“I Hope You Know” - Constant Contact

[Pages:4]CENTERVILLE MESSENGER (096380) Free Upon Request-Published Weekly by Centerville Church of Christ, 138 N. Central Ave., Centerville, TN 37033-1427 December 14, 2016 Volume XXXVI - Number 48

"I Hope You Know"

A quick look at the changing of the seasons, and the nearness of all that accompanies this time of year and events which come with it. We are in the midst of the holiday season, when families come together, and for some assemble after long periods of absence. These are special times when so many gather and begin to reminisce of the days gone by. Special times of the year can bring pleasant remembrances to many. But at the same time, for many more those special days (i.e., anniversaries, birthdays, holidays) can be a time of hurt, not because of who is present, but due to who is absent.

Much of this world can seem deeply burdensome, especially when it comes to the heavy weight of painful emotions. To whom shall we turn in order to find strength and comfort when the weight of the world seems to bear down upon us? May we accept two sources offered from the inspired pen of the Apostle Paul: The help of God and the help of His people.

Among the many names of description our heavenly Father has worn, we should never forget He forever remains the, "God of all comfort" in any age and through any trial (II Corinthians 1:3). His comfort is offered in our tribulations, and should not be seen as common. The Psalmist would name God as a "refuge and strength, and a very present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1). God is not a place of hiding, but of safety, of retreat back to a place we know comfort is waiting. Where God is, there you know you can find strength to stand and once again face uncertainty. God's comfort is offered in the form of weathering hurts; deep hurts of the heart, and emerging the victor (Rom 8:37).

Paul teaches that God's comfort is offered when we are in tribulation, so that we will be able to help others when they face trouble, of any kind (II Corinthians 1:4). It is hard to understand clearly why we suffer in the way and to the degree we do at times. Yet when lessons such as this one from II Corinthians 1:4 are applied to one's understanding, we can better know that our hurt now, may be the help of a brother or sister, or erring child of God in the future, in order to help them stand once more. We should not count our tribulation as needless, but rather as opportunity to be equipped to aid our brethren, once we have persevered.

If someone you know will be celebrating without a dear loved one, and you too have felt the same sorrow, take time to remind him or her of God's comfort. In doing so, you will point them back to the spiritual eternity of God's people, and away from the physical limits of this life. Take time to share with your brethren, and if you are hurting, please tell someone who will care with the care of God. It may just be they do not know how to help, but are willing to learn with God's comfort. I hope you know, your suffering, pain, or heartache, much like this time of year, is but a season which will give way to a new beginning in God's good time and grace.

Centerville Church of Christ

Volunteer Of The Year Bobby Mayberry

2016 Progressive Dinner

Wed. Nights L2L

L2L Classroom in Lighthouse

ALWAYS A BIG NIGHT WHEN THERE IS A LIGHTHOUSE! We had a large crowd and an even larger time last Wednesday for our Lighthouse. Thanks to Brad, Michelle, Bailey & Dane Gilbert for hosting the night!


December 14

We began on Saturday morning with our annual

Sunshine Basket Breakfast With Santa! This year was likely our

Prep & Delivery biggest yet with well over 100 in attendance for


some breakfast snacks, a lot of crafts and some

great pictures with Santa himself. Thank you so

December 15 much to all the Junior & Senior High "elves" for

20/30 Regifted their help. Thanks also to David & Kathy Brown

Christmas and of course Misty for helping with setup,

cleanup and a lot in between. A special thanks

December 16 5th Quarter

Lighthouse After Game-11:30

to Daniel & Mina Dressler for making sure Santa could join us!

THE ANNUAL PROGRESSIVE DINNER was, as usual, spectacular! We began with appetizers hosted by Brian & Sandy Qualls. Next

up was on to Soups & Salads hosted by Mike &

Dec 16-Jan 3

Regina Elkins. We then went to evening worship

Christmas Break and a chance for a little digestion. Next stop

was the Main Course hosted by Matthew & Cissy

December 28-30 Dotson and Belinda Potts. We ended the evening

Camp Snowball with Desserts and Dirty Christmas hosted by


Chris & Jenny Teet. So much food and so much

Applications online fun. Thanks to each of our hosts for making the

or at the Youth night so memorable!

News Board!

WEDNESDAY, SUNSHINE BASKETS... We will begin preparation at 5 and as soon as we get

January 8 Youth, Parent &

Volunteer Planning Session


them ready we will deliver several. Following that we will have supper together. Be sure to bring money for your supper and try to be here as close to 5 as you can.

CAMP SNOWBALL XI is beginning to get several applications in. The dates are December 28-30 and there is so much planned for those 3

days. Download an application from our youth

website or grab one at the youth news board. Be

sure to return yours by the December 21 deadline. You don't want to

miss it!


much the same way we are equally blessed with our deacons and so

many parents and adults who help out in many ways. While over the

last few weeks we have had well over 100 young people involved in

many different activities from several service projects all the way to

Sunday night's Progressive Dinner. Through all this we have had no

less than 40 different parents and adults hosting and actively involved

in those activities too. What a blessing it truly is to see the church

function through and with families. It is our goal and prayer as a

youth ministry to be an encouragement to the involvement of our

families in the work and growth of our young people. Our youth

ministry is never meant to replace anything the family does, but

rather to support the nurturing and admonition of the Lord that is

taught in our homes. May God continue to bless us as families, as

parents, as children and as a church as we all strive to each day...

follow His path, -Craig

8th Annual Sounds of the Season Presents:

"Home For The Holidays" Friday, December 16th

6:00 P.M. Fairfield Church of Christ

Fellowship Hall Featuring the music of:

Flat Rascals (Darin Cochran, John Hudspeth, Philip Jacobs, Matthew Skelton, Randy Prince, Joel Breece, Jeff

Breece) Drinks and Finger Foods


CONTRIBUTION $ 12,230.00

BUDGET $ 12,784.oo

Camp Meribah $ 248.00

...a Memorial has been given to the Camp Meribah Scholarship Fund in memory of Kenneth (Moe) Wright by Doug & Billie Sue True. ...a Memorial has been given to the Youth Group in memory of Mary Frances Welch by Robert & Sandy Bryant.


...We rejoice with Lamar Harris who was baptized December 7, 2016 by members of the Jail Ministry.

December Events ...Dec. 14 Sunshine Baskets Prepared For Delivery ...Dec. 15 20/30's Regifted Christmas ...Dec. 16 School Dismissed @ 10a

...Dec. 25th


Sunshine Baskets

Sunshine Baskets will be assembled on Wednesday night December 14th at 7:15 P.M. in the new lobby. If you know of someone you would like to add to the list, please contact the church office at 931-729-4201. Please bring cookies & snacks to fill the baskets.

Worship Service at 9am (No Bible Class)

Devotional Service at 6pm ...Dec. 28th NO MESSENGER


...We express our sympathy to the family of Ryan Parnell who passed away. He was a relative of Carolyn Brown and Bert Mathis. ...We express our sympathy to the family of Judy Fenner who passed away. ...We express our sympathy to the family of Marie Rivers who passed away. She was the aunt of Linda (Dick) Smith. ...We express our sympathy to the family of Danny Johnston who passed away. He was the nephew of Johnnie Ruth Denton and cousin of Janice (Mike) Brown and Jennifer Buchanan.

Thank You

Ken & Tina Dickerson write: "Dear Family, Thank you so much for the wonderful "Church For The Holidays" fellowship this past Sunday. We were overwhelmed! The decorations, delicious meal and the sweet program by the children were all amazing! God has blessed us by leading us to this wonderful Christian family and we are so grateful. The gift was an added special bonus. Thank You !"

Attention Secret Sisters !

If you plan to participate in 2017 please turn in your form by December 31st!


...Hattie Delk suffered a mild stroke and is in the local hospital for therapy. ...Charles Minick is in St. Thomas West. ...Melissa Barber has returned home from the hospital. ...Sam Cooper, brother of Martha Leath, had a procedure done this week at Williamson Medical Center to clear the arteries in his legs.

The following are recovering from surgery or dealing with an illness: Sammie Windsor, Louise Leathers, Sandy McFarlin, Lea Ann Buchanan, Kathleen Dunn, McKale Baltz, Henrietta Rochelle, Terry Johnston, Margaret James, Linda Mays, Bob Sutphin, Bruce Bowen, Susan Sullivan, Melissa Bryant, Danny Bates, Debbie Lancaster, Bessie Shepard, Jimmy Mathis, John Ed Hooten, Lindrell Barrett, Susan Campbell, Bonnie Runions, Gabriel Roberson, Sheryl Elkins, Richard Tate

A Baby Girl !

Coleen Williams became a new grandma when her son Jeff and his wife Adrienne adopted a precious little baby girl last month. Her name is Laney Calloway Williams and she was born November 14, 2016. They live near Bowling Green.

A Baby Girl !

Congratulations to Jonathon & June Horner on the birth of a baby girl December 5, 2016. Jada Rosalee Horner weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz. and is 19 1/2 inches long.

Ronald McDonald House Charities Of Nashville Presents Our Holiday Wish List

Can you help make our wishes come true ? Imagine being far from home during the holidays and facing the critical illness of your child. That's the reality facing the 32 families who call our House their home each night this holiday season and we ask you to help us make the holidays a little bit brighter for them by donating items on our holiday wish list. We can't cure illnesses but we can make sure families are together to deliver daily doses of hugs, kisses and reassuring smiles.

For Our Families Photo Albums Journals Lotion Gift Sets Perfume Gift Sets Gift Cards (Fast Food Restaurants, Target, Wal-Mart, Dollar General, iTunes DVD's Infant socks/Booties/Rattles/Baby Toys/ Baby Dolls

Bottles, Infant receiving blankets, Toys (Ages 2-10), Sports Equipment, Arts Supplies, Craft Sets ,Diapers (Sizes NB and 1) Premie Clothing, Infant Clothing, Socks, Gloves, Winter Hats, Scarves


For The House Pillow Protectors, Microwaves, Flat Screen TV with built in DVD Player (20 inch) Trash Bags (all sizes) Laundry Detergent, Paper Plates, Plastic Cups, Dryer Sheets, Box Fans, Vacuum Cleaners (Bagless), Crib Sheets, Paper Towels, Electric Can Openers, Hand-held Can Openers, Ping Pong Paddles and balls, Cookie Sheets, Griddle, Dish Towels, /Dish Cloths/Pot Holders, Rubber Mats For Inside Tub, Standard Size Pillows, Alarm Clocks With Radio, Silverware, Microwaveable/ Dishwasher Safe Ceramic Cereal Bowl, Gift Cards (Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart,

Drop-Off Information

9:00 A.M.--6:00 P.M. Monday-Friday 2144 Fairfax Avenue Nashville, Tennessee 37212

Place Stamp Here

Breakfast With Santa

Wait on Table 3rd Sunday

Luke Worsham

4th Sunday Griffin Elkins

Left Side Grady Teet Lincoln Smith Jared Brown Andrew Sullivan

Right Side Jake Martin Luke Brown Connor McAlister Gage Dotson Alternates Houston Hudgins John Jacobs

If you are scheduled to serve in Worship and are

unable, please take the responsibility to secure

your replacement and contact one of the


Dorris Claud


Lonnie Mayberry

931 -242-2644

John Bradley


Prayer Week Of December 18

S.M.W. Michael Bryant

S.E.W. Ken Dickerson

W.E.B.S. Philip Jacobs

Read Scripture 12/18: Cody Woods 12/25: Brett Martin

S.M.D. Daniel Poff

S.E.D. Stephen Dotson

W.E.D Colby Shelton

Elders' Prayer

12/18: Wayne Qualls


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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