allows the WG to continue to develop high quality standards.

30. Moved: Andrew Myles

31. For: 11, Against: 28, Abstain: 9 (Procedural motion, fails with 29.73%)

32. Mover: I am disappointed with this result, but I thank the chair for going ahead with the sentiment of the motion anyway. I would like to withdraw Motion 2 from the table.

33. Chair: Granted

34. C: Please may I have a straw poll?

35. Chair: I thought we’d covered this issue already in the previous motion.

36. Straw Poll: The 802.11 WG requests the WG Chair to investigate new modes of WG operation. This may include the increased use of remote collaboration tools.

37. C: I thought that this issue is covered in the WG Chair’s mandate and in the P&P bylaws. I think this straw poll is a waste of time.

38. Chair: I think it is rather superfluous, but I will still allow it.

39. Yes: 28, No: 8, Abstain: 11

4. P&P

1. I recall that our current P&Ps have not been approved. This was mentioned on Monday.

2. Chair: This is actually the 802 P&Ps. The standard’s board had not had enough time to consider the changes and hence the approval date had been postponed.

40. AOB

1. None

41. Next Meeting

1. The next meeting (#114) is in the Hyatt Regency and Fairmont hotels in Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada, Denver from March 8th – 13th 2009:

1. Q: please can you ask how many people intent to go to this meeting.

2. Yes: 50 No: 3,Uncertain: 3

42. Adjournment

1. I move to adjourn

2. Moved Jon Rosdahl, 2nd Richard Kennedy

3. The meeting is adjourned without objection at 10:47 PST

Annex A: Attendance & Affiliation

|Name |Affiliation |

|Aboulmagd, Osama |Nortel Networks |

|Abraham, Santosh |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Anwyl, Gary |Ralink Technology Corp |

|Armstrong, Lee |US DoT |

|Ashley, Alex |NDS Limited |

|Astrin, Arthur |Astrin Radio |

|Bagby, David |Calypso Ventures, Inc. |

|Bahr, Michael |Siemens |

|Bajko, Gabor |Nokia Corporation |

|Bang, yong |ICU-Information and Communications University |

|bar, vered |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Barr, John |Motorola, Inc. |

|Baykas, Tuncer |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Benko, John |Orange-France Telecom |

|Borges, Daniel |Apple Computer, Inc. |

|Bosco, Bruce |Motorola, Inc. |

|Braskich, Anthony |Motorola, Inc. |

|Bumiller, George |Research In Motion Limited |

|Cam-Winget, Nancy |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Canpolat, Necati |Intel Corporation |


|Chaplin, Clint |Samsung Electronics |

|Chen, Jiunn-Tsair |Ralink Technology, Corp. |

|Cheng, Yuu |Telcordia |

|CHIU, CHENYI |Panasonic |

|Choi, Jee-Yon |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Choi, Seyeong |LG ELECTRONICS |

|Chong, Chia-Chin |NTT DOCOMO |

|Chu, Liwen |STMicroelectronics |

|Cook, Charles |Qwest Communications International Inc., |

|Cooke, Matthew |NICTA |

|Das, Subir |Telcordia |

|de Vegt, Rolf |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Denteneer, Theodorus |Philips |

|Dickey, Susan |Caltrans |

|Durand, Roger |Research In Motion Limited |

|Eastlake, 3rd, Donald |Motorola, Inc. |

|Ecclesine, Peter |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Emmelmann, Marc |Technical University Berlin |

|Engwer, Darwin |Nortel Networks |

|Erceg, Vinko |Broadcom Corporation |

|Feinberg, Paul |SONY |

|Fischer, Matthew |Broadcom Corporation |

|Fisher, Wayne |ARINC, Inc. |

|Fujikawa, Kenji |NICT |

|Funada, Ryuhei |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Gast, Matthew |Trapeze Networks |

|Gilbert, Jeffrey |SiBEAM, Inc. |

|Glibbery, Ronald |Peraso Technology |

|Gloger, Reinhard |Nokia Siemens Networks |

|Grass, Eckhard |IHP GmbH |

|Gray, Paul |Cohda Wireless |

|Grodzinsky, Mark |wilocity |

|Gross, James |RWTH Aachen University |

|Hamilton, Mark |Polycom, Inc. |

|Hansen, C |Broadcom Corporation |

|Harada, Hiroshi |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Harkins, Dan |Aruba Networks, Inc. |

|Hart, Brian |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Hartman, Chris |Apple Computer, Inc. |

|Hassan, Amer |Microsoft |

|Honma, Naoki |Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation |

|hu, wendong |STMicroelectronics |

|Huang, Robert |Sony Electronics |

|Huang, Tian-Wei |National Taiwan University |

|Hunter, David |Panasonic |

|Iso, Akio |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Jain, Sudhanshu |ALCATEL-LUCENT |

|Jiang, Daniel |VSC2 |

|Jones, Vince |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Jung, Lee |ICU-Information and Communications University |

|Kain, Carl |Noblis, Inc. |

|Kato, Shuzo |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Kato, Tatsuya |Tokyo Electric Power Company |

|Kavner, Douglas |Raytheon Company |

|Kennedy, Richard |ETS-Lindgren |

|Kenney, John |VSC2 |

|Kerry, Stuart |OK-Brit |

|Kim, Kyeongpyo |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Kim, Yongsun |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|kim, yunjoo |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|KOBAYASHI, MARK |Broadcom Corporation |

|Kojima, Fumihide |Nationa Institute of Information and Communication Technology |

|Kraemer, Bruce |Marvell |

|Kuehnel, Thomas |Microsoft |

|Kurihara, Thomas |TKstds Management |

|Kwak, Joseph |InterDigital Communications, LLC |

|Lakkis, Ismail |Tensorcom |

|Lambert, Paul |Marvell |

|Lan, Zhou |Nationa Institute of Information and Communication Technology |

|Landt, Jeremy |Transcore |

|Lee, Yuro |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Levy, Joseph |InterDigital Communications, LLC |

|Li, Sheung |SiBEAM, Inc. |

|Liu, Hang |Thomson Inc |

|Loc, Peter |Ralink Technology, Corp. |

|Maltsev, Alexander |Intel Corporation |

|Mano, Hiroshi |ROOT, Inc. |

|Maslennikov, Roman |Intel Corporation |

|McCann, Stephen |Research in Motion UK Ltd |

|Mcnew, Justin |Kapsch TrafficCom Inc |

|Montemurro, Michael |Research In Motion Limited |

|Moorti, Rajendra |Broadcom Corporation |

|Morioka, Hitoshi |ROOT, Inc. |

|Morioka, Yuichi |Sony Corporation |

|Moskowitz, Robert |ICSALabs/Verizon Business Systems |

|Myles, Andrew |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Nakano, Hiroki |Trans New Technology, Inc. |

|Ngo, Chiu |Samsung Electronics |

|Noens, Richard |Motorola, Inc. |

|Oyama, Satoshi |Hitachi Ltd. |

|Pandya, Bhoomek |IIT Bombay |

|Park, Changmin |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Park, Minyoung |Intel Corporation |

|Patel, Vijaykumar |Andrew Corporation |

|Perahia, Eldad |Intel Corporation |

|petrick, Albert |Jones-Petrick and Associates, LLC. |

|Petro, John |Envieta LLC |

|Powers, Chuck |Motorola, Inc. |

|Ptasinski, Henry |Broadcom Corporation |

|Purnadi, Rene |Research In Motion Limited |

|Qi, Emily |Intel Corporation |

|Rahman, Mohammad |National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) |

|Ramamurthy, Harish |Marvell |

|Rayment, Stephen |BelAir Networks |

|Reznik, Alex |InterDigital, Inc. |

|Rosdahl, Jon |CSR |

|Roy, Richard |Connexis |

|Sakoda, Kazuyuki |Sony Corporation |

|Sampath, Hemanth |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Sandmann, Maximilian |Vondel O.G. |

|Schultz, Donald |Boeing |

|Schwoerer, Jean |France Telecom |

|Seok, Yongho |LG Electronics |

|Shellhammer, Stephen |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Sherlock, Ian |Texas Instruments |

|SHIBAGAKI, Nobuhiko |Hitachi Ltd. |

|Shukla, Ashish |Marvell |

|Simon, Francois |ARINC, Inc. |

|Song, Yoo-Seung |ETRI - Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute |

|Sood, Kapil |Intel Corporation |

|Stacey, Robert |Intel Corporation |

|Stanley, Dorothy |Aruba Networks, Inc. |

|Stephens, Adrian |Intel Corporation |

|Stephenson, David |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|STRUTT, GUENAEL |Motorola, Inc. |

|Sum, Chin-Sean |NICT |

|Tan, Teik-Kheong |GCT Semiconductor, Inc. |

|Taylor, Shawn |Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. |

|THOMSON, ALLAN |Cisco Systems, Inc. |

|Thrasher, Jerry |Lexmark International Inc. |

|Toyoda, Ichihiko |NTT |

|Trachewsky, Jason |Broadcom Corporation |

|Umehira, Masahiro |Ibaraki University |

|Varshney, Prabodh |Nokia Corporation |

|Venkatesan, Ganesh |Intel Corporation |

|Vlantis, George |STMicroelectronics |

|Walker, Jesse |Intel Corporation |

|Wang, Chao-Chun |MediaTek Inc. |

|Wang, Junyi |NICT |

|Wang, Qi |Broadcom Corporation |

|Watanabe, Fujio |NTT DoCoMo, Inc. |

|Wentink, Menzo |Qualcomm Incorporated |

|Whetten, Frank |Boeing |


|Williams, Michael |Nokia Corporation |

|Wu, Fonchi |Ralink Technology, Corp. |

|Wu, Shiquan |Wi-LAN Inc. |

|Yamamoto, Takeshi |NEC Corporation |

|Yee, James |MediaTek Inc. |

|Yee, Peter |NSA/IAD |

|Yoshida, Seiji |NTT Multimedia Communications Laboratories, Inc. |

|Zhang, Hongyuan |Marvell |

|Zhao, Shiwei |Atheros Communications |

Annex B : Working Group Officers

|Name |Position |Phone, eMAIL & Affiliation |

|Bruce Kraemer |IEEE 802.11 Working Group (WG) Chair |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc |

| |Mail: |c/o:  Marvell Semiconductor, |Phone:   |

| | |Inc. | |

| | |5488 Marvell Lane,  | |

| | |Santa Clara, CA 95054 | |

|Jon |Working Group - 1st Vice-Chair / |CSR |

|Rosdahl |Treasurer | |

| |Policies & Treasury |+1 (801) 756-1496 |

| | |jrosdahl@ |

|Adrian |Working Group - 2nd Vice-Chair |Intel Corporation (UK) Limited. |

|Stephens | | |

| |Attendance, Ballots, Documentation & |Tel: +44 1954 204 609 (office) |

| |Voting |Tel: +44 792 008 4900 (mobile) |

| | |adrian.p.stephens@ |

|Stephen |Working Group - Secretary & Publicity |Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd |

|McCann | | |

| |Minutes, Reports, & Communications |+44 1753 667099 |

| | |stephen.mccann@ |

|Terry |Working Group - Technical Editor |Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. |

|Cole | | |

| |Standard & Amendment(s) Coordination | |

| |Working Group - ANA LEAD |+1 (512) 602-2454 |

| |802.11 Assigned Numbers Authority |terry.cole@ |

|Name |Position |Phone, eMAIL & Affiliation |

|Teik-Kheong "TK" |WNG Standing Committee - Chair |GCT Semiconductor, Inc. |

|Tan | | |

| |Wireless Next Generations |+1 (408) 480-0431 |

| | |tktan@ |

|DAVID BAGBY |ARC Ad-Hoc - CHAIR |Calypso Ventures, Inc. |

| |802.11 Architecture |+1 (650) 637-7741 |

| | |Dave@ |

|Name |Position |Phone, eMAIL & Affiliation |

|MATTHEW GAST |Task Group mb - Chair |Trapeze Networks |

| |802.11 Accumulated Maintenance Changes|+1 (925) 474-2273 |

| | |msg@ |

|Bruce P. |Task Group n - Chair |Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. |

|Kraemer | | |

| |High Throughput |+1 (321) 427-4098 |

| |(802.11n Amendment) | |

| | |bkraemer@ |

|Sheung |Task Group n - VICE-Chair |SiBEAM, Inc. |

|Li | | |

| |High Throughput |+1 (408) 245-3120 |

| |(802.11n Amendment) | |

| | |sli@ |

|Lee |Task Group p - Chair |US Department of Transportation |

|Armstrong | | |

| |Wireless Access for the Vehicular |+1 (617) 620-1701 |

| |Environment | |

| |(802.11p Amendment) | |

| | |LRA@ |

|Donald E. |Task Group s - Chair |Motorola, Inc. |

|Eastlake 3rd | | |

| |Mesh Networking |+1 (508) 786-7554 |

| |(802.11s Amendment) | |

| | |d3e3e3@ |

|Stephen |Task Group u - Chair |Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd |

|McCann | | |

| |InterWorking with External Networks |+44 1753 667099 |

| |(802.11u Amendment) | |

| | |stephen.mccann@ |

|DOROTHY v. sTANLEY |Task Group v - Chair |Aruba Networks |

| |Wireless Network Management |+1 (630) 836-9734 |

| |(802.11v Amendment) | |

| | |dstanley@ |

|JESSE WALKER |Task Group w - Chair |Intel Corporation |

| |Protected Management Frames |+1 (503) 712-1849 |

| |(802.11w Amendment) | |

| | |jesse.walker@ |

|MENZO WENTINK |Task Group z - Chair |Qualcomm Netherlands |

| |Direct Link Setup |+31 65 183 6231 |

| |(802.11z Amendment) | |

| | |mwentink@ |

|GANESH |Task Group AA - CHAIR |Intel Corporation |


| |Video Transport Streams |+1 (503) 264-0637 |

| |(802.11aa Amendment) | |

| | |ganesh.venkatesan@ |

|OSAMA ABOUL-MAGD |Task Group AC - CHAIR |Nortel Networks |

| |Very High Throughput < 6 GHz |+1 613-763-5827 |

| |(802.11ac Amendment) | |

| | |osama@ |

|ELDAD PERAHIA |Task Group AD - CHAIR |Intel Corporation |

| |Very High Throughput 60 GHz |+1 (503) 712-8081 |

| |(802.11ad Amendment) | |

| | |eldad.perahia@ |

Annex C : Minutes

This Annex contains references to all IEEE 802.11 SC/TG/SG & Ad Hoc Committee (AHC) minutes from this meeting. Please note that they are NOT subject to the approval of these minutes, but are confirmed and approved by their individual group in the opening meeting at their next session.

|WG |TE |09-0085r0 |

|TGMB |TGC |09-0095r0 |

|TGN |TGC |09-0106r0 |

|TGP |TGC |09-0100r3 |

|TGS |TGC | |

|TGU |TGC |09-0089r0 |

|TGV |TGC |09-0163r0 |

|TGW |TGC |09-0087r0 |

|TGZ |TGC |09-0099r0 |

|TGAA |TGC |09-0170r0 |

|TGAC |TGC | |

|TGAD |TGC |09-0182r0 |

|WNG SC |SCC |08-0630r0 |

|ARC SC |SCC | |

|JTC1 AHC |AHG |09-0126r0 |




This document constitutes the tentative minutes of the IEEE 802.11 full working group for the January 2009, Los Angeles, California, USA meeting.

Please note that all affiliations at this meeting are shown in Annex A.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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