Kathryn White
Making Sense of Data
High School
Summer 2003
1970 Draft Lottery Activity
Box & Whisker Plots
Random Samples
Grade Level:
7 and above (subject may be sensitive)
Students will create box & whisker plots from a given data set.
Students will make an inference from data displayed in multiple box & whisker plots.
Missouri State Standards:
MA-3: 1.6, 1.8, 4.1, 3.7
Pre-Requisite Skills:
Students are able to create a box & whisker plot from a given data set.
• Overhead of graph paper for final box & whisker plots.
• 1970 Draft Lottery Activity Sheets for birth months Jan.-Dec.
• Rulers
120 minutes (2 class hours)
• Conduct a discussion about the Vietnam Conflict. It is helpful to show a historical video about the conflict. I find it helpful to show a video borrowed from the history department as student’s personal knowledge seems limited. The main points to highlight are:
• War was never officially declared.
• Many soldiers who served were killed or disabled.
• Many Americans opposed the conflict since we had been involved for more than a decade and had made no headway.
• Group students by birth month.
• Give each student an activity sheet with the lottery numbers for their birth month.
• Read the paragraph about the lottery. Remind students that many Americans had voted for Nixon because he had promised to end U.S. participation in the conflict, yet he was asking Congress to send more troops overseas.
• Describe the scene as all of America watched the selection of the capsules praying their birthday or the birthday of their loved one would be chosen last.
• Have students find the lottery number that corresponds to their birthday.
• Students should put the lottery numbers for their birth month in order (opportunity to discuss best way to do this, i.e. stem & leaf plot, etc.).
• Students create a box & whisker plot for their birth month on the activity sheet and write about the distribution of the numbers for their month.
• Have one student from each group copy the box & whisker plot on to the overhead by placing it over their worksheet and tracing it. The end result should be a compilation of all the months on one graph. You will have to create box plots for missing months.
• Collect student worksheets. Draw a line on the complied box & whisker overhead vertically at 183 (median of 366). Have students decide which months had an even distribution (Note: The New York Times statistically noted the non-randomness of the lottery in Jan. 1970). Discuss the range of the data for each month, the distance from 183 the median for each month’s lottery numbers, the “fairness” of the lottery (fair or unfair?), and finally how would the box plots for a fair lottery look?
• Discuss the effects of this lottery on people’s lives and what could have been done to avoid ensure that the lottery was fairly conducted.
Use a random number generator (graphing calculator or computer program) or create a data set and have the students use a box & whisker plot to determine if the selection of numbers was random.
Further explore this data using standard deviation.
Put the data into a scatter plot and look for regression.
Use the data for the 1971 or 1972 lottery to check for the randomness of the selection for those years.
Starr, Norton. “Nonrandom Risk: The 1970Draft Lottery.”
Draft Lottery 1970 Story.
Draft Lottery Datafile.
1970 Draft Lottery Activity Worksheet
Name: _____________ Birthday _________ Draft Lottery #: _____
I. Put the lottery numbers for your
Month in order from least to greatest.
Find the median (middle number):
Place a “+” above this number on your
Number line.
II. Find the middle number of the data
Data points larger than the median. This
Is the Upper Quartile.
Upper Quartile: __________
Place a Line above this number on your
Number line.
III. Find the middle number of the data points
smaller than the median. This is the
Lower Quartile.
Lower Quartile: __________
Place a line above this number on your
Number line.
IV. Connect the lines you place above
the Upper Quartile and Lower Quartile
numbers to form a rectangle.
V. Place a dot above the smallest data
Point and connect it to the line for the
Lower Quartile. Place a dot above the
largest data point and connect it to the
line you drew for the Upper Quartile.
VI. Write at least 4 complete sentences explaining whether you feel that the numbers drawn for your month represent a “fair” mixture of the available numbers based on the box & whisker plot you created.
Late in 1969, President Nixon authorized additional U.S. military support to the South Vietnamese Army. All men aged 18-26 were required to register for the military draft. To complete the selection process, a lottery was held on 12/1/1969 to decide the order in which the draftees would be called to duty. This was done by randomly selecting their birth dates. 366 capsules, each containing a unique date of the year were drawn from a container. The first date drawn (Sept. 14) was assigned rank 1 and draftees with this birth date would be called to duty first. The second date drawn (April 24) was assigned rank 2 and would be called to duty second and so on until all of the dated had been chosen. Prior to the drawing, the capsules had been put into the container by month, January to December, and then were supposedly thoroughly mixed. In this activity, we are going to use Box & Whisker Plots to decide if these capsules were thoroughly mixed or not.
1970 Draft Lottery Activity Worksheet
Name: _____________ Birthday _________ Draft Lottery #: _____
I. Put the lottery numbers for your
|Day |Month |Draft |
| | |Number |
|1 |Jan |305 |
|2 |Jan |159 |
|3 |Jan |251 |
|4 |Jan |215 |
|5 |Jan |101 |
|6 |Jan |224 |
|7 |Jan |306 |
|8 |Jan |199 |
|9 |Jan |194 |
|10 |Jan |325 |
|11 |Jan |329 |
|12 |Jan |221 |
|13 |Jan |318 |
|14 |Jan |238 |
|15 |Jan |17 |
|16 |Jan |121 |
|17 |Jan |235 |
|18 |Jan |140 |
|19 |Jan |58 |
|20 |Jan |280 |
|21 |Jan |186 |
|22 |Jan |337 |
|23 |Jan |118 |
|24 |Jan |59 |
|25 |Jan |52 |
|26 |Jan |92 |
|27 |Jan |355 |
|28 |Jan |77 |
|29 |Jan |349 |
|30 |Jan |164 |
|31 |Jan |221 |
Month in order from least to greatest.
Find the median (middle number):
Place a “+” above this number on your
Number line.
II. Find the middle number of the data
Data points larger than the median. This
Is the Upper Quartile.
Upper Quartile: __________
Place a Line above this number on your
Number line.
III. Find the middle number of the data points
smaller than the median. This is the
Lower Quartile.
Lower Quartile: __________
Place a line above this number on your
Number line.
IV. Connect the lines you place above
the Upper Quartile and Lower Quartile
numbers to form a rectangle.
V. Place a dot above the smallest data
Point and connect it to the line for the
Lower Quartile. Place a dot above the
largest data point and connect it to the
line you drew for the Upper Quartile.
VI. Write at least 4 complete sentences explaining whether you feel that the numbers drawn for your month represent a “fair” mixture of the available numbers based on the box & whisker plot you created.
1970 Draft Lottery Activity Worksheet
Name: _____________ Birthday _________ Draft Lottery #: _____
I. Put the lottery numbers for your
|Day |Month |Draft |
| | |Number |
|1 |Feb |86 |
|2 |Feb |144 |
|3 |Feb |297 |
|4 |Feb |210 |
|5 |Feb |214 |
|6 |Feb |347 |
|7 |Feb |91 |
|8 |Feb |181 |
|9 |Feb |338 |
|10 |Feb |216 |
|11 |Feb |150 |
|12 |Feb |68 |
|13 |Feb |152 |
|14 |Feb |4 |
|15 |Feb |89 |
|16 |Feb |212 |
|17 |Feb |189 |
|18 |Feb |292 |
|19 |Feb |25 |
|20 |Feb |302 |
|21 |Feb |363 |
|22 |Feb |290 |
|23 |Feb |57 |
|24 |Feb |236 |
|25 |Feb |179 |
|26 |Feb |365 |
|27 |Feb |205 |
|28 |Feb |299 |
|29 |Feb |285 |
Month in order from least to greatest.
Find the median (middle number):
Place a “+” above this number on your
Number line.
II. Find the middle number of the data
Data points larger than the median. This
Is the Upper Quartile.
Upper Quartile: __________
Place a Line above this number on your
Number line.
III. Find the middle number of the data points
smaller than the median. This is the
Lower Quartile.
Lower Quartile: __________
Place a line above this number on your
Number line.
IV. Connect the lines you place above
the Upper Quartile and Lower Quartile
numbers to form a rectangle.
V. Place a dot above the smallest data
Point and connect it to the line for the
Lower Quartile. Place a dot above the
largest data point and connect it to the
line you drew for the Upper Quartile.
VI. Write at least 4 complete sentences explaining whether you feel that the numbers drawn for your month represent a “fair” mixture of the available numbers based on the box & whisker plot you created.
1970 Draft Lottery Activity Worksheet
Name: _____________ Birthday _________ Draft Lottery #: _____
I. Put the lottery numbers for your
|Day |Month |Draft |
| | |Number |
|1 |Mar |108 |
|2 |Mar |29 |
|3 |Mar |267 |
|4 |Mar |275 |
|5 |Mar |293 |
|6 |Mar |139 |
|7 |Mar |122 |
|8 |Mar |213 |
|9 |Mar |317 |
|10 |Mar |323 |
|11 |Mar |136 |
|12 |Mar |300 |
|13 |Mar |259 |
|14 |Mar |354 |
|15 |Mar |169 |
|16 |Mar |166 |
|17 |Mar |33 |
|18 |Mar |332 |
|19 |Mar |200 |
|20 |Mar |239 |
|21 |Mar |334 |
|22 |Mar |265 |
|23 |Mar |256 |
|24 |Mar |258 |
|25 |Mar |343 |
|26 |Mar |170 |
|27 |Mar |268 |
|28 |Mar |223 |
|29 |Mar |362 |
|30 |Mar |217 |
|31 |Mar |30 |
Month in order from least to greatest.
Find the median (middle number):
Place a “+” above this number on your
Number line.
II. Find the middle number of the data
Data points larger than the median. This
Is the Upper Quartile.
Upper Quartile: __________
Place a Line above this number on your
Number line.
III. Find the middle number of the data points
smaller than the median. This is the
Lower Quartile.
Lower Quartile: __________
Place a line above this number on your
Number line.
IV. Connect the lines you place above
the Upper Quartile and Lower Quartile
numbers to form a rectangle.
V. Place a dot above the smallest data
Point and connect it to the line for the
Lower Quartile. Place a dot above the
largest data point and connect it to the
line you drew for the Upper Quartile.
VI. Write at least 4 complete sentences explaining whether you feel that the numbers drawn for your month represent a “fair” mixture of the available numbers based on the box & whisker plot you created.
1970 Draft Lottery Activity Worksheet
Name: _____________ Birthday _________ Draft Lottery #: _____
I. Put the lottery numbers for your
|Day |Month |Draft |
| | |Number |
|1 |Apr |32 |
|2 |Apr |271 |
|3 |Apr |83 |
|4 |Apr |81 |
|5 |Apr |269 |
|6 |Apr |253 |
|7 |Apr |147 |
|8 |Apr |312 |
|9 |Apr |219 |
|10 |Apr |218 |
|11 |Apr |14 |
|12 |Apr |346 |
|13 |Apr |124 |
|14 |Apr |231 |
|15 |Apr |273 |
|16 |Apr |148 |
|17 |Apr |260 |
|18 |Apr |90 |
|19 |Apr |336 |
|20 |Apr |345 |
|21 |Apr |62 |
|22 |Apr |316 |
|23 |Apr |252 |
|24 |Apr |2 |
|25 |Apr |351 |
|26 |Apr |340 |
|27 |Apr |74 |
|28 |Apr |262 |
|29 |Apr |191 |
|30 |Apr |208 |
Month in order from least to greatest.
Find the median (middle number):
Place a “+” above this number on your
Number line.
II. Find the middle number of the data
Data points larger than the median. This
Is the Upper Quartile.
Upper Quartile: __________
Place a Line above this number on your
Number line.
III. Find the middle number of the data points
smaller than the median. This is the
Lower Quartile.
Lower Quartile: __________
Place a line above this number on your
Number line.
IV. Connect the lines you place above
the Upper Quartile and Lower Quartile
numbers to form a rectangle.
V. Place a dot above the smallest data
Point and connect it to the line for the
Lower Quartile. Place a dot above the
largest data point and connect it to the
line you drew for the Upper Quartile.
VI. Write at least 4 complete sentences explaining whether you feel that the numbers drawn for your month represent a “fair” mixture of the available numbers based on the box & whisker plot you created.
1970 Draft Lottery Activity Worksheet
Name: _____________ Birthday _________ Draft Lottery #: _____
I. Put the lottery numbers for your
|Day |Month |Draft Number |
|1 |May |330 |
|2 |May |298 |
|3 |May |40 |
|4 |May |276 |
|5 |May |364 |
|6 |May |155 |
|7 |May |35 |
|8 |May |321 |
|9 |May |197 |
|10 |May |65 |
|11 |May |37 |
|12 |May |133 |
|13 |May |295 |
|14 |May |178 |
|15 |May |130 |
|16 |May |55 |
|17 |May |112 |
|18 |May |278 |
|19 |May |75 |
|20 |May |183 |
|21 |May |250 |
|22 |May |326 |
|23 |May |319 |
|24 |May |31 |
|25 |May |361 |
|26 |May |357 |
|27 |May |296 |
|28 |May |308 |
|29 |May |226 |
|30 |May |103 |
|31 |May |313 |
Month in order from least to greatest.
Find the median (middle number):
Place a “+” above this number on your
Number line.
II. Find the middle number of the data
Data points larger than the median. This
Is the Upper Quartile.
Upper Quartile: __________
Place a Line above this number on your
Number line.
III. Find the middle number of the data points
smaller than the median. This is the
Lower Quartile.
Lower Quartile: __________
Place a line above this number on your
Number line.
IV. Connect the lines you place above
the Upper Quartile and Lower Quartile
numbers to form a rectangle.
V. Place a dot above the smallest data
Point and connect it to the line for the
Lower Quartile. Place a dot above the
largest data point and connect it to the
line you drew for the Upper Quartile.
VI. Write at least 4 complete sentences explaining whether you feel that the numbers drawn for your month represent a “fair” mixture of the available numbers based on the box & whisker plot you created.
1970 Draft Lottery Activity Worksheet
Name: _____________ Birthday _________ Draft Lottery #: _____
I. Put the lottery numbers for your
|Day |Month |Draft |
| | |Number |
|1 |Jun |249 |
|2 |Jun |228 |
|3 |Jun |301 |
|4 |Jun |20 |
|5 |Jun |28 |
|6 |Jun |110 |
|7 |Jun |85 |
|8 |Jun |366 |
|9 |Jun |335 |
|10 |Jun |206 |
|11 |Jun |134 |
|12 |Jun |272 |
|13 |Jun |69 |
|14 |Jun |356 |
|15 |Jun |180 |
|16 |Jun |274 |
|17 |Jun |76 |
|18 |Jun |341 |
|19 |Jun |104 |
|20 |Jun |360 |
|21 |Jun |60 |
|22 |Jun |247 |
|23 |Jun |109 |
|24 |Jun |358 |
|25 |Jun |137 |
|26 |Jun |22 |
|27 |Jun |64 |
|28 |Jun |222 |
|29 |Jun |353 |
|30 |Jun |209 |
Month in order from least to greatest.
Find the median (middle number):
Place a “+” above this number on your
Number line.
II. Find the middle number of the data
Data points larger than the median. This
Is the Upper Quartile.
Upper Quartile: __________
Place a Line above this number on your
Number line.
III. Find the middle number of the data points
smaller than the median. This is the
Lower Quartile.
Lower Quartile: __________
Place a line above this number on your
Number line.
IV. Connect the lines you place above
the Upper Quartile and Lower Quartile
numbers to form a rectangle.
V. Place a dot above the smallest data
Point and connect it to the line for the
Lower Quartile. Place a dot above the
largest data point and connect it to the
line you drew for the Upper Quartile.
VI. Write at least 4 complete sentences explaining whether you feel that the numbers drawn for your month represent a “fair” mixture of the available numbers based on the box & whisker plot you created.
1970 Draft Lottery Activity Worksheet
Name: _____________ Birthday _________ Draft Lottery #: _____
I. Put the lottery numbers for your
|Day |Month |Draft Number |
|1 |Jul |93 |
|2 |Jul |350 |
|3 |Jul |115 |
|4 |Jul |279 |
|5 |Jul |188 |
|6 |Jul |327 |
|7 |Jul |50 |
|8 |Jul |13 |
|9 |Jul |277 |
|10 |Jul |284 |
|11 |Jul |248 |
|12 |Jul |15 |
|13 |Jul |42 |
|14 |Jul |331 |
|15 |Jul |322 |
|16 |Jul |120 |
|17 |Jul |98 |
|18 |Jul |190 |
|19 |Jul |227 |
|20 |Jul |187 |
|21 |Jul |27 |
|22 |Jul |153 |
|23 |Jul |172 |
|24 |Jul |23 |
|25 |Jul |67 |
|26 |Jul |303 |
|27 |Jul |289 |
|28 |Jul |88 |
|29 |Jul |270 |
|30 |Jul |287 |
|31 |Jul |193 |
Month in order from least to greatest.
Find the median (middle number):
Place a “+” above this number on your
Number line.
II. Find the middle number of the data
Data points larger than the median. This
Is the Upper Quartile.
Upper Quartile: __________
Place a Line above this number on your
Number line.
III. Find the middle number of the data points
smaller than the median. This is the
Lower Quartile.
Lower Quartile: __________
Place a line above this number on your
Number line.
IV. Connect the lines you place above
the Upper Quartile and Lower Quartile
numbers to form a rectangle.
V. Place a dot above the smallest data
Point and connect it to the line for the
Lower Quartile. Place a dot above the
largest data point and connect it to the
line you drew for the Upper Quartile.
VI. Write at least 4 complete sentences explaining whether you feel that the numbers drawn for your month represent a “fair” mixture of the available numbers based on the box & whisker plot you created.
1970 Draft Lottery Activity Worksheet
Name: _____________ Birthday _________ Draft Lottery #: _____
I. Put the lottery numbers for your
|Day |Month |Draft |
| | |Number |
|1 |Aug |111 |
|2 |Aug |45 |
|3 |Aug |261 |
|4 |Aug |145 |
|5 |Aug |54 |
|6 |Aug |114 |
|7 |Aug |168 |
|8 |Aug |48 |
|9 |Aug |106 |
|10 |Aug |21 |
|11 |Aug |324 |
|12 |Aug |142 |
|13 |Aug |307 |
|14 |Aug |198 |
|15 |Aug |102 |
|16 |Aug |44 |
|17 |Aug |154 |
|18 |Aug |141 |
|19 |Aug |311 |
|20 |Aug |344 |
|21 |Aug |291 |
|22 |Aug |339 |
|23 |Aug |116 |
|24 |Aug |36 |
|25 |Aug |286 |
|26 |Aug |245 |
|27 |Aug |352 |
|28 |Aug |167 |
|29 |Aug |61 |
|30 |Aug |333 |
|31 |Aug |11 |
Month in order from least to greatest.
Find the median (middle number):
Place a “+” above this number on your
Number line.
II. Find the middle number of the data
Data points larger than the median. This
Is the Upper Quartile.
Upper Quartile: __________
Place a Line above this number on your
Number line.
III. Find the middle number of the data points
smaller than the median. This is the
Lower Quartile.
Lower Quartile: __________
Place a line above this number on your
Number line.
IV. Connect the lines you place above
the Upper Quartile and Lower Quartile
numbers to form a rectangle.
V. Place a dot above the smallest data
Point and connect it to the line for the
Lower Quartile. Place a dot above the
largest data point and connect it to the
line you drew for the Upper Quartile.
VI. Write at least 4 complete sentences explaining whether you feel that the numbers drawn for your month represent a “fair” mixture of the available numbers based on the box & whisker plot you created.
1970 Draft Lottery Activity Worksheet
Name: _____________ Birthday _________ Draft Lottery #: _____
I. Put the lottery numbers for your
|Day |Month |Draft |
| | |Number |
|1 |Sep |225 |
|2 |Sep |161 |
|3 |Sep |49 |
|4 |Sep |232 |
|5 |Sep |82 |
|6 |Sep |6 |
|7 |Sep |8 |
|8 |Sep |184 |
|9 |Sep |263 |
|10 |Sep |71 |
|11 |Sep |158 |
|12 |Sep |242 |
|13 |Sep |175 |
|14 |Sep |1 |
|15 |Sep |113 |
|16 |Sep |207 |
|17 |Sep |255 |
|18 |Sep |246 |
|19 |Sep |177 |
|20 |Sep |63 |
|21 |Sep |204 |
|22 |Sep |160 |
|23 |Sep |119 |
|24 |Sep |195 |
|25 |Sep |149 |
|26 |Sep |18 |
|27 |Sep |233 |
|28 |Sep |257 |
|29 |Sep |151 |
|30 |Sep |315 |
Month in order from least to greatest.
Find the median (middle number):
Place a “+” above this number on your
Number line.
II. Find the middle number of the data
Data points larger than the median. This
Is the Upper Quartile.
Upper Quartile: __________
Place a Line above this number on your
Number line.
III. Find the middle number of the data points
smaller than the median. This is the
Lower Quartile.
Lower Quartile: __________
Place a line above this number on your
Number line.
IV. Connect the lines you place above
the Upper Quartile and Lower Quartile
numbers to form a rectangle.
V. Place a dot above the smallest data
Point and connect it to the line for the
Lower Quartile. Place a dot above the
largest data point and connect it to the
line you drew for the Upper Quartile.
VI. Write at least 4 complete sentences explaining whether you feel that the numbers drawn for your month represent a “fair” mixture of the available numbers based on the box & whisker plot you created.
1970 Draft Lottery Activity Worksheet
Name: _____________ Birthday _________ Draft Lottery #: _____
I. Put the lottery numbers for your
|Day |Month |Draft |
| | |Number |
|1 |Oct |359 |
|2 |Oct |125 |
|3 |Oct |244 |
|4 |Oct |202 |
|5 |Oct |24 |
|6 |Oct |87 |
|7 |Oct |234 |
|8 |Oct |283 |
|9 |Oct |342 |
|10 |Oct |220 |
|11 |Oct |237 |
|12 |Oct |72 |
|13 |Oct |138 |
|14 |Oct |294 |
|15 |Oct |171 |
|16 |Oct |254 |
|17 |Oct |288 |
|18 |Oct |5 |
|19 |Oct |241 |
|20 |Oct |192 |
|21 |Oct |243 |
|22 |Oct |117 |
|23 |Oct |201 |
|24 |Oct |196 |
|25 |Oct |176 |
|26 |Oct |7 |
|27 |Oct |264 |
|28 |Oct |94 |
|29 |Oct |229 |
|30 |Oct |38 |
|31 |Oct |79 |
Month in order from least to greatest.
Find the median (middle number):
Place a “+” above this number on your
Number line.
II. Find the middle number of the data
Data points larger than the median. This
Is the Upper Quartile.
Upper Quartile: __________
Place a Line above this number on your
Number line.
III. Find the middle number of the data points
smaller than the median. This is the
Lower Quartile.
Lower Quartile: __________
Place a line above this number on your
Number line.
IV. Connect the lines you place above
the Upper Quartile and Lower Quartile
numbers to form a rectangle.
V. Place a dot above the smallest data
Point and connect it to the line for the
Lower Quartile. Place a dot above the
largest data point and connect it to the
line you drew for the Upper Quartile.
VI. Write at least 4 complete sentences explaining whether you feel that the numbers drawn for your month represent a “fair” mixture of the available numbers based on the box & whisker plot you created.
1970 Draft Lottery Activity Worksheet
Name: _____________ Birthday _________ Draft Lottery #: _____
I. Put the lottery numbers for your
|Day |Month |Draft |
| | |Number |
|1 |Nov |19 |
|2 |Nov |34 |
|3 |Nov |348 |
|4 |Nov |266 |
|5 |Nov |310 |
|6 |Nov |76 |
|7 |Nov |51 |
|8 |Nov |97 |
|9 |Nov |80 |
|10 |Nov |282 |
|11 |Nov |46 |
|12 |Nov |66 |
|13 |Nov |126 |
|14 |Nov |127 |
|15 |Nov |131 |
|16 |Nov |107 |
|17 |Nov |143 |
|18 |Nov |146 |
|19 |Nov |203 |
|20 |Nov |185 |
|21 |Nov |156 |
|22 |Nov |9 |
|23 |Nov |182 |
|24 |Nov |230 |
|25 |Nov |132 |
|26 |Nov |309 |
|27 |Nov |47 |
|28 |Nov |281 |
|29 |Nov |99 |
|30 |Nov |174 |
Month in order from least to greatest.
Find the median (middle number):
Place a “+” above this number on your
Number line.
II. Find the middle number of the data
Data points larger than the median. This
Is the Upper Quartile.
Upper Quartile: __________
Place a Line above this number on your
Number line.
III. Find the middle number of the data points
smaller than the median. This is the
Lower Quartile.
Lower Quartile: __________
Place a line above this number on your
Number line.
IV. Connect the lines you place above
the Upper Quartile and Lower Quartile
numbers to form a rectangle.
V. Place a dot above the smallest data
Point and connect it to the line for the
Lower Quartile. Place a dot above the
largest data point and connect it to the
line you drew for the Upper Quartile.
VI. Write at least 4 complete sentences explaining whether you feel that the numbers drawn for your month represent a “fair” mixture of the available numbers based on the box & whisker plot you created.
1970 Draft Lottery Activity Worksheet
Name: _____________ Birthday _________ Draft Lottery #: _____
I. Put the lottery numbers for your
|Day |Month |Draft |
| | |Number |
|1 |Dec |129 |
|2 |Dec |328 |
|3 |Dec |157 |
|4 |Dec |165 |
|5 |Dec |56 |
|6 |Dec |10 |
|7 |Dec |12 |
|8 |Dec |105 |
|9 |Dec |43 |
|10 |Dec |41 |
|11 |Dec |39 |
|12 |Dec |314 |
|13 |Dec |163 |
|14 |Dec |26 |
|15 |Dec |320 |
|16 |Dec |96 |
|17 |Dec |304 |
|18 |Dec |128 |
|19 |Dec |240 |
|20 |Dec |135 |
|21 |Dec |70 |
|22 |Dec |53 |
|23 |Dec |162 |
|24 |Dec |95 |
|25 |Dec |84 |
|26 |Dec |173 |
|27 |Dec |78 |
|28 |Dec |123 |
|29 |Dec |16 |
|30 |Dec |3 |
|31 |Dec |100 |
Month in order from least to greatest.
Find the median (middle number):
Place a “+” above this number on your
Number line.
II. Find the middle number of the data
Data points larger than the median. This
Is the Upper Quartile.
Upper Quartile: __________
Place a Line above this number on your
Number line.
III. Find the middle number of the data points
smaller than the median. This is the
Lower Quartile.
Lower Quartile: __________
Place a line above this number on your
Number line.
IV. Connect the lines you place above
the Upper Quartile and Lower Quartile
numbers to form a rectangle.
V. Place a dot above the smallest data
Point and connect it to the line for the
Lower Quartile. Place a dot above the
largest data point and connect it to the
line you drew for the Upper Quartile.
VI. Write at least 4 complete sentences explaining whether you feel that the numbers drawn for your month represent a “fair” mixture of the available numbers based on the box & whisker plot you created.
|Day |Month |Draft | |Day |Month |Draft |
| | |Number | | | |Number |
|1 |Jan |305 | |1 |Jul |93 |
|2 |Jan |159 | |2 |Jul |350 |
|3 |Jan |251 | |3 |Jul |115 |
|4 |Jan |215 | |4 |Jul |279 |
|5 |Jan |101 | |5 |Jul |188 |
|6 |Jan |224 | |6 |Jul |327 |
|7 |Jan |306 | |7 |Jul |50 |
|8 |Jan |199 | |8 |Jul |13 |
|9 |Jan |194 | |9 |Jul |277 |
|10 |Jan |325 | |10 |Jul |284 |
|11 |Jan |329 | |11 |Jul |248 |
|12 |Jan |221 | |12 |Jul |15 |
|13 |Jan |318 | |13 |Jul |42 |
|14 |Jan |238 | |14 |Jul |331 |
|15 |Jan |17 | |15 |Jul |322 |
|16 |Jan |121 | |16 |Jul |120 |
|17 |Jan |235 | |17 |Jul |98 |
|18 |Jan |140 | |18 |Jul |190 |
|19 |Jan |58 | |19 |Jul |227 |
|20 |Jan |280 | |20 |Jul |187 |
|21 |Jan |186 | |21 |Jul |27 |
|22 |Jan |337 | |22 |Jul |153 |
|23 |Jan |118 | |23 |Jul |172 |
|24 |Jan |59 | |24 |Jul |23 |
|25 |Jan |52 | |25 |Jul |67 |
|26 |Jan |92 | |26 |Jul |303 |
|27 |Jan |355 | |27 |Jul |289 |
|28 |Jan |77 | |28 |Jul |88 |
|29 |Jan |349 | |29 |Jul |270 |
|30 |Jan |164 | |30 |Jul |287 |
|31 |Jan |221 | |31 |Jul |193 |
|1 |Feb |86 | |1 |Aug |111 |
|2 |Feb |144 | |2 |Aug |45 |
|3 |Feb |297 | |3 |Aug |261 |
|4 |Feb |210 | |4 |Aug |145 |
|5 |Feb |214 | |5 |Aug |54 |
|6 |Feb |347 | |6 |Aug |114 |
|7 |Feb |91 | |7 |Aug |168 |
|8 |Feb |181 | |8 |Aug |48 |
|9 |Feb |338 | |9 |Aug |106 |
|10 |Feb |216 | |10 |Aug |21 |
|11 |Feb |150 | |11 |Aug |324 |
|12 |Feb |68 | |12 |Aug |142 |
|13 |Feb |152 | |13 |Aug |307 |
|14 |Feb |4 | |14 |Aug |198 |
|15 |Feb |89 | |15 |Aug |102 |
|16 |Feb |212 | |16 |Aug |44 |
|17 |Feb |189 | |17 |Aug |154 |
|18 |Feb |292 | |18 |Aug |141 |
|19 |Feb |25 | |19 |Aug |311 |
|20 |Feb |302 | |20 |Aug |344 |
|21 |Feb |363 | |21 |Aug |291 |
|22 |Feb |290 | |22 |Aug |339 |
|23 |Feb |57 | |23 |Aug |116 |
|24 |Feb |236 | |24 |Aug |36 |
|25 |Feb |179 | |25 |Aug |286 |
|26 |Feb |365 | |26 |Aug |245 |
|27 |Feb |205 | |27 |Aug |352 |
|28 |Feb |299 | |28 |Aug |167 |
|29 |Feb |285 | |29 |Aug |61 |
|1 |Mar |108 | |30 |Aug |333 |
|2 |Mar |29 | |31 |Aug |11 |
|3 |Mar |267 | |1 |Sep |225 |
|4 |Mar |275 | |2 |Sep |161 |
|5 |Mar |293 | |3 |Sep |49 |
|6 |Mar |139 | |4 |Sep |232 |
|7 |Mar |122 | |5 |Sep |82 |
|8 |Mar |213 | |6 |Sep |6 |
|9 |Mar |317 | |7 |Sep |8 |
|10 |Mar |323 | |8 |Sep |184 |
|11 |Mar |136 | |9 |Sep |263 |
|12 |Mar |300 | |10 |Sep |71 |
|13 |Mar |259 | |11 |Sep |158 |
|14 |Mar |354 | |12 |Sep |242 |
|15 |Mar |169 | |13 |Sep |175 |
|16 |Mar |166 | |14 |Sep |1 |
|17 |Mar |33 | |15 |Sep |113 |
|18 |Mar |332 | |16 |Sep |207 |
|19 |Mar |200 | |17 |Sep |255 |
|20 |Mar |239 | |18 |Sep |246 |
|21 |Mar |334 | |19 |Sep |177 |
|22 |Mar |265 | |20 |Sep |63 |
|23 |Mar |256 | |21 |Sep |204 |
|24 |Mar |258 | |22 |Sep |160 |
|25 |Mar |343 | |23 |Sep |119 |
|26 |Mar |170 | |24 |Sep |195 |
|27 |Mar |268 | |25 |Sep |149 |
|28 |Mar |223 | |26 |Sep |18 |
|29 |Mar |362 | |27 |Sep |233 |
|30 |Mar |217 | |28 |Sep |257 |
|31 |Mar |30 | |29 |Sep |151 |
|1 |Apr |32 | |30 |Sep |315 |
|2 |Apr |271 | |1 |Oct |359 |
|3 |Apr |83 | |2 |Oct |125 |
|4 |Apr |81 | |3 |Oct |244 |
|5 |Apr |269 | |4 |Oct |202 |
|6 |Apr |253 | |5 |Oct |24 |
|7 |Apr |147 | |6 |Oct |87 |
|8 |Apr |312 | |7 |Oct |234 |
|9 |Apr |219 | |8 |Oct |283 |
|10 |Apr |218 | |9 |Oct |342 |
|11 |Apr |14 | |10 |Oct |220 |
|12 |Apr |346 | |11 |Oct |237 |
|13 |Apr |124 | |12 |Oct |72 |
|14 |Apr |231 | |13 |Oct |138 |
|15 |Apr |273 | |14 |Oct |294 |
|16 |Apr |148 | |15 |Oct |171 |
|17 |Apr |260 | |16 |Oct |254 |
|18 |Apr |90 | |17 |Oct |288 |
|19 |Apr |336 | |18 |Oct |5 |
|20 |Apr |345 | |19 |Oct |241 |
|21 |Apr |62 | |20 |Oct |192 |
|22 |Apr |316 | |21 |Oct |243 |
|23 |Apr |252 | |22 |Oct |117 |
|24 |Apr |2 | |23 |Oct |201 |
|25 |Apr |351 | |24 |Oct |196 |
|26 |Apr |340 | |25 |Oct |176 |
|27 |Apr |74 | |26 |Oct |7 |
|28 |Apr |262 | |27 |Oct |264 |
|29 |Apr |191 | |28 |Oct |94 |
|30 |Apr |208 | |29 |Oct |229 |
|1 |May |330 | |30 |Oct |38 |
|2 |May |298 | |31 |Oct |79 |
|3 |May |40 | |1 |Nov |19 |
|4 |May |276 | |2 |Nov |34 |
|5 |May |364 | |3 |Nov |348 |
|6 |May |155 | |4 |Nov |266 |
|7 |May |35 | |5 |Nov |310 |
|8 |May |321 | |6 |Nov |76 |
|9 |May |197 | |7 |Nov |51 |
|10 |May |65 | |8 |Nov |97 |
|11 |May |37 | |9 |Nov |80 |
|12 |May |133 | |10 |Nov |282 |
|13 |May |295 | |11 |Nov |46 |
|14 |May |178 | |12 |Nov |66 |
|15 |May |130 | |13 |Nov |126 |
|16 |May |55 | |14 |Nov |127 |
|17 |May |112 | |15 |Nov |131 |
|18 |May |278 | |16 |Nov |107 |
|19 |May |75 | |17 |Nov |143 |
|20 |May |183 | |18 |Nov |146 |
|21 |May |250 | |19 |Nov |203 |
|22 |May |326 | |20 |Nov |185 |
|23 |May |319 | |21 |Nov |156 |
|24 |May |31 | |22 |Nov |9 |
|25 |May |361 | |23 |Nov |182 |
|26 |May |357 | |24 |Nov |230 |
|27 |May |296 | |25 |Nov |132 |
|28 |May |308 | |26 |Nov |309 |
|29 |May |226 | |27 |Nov |47 |
|30 |May |103 | |28 |Nov |281 |
|31 |May |313 | |29 |Nov |99 |
|1 |Jun |249 | |30 |Nov |174 |
|2 |Jun |228 | |1 |Dec |129 |
|3 |Jun |301 | |2 |Dec |328 |
|4 |Jun |20 | |3 |Dec |157 |
|5 |Jun |28 | |4 |Dec |165 |
|6 |Jun |110 | |5 |Dec |56 |
|7 |Jun |85 | |6 |Dec |10 |
|8 |Jun |366 | |7 |Dec |12 |
|9 |Jun |335 | |8 |Dec |105 |
|10 |Jun |206 | |9 |Dec |43 |
|11 |Jun |134 | |10 |Dec |41 |
|12 |Jun |272 | |11 |Dec |39 |
|13 |Jun |69 | |12 |Dec |314 |
|14 |Jun |356 | |13 |Dec |163 |
|15 |Jun |180 | |14 |Dec |26 |
|16 |Jun |274 | |15 |Dec |320 |
|17 |Jun |76 | |16 |Dec |96 |
|18 |Jun |341 | |17 |Dec |304 |
|19 |Jun |104 | |18 |Dec |128 |
|20 |Jun |360 | |19 |Dec |240 |
|21 |Jun |60 | |20 |Dec |135 |
|22 |Jun |247 | |21 |Dec |70 |
|23 |Jun |109 | |22 |Dec |53 |
|24 |Jun |358 | |23 |Dec |162 |
|25 |Jun |137 | |24 |Dec |95 |
|26 |Jun |22 | |25 |Dec |84 |
|27 |Jun |64 | |26 |Dec |173 |
|28 |Jun |222 | |27 |Dec |78 |
|29 |Jun |353 | |28 |Dec |123 |
|30 |Jun |209 | |29 |Dec |16 |
| | | | |30 |Dec |3 |
| | | | |31 |Dec |100 |
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