Encyclopedia of home remedies for better life

[Pages:297]Encyclopedia of Home Remedies for

Better Life

Author: Dr Izharul Hasan M.D (PSM), NIUM Bangalore

Attention: For the first time a Naturopathic Doctor opens his vault to unveil the complete list of home remedies used by professionals Holistic Practitioners...

The God of heaven, who created us, has given us the simple things of nature for our healing. It is my prayer that this encyclopedia will help bring back the sunshine into someone's life.

All Natural Cures and Home Remedies

That Will Give You RELIEF From Your Symptoms NOW Proven In Clinical Trials!

"Don't go anywhere, because this could be the most important information about your health

you'll ever read!"

Home remedies for over 300 diseases and disorders. Back in the old days, the pioneers were practical minded people. They knew how to make-do

Encyclopedia of Home remedies for better life

with what they had. They combined folk remedies from centuries earlier in other lands, with herbal formulas borrowed from the Indians. Since then, even more has been discovered about physiology and nutrition. You will find a lot in this disease encyclopedia.

After researching 1,300's of natural cures and home remedies, spending months sifting through hundreds of reports and studies, and putting my findings to the test on real people in my natural healing clinic...

I can say that the majority of natural "cures" are completely bogus. But the ones that are effective seem to work like magic! And many of them can give you almost instant relief from your symptoms.

Now, you can get access to my vault of natural cures and home remedies that you can find in your own kitchen cupboard - backed by thousands of hours of scientific research...

Home Remedies Example 1: Did you know that if every woman in India would get just one nutrient every day breast cancer rates would drop 50 Percent?

Home Remedies Example 2: Did you know that you can make a natural laxative that works many times better for constipation than any over the counter laxatives? Just eat four prunes twice a day and you will have the most effective and gentlest home remedy for constipation.

Home Remedies Example 3: Did you know that 6 cherries have the same effect as 1 aspirin? Plus cherries are filled with antioxidants!

From: Dr Izharul Hasan M.D (PSM) NIUM Bangalore Email: drizharnium@

Author: Dr Izharul Hasan

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Encyclopedia of Home remedies for better life

Make your own natural hair care products and save a bundle in hair treatments.

Chemicals and detergents contained in those herbal shampoos and conditioners destroy the properties of the herbs rendering them practically useless but with your eBook you will learn how to make your own fresh and potent Herbal shampoo.

Treat and control dandruff with a homemade Herbal conditioner for dandruff.

Repair split ends with your own Essential oils for split ends.

Return your hair to it natural ph Balance with a hot oil treatment for dry hair.

Then make an Herbal conditioner for dry hair and a Rinse for dry hair.

If oily hair is a problem to you learn how to make an Herbal rinse for oily hair.

Save lots of money making your own Henna protein super preparation.

Stop hair loss with this 400 year old remedy Hair loss formula.

Plus a wonderful rosemary Hair Oil.

But that is not all you also get a long list of home remedies for injuries

First you will discover a way to clean a wound or a sting with a Topical wash for bites and stings.

Learn how to make an emergency Insect bite lotion that relieves pain and inflammation.

Author: Dr Izharul Hasan

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Encyclopedia of Home remedies for better life

For severe cases you will have the knowledge of preparing an Extra strength sting poultice.

Discover an all natural Fast healing ointment.

Treat Ant and nettle with a secret ancient medicine.

Plus prevent bites and stings with this repellants:

? Homemades Insect repellent. ? Other natural insect repellents. ? Mice Repellent. ? Learn how to treat: ? Dog bites. ? Sunburn. ? Broken bones. ? Bruises ? Burns ? Poison Ivy ? And more

Some very exclusive home remedies for children

Learn to control ADD naturally by making a Hyperactivity Home Remedy.

Many simple to make and effective Childhood disease natural Home Remedies.

Along with your recipes to make an Itching and blister remedy.

If you are worry about antibiotics you're not alone but you can give your child a to a better health by sing this Homemade antibiotic.

For babies you will learn to make your own Diaper Rash Cream.

Prevent rashes by making all natural Baby Oil.

Author: Dr Izharul Hasan

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Encyclopedia of Home remedies for better life

If your baby gets a rash you will be able to produce your very own Diaper Rash Treatment.

Keep your baby fresh and comfortable by applying your homemade Baby Powder.

You will even learn how to treat Cradle Cap with a very effective Home Remedy.

Kiss Menstrual Pain and PMS Symptoms Good Bye forever

You will learn to make Menstrual cramp oil.

Control bleeding by making a Menstrual bleeding control tincture.

Find out about a Relaxing PMS home Remedy.

Discover how to make your homemade remedies for Stress reliever tincture.

We're Just Getting Started!

"What Major Pharmaceutical Companies Will Never Ever Tell You....It Is Possible To Treat And Cure Yourself Effectively Without The Use Of

Harmful Drugs"

Learn The Secrets To Using All Natural And Proven Herbal Remedies That Produce Fewer Or

Virtually No Side Effects!

Author: Dr Izharul Hasan

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Encyclopedia of Home remedies for better life

Dear friend,

Are you tired of taking medications that do not help cure your symptoms?

Although your medications do provide instant reliefs, to your utter dismay, you find that your symptoms come back again and again. They never really went away. This means that you are almost perceptually on a cocktail of medications.

Over time, you also find that you need a stronger prescription for the same level of pain. Medications can become ineffective as your body grow accustomed to them.

Also, with taking medications, you also set yourself up for side effects. The side effects may include symptoms like frequent headaches, constipation, allergies, sluggishness, constant fatigue and other disorders. Plenty of which, you probably are not even aware of that they result from consuming too much drugs.

In fact, if you don't already know this.... Drug medications are chemical substances that are toxins to your body. If left accumulated in your body, they can create harm. The symptoms that you have been experiencing are just the tip of the iceberg. If you don't believe me about what I'm saying about drugs, recall this....

How many drug related lawsuits do you read of in the papers that are reported after they caused life threatening diseases or deaths?

Plenty, I'm sure.

Here's a common example. Accutane.

Accutane was marketed as a safe acne medication when it was first launched. Subsequently, there were various reports of serious side effects and suicides attributed to it. All in all, there have been more than 142 suicides involving Acutance. In addition this drug carries the high risk of deformed babies, miscarriage, premature birth, or death of the baby.

Author: Dr Izharul Hasan

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Encyclopedia of Home remedies for better life

Severe liver damage has also been reported with the use of this drug. What is amazing is that this drug is still being prescribed.

It is the same with many other drugs. They continue to be marketed despite reports of severe side effects by the many that rely on them for treatment.

In your case, if you start experiencing the various but less severe symptoms, you probably wouldn't attributes them to the drugs that you have been consuming. So the side effects after consuming them go largely unreported.

However, since you never quite got cured, you begin to recognize this fact...

Modern medicine is failing its patients

Despite advances in modern medicine and medical technology, more than ever, there are increase incidences of cancer and diseases. You will find that you know of someone, maybe a neighbor or a loved one, who has a life threatening disease or a severe ailment that is not "curable".

So, does this mean therefore that we are doomed? Is there really no cure and no solution in sight?

The truth is that there is. And this has been withheld for the longest time.

Best kept secrets by major pharmaceutical companies

Pharmaceutical labs don't want you to know this - the use of herbal remedies. They will lose big money since millions or billions are poured into the research and manufacture of synthetic drugs.

The truth is that herbal remedies are one of the many natural cures that can take the place of conventional drugs.

For centuries herbs were an important part of healing

Herbal remedies are really nothing new. For thousands of years, man have been using herbs to treat illnesses and symptoms, ranging from the common cold to serious autoimmune deficiencies. However, those that

Author: Dr Izharul Hasan

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Encyclopedia of Home remedies for better life

live in the modern city, such as yourself, have been brought up on medications and thus, have no knowledge of the healing power of herbs.

Eastern medical systems such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Unani Medicine have well documented use of herbal remedies. Their focus on the use of herbs and other natural healing alternatives to treat common ailments afflict the body, mind and spirit.

Now, with increased awareness about the harmful effects of drugs, more and more people are going back to using this form of natural healing for treating and preventing disease.

If you are keen to restore your health, it's not to late to start...

Use herbal home remedies as a way of life

If you are someone who is:

? Interested in using herbs to improve your health, but don't know where to start.

? Looking to switch gears and start preventing illness instead of just treating symptoms.

? Interested in learning how to address the cause of sickness rather than merely treat the symptoms.

? Fed up with traditional medicine and looking for a more natural and holistic approach to your health and well-being.

Then, you're about to gain access to very useful and helpful information about herbal remedies. You ought to know that herbal cures exist for just about anything that ails you. Most importantly, you can also use herbal remedies to prevent disease. You also have the choice of not relying on antibiotics or steroids for treatment.

As humans begin to build up resistance to common medications, including antibiotics, it is more important than ever that people including yourself have choices or alternatives to conventional drug medicine.

Author: Dr Izharul Hasan

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