Directions: After brainstorming some possible goals, please create 3 goals for each section listed be low.The goals may be related to personal health or group dynamics. Write the three goals for each time period below and complete the SMART check by checking the boxes. Work in pencil as you may need to edit or change some of your goals as you go!

Personal/Health Goals

| |S |M |A |R |T |

|1.Lose 10 pounds in a month |x |x |x |x |x |

|2.Have a better fitness level by the end of this semester |x |x |x |x |x |

|3.To get under 8 min on 3 laps by the end of this semester |x |x |x |x |x |


| |S |M |A |R |T |

|1.Get straight A’s by the next report card |x |x |x |x |x |

|2.Get a 4.00 GPA by the end of the year |x |x |x |x |x |

|3.Still be on the merit list by the end of the year |x |x |x |x |x |

Relationship Goals

| |S |M |A |R |T |

|1.Have better relationship with my sister by the end of the year |x |x |x |x |x |

|2.Have a better relationship with my family throughout the year |x |x |x |x |x |

|3.Have a better relationship with my friends throughout the year |x |x |x |x |x |

Health Goals

I choose to lose 10 pounds in a month

I will achieve this goal by working out every day for 1 hour and eating healthier by not eating junk food, I will get some of my workout time from PE in school, the rest I will get by going biking afterschool or to go jogging.

Academic Goals

I choose to get straight A’s by the end of the year

I will achieve this goal by trying my best in each class by doing good in all test and paying attention, I will do good in tests by studying hard. I will take good notes, and I will hand in all my homework on time

Relationship Goals

I choose to have a better relationship with my sister by the end of the year

I will achieve this goal by not starting arguments and not get mad at her, I will also help her if she needs help with anything


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