Language and Composition Vocabulary Review Chapters 1-6

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Language and Composition Vocabulary Review Chapters 1-5

1. “Surely,” said Sean in total ___________, “this is the _______________of a perfect meal.” (Lesson 2)

a. entity; essence

b. quintessential; stasis

c. ecstasy; stasis

d. ecstasy; quintessence

2. While crossing the river may be __________, it will require so much ____________ preparation that it may hardly be worth it. (Lesson 1)

a. feasible; laborious

b. opulent; feasible

c. elaborate; opulent

d. laborious; elaborate

3. __________ partygoers, laughing and dancing, wandered here and there in the great hall, which was ________with strings of flowers. (Lesson 5)

a. Jocose; festooned

b. Plaintive; feted

c. Elegiac; plaintive

d. Bacchic; feted

4. The priest says that minor trespasses and ___________may be considered ____________, but they can be dangerous because they lead to greater wrongdoing. (Lesson 4)

a. malaise; negligent

b. peccadilloes; negligible

c. pejoratives; malign

d. malaise; pejorative

5. Seeing the man’s _____________gardens, fleet of pricey yachts, and multi-million dollar car collection, the inspector immediately suspected him of some kind of ________________. (Lesson 1)

a. laborious; magnum opus

b. laborious; edification

c. opulent; malfeasance

d. elaborate; lethargy

6. Mother would rarely _____________ on the brief statements she made regarding our clothing and choice of friends, even though she said such things for our own_______. (Lesson 1)

a. elaborate; edification

b. discomfit; lethargy

c. belabor; liturgy

d. elaborate; modus operandi

7. The subjects of the king grew______________ under his strict control and threatened to rise up and _________ him. (Lesson 2)

a. static; staunch

b. restive; depose

c. apropos; stanch

d. extant; depose

8. Certain religions teach that, while the world gives the appearance of movement and change, the ____________of existence is actually ____________ and permanent. (Lesson 2)

a. entity; staunch

b. quintessence; apropos

c. ecstasy; extant

d. essence; static

9. No amount of flattery can _____________ the hurtful and ____________term you used to describe me. (Lesson 4)

a. negate; pejorative

b. impair; peccant

c. malinger; negligent

d. malign; negligible

10. _______________ of the questions about political parties, Marty reminded everyone that he was a (n) __________supporter of Candidate Reese. (Lesson 2)

a. staunch; extant

b. apropos; staunch

c. extant; restive

d. apropos; stanch

11. The ________________literature about the long-dead civilization’s government seems to describe the court as a (n) ______________ separate from the king’s cabinet. (Lesson 2)

a. static; essence

b. extant; entity

c. apropos; quintessence

d. staunch; entity

12. In the midst of the ______________ celebration in the town square, a ____________ and terrible cry was heard coming from the hills. (Lesson 5)

a. bacchic; plaintive

b. jocular; elegiac

c. plaintive; jocose

d. festooned; plaintive

13. Because the comedian was ________ by her audience’s silence, her mind froze, and she _________one joke for more than five minutes. (Lesson 1)

a. opulent; elaborated

b. belabored; feasible

c. discomfited; belabored

d. laborious; elaborated

14. We were __________________ by the transformation of the forest’s untouched ____________ into polluted streets and overcrowded shopping centers. (Lesson 3)

a. denigrated; candor

b. appalled; verdure

c. livid; pallor

d. denigrated; pallor

15. The island’s ______________ palm trees were framed by the _________orange of the setting sun. (Lesson 3)

a. candid; verdant

b. livid; pallid

c. verdant; incandescent

d. candid; livid

16. Tracy wished she could speak with ____________ to her coworker without having him turn ________and storm out of the office. (Lesson 3)

a. verdure; pallid

b. candor; livid

c. pallor; incandescent

d. verdure; livid

17. The composer’s _______________was a composition originally intended to provide musical accompaniment to the prayers beginning the ____________________. (Lesson 1)

a. liturgy; magnum opus

b. lethargy; edification

c. opulent; liturgy

d. magnum opus; liturgy

18. When the doctor saw the sickly ______________ on the patient’s face, he made the ____________ pronouncement that death was surely not long off. (Lesson 3)

a. pallor; livid

b. verdure; candid

c. livid; incandescent

d. pallor; candid

19. Anne’s super-athletic siblings _____________ her weak muscles, ______________ complexion, and complete lack of motor skills. (Lesson 3)

a. appalled; pallid

b. denigrated; pallid

c. appalled; incandescent

d. denigrated; verdant

20. Charlie was shocked to find his _____________ academic record ____________ by a hostile professor. (Lesson 4)

a. negligent; negated

b. peccant; malingered

c. impeccable; maligned

d. negligible; impaired

21. The ____________ under which Ivan had been suffering for weeks made it difficult for him to pay attention; as a result, he was ___________ in several areas of his job. (Lesson 4)

a. peccadillo; negligible

b. peccant; pejorative

c. malaise; peccadillo

d. malaise; negligent

22. The author’s ______________ last book concludes that even the most glorious _________ of youth are brought to an end by sorrow and loss. (Lesson 5)

a. plaintive; elegies

b. jocose; bacchanals

c. bacchic; fetes

d. elegiac; bacchanals

23. Was Steve’s ability to walk really _____________, or was he simply _____________ to get out of any heavy lifting? (Lesson 4)

a. negated; maligning

b. peccant; impairing

c. negligent; malingering

d. impaired; malingering

24. Lionel had entitled his poem “A (n) _________Against My Cruel Girlfriend,” but his tone made it clear that he really felt no ill will. (Lesson 5)

a. fete; jocular

b. elegy; plaintive

c. plaint; jocular

d. bacchanal; jocose

25. The beloved leader had often been _________ by adoring followers during his life; now, in death, he was memorialized in a touching_______________. (Lesson 5)

a. festooned; elegy

b. feted; elegy

c. plaintive; bacchanal

d. jocose; fete


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