1 - Нов български университет

Present Simple

Make the sentences negative, then interrogative:

1. I like eggs.

2. Mary has an expensive car.

3. The Olympic champion comes from Victoria.

4. Some insects carry serious diseases.

5. This wine costs a lot of money.

1. He plays in goal.

2. We get wool from sheep.

3. They live in teepees.

4. He teaches physics.

5. She drinks coffee every day.


Make wh-questions

1. Wool comes from sheep. (where)

2. This car has two doors. (how many)

3. Raccoons come out at night. (when)

4. She takes two sugars in her coffee. (how many)

5. A fox lives in our garden. (what)

Present continuous

Make the following sentences negative. Don't forget to include the period at the end!

1. I am thinking.

2. You are singing.

3. He is eating jelly.

4. She is studying hard.

5. It is raining now.

6. We are having tea.

7. They are driving to Toronto.

1. I'm riding a bike. [WHAT]

2. She is having a party. [YES/NO]

3. We are waiting because the bus is late. [WHY]

4. She's going to work. [WHERE]

5. It's raining hard. [YES/NO]

6. We are travelling by ship. [HOW]

7. He's cooking bacon for supper. [WHAT]

8. You're giving her flowers for her birthday. [WHY]

Simple Present or Present Continuous?

Choose the correct form:

1 Look! Junko ________ into the water.

A. jumps B. is jumping

2 I ________ lunch in the cafeteria every day.

A. have B.am having

3 I ________ to Toronto next Thursday. Do you want to come?

A. go B. am going

4 Don't give Jan any cheese. She ________ it!

A. hates B. is hating

5 You won't find Jerry at home right now. He ________ in the library.

A. studies B. is studying

6 Once a week, I ________ to an art class at the college.

A. go B. am going

7 I ________ you're crazy!

A. think B. am thinking

8 Salman is rich -- he ________ a Mercedes.

A. drives B. is driving

9 It ________ quite hard -- perhaps we shouldn't go out tonight.

A. snows B. is snowing

10 Marie-Claude isn't a Canadian. I ________ she comes from France.

A. believe B.am believing

Put the verb in brackets in the correct form, either the Present Simple Tense or the Present Continuous Tense.

Top of Form

1. I [pic]a very interesting book.

2. Joanne [pic]eight hours a day.

3. Tonight we [pic]a play at the thereatre.

4. Who [pic]to?

5. I [pic]him very well.

6. What will you do if she [pic]late?

7. My wife [pic]coffee for breakfast.

8. What [pic]for breakfast?

9. Your train [pic]at 17.25 from platform 3.

10. What [pic]? She's a student.

Bottom of Form

Put the verbs in the correct form:

Next week, my friends and I ……………….(go) camping in the woods. I ………………….(organize) the food, because I ………………….(like) cooking. Dave ………………………………(have) a big car with a trailer, so he ………………………..(plan) the transportation. Sam ……………………(bring) the tent -- he ……………………………(go) camping every year, so he ………………………(have) a great tent and lots of other equipment. My wife ……………………(think) we're crazy. She …………………………………………(like) holidays in comfortable hotels, so she ………………………..(take) a trip to Paris instead.


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