Our Living Bill of Rights

Our Living Bill of Rights

Answer the following questions. Then write which amendment is involved, and which rights pertain to the situation.

1. Hans Schlemming was an immigrant from Germany. On Saturday night he was coming out of a store and the police arrested him for stealing. He said he didn’t do anything, but the police were convinced that they had the right person. When he told them that he wanted a lawyer, one of the policemen said, “You don’t need a lawyer, we know you are guilty! Can the police deny him a lawyer?

Yes or No _______

Amendment #____

Right: ________________________________________________

2. Jordan is planning a public meeting in front of the town library to protest against a new city tax for skateboard parks. He has filed all of his permits and the city has said that he can have his meeting. The night before the meeting, however, the mayor finds out that Jordan was arrested 2 years ago in another town for starting a riot. On the day of the meeting, police show up to prevent the meeting and Jordan is not allowed to hold his meeting. Can the police stop the meeting?

Yes or No _______

Amendment #____

Right: ________________________________________________

3. The city of Manville was in crisis. For 3 days there had been riots and fires.

The National Guard was called out to restore peace. When officers showed up at Mrs. Mayberry’s door demanding some food and a place to sleep she was so afraid of their guns that she let them in and gave them what they wanted. Did Mrs. Mayberry have to let the officers in?

Yes or No _______

Amendment #____

Right: ________________________________________________

4. Anthony Morgan has a long history of dealing in drugs. In fact, he’s spent much of his adult life in and out of jail and prison. Police watched Anthony for several weeks as they prepared to close in on him one more time. On September 23, authorities approached him at his home and presented him with a search warrant allowing them to search his home for drugs. Strange as it may seem, they didn’t find any. But what they did find in Anthony’s basement made them equally interested: fourteen brand new TV sets with the serial numbers scratched out. Can they arrest him for the stolen TVs?

Yes or No _______

Amendment #____

Right: ________________________________________________

5. Gina De Long has lived in her home for 26 years. During that time the city has tripled in population, traffic is a mess, and there just are not enough roads. Tuesday morning the sheriff came to her house and told her that she had to move because a new road was going to be built right through her house. The sheriff said they will pay a fair price for her property. When she complains that she has lived there for so long and doesn’t want to move, she is told, “Too bad, you have 30 days to get out.” Can she be forced to move?

Yes or No _______

Amendment #____

Right: ________________________________________________

6. Stephanie Manus was arrested, tried, and convicted of kidnapping. There was no doubt that she was guilty. The judge said, “I can either send you to prison for 12 years or I can make you shave your head and make you stand on the freeway for 8 hours a day so that you will know what it is like to be scared.” “Prison is too good for you,” said the judge. Can the judge do this?

Yes or No _______

Amendment #____

Right: ________________________________________________

7. Randy Winegard just picked all six winning numbers in the Lotto and as a result, he will receive $250,000 each year for the next twenty years. Randy never did care much for his job, so bright and early Monday morning he went into his office and quit his job on the spot, saying he planned to “have some fun for a change.” Can Randy quit his job?

Yes or No _______

Amendment #____

Right: ________________________________________________

8. A newspaper obtains documents that the government wants to keep secret. The newspaper plans publish the documents but the government demands that they don’t do it. Can the government stop them from publishing the documents?

Yes or No _______

Amendment #____

Right: ________________________________________________

9. A man is tried and found not guilty of murder. One year later new evidence is discovered indicating the probable guilt of the man. Can they order a new trial?

Yes or No _______

Amendment #____

Right: ________________________________________________

10. Brandon was told that he could not buy a gun because he is not in the army or militia. Can Brandon buy a gun?

Yes or No _______

Amendment #____

Right: ________________________________________________

11. Cassidy slipped and fell on Taylor’s sidewalk and broke her leg. Cassidy demanded that Taylor pay her medical bills but Taylor refused, so Cassidy is suing Taylor. Taylor wants to have a trial by jury but the judge said she couldn’t. Does Taylor have the right to a jury trial?

Yes or No _______

Amendment #____

Right: ________________________________________________

12. Billy and Anna want to get married. They are 15 and Michigan law says you can get married at age 16 if you have parental consent. Can they marry?

Yes or No _______

Amendment #____

Right: ________________________________________________

13. On the way home from school, I stopped at the mall to buy a video game. As I was leaving the store, I was approached by a mall security guard. He noticed my book bag and began to question me about a CD that had been reported stolen. I asked to call my mom, but he said no and continued to question me. Can I refuse to answer his questions?

Yes or No _______

Amendment #____

Right: ________________________________________________

14. Since the last winter storm there has been a large pothole on the street that leads to your school. Many drivers’ cars are being damaged and the citizens of your community are angry. They write to Washington, D.C. to ask the federal government to fix the road. Is it the job of the federal government to do this?

Yes or No _______

Amendment #____

Right: ________________________________________________


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