H-1284.03 - Document Title Goes Here

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|API SC 17 |

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|API 17G Subsea Completion Risers |


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|18 JANUARY 2011 |

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2. membership 1



The ISO 13628-7 and API 17G task groups has been meeting month in the fall to wrap up the strawman efforts and start building the WD from the various strawmen documents. The group has finalized the nomenclature, SSTT manufacturing specifications, and operations checklists. The IWOCS strawman is near completion. A revised version of Annex A has also been prepared to highlight interface points, combined load design requirements, and barriers to be left behind as a of part temporary abandonment. Maintenance revisions of Annexes C, D and I will be performed to capture the 5 year experience from use of the 1st Edition of ISO 13628-7..

First draft of the WD should be complete by early January for both task groups to review by mid-January.


Tables 1 and 2 list the current roster for the ISO and API task groups:

TABLE 1: iso 13628-7 Task Group Members

|Name |Company |E-Mail Address |

|Tony Muff (Norway) (ISO Chair) |FMC Technologies |anthony.muff@intl. |

|Finn Kirkemo |Statoil |FKIR@ |

|Tore Geir Wernø |Statoil |TGW@ |

|Ellen Benedikte Lofthus Hald |Statoil |EBLOF@ |

|Inge Knutsen |Statoil |IHK@ |

|Morten Aaga |Statoil |moag@ |

|Frederic Lavoix |Total |frederic.lavoix@ |

|Stein Ramberg |FMC Technologies |stein.ramberg@intl. |

|Craig Harvey |Aker Solutions |craig.harvey@ |

|Steve Fenton |GE |steve.fenton@ |

|Jan Fredrik Carlsen |FMC Technologies |janfredrik.calrsen@intl. |

|Jose Moreira |Petrobras |jr.moreira@. br |

|Renato de Freitas Soares |Petrobras |renatofreitas@.br |

TABLE 2: API 17G Task Group Members

|Name |Company |E-Mail Address |

|Brian Skeels (API 17G Chair) |FMC Technologies |brian.skeels@ |

|Tom Ames |BP |tom.amest@ |

|Partha Sharma |DnV-Houston |partha.sharma@ |

| Merrick Kelley |BP |merrick.kelley@ |

|Sterling Lewis |ExxonMobil |sterling.f.lewis@ |

|Paul Sommerfield |ExxonMobil |paul.m.sommerfield@ |

|Mirick Cox |ExxonMobil |mirick.t.cox@ |

|David Lacaze |Shell |david.lacaze@ |

|Mike Hess |Shell |michael.hess@ |

|Bill Parks |DTC International |bill.parks@dtc- |

|Perry Courville |Halliburton |perry.courville@ |

|Mike Bailey |Halliburton |michael.bailey2@ |

|Andy Henderson |Oceaneering |ahenderson@ |

|Virgilio Garcia Soule |Tetra Technologies |VGarciaSoule@ |

|Daniel More |Expro Group |daniel.more@ |

|Joe Scranton |Schlumberger |scranton@rosharon.oilfield. |

|Mitch Dziekonski |Titanium Engineers |mitch@ |

|Ray Stawaisz |Chevron |staw@ |

|David Law |Superior Energy Solutions |david.law@ |

| |(Wild Well Control ) | |

|Colin Johnston |Helix Energy Systems |cjohnston@ |

|Jonathan Miller |Intermoor, Inc. |jmiller@ |

|Brent Boyce |Intermoor, Inc. |bboyce@ |

|Sudheer Chand |ABS |schand@ |

|Gwo-Ang Chang |ABS |gchang@ |

|Bobby Voss |GE |bobby.voss@ |

|Bill Cowan |ENI |bill.cowan@ |

|Alan Whooley |MCS-Kenny |alan.whooley@ |

|Louis Archuleta |Aramco Services |Louis.archuleta@ |

|Drummond Lawson |SubseaTek, Ltd. |drummond.lawson@ |

|Russell Hoshman |BOEMRE |russell.hoshman@ |

Fredric Lavoix has replaced Herve as Total’s representative, and Jose Moreira, Renato de Freitas Soares of Petrobras, Steve Fenton of GE and Craig Harvey of Aker Solutions have joined the ISO 13628-7 task group. Bobby Voss of GE, Mirick Cox and Paul Sommerfield of ExxonMobil, Drummond Lewis of SubseaTek, Alan Whooley of MCS-Kenny, Partha Sharma of DnV, Louis Archuleta of Aramco Services, and Bill Cowan of ENI have joined the 17G task group.

Roster totals: 13 for ISO 13628-7, 30 for API 17G.


o Several individual task group meetings have been held to close the loop on straw man documents. A joint API-ISO task group meeting was held in Houston in October to make sure all were in agreement on the scope of changes planned for the working draft (WD) of the 13628-7 document:

1. An IWOCS table of contents and rough draft has been prepared and distributed to task group members for comment and input. First draft will be ready early Jan 2011. – Lead: Jan-Fredrik Carlsen (ISO)

2. A draft has been completed including submitted sample HAZOP procedures and operations planning/checklist. – Lead: Ray Stawaiscz (API)

3. A draft has been completed on the SSTT specification. – Lead: Daniel More and Joe Scranton (API)

4. Annex A on interface requirements. – Lead: Craig Harvey (ISO), Brian Skeels (API)

5. Update to Annexes C, D and covering fatigue resistance, structural resistance and connector qualification.. – Lead: Tony Muff and Finn Kirkemo (ISO)

The working WD is planned to be released in early January prior to a planned (joint API-ISO task group) meeting in mid-January.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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