Type of Information

Combined matrix of all NPAs that have been officially selected for pooling.

NPA Profile, Trial Specifics, Results to Date, Narrative

In addition, 11 states, have been granted authority by the FCC to implement pooling and other conservation measures and 12 states have applied. (Chart posted at atis/nanp/nrodocs.htm)

Other conservation measures include:

Fill rates Exceptions to lottery procedures

Sequential numbering Auditing and other Reporting

Comments relief specifics about the state. Not intended to draw any conclusions at this point.

Questions for NANC: What type of information from the matrices should be highlighted in monthly reports? Suggestions for questions from the narrative section?

Definitions of success vary.

|Type of Information |California: 310 |Maine: 207 |New York: 716 |Massachusetts: | | |

|A. NPA Profile | | |Case 98-C-0689 (12/2/99) | | | |

|Projected exhaust date prior to pooling |3Q2005[1] |4Q 2001 |4Q01 | | | |

|Assignable NXXs remaining |19 (16 set aside for | |75 (as of Dec 1) | | | |

| |pooling)[2] | | | | | |

|Average NXX assigned/months 6 months prior to |16.67 | |Rationing 3 NXXs/month | | | |

|pooling | | | | | | |

|Jeopardy condition? |YES |No |Yes | | | |

|Current rationing? |YES |No |3 NXXs/month since Jan99 | | | |

|NPA relief plan? |New code issuance suspended|No |Open proceeding | | | |

|Quantity of currently LNP capable carriers |14 |6 |9 | | | |

|(participating) | | | | | | |

|Quantity of carriers with future LNP capability |15 |23 independents; 8 wireless|18 | | | |

|(non-participating) | | | | | | |

|Quantity of carriers with no LNP mandated |1 |paging companies obtain |9 (assumed ITCs) | | | |

|(non-participating) | |numbers from ILEC up to now| | | | |

|Quantity of rate areas |18 |249 |142 | | | |

|Sequential block assignment required? |NO |Not yet |Yes- wireline only | | | |

|Fill rate requirements |Rate not yet determined. |yes, 75% and 6 months to |No | | | |

| | |exhaust | | | | |

|Top 100 MSA? |YES |No |Buffalo #44 | | | |

|Other distinguishing characteristics? |INC guidelines modified to |1 NPA state |Wide Area Rate Centers | | | |

| |permit carriers to maintain| | | | | |

| |6-month, not 9 month TN | | | | | |

| |inventory | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|B. Trial Specifics | | | | | | |

|Objectives of the trial |Conserve numbers |Delay the need for a second|Relieve numbering crisis- | | | |

| | |area code for as long as |(NYDPS) | | | |

| | |possible | | | | |

|How are results to be measured? |No current plan |Periodic recalculation of |Under discussion | | | |

| | |exhuast date | | | | |

|Trial plan available? |No |Yes, see NeuStar’s notes |Under discussion | | | |

| | |from implementation meeting| | | | |

| | |( website) | | | | |

|Will results be published? |TBD |Yes |Under discussion | | | |

|Timeframe for implementation |Pooling ordered November, |June 1, 2000 ordered by |Yes | | | |

| |1999; to begin March, 2000 |MPUC | | | | |

|Number of NPA, MSA |1 NPA, 1MSA |1, 0 |One, #44 | | | |

|Intended length of the trial |Indefinite |Until transition to |Non-ending | | | |

| | |national pooling | | | | |

|Administrative Guidelines used |INC (INC 99-0127-023, |INC Guidelines |INC Guidelines | | | |

| |1/27/99)/Illinois – | | | | | |

| |Modified | | | | | |

|NPAC release used |1.4 |1.4 ordered by MPUC |1.4 | | | |

|Block donations? |Began 12/14/99 |Yes |Begin March 2K | | | |

|Block donation mandatory/voluntary |Mandatory |Mandatory |Mandatory | | | |

|Utilization studies and/or audits involved? |YES |Yes (utilization studies) |No | | | |

|Per-port or port on demand? |Pre-port |Pre-port |Under discussion | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|C. Results to date* |Pool not yet established | |None-Trial starts April 1 | | | |

|Trial period to date |Not applicable. |11/4/99-order issued |Minus four months | | | |

|Clean blocks donated |Data not yet available. |Identification due 4/27/00 | | | | |

| | |Donations begin 5/25/00 | | | | |

|Contaminated blocks donated |Data not yet available. |Identification due 4/27/00 | | | | |

| | |Donations begin 10/30 | | | | |

|Fewest blocks donated in a rate center or rate |Data not yet available. | | | | | |

|centers | | | | | | |

|Projected demand for blocks |16,700 per month (based on |Forecasts due 4/1/00 | | | | |

| |100 Codes issued between |PA sizes pool by 5/18/00 | | | | |

| |April-November, 1999) | | | | | |

|Clean blocks assigned |Data not yet available. | | | | | |

|Contaminated blocks assigned |Data not yet available. | | | | | |

|Blocks activated |Data not yet available. | | | | | |

|NXXs assigned to the pool |Data not yet available. | | | | | |

|Time to deploy, per order |Six months |7 months (order 11/99; | | | | |

| | |pooling 6/00) | | | | |

|Time to deploy, per industry |Varies from nine months to |12 months, per BA petition | | | | |

| |one year, but there is no | | | | | |

| |industry consensus | | | | | |

|Time for pool establishment |Three months |12/14/99-2/2/00 block | | | | |

| | |protection | | | | |

| | |4/27/00 donations blocks | | | | |

| | |identified | | | | |

| | |5/25/00 uncontaminated | | | | |

| | |blocks donated block | | | | |

| | |assignments begin 6/1/00 | | | | |

|NXXs saved by pooling |Data not yet available. | | | | | |

|NXXs returned/reclaimed outside of pooling |Data not yet available. | | | | | |

|Latest NPA exhaust date |3Q2000 | | | | | |

|Quantity of currently LNP capable carriers |See above | | | | | |

|(participating) | | | | | | |

|Quantity of carriers with future LNP capability |See above | | | | | |

|(non-participating) | | | | | | |

|Quantity of carriers with no LNP mandate |See above. | | | | | |

|(non-participating) | | | | | | |

|NXXs assigned to non-pooling carriers |Not yet available. | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|D. Miscellaneous |Pool not yet established. | |Special task force on wide | | | |

| | | |area rate centers | | | |

|Problems encountered | | | | | | |

|Resolutions applied | | | | | | |

|Successes encountered | | | | | | |

|Deviations from INC PA Guidelines? |Carriers permitted 6-month | | | | | |

| |rather than 9-month | | | | | |

| |inventory of numbers | | | | | |

*Rate center detail can be found at

|Type of Information |Illinois: 847 |Illinois: 630 |Illinois: 773 |Illinois: 312 |Illinois: 708 | |

|A. NPA Profile | | | | | | |

|Projected exhaust date prior to pooling |3Q98 |1Q00 |2Q01 |4Q01 |4Q00 | |

|Assignable NXXs remaining |79 |79 |180 |143 |155 | |

|Average NXX assigned/months 6 months prior to |6.25 |5.3 |4.4 |4.4 |5.3 | |

|pooling | | | | | | |

|Jeopardy condition? |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes | |

|Current rationing? |No |No |No |No |No | |

|NPA relief plan? |Yes – overlay |Yes – overlay |Yes – overlay |Yes – overlay |Yes – overlay | |

|Quantity of currently LNP capable carriers |18 |20 |19 |21 |N/A – pooling not begun | |

|(participating) | | | | | | |

|Quantity of carriers with future LNP capability |4 (est.) |4 (est.) |4 (est.) |4 (est.) |N/A – pooling not begun | |

|(non-participating) | | | | | | |

|Quantity of carriers with no LNP mandated |32 |32 |32 |32 |N/A – pooling not begun | |

|(non-participating) | | | | | | |

|Quantity of rate areas |42 |28 |12 zones, 21 districts |1 zone, 8 districts |29 | |

|Sequential block assignment required? |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes | |

|Fill rate requirements |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes | |

|Top 100 MSA? |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes | |

|Other distinguishing characteristics? |NW suburbs of Chicago |Far west suburbs of Chicago|Outer areas within Chicago |Downtown Chicago |SW suburbs of Chicago | |

| | | | | | | |

|B. Trial Specifics | | | | | | |

|Objectives of the trial |Pooling feasibility |Not a trial |Not a trial |Not a trial |Not a trial | |

|How are results to be measured? |Various – see “Trial |Not applicable |Not applicable |Not Applicable | | |

| |Expectations” | | | | | |

|Trial plan available? |Yes – see |Not applicable |Not applicable |Not Applicable | | |

|Will results be published? |Yes, on |Not applicable |Not applicable |Not Applicable | | |

|Timeframe for implementation |12 months |4 weeks |10 weeks |6 weeks |Not established | |

|Number of NPA, MSA |1 |2 |4 |3 |5 | |

|Intended length of the trial |12 months |Not applicable |Not applicable |Not Applicable | | |

|Administrative Guidelines used |Illinois |Illinois |Illinois |Illinois | | |

|NPAC release used |1.4 |1.4 |1.4 |1.4 | | |

|Block donations? |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes | | |

|Block donation mandatory/voluntary |Mandatory |Mandatory |Mandatory |Mandatory | | |

|Utilization studies and/or audits involved? |Quarterly utilization |Quarterly utilization |Quarterly utilization |Quarterly utilization |Quarterly utilization | |

| |reports required |reports required |reports required |reports required |reports required | |

|Per-port or port on demand? |Preport |Preport |Preport |Preport | | |

| | | | | | | |

|C. Results to date* | | | | | | |

|Trial period to date |18 months |4.5 months |3 months |4 months |Pooling not begun | |

|Clean blocks donated |829 |293 |220 |49 | | |

|Contaminated blocks donated |121 |88 |73 |9 | | |

|Fewest blocks donated in a rate center or rate |0 |0 |0 |58 | | |

|centers | | | | | | |

|Projected demand for blocks |1300 (thru 2000) |926 (thru 2000) |401 (thru 2001 |481 (thru 2000) | | |

|Clean blocks assigned |373 |12 |3 |4 | | |

|Contaminated blocks assigned |16 |0 |0 |1 | | |

|Blocks activated |366 |9 |3 |4 | | |

|NXXs assigned to the pool |37 |3 |17 |4 | | |

|Time to deploy, per order |Not specified |Not specified |Not specified |Not specified | | |

|Time to deploy, per industry | | | | | | |

|Time for pool establishment |6/1/98 |8/16/99 |10/1/99 |8/30/99 | | |

|NXXs saved by pooling |177 (as of 11/30/99) |7 (as of 11/30/99) |1 (as of 11/30/99) |1 (as of 11/30/99) | | |

|NXXs returned/reclaimed outside of pooling |18 |2 |0 |6 | | |

|Latest NPA exhaust date |4Q99 |1Q00 |2Q01 |4Q01 | | |

|Quantity of currently LNP capable carriers |See A7 |See A7 |See A7 |See A7 | | |

|(participating) | | | | | | |

|Quantity of carriers with future LNP capability |See A8 |See A8 |See A8 |See A8 | | |

|(non-participating) | | | | | | |

|Quantity of carriers with no LNP mandate |See A9 |See A9 |See A9 |See A9 | | |

|(non-participating) | | | | | | |

|NXXs assigned to non-pooling carriers |27[3] |5[4] |5[5] |1[6] | | |

| | | | | | | |

|D. Miscellaneous | | | | | | |

|Problems encountered | | | | | | |

|Resolutions applied | | | | | | |

|Successes encountered | | | | | | |

|Deviations from INC PA Guidelines? |Illinois Guidelines used |Illinois Guidelines used |Illinois Guidelines used |Illinois Guidelines used |Not Applicable | |

*Rate center detail can be found at

Approved trials: NY- Mary De Luca

IL- Brian Baldwin

MA- Karen Mulberry

ME- Beth O’Donnell

FL- Bill Shaughnessy

CA- Eleanor Willis

OH- Brian Baldwin

TX - Phyllis Cowgill

CT – Beth O’Donnell

WI - Brian Baldwin

NH- Jim Castanga

Initial Reports Narrative

Illinois: The Illinois Trial officially ended on June 1, 1999. Pooling within the Chicago-area NPAs is now considered as the standard number administration methodology for all LNP-capable service providers. Pooling within NPA 708 will be implemented after the Y2K “Quiet Period” (12/1 thru 3/1). The pooling administration guidelines currently in use are those developed in Illinois for the original trial. Although similar to the INC pooling guidelines, there are some differences, primarily in the areas of priorities for block assignment and format of the (application and confirmation) forms.

Pursuant to the ICC’s Order in 97-0192, released May 6. 1998, all carriers with numbering resources within the Chicago-area NPAs are obligated to:

1) Open only one thousands-block at a time within an assigned NXX and utilize 90% of numbers within before opening another thousands- block

2) Refrain from assigning numbers within a new NXX until 75% of numbers within existing NXXs (in the same rate area) have been utilized.

3) File quarterly reports of number utilization rates, by thousands-block.

Comparison of the projected NPA exhaust date at the start of pooling in area code 847 with the most recent projection suggests that number pooling may have extended the life of that NPA by 5 quarters. However, during the trial 18 full NXXs were returned to the Code Administrator, which could have added an additional 2-3 months’ supply of codes. The overall consumption of numbering resources appears to have increased within NPA 847, rising from an average 6.25 NXXs per month (see A3) to an equivalent 11.33 [(C13 + C19) /18]. To date, pooling within NPA 847 appears to have reduced the overall consumption of (equivalent) NXXs by 69% [100 -((C9 + C19)/18)/11.33].

Few, if any, conclusions can be drawn at this time from the pooling results in the other Chicago-area NPAs.

California: The pooling trial in the 310 NPA in California has been ordered but is not in place. Requests for utilization data from service providers indicate that the PUC may only include blocks with contamination rates of ten percent or less, but the Commission has been otherwise silent on this issue. The Commission is apparently counting heavily on pooling to conserve numbers since it has suspended other forms of relief at this time, including the previously planned issuance of an additional area code. The FCC ordered California to employ pooling by MSA, but the State is apparently using NPAs as its basis for pooling in spite of that Order. It is also important to note that as of January 5, 2000, NeuStar’s prediction of code exhaust (based on the most recent utilization and forecasting data provided by the industry) suggests that pooling will delay the exhaust of the 310 NPA by six months.

No other conservation methods employed.

CPUC selected an NPA that was already near exhaust which may have a negative impact on quantity of numbers available for donation to pool.

A successful pooling trial would conserve numbering resources.

Maine: Single NPA state. One NPA state, outside Top 100 MSAs.

Fill rate threshold of 75% prior to opening new blocks, codes; must be at 6 months to exhaust prior to opening new blocks, codes.

Pooling only in RBOC territory. (approximately 148 of 249 rate centers)

An appreciable extension of exhaust date.

Avoidance of new area codes being introduced.

New York: Other points to be tracked: The New York numbering task force agreed to build the initial 716 inventory with clean thousand blocks. If, after all participating carriers donate their clean blocks and more numbers are needed to meet the nine-month inventory, carriers will donate blocks with no more that 10% “contamination.” LNP-capable code holders are required, by the NY DPS, to follow “pre-implantation: guidelines until pools are established. In these guidelines LNP-capable code holders must: 1) administer their codes in blocks of thousand numbers on a rate center basis; 2) set aside (i.e., restrict from assignment in their telephone administration systems) all unopened thousand blocks currently assigned to them, unless no other numbers are available; 3) refrain from assigning numbers from any thousand block in an NXX with 100 or fewer numbers currently in use, unless no other numbers are available.

The NY DPS also ordered the use of wide area rate centers (WARC.) There is a special task force of industry participants studying the financial and technical impacts to such a application. A wide area rate center is defined, by the NYDPS as: “a single-LATA wide rate center for each area code whereby a carrier could use a single NXX code LATA-wide and thus would not need to have an NXX in every traditional rate center. The WARC, and all the NXX codes assigned to it, would be included in the local calling area for customers in every traditional rate center.”


[1] Exhaust projection assumed assignment of new NPA relief code. Since the CPUC has placed a hold on implementing the new code, the exhaust projection has been moved to 3Q2000.

[2] Modified as of 1/4/00

[3] Since the start of pooling on 6/1/98

[4] Since the start of pooling on 8/16/99

[5] Since the start of pooling on 10/1/99

[6] Since the start of pooling on 8/30/99


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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