Template WIB Agenda - YoloWorks

| | Yolo County Workforce Investment Board |

| | |

| |25 North Cottonwood Street One-Stop Career Center Locations |

| |Woodland, CA 95695 |

| |(530) 661-2750 Woodland |

| |West Sacramento |

| |(530) 661-2658 FAX 25 N. Cottonwood St. 500-A Jefferson Blvd., |

| |Building A |

| |(530) 661-2750 (916) 375-6200 |

| | |

| |Executive Committee |

|Board Members | |

| |October 23, 2013 |

|All Green Electronics | |

| |Committee: Ken Garrett, Gary Pelfrey, Kevin Ferreira, Janis Holt and Art Rodriguez |

|All Phase Security Inc. | |

| |Present: Ken Garrett, Gary Pelfrey, Kevin Ferreira, Janis Holt and Art Rodriguez |

|Buckhorn Steakhouse/ | |

|Putah Creek Café |Absent: None. |

| | |

|California Dept. of |Staff: Tanya Provencher and Cyndi Sechler |

|Rehabilitation | |

| |Guest: Andrew Truman Kim, District Project Director for Congressman John Garamendi |

|California Employment | |

|Development Department |Public Comment / Announcements – Non-Agenda Items |

| |WIB members, staff, or the public may address the Workforce Investment Board Executive Committee on subjects relating to employment and |

|California Human Development |training in Yolo County. A time limit may be imposed. No action may be taken on non-agenda items. |

| |Andrew Truman Kim, District Project Director for Congressman John Garamendi gave a presentation on the Veterans Jobs Program “Just Hire |

|California Indian Manpower |One”. |

|Consortium, Inc. | |

| |Call to Order / Establish Quorum |

|Cambridge Junior |Meeting was called to order at 8:30 a.m. with quorum present. |

|College-Woodland | |

| |Agenda Review and Order Approval |

|City of Woodland |Janis Holt moved to approve the agenda; Kevin Ferreira seconded; motion passed. |

|Economic Development | |

| |Review/Approve the Executive Committee minutes of September 25, 2013 |

|County Fair Mall |Janis Holt moved to approve minutes for September 25, 2013; Kevin Ferreira seconded; motion passed. |

| | |

|County of Yolo Economic |Recommend reappointment of WIB Member-Business; Jennifer Cruickshank/Cruickshank Farms and Capay Organic-Farm Fresh To You |

|Development |Kevin Ferreira moved to approve the reappointment of Jennifer Cruickshank from Cruickshank Farms and Capay Organic-Farm Fresh To You to the |

| |Workforce Investment Board; Gary Pelfrey seconded; motion passed |

|Cruickshank Farms | |

| |Receive 2013-17 Plan Approval Letter |

|ERA Mata Realty |Tanya Provencher reported that the Local Plan was approved and our local board re-certified. We are waiting for the State Board meeting |

| |where we will find out of our board will be considered a High Performing Board. |

|Experience Works, Inc. | |

| |Review PY 2012/13 Strategic Planning Goals |

|Food Bank of Yolo County |Tanya Provencher reported because of the government sequester and government shutdown, she doesn’t believe that we have met our goals for |

| |Program 2012-13; and recommends extending the Strategic Planning Goals for 1-2 years and then revisit. Kevin Ferreira moved to extend the |

|Four Wheel & Six Pac |Strategic Planning Goals through June 2015; Art Rodriguez seconded; motion passed. |

|Campers/Mobile Labs | |

| |Receive Just Hire One – Veterans Jobs Program |

|Home Depot – |The Just Hire One Veteran Jobs Program, is a joint-collaborative organized by Congressman John Garamendi’s Jobs Task Force, including |

|West Sacramento |leaders from Beale & Travis Air Force Bases, local chambers of commerce, county/city governments and our business community who are |

| |passionate about economic development and about combating veteran unemployment |

|Home Depot - Woodland | |

| | |

|Los Rios Community College | |

|District | |

| | |

|Monsanto, Vegetable | |

| | |

|Mori Seiki | |

| | |

|Nugget Market, Inc. | |

| | |

|Olam Tomato Processors | |

| | |

|Orchard Supply Hardware - | |

|Woodland | |

| | |

|Pride Industries | |

| | |

|Sacramento Central Labor | |

|Council (6) | |

| | |

|WalMart – | |

|West Sacramento | |

| | |

|West Sacramento Chamber of | |

|Commerce | |

| | |

|Western Truck School | |

| | |

|Woodland Aviation | |

| | |

|Woodland Community College | |

| | |

|Woodland Healthcare, Inc. | |

| | |

|Yolo County Department of | |

|Employment and Social Services| |

| | |

|Yolo County Housing | |

| | |

|Yolo County Office of | |

|Education | |

| | |

|Yolo Employment Services, Inc.| |

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Executive Committee Minutes

October 23, 2013

1. Review/Approve the November 13, 2013, WIB Agenda

Add Andrew Truman Kim to give a presentation on Just Hire One; and add Review PY 2012/13 Strategic Planning Goals to Consent Item 7. Janis Holt moved to approve the changes to the November 13, 2013 WIB Agenda; Gary Pelfrey seconded; motion passed.

2. Receive Workforce Services Information (WSIN) 13-12/YSEPL Update October 2013

This Information Notice provides the update of the State’s Youth Service eligible Provider List.

3. Receive WSIN 13-13/DOL Guidance During the Temporary Federal Government Shutdown

The purpose of the Information Notice is to inform the Workforce Development Community that the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has issued Training and Employment Notice (TEN) 8-13. The TEN provides Employment and Training Administration (ETA) funded recipients with information on how the temporary suspension of the federal government will impact the delivery of ETA-funded programs and services.

4. Receive WSIN 13-14/Unemployment Insurance Program E-mail Updates Now Available

The purpose of this Information Notice is to make the Workforce Development Community and unemployed workers aware that they can now receive important information and the latest updates about the Unemployment Insurance (UI) program my subscribing to the UI e-mail list.

5. Receive WSIN 13-15/Dislocated Worker Training national Emergency Grant

This Information Notice is to advise the workforce community of the availability of approximately $1.76 million for up to eight grants through the Dislocated Worker Training National Emergency Grant.

6. Receive WSIN 13-16/New DOL Regulations for Employment of Veterans and People with Disabilities

This Information Notice is to inform the Workforce Development Community that the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has issued two final rules announcing enhanced regulations to improve hiring and employment of veterans and people with disabilities among federal contractors.

7. Receive WSIN 13-17/Webinar – Social Media Training for America’s Job Center of California Staff

This serves as an invitation for the America’s Job Center of California staff to participate in a 90-minute webinar for teaching job seekers how to use social media for job search.

8. Receive WSIN 13-18/2013 California Women Veterans Survey

On behalf of the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVet) and the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls, the California Research Bureau (CRB) released the 2013 California Women Veterans survey on September 18, 2013.

9. Receive WSIN 13-19/New CalJOBSSM (Phase 1B) Implementation Schedule

This Information Notice provides an update on the phased implementation date of the New CalJOBSSM .

10. Receive WSIN 13-20/VETS 101 Web-Based Tool Training

The Employment Development Department (EDD) is hosting limited training sessions that provide an in-depth review of the content found within the Vets101 website. The Vets101 is a free online resource to help veterans navigate important career and financial decisions.

11. Receive WSIN 13-21/Final PY 2012-13 WIA Performance Results

The purpose of this Information Notice is to publish final actual performance results and success rates for Program Year (PY) 2012-13, for California’s 49 Local Workforce Investment Areas (Local Areas).

12. Conference and Training Updates

Tanya Provencher

• CWA’s Youth Employment Conference is in Anaheim, CA from January 28-30, 2014

It may be possible to send a staff person and someone from the Youth Council.

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Executive Committee Minutes

October 23, 2013

• February 25-27, 2014 will be the Labor Conference and Rapid Response.

The focus will be on layoff aversion.

• Spring Workforce Development Conference will be held April 22-24, 2014

No additional information yet.

13. CWA/WIA - Update

Tanya Provencher

The California Workforce Investment Board (CWIB) will be adding some has additional performance measures. The CWIB is having workgroup sessions with all of the local WIB so we have some input into what it looks like and how it rollout putting the pieces together so we will have some buy in.

14. Reports:

a. Executive Director –Tanya Provencher

Status Report for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 through July 31, 2013.

b. One-Stop – Art Rodriguez

Art handed out WIA Program Update stats for September 2012 and September 2013.

| |September2012 |September |

|Adult/DW Programs | |2013 |

|Active Participants |101 |73 |

|Enrolled during the month |3 |0 |

|(regular program) | | |

|Exited from program during the|7 |1 |

|month | | |

|Total Orientations between |7 |0 |

|Woodland & W. Sac | | |

|Total Customers scheduled to |37 |11 |

|attend Orientations | | |

|Total Customers that actually |17 |6 |

|attended the orientation | | |

|Youth program (Regular) |September 2012 |September2013 |

|Active Participants |94 |13 |

|Enrolled during the month (regular |2 |0 |

|program) | | |

|Exited from program during the |4 |0 |

|month | | |

WIA Youth


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Executive Committee Minutes

October 23, 2013

Rapid Response Services for September 2013

1. No Activity

Business Services through One Stop:

September 2013

|Date |Company |Number in Attendance |Recruitment Type |

|9-12-13 | Corporate Resource Services (CRS) Production Jobs |7 |Onsite |

|9-13-13 |VOLT Workforce Solutions (Warehouse) |9 |Onsite |

| | | | |

Employment Center Updates:

| |September |September |

| |2012 |2013 |

|Total Users |921 |800 |

|Total Services Accessed through VOS |9,818 |6,550 |


New Hires for September 2013:

Total number of people who attained a job through the One Stop Services

|Component of Service |September 2012 |September 2013 |

|WIA |7 |1 |

|*Employment Centers |18 |13 |

| | | |

|Total |25 |14 |

* The number of people who obtained employment through the public use of the Employment Center may be

higher, but unreported. The statistic above includes facilitation with employers only.

Occupational Skills Training:

No Activity to Report

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Executive Committee Minutes

October 23, 2013

c. Yolo Youth Opportunity Council – Janis Holt

Janis reported on October 9, 2013, the Woodland Chamber had a Job Fair at the County Fair Mall. The turnout was not as good as last time, but overall it was good. Janis stated she was able to talk to more people.

Due to the government sequester Yolo County Housing has not opened up Section 8 which leaves 300 families not served. Hopefully in January we can bring in new applicants. There are 6,500 on the waiting list for housing in Yolo County and the wait time is 2-3 years.

15. Other Business That May Come Before the Board

Tanya Provencher introduced Joan Planell, the new Director of Department of Employment and Social Services.

Joan shared some of her background and work history and stated she is looking forward to attending additional meetings in the future.

Tanya Provencher reminded everyone that our next meeting will be on December 4, 2013.

16. Adjourn

Janis Holt moved to adjourn the meeting; Art Rodriguez seconded; meeting adjourned at 9:46 a.m.

Next Meeting

December 4, 2013

One-Stop Career Center – Davis Room, Woodland One-Stop

8:30-9:30 a.m.

Accommodation: In accordance with Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you require special assistance, meeting materials to be in an alternative format, auxiliary aids, or other person to assist you while attending this meeting, we will provide reasonable accommodation to allow participation. Contact Cyndi Sechler at 916-375-6329 at least 3 business days prior to the meeting to facilitate arrangements.

For more about the Yolo County Workforce Investment Board log on to



WIA Adult


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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