Vocabulary Scrapbook - Lower Moreland Township School …

Vocabulary Scrapbook (20 pts)

NAME : ___________________________ TITLE OF WORK : _____________________

DIRECTIONS: For the following vocabulary activity, save the file to your own folder using the “Save as” feature. Then complete all of the steps and print out the final copy to turn in on ________________________.

STEP ONE: Fill out the chart below for at least 4 of your vocabulary words.

| WORD underlined in sentence from book |Part of |DICTIONARY DEFINITION |SYNONYMS |ANTONYMS |

|with pg #. |speech | | | |

|“Inside the house lived a malevolent | | | | |

|phantom… people said he went out at night |Adj. |Having or showing a wish to do evil to others |malicious |benevolent |

|when the moon was down” (Lee 9). | | |hostile |kind |

| | | |evil | |

|2. | | | | |

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|3. | | | | |

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|4. | | | | |

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|5. | | | | |

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STEP TWO: Choose 3 words from your list and change the part of speech of each. For example, change skeptical (ADJ.) into skeptically (ADV.)


1. Ex: malevolent Adjective malevolence Noun




STEP THREE: Choose 6 words and embed them in a short story or creative dialogue. Underline the words. Provide enough context clues to demonstrate the meaning of each word. Example: The noble prince defeated the malevolent dragon in order to save the princess from certain death.

STEP FOUR: Choose 3 words to illustrate through a drawing, picture, or comic strip. You may include captions or dialogue to help convey the meaning of the word.

STEP FIVE: Create a quiz testing ALL of your words using the following format. Then create the answer key for your quiz.

Word Bank

dour opulent unkempt verbatim

Part I: Complete each sentence with a word from the word bank above.

1. Danielle could repeat each word and definition ______________, so he was sure to get a passing grade.

2. The students had ____________ expressions on their faces when they heard about the upcoming vocabulary quiz.

3. Now that Max is making lots of money at his new job, he hopes to lead a(n) _________________ life full of luxuries.

4. Chris looked tired and ________________ after the long night of cramming for her midterm.

Part II: Match each word on the left with the correct synonym on the right.

____5. reiterate a) gawk

____6. adulterate b) unresponsive

____7. stolid c) to corrupt

____8. gape d) repeat

Part III: If the underlined word is used correctly in the sentence, write TRUE. If it is not used correctly, write FALSE and change one word in the sentence to make it true.

_____9. The beautiful weather on my day off from school put me in a dour mood.

_____10. The puppy felt bereft when its owner left for vacation.

_____11. The wood was so pliable that I couldn’t bend it.

_____12. The teacher should augment the length of this test because it’s way too long.


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