Absences - Welcome to Abney Early Childhood Center!

Abney Elementary

Early ChildhoodCenter

Parent/Student Handbook


“Abney Sprouts grow and learn through play each and every day.”

829 Kostmayer Ave.Slidell, LA70458

Office: 985-649-1858 Fax: 985-641-6096


Mrs. Nina Tyner, Principal

Dear Parents and Students,

Welcome to Abney Elementary Early ChildhoodCenter! We are excited and thrilled about the upcoming school year and have planned a fun, productive and exciting year for everyone. We want to promote a positive understanding and communication between the school, parents, and students. We ask for your cooperation in our attempt to provide a rewarding and successful educational experience for your child. Our parent/student handbook is located on our website and a hard copy is available for your reading in our front office. Please read our school handbook thoroughly and go over appropriate parts with your child.

On behalf of our faculty and staff, I would like to extend an invitation to you to come and visit our school, attend your child’s school programs, and become an active member of our PTA and volunteer programs. Whether you work at home or outside the home, there are many ways in which you can become involved in your child’s education. Children benefit greatly from seeing their parents involved at school.

We are extremely happy to have your family with us at AbneyElementaryEarlyChildhoodCenter. I look forward to working with all of you this year. Thank you for sharing your beautiful children with us. They are the most important treasures you have and we are honored to share in their development. If I can be of any assistance, please feel free to contact me at any time.


Mrs. Nina Tyner

Nina Tyner, M.+30

Education Specialist Pending


Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center


School Hours

Full Day: Early Dismissal:

8:15-3:15 8:15-12:15

Master Schedule

7:45-8:1o buses and cars unload; k breakfast

8:20 classes begin/tardy bell

8:20-8:25 K classes head to AEECC

11:05-11:25 1st lunch-all K classes, Keller/Joiner

1:00-1:20 K snack recess

1:55-2:15 K snack recess

2:50-3:10 afternoon meeting (subject to change)

3:15 dismissal begins

“Abney Sprouts grow and learn through play each and every day”

Full Day Lunch Schedule

Kindergarten, Keller and Joiner……………11:05-11:25

Snack Recess Schedule

Kindergarten……….1:00-1:20 and 1:55-2:15

Half Day Lunch Schedule

Kindergarten, Keller and Liberti……….10:05-10:25

Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center

Telephone Directory


Office: 985-649-1858

Fax: 985-641-6096

Abney Elementary

Office: 985-643- 4044

Fax: 985-847-9509

Cafeteria: 985-643-2242

Aftercare: 985-639-8216

Aftercare Hours: 6am-8am and 3pm-6pm

Other Important Numbers

St. Tammany Parish School Board Website:

STPSB Central Office: 985-892-2276

STPSB Child Welfare and Attendance: 985-646-4917

STPSB School Nurse: 985-898-3375

STPSB Transportation Department: 985-898-3373

School Hours

Full Day: 8:15-3:15

Half Day: 8:15-12:15

Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center

Student & Parent Handbook Acknowledgement Form

The Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center Parent and Student Handbook for the 2012-2013 school year is available electronically on our schools website and a hard copy is located in the front office of AEECC. If you would like us to print you a copy, we are happy to do so.

This handbook includes important and, we hope, helpful information about our school operation, procedures, and policies. Please read and discuss the contents with your child. To ensure you have reviewed the handbook with your child, we ask that you sign return this sheet to your child’s teacher as soon as possible.

If you have any questions about the handbook, please contact Mrs. Nina Tyner, Principal.


Student and Parent Handbook Verification

I have read and discussed the Student and Parent Handbook with my child.

____________________________________ _____________________________ _____________

Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature Date


Students are expected to attend school everyday as scheduled by the St. Tammany Parish School Board. We administer attendance regulations in accordance with state and locally adopted policies. In order to be eligible to receive credit for courses passed; elementary students shall be in attendance a minimum of 170 days a school year. Students who have less that 170 days attendance will be retained or exceptionally promoted, depending on their academic performance.

Students in grades K-3 who miss more than three (3) hours of instructional time during the school day will be considered absent from school. The days absent for elementary school students shall include excused absences, unexcused absences, and suspensions.

Absences of two or fewer consecutive school days incurred due to personal illness or serious illness in the family may be validated by a parent or caregiver written excuse note. If a student is absent for three or more consecutive days or for other types of absences, a student must present a note from a physician, nurse practitioner, or dentist to be excused.

Students shall be excused for personal illness, serious illness in the family (not to exceed one week), or for recognized religious holidays of the student’s own faith and shall be given the opportunity for makeup work. Students shall not be excused for any absence other than those listed and may be given failing grades in those subjects for those days missed with no makeup work allowed.

Excuses must be received in theoffice within two days of the student’s return to school. If a note is not received, the absence will be counted as unexcused. The note should specify the student’s name, date of absence, the reason for the absence, parent or guardian’s signature, and date. Please refer to the St. Tammany Parish School Board handbook for more details on the absence policy.


The Extended Education Program (EEP) provides an on-site before and after school program at a reasonable cost for AbneySchool students. It is open from 6-8 am and 3-6 pm on any day that school is in session. This includes school half-days. EEP is closed during school holidays.


School begins at 8:20am and ends at 3:10pm. Dismissal on half days begins at 12:10pm.

Morning arrival procedures begin at 7:50am. Any arrivals after 8:20am will need to report to the office with a parent or guardian and be checked in for the day.

Please DO NOT drop children off before 7:50 am. Supervision for students by duty teachers begins at 7:50 am. Before school care is available for a few. For more information, please visit AbneyElementary School.


When a student eats breakfast in the cafeteria, he/she should go directly to the cafeteria upon arrival. If a student does not eat breakfast, he/she should go to the designated location as listed:

Kindergarten students have several options as they may go to the cafeteria for breakfast, they may go to the K playground, or assemble in the designated rooms .


We believe it is necessary for children to learn self-discipline in order to further their learning. We ask that you discuss with your children the importance of having a positive attitude, making good choices, and using good behavior at school.

Learning appropriate behavior is a part of school. AbneyElementaryEarlyChildhood Center participates in a Positive Behavior Support model that emphasizes praising students for making good choices and promoting a positive school climate. The purpose of Positive Behavior Support is to design practices that encourage appropriate behavior for academic success. It includes establishing clearly defined behavioral expectations, a reward/incentive program for students and teachers, and defining consequences for rule violations that are clear, reasonable, and consistently enforced. PBS also supports maximum time in instruction and making environmental changes when necessary based on data and other pertinent information.

Book Bags

For safety reasons at school and on the buses, wheeled book bags are not allowed. Key chains may not be attached to the school bags for safety reasons. Please do not allow your child to load down his/her back pack with items that are not needed for schools.

Book Clubs

Periodically, your child’s teacher may send home order forms for various school book clubs. These book clubs offer quality children’s literature at affordable prices. While you are under no obligation to order from these book clubs, it is recommended that you make reading material of one form or another available to your child. Please contact your child’s teacher for further details on book clubs.


Breakfast is served daily from 7:45-8:10. The school bell rings at 8:15. In order for students to have time to sit down and eat their breakfast, they really need to make it to the cafeteria by 8:05 at the latest. For those students who want breakfast, let’s get our K students to breakfast in the cafeteria by 8:05.


Bullying happens when someone continues to hurt, frighten, threaten, or leave someone out on purpose. At Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center, we will work to prevent bullying and the negative effects it can have on children’s emotional well-being and academic achievement. If a student feels that he or she is being bullied, it is important that he or she tell a teacher or other staff member.

We will also follow the guidelines established by the St. Tammany Parish School System. Bullying is a form of aggression, and it occurs when a person(s) willfully subjects another person (victim), to intentional, unwanted and unprovoked, hurtful verbal and/or physical actions(s) at any school site or school-sponsored activity or event.

Bullying may also occur as various forms of hazing, including initiation rites perpetrated against a student or a member of the team. Examples of types of bullying may include, but are not limited to, the following examples.

• Physical bullying includes, but it is not limited to punching, shoving, poking, strangling, hair pulling, beating, teasing, kicking, punching, or excessive tickling.

• Verbal bullying includes, but is not limited to, such acts as malicious name calling, teasing, or gossip.

• Emotional (psychological) bullying includes, but is not limited to, rejecting, wronging, extorting, defaming, humiliating, black-mailing, diminishing personal characteristics (such as race, disability, ethnicity or perceived sexual orientation), manipulating friendships, isolating, or ostracizing.

• Sexual bullying includes, but is not limited to, many of the actions proceeding as well as exhibitionism, voyeurism, sexual propositioning, abuse involving actual physical contact, or sexual assault.

Personnel at all levels are responsible for taking corrective action to prevent bullying at any school sites or activities. Allegations of bullying will be promptly investigated, giving due regard to the need for confidentiality and the safety of the alleged victim and/or any individual(s) who report incident(s) of bullying. An individual has the right to report an incident(s) of bullying without fear of reprisal or retaliation at any time.

Retaliation is defined as meaning “to pay back (an injury) in kind.” When a person is accused of having behaved in an inappropriate fashion, especially bullying, the common reaction of that person is to be angry and want to pay the “alleged victim” back (retaliate). Retaliation must not occur and will not be tolerated.

Bus Conduct

Specific student behavior expectations are established for the safe and effective operation of the school district transportation system in accordance with state laws and regulations. Transportation is considered an extension of the regular school program and students who violate behavioral expectations while riding a bus are subject to suspension from riding the bus and/or all other penalties established for misbehavior while students are not on the school premises.

Students are also expected to use appropriate behaviors at the school bus stops while waiting for the bus.


We encourage you to send your child to school on the bus. Talk to your child about the importance of good behavior on the school bus. All students must comply with the bus driver’s rules. Your child may lose bus privileges if he/she does not follow the bus rules.

Each student riding a bus to school must ride the same bus home. If a student needs to ride a different bus, the change must be approved by the bus driver prior to that day. The student should bring a note that is written and signed by his/her parent. This note should be brought to the office before school for approval. A copy of the note will be given to your child and they will have to present the approved note to the bus driver.

A bus procedure form will be sent home through the bus driver. Please read and sign this form upon receipt. Please return the note to the driver the following day.

Cafeteria-Collection of Money

Money is to be collected on Monday or the 1st day of the week. Parents are encouraged to pay by the month on the first Monday of the month.

Students who were on the free or reduced program last year will get a 2-week grace period to reapply for the year. Forms will be sent home on the first day of school.

Parents are to put child’s complete name, computer #, amount enclosed and teacher’s name on the front of the envelope. Be sure that this information is also on the check in the Memo section also.

Cafeteria Procedures

Forms providing the guidelines for free and reduced lunch are sent home the first day of school for parents to complete. Each student who was on the free/reduced lunch list the previous year, must have a newly completed, approved lunch application turned in within the first 30 days of school to receive free or reduced lunches for the year. New students applying for free or reduced lunches will need to pay for lunches consumed in the cafeteria before their form is approved.

The cafeteria is responsible for collecting all money. Please make checks payable to “Abney Elementary Cafeteria.” Please send each child’s money in a separate envelope to his/her teacher. The envelope must be labeled with the child’s name, grade, teacher’s name, and cafeteria I.D. number. Lunch money must be sent the first day of the school week. Payment by the week, month, or longer is accepted. The cafeteria must be notified of overpayments before the end of the school year in order to issue a refund.

Extra milk must be paid for each day as the child gets the milk. No canned drinks are allowed in the cafeteria.

Please make sure your child has money in the cafeteria account. Meals may not be charged. Weekly notices are sent home to keep you posted on your child’s account. $2.00 is the charge limit, and no more charges will be made. Check the monthly menu for current prices.

If you have any questions, you may call the school cafeteria direct at 643-2242.

Breakfast will be served until 8:10 a.m. (unless arriving on a late bus). Students arriving after this time should eat breakfast before arrival and will need to go straight to class.

Cancellation of School

Cancellation of school takes place only during extraordinary circumstances such as extreme weather, equipment failure, or public crisis. The school board and administrators are aware of the hardship that can be caused by an abrupt cancellation. Therefore, school will not be cancelled unless a significant safety risk has been created by unusual circumstances. In the event of severe weather conditions, check local news forecasts for information. Every practical means is used to notify parents of an impending cancellation including radio, TV (Channel 13), the school board website () and newspapers. In the unusual circumstance where school must be cancelled during the school day, school personnel will remain at school until all students leave campus.

Car Riders

Any child picked up after 3:25 will be returned to AEECC.

Students arriving in cars must be dropped off and picked up ONLY in the car line. Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center faculty members will help your child in and out of your vehicle. Parents may not drop children off across the street or in the parking lot. We feel the safety of your child is worth the short wait you may have with this policy. Unless you arrive late, it is not necessary to walk your child on campus because we have teachers on duty.

Please have your child ready to exit the car upon stopping. Time spent gathering bags, coats, and giving last minute hugs makes the lines move more slowly.

Please do not arrive early and park your vehicle to get your child. It is not safe for your child or those waiting in care line or buses that are trying to exit the school.

Students who are permanent car riders will receive two student ID tags during the first days of school. Place those on your rear view mirror. This tag keeps the line moving smoothly. Use the card all year because duty teams rotate. If more than one name tag is needed, please notify the office and an additional one will be given to you.

Check-Out Procedures

1. Students will be allowed to leave school with their parent, legal guardian, or an authorized person designated in writing by the parent. In case of emergencies, if the parent or authorized person cannot be reached, the student will remain at school. The permission authorization for dismissal is on the student’s emergency card. Please note, the contacts listed on the emergency card are the only persons allowed to check your child out without written permission.

2. Office personnel will initiate the checkout procedure by calling the student to the office after the authorized person presents proof of identification. The authorized person will then sign the student out on the check-out log and the emergency card. We are not allowed to call any students out of class until we check the identification of the authorized person. Please plan to allow the office at least 15 minutes to locate the child, in case they are not in the classroom (extra classes, recess, restrooms, etc.)

3. The only acceptable excuses for checking children out are:

a. Personal illness

b. Doctor’s appointments (Parents are strongly encouraged to make both doctor and dental appointments outside school hours).

c. Court appearances

d. Special reasons authorized by the principal

4. Unacceptable excuses for checking children out are:

a. Errands with parents

b. Vacations

c. Activities that are not school approved

5. Students are allowed to make up work if there is an acceptable excuse for checking out.

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Education, and Reporting Program

As mandated by the St. Tammany Parish School Board, students in K-8 will receive instruction on the topic of Child Sexual Abuse Prevention, Education, and Reporting. All materials that will be used in the instruction may be previewed by contacting the school administration. We would also like to encourage you to talk with your child about this topic as well as other general safety issues.

Classroom Observations

Parents may request to observe classroom instruction in the classroom where their child is currently placed. The observation must be scheduled through the principal at least 24 hours in advance. The purpose of an observation is to assess how your child is functioning in the classroom environment.

Classroom observations will not exceed one hour in duration on any given day. Additional observations may be scheduled on subsequent days as long as requests are reasonable. Parents may not observe in the classroom of a teacher in which their child is not currently enrolled. Parents who observe are required to sign a confidentiality agreement to protect the rights of the other students in the class.

Parents’ requests for outside personnel not employed by the St. Tammany Parish School Board to observe their child during instructional time must be approved through the Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center administration.


Please label all of your child’s clothing with his/her name. School spirit shirts can be ordered at the beginning of the school year. Specific information is sent home with each child.

Community Involvement

Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center encourages parental and community involvement in the education of our students. We believe that parental involvement fosters increased academic achievement and appropriate behavior.

Parents and community helpers can offer assistance to the school in many ways. Parents can volunteer to teach art, tutor students, substitute a class while a teacher is at a meeting or professional development activity, copy papers, assist duty teachers at recess, answer phones, design and construct bulletin boards, chaperone field trips, etc.


Ongoing communication between the parents and the teacher is highly suggested. A parent-teacher conference is a chance for adults to talk about how a child is progressing in school. It is an opportunity for you, as a parent, to ask questions about any concerns you may have regarding your child’s progress and gain a better insight into your child’s needs, interests, potential, growth, and difficulties he/she may be having. Only when a child feels they are understood, appreciated and there is active cooperation between home and school can he do his/her best in his/her work. Because each child’s progress is important and confidential, please refrain form discussing your child’s progress in an informal situation (i.e., during volunteer time, Open House, etc.) Please schedule all conferences through the teacher/office during non-instructional time. When arriving for a conference, even if it is after school hours, please sign in at the office.

Preparing For a Conference

How to Get Ready?

____1. Make a list of questions and concerns.

____2. Ask your child if he/she has questions for the teacher.

____3. Arrange for a babysitter for small children.

Questions to Ask

____1. In which subject does my child do well? Is my child having any trouble?

____2. Does my child get along with other children?

____3. Does my child obey the teacher?

____4. How can I help?

Questions the Teacher May Ask

____1. What does your child like best about the school?

____2. What does your child do after school (What are his/her interests?)

____3. Does your child have time and space set aside for homework?

____4. How is your child’s health?

____5. Are there any problems which may affect your child’s learning?

____6. What type of discipline works well at home?

At the Conference

____1. Please arrive on time.

____2. Discuss your questions and concerns (Use your checklist).

____3. Share information which will help the teacher know your child better.

____4. Take notes if you wish.

After the Conference

____1. If you have more questions or you run out of time, make another appointment.

____2. Tell your child about the conference.

____3. Plan to keep in touch with the teacher.

____4. If you were satisfied with the conference, write a note to the teacher.

Counselors/Mental Health Providers

Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center is dedicated to promoting the social, physical, emotional, and academic abilities of each and every student. In doing so, efforts are made to guide all students into becoming well-rounded individuals equipped to make healthy decisions and wise choices, enabling them to cope with situations in the ever-changing society in which we live. The counselors encourage programs of support, prevention, and remediation by actively providing small group and individual counseling sessions, as well as serving as a resource for teachers and parents. Counselors may assist students, parents, and teachers with academic, social, emotional, and behavioral concerns. Parents may feel free to enlist the assistance of the guidance department with parenting skills, homework tips, sibling rivalry or any other needed area. Students, school personnel, or parents may request that short term individual or small group counseling services will be provided. Grade group and classroom guidance are provided on a monthly basis.

Because it is important that all children feel safe at school, it is our policy that every threat of violence to self or others be taken seriously and appropriately addressed. Therefore, any student, parent or staff member, upon receiving information about a person threatening to commit an act of violence, is to report that information to the guidance department or to the administration immediately.

Crisis Plan

Should an emergency arise that requires children to be picked up early, all children will be signed out by parents in a designated area. During the school year, practice drills will be held for severe weather, fire, and lock-down situations. By practicing ahead of time, our students will be calm and confident should an actual emergency arise.

Debt Collection

Debts would include, but not limited to such things as lost/damages textbooks, library books/fines, unpaid meal fees, etc.

Parents will be notified in writing of the items and fees owed to the school.

In the case of a student transferring to another school, all financial obligations shall be met before the withdrawal is completed.


Every student is responsible for adhering to the St. Tammany Parish Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, and Student Records. A copy is given to every student the first day of school. Parents should keep this booklet handy for reference.


The school day officially ends at 3:15 p.m. Students will be dismissed to carline and buses at this time.

Students who become ill or injured during the school day or who have some other family emergency will be dismissed ONLY to a custodial parent, legal guardian, or a person authorized in writing by the parent. Wait in the front office for your child. Do not go to the playground or classroom to get the child.

Office personnel will initiate the checkout procedure by checking the student’s emergency card for the name of authorized persons and checking the identification of the individual checking the student out. A person who is not on the emergency card cannot check out a student unless the office receives written permission from the parent or guardian. The office will follow up on this with a phone call to the parent/guardian. Office personnel will have the student signed out and called to the office.

If a student returns to school on the same day after being checked out, he/she must be accompanied to the office to sign in. For the safety of their children, parents are asked to refrain from picking their children up after 2:45 on whole days and 12:00 p.m. on half days.

If a child is to “go home” by a different mode other than his/her regular routine, the teacher must receive written notification. Without it, the student will be sent home in the usual manner.

Emergency Card

Emergency cards will be sent home the first week of school. Please return to school the following day. We NEED at least TWO local phone numbers to call in case of an emergency. THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT! If any phone numbers change during the year, please notify us immediately. Please include information pertaining to allergies or specific health problems. It is essential for all students to have an emergency card on file.

Education of Children and Youth in Homeless Situations

The McKinney-Vento Act is a federal law passed in 1987 to help people experiencing homelessness. The Act requires states and school districts to make sure students in homeless situations can attend and succeed in school. The McKinney-Vento Act applies to all children and youth who do not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including children and youth who are living in the following situations:

• Doubled-up housing with other families or friends because they lost their home or their family is having temporary financial problems;

• Living in a motel because of economic hardship or loss of income;

• Living in an emergency or transitional shelter, domestic violence shelter, or in a runaway/homeless youth shelter;

• Living in a vehicle of any kind; a trailer park or campground without running water and/or electricity; abandoned building; substandard housing; bus/train station;

• Awaiting foster care replacement; or

• Abandoned in a hospital.

Children and youth in homeless situations have the right to the following:

• Attend and succeed in school no matter where they live or how long they have lived there;

• Enroll in school despite the lack of a permanent address or lack of school and immunization records, or birth certificates and other documents;

• Receive services comparable to those offered to non homeless children and youth;

• Get transportation to school;

• Access educationally related support services;

• Make sure that disagreements between students and schools are resolved quickly.

Emergency Card

An emergency card must be on file in the office for each child enrolled. The card must have local numbers listed with the names of people who can pick up a child when the need arises. You must provide the school (Teacher/bus driver) with any information regarding medical conditions that require special attention for your child, the name of the child’s medical conditions that require special attention for your child, the name of the child’s physician and hospital preference. It is your responsibility to fill out a new card if any information listed changes during the school year. At least two local numbers must be included. All information should be accurate and up to date at all times. Please turn in IMMEDIATELY in case an emergency arises. Please note that the contacts listed on the card are the only persons allowed to check your child out without written permission. The back of the emergency card will serve as record for check-in and check-out information.

Entrance Requirement for Kindergarten

Children five (5) years of age before October 1st of the current year shall be placed in Kindergarten. The Dial 3 Assessment shall be administered upon initial school entry into kindergarten. A child younger than the prescribed entrance age may enter Kindergarten provided the child has been identified as gifted in accordance with the regulations of the State Department of Education for such identification (Bulletin 1508), and whose Individualized Education Program (IEP) indicates a need for the child to enter school early.

Children admitted to kindergarten through the provisions of this law are eligible to enter first grade upon successful completion of kindergarten.


The Extended Education Program (EEP) provides an on-site before and after school program at a reasonable cost for Abney Elementary School students. It is open from 6-8 a.m. and from 3-6 p.m. on any day that school is in session. This includes school half-days. EEP is closed during school holidays.

The program is located in the school cafeteria. Enrollment forms are available in the school office. For more information, call 645-9200.

Field Trips

Field trips are used to instruct or enhance the students in a particular area of study. These trips are directly related to the topic being studied in your child’s class. After the school makes the arrangements for the field trip, a letter will be sent to parents explaining the purpose of the visit, place of visit, cost of the trip per student, and the approximate time for leaving and returning to school.

The cost will cover admission to the facility being visited and bus transportation. Permission slips and money due must be taken care of by the day before the scheduled trip.The students are chaperoned by teachers and sometimes parent chaperones. For safety reasons, children not enrolled in the participating class may not attend the field trip.

Lunches will be provided for all field trips by the cafeteria at the rate normally paid for your child.

Parents may be asked to help chaperone field trips. Many factors will determine the number of chaperones needed. Chaperones may only ride on the school bus if it is not filled to capacity with teachers and enrolled students.


• May not bring younger siblings on field trips. The purpose of a chaperone is to supervise a class group of 4-6 students. We ask that chaperones give their total attention to the students.

• May not take your child from the field trip location without prior approval. School policy is that students leave for field trips together and return together on the bus. Please do not put your child’s teacher on the spot and ask for permission to allow our child to leave with you.

• May not smoke while on school grounds or while chaperoning on a school related field trip.

• Must provide their own transportation (if bus is filled) and fill out a chaperone form.

• Must sign the volunteer book.

• Are discouraged from checking out their child out during a field trip.

Children may not be allowed to go on a field trip without a signed permission slip. Ample time is given for permission slips to be signed and returned to school along with any fees. Deadlines are created to ensure smooth operation and efficiency in the planning process. For this reason, please understand deadlines will be adhered to strictly. If there is a reason you cannot abide by the deadline, please contact your child’s teacher on or before the due date.


• Must demonstrate appropriate school behavior for two weeks prior to a scheduled off campus field trip to be eligible to participate and ensure safety of all students. If inappropriate behavior is a problem, a parent/guardian may be asked to attend with the child.

• Must ride the bus.

• Are NOT allowed to ride in cars on field trips.

• Will be assigned to another classroom for instruction for the duration of the field trip if they are NOT attending the field trip.

Each teacher will use provided color-coded bus stickers to label the bus# their students will be assigned. (At a glance, teachers can spot who should be on which bus). For safety reasons, this tag will also have the name of the school and the phone number on it.

For More Information

Please refer to the Parent/Student Handbook and the St. Tammany Parish Handbook on Attendance, Discipline, and Student Records for more complete information concerning policies and procedures, especially those concerning Civil Rights and Sexual Harassment.

Grading Policy for Kindergarten

The following is the grading policy as accepted by the St. Tammany Parish School Board.

Pre-kindergarten: Checklist of skills shall be used to report to parents. Two teacher/parent conferences will be held during the school.

Kindergarten: A checklist of work habits shall be used to report to parents.


_ Needs support

Grades to be assigned on the Kindergarten Developmental Profile are:

+ Meets or exceeded stated goals

• Progressing towards stated goals


The kindergarten portfolio will include DIAL 3 Test, Test of Phonological Awareness, writing sample, Kindergarten Developmental Profile, Kindergarten Checklist, and any other pertinent information.

Home/School Connection

Each student at Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center will bring home a monthly school newsletter. Additionally, an home/school connection binder with graded papers, notices, lunch charges, monthly newsletters, etc. will be sent home daily. Having a set day of the week helps ensure all parents are kept abreast of current and accurate information. Parents are asked to review information, sign the envelope or folder, and return it the next day.


Homework should be a priority. It is important in the learning process because it extends active involvement beyond the classroom. The time a student spends in class is not enough to ensure good learning. Homework is a way for parents to keep abreast of a child’s progress.

Good communication and mutual cooperation between home and school are imperative in fostering the full development of the student’s potential. Please check with your child’s teacher throughout the year concerning homework.

If your child is having trouble with homework or spends an inordinate amount of time on it, you should consult the teacher.

Homework is the responsibility of the:


1. To bring home assignments and materials.

2. To return completed assignments in to the teacher on time.


1. To provide appropriate and meaningful assignments and to ensure students’ understanding of the work.

2. To explain homework policy and procedures to students and parents at the beginning of the year.

3. To place value on completed work by checking and discussing, etc.

4. Use homework to keep track of individual students’ learning and attend to potential problems in a timely manner.


1. Set aside a regular time and place for completing homework assignments without distractions.

2. Provide necessary materials for completing work.

3. Check over completed assignments to see that it has been completed and the concept is understood.

4. Sign or initial so the teacher is aware that it has been seen.

Health Services

Students are to immediately report to a teacher if a problem arises. Teachers or staff members will promptly report any accident or illness of pupils to the office. If a student complains of an illness or injury, the teacher will notify the office. Students are to report to the office only after being instructed to do so by the teacher. The secretary will follow our procedure for sending a student home. In case of illness or injury to a student, the school will contact the parents or a person designated by the parents to come to the school to pick up their child.

The school nurse is scheduled to visit Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center at least once a week. It is her responsibility to appraise and identify the health needs of our students. The nurse has the authority to enforce school board policy regarding exclusion or readmission of student’s in connection with infectious or contagious sicknesses.

We do not administer medicine at school. It a student needs medicine, a parent must come to school to administer it or have a completed medication form signed by a doctor. Medication release forms are available in the office.

Since healthy children learn better, the following medical tips may be helpful to parents:

Students should remain home and be fever free for 24 hours after having a fever of 100 degrees or higher. You will be called if your child has a fever of 100 or greater.

If a child is vomiting or has diarrhea before school, the child must remain at home for 24 hours after the condition subsides.

Ringworm must be cover with clothing or Band-Aids while the child is at school. All communicable diseases should be reported to school.

Students with head lice must be checked back into school through the nurse.

If your child has a communicable disease, please inform the school as soon as possible so the school can monitor those who were exposed.

How Parents Can Help Students Succeed in School

The following suggestions are ways in which you can help your child be successful at school:

*Attend conferences with your child’s teacher; make teachers aware of any problems or if things at home change. Ask questions if you don’t understand something.

*Communicate. Read and answer all notes from school.

*Give special help to your child by:

-reading stories to your child

-going over school papers with him/her

-promoting good health and safety habits

-praising your child for things done well

-talking about everyday experiences

-providing learning materials for home use

-promoting respect for themselves and others

-becoming involved in school activities

-establish a routine for completing homework by providing a place to be used at home, and setting a time and time limit for completion

-teach your child how to manage time by setting up a daily schedule: wake-up time, breakfast, homework, play etc. Most children do better with a daily routine.

-provide proper nutrition and rest, which are essential to good daily performance.

-be sure your children are on time for school so they will have a good start for the day.

-set a good example and follow all school rules and traffic guidelines


Please do not be offended when we ask for identification to check a student out. It is merely a protective measure. No student will be checked out unless a parent, legal guardian, or designated person signs the child out in the office.No parent may pick up their child from any other area other than the school office. There will be some events throughout the school year which students may be checked out through the classroom teacher. Parents will be informed of these events.

All visitors/volunteers are required to sign in and secure a visitor’s pass. To receive a visitor’s pass, you must provide a picture ID in the office. The picture ID must be used every time to print a name badge. The district’s electronic identification system allows school officials to scan a visitor’s driver’s license/identification card, in order to track visitor entry and exit, prepare visitor badges and link visitors to the National Registry of Sex Offenders. When your visit is over, you must sign out in the office. Anyone on campus without a visitor’s pass will be asked to return to the office.

Please remind grandparents, older siblings, and special friends to have a picture ID when they visit Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center.No one will be permitted pass the office without a picture ID.


The inclusion program is designed to provide all students, including those with special needs or limited physical abilities, the opportunity to reach their maximum potential both academically and socially in the least restrictive environment. All classrooms are inclusive classrooms and have a heterogeneous mix of students. Classrooms receive direct and indirect services from our special education teachers and paraprofessionals.

Internet Access

Internet access forms are sent home to newly enrolled students. If a form is not signed or returned, the student will be denied internet access.


Student accident insurance is available for Little Abney students. Cost and coverage information will be available at the beginning of school.

Lost Items

The schoolis not responsible for lost or stolen items. Each student is responsible for his/her property. Please label your child’s sweatshirts, jackets, and possessions that they bring to school. Students are encouraged to leave their valuables at home. Only items relevant to the curriculum should be brought to school. Toys, electronic devices of any kind, expensive jewelry or other distracting items are not allowed at school. The teacher and/or principal will confiscate these items to prevent loss or damage. Parents must come to school to claim confiscated items.

Please label ALL items—including coats, sweaters, and lunch boxes to minimize loss. A lost and found is located at Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center. At the end of each grading period, unclaimed items will be donated to charity.


Medication cannot be administered by the school without the appropriate forms completed by a doctor and the parent/guardian. These forms are available in the office. This includes over the countermedications including Tylenol, lip balm, lotions, and cough drops. All medications must be kept in the office. Any changes in medication will require a new form. All medicine must be brought in by a parentor guardian and must be kept in a prescription bottle that matches the prescription information on the form. Please pick up any remaining medicine at the end of the school year. It will be disposed of if not picked up. Children are not to transport or have medicine with them at any time. Each medication given will be recorded on a medication log which includes date, dosage, and initials of person administering the medication. It is the parent’s responsibility to bring a refilled prescription the following school day.

Media Release Forms

Media release forms are sent home the first week of school. Students may only be photographed, video taped, etc. for publication only if this form is signed and on file in the school office. If for any reason you do not want your child photographed, we would appreciate you calling this to our attention verbally as well.

Money Matters

In order to avoid confusion in accounting, separate checks must be written for each child for each type of collection.

Example : Your child’s teacher is collecting $10 school fee, $2.50 lunch money, and book club money. You should write one check for school fee money, one check to the school cafeteria for lunch money, and one check to the specific book club for book order money.

(NOTE: If your child’s teacher orders from two or more book clubs at the same time, please remember to write SEPARATE checks to each book club).

When you need to send money to school, it is highly recommended that you send a check or money order. If not using PaySchool, all money should be sent to school in a sealed envelope with the following information on the outside: 1. Your Child’s Name 2. The Teacher’s Name 3. What the Money Is Used For. We cannot be responsible for cash being sent to school with young students. If you do need to bring cash, please come to the office so your payment can be processed and you can receive a receipt.


A newsletter coordinated and published by the Parent Teacher Association will be sent home periodically. The newsletter will contain calendars of events and classroom news as well as timely information from the administration. Watch for them!

Parent/Teacher Association (PTA)

An addendum will be added after the PTA is developed and organized.

Parental Involvement Policy

The active involvement of parents at Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center is an integral part of our day to day operation. This includes involvement of parents in the classroom, and the participation of parents in regular two-way communication regarding academic learning, school schedules, and school activities. Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center believes that parents play an integral role in their child’s learning. Weekly overviews are sent home by each classroom teacher to inform parents of academic learning and to involve parent sin the learning process.

Parents are encouraged to volunteer regularly in the classroom, in the art program, in the library, and for special events. All students benefit from the time given at school by volunteer parents and grandparents.


Birthdays may be recognized by serving cupcakes, etc. at afternoon recess. Parents must give the teacher a 48 hour notice if you are planning to bring treats to your child’s class so children with restricted diets can be accommodated.There will be no parties during instructional time. Please do not send flowers, balloons, etc. to school for your child. Invitations to private parties may not be distributed at school unless the entire class is invited.

All celebrations will include fun, education centers and activities that stimulate and extend learning for the students. Each day at school will be an important learning activity and attendance will be highly encouraged.

We want all parents to join in our school celebrations. Younger siblings may attend with the parent as long as they abide by the same school and classroom rules as the students.


The school system has introduced an online payment processing system. PaySchool is available for the convenience of the parents in paying online for a variety of school fees related to school lunch, supplies, club dues, athletics, and other extra curricula expenses including before care, after care, field trips, etc.

Parents may log on to the online pay service at and pay designated fees using e-check or MasterCard, Visa, or Discover cards. Parents will not be charged a user fee for this service and all school fees charged to parents will be the same whether paid online or at school using checks and cash. The payments can be made 24 hours a day 7 days a week. PaySchooldoes not save or store bank or credit card information.

We are requesting a $10.00 student fee per student to purchase instructional materials which include duplications, workbooks, supplies, publications, and other equipment and programs used in the classroom and school. These materials support and enrich textbooks and curricula activities. This fee does not cover the cost of field trips and is separate from the fee collected by PTA. Parents or guardians should pay this fee as soon as possible. It may be paid in cash or with a check made payable to Little Abney ECDC. Please send each child’s fee money in the labeled envelope that will be in the First Day of School packet, as each teacher keeps a separate list of students who have paid in their class.

If your child’s last name is different from yours, please note this on any checks written so that we credit the right account.


Students are not allowed to bring pets or other animals to school. Permission may be granted by the school principal for an animal/pet to be brought to the classroom by a parent for a demonstration or sharing activity. In such cases, the parent must remain in the classroom and take the animal home at the end of the activity. The parent accepts responsibility for the pet or animal while in the classroom.

Promotion Policies for K (as per the STPSB Pupil Progression Plan)

Students will be promoted from kindergarten to a transitional first grade or regular first grade. The DIAL-3, Dr. Richard Gentry’s Spelling Assessment, portfolio contents, teacher recommendation, and parental permission will determine recommendation for the transitional class. The criteria for promotion to first grade for kindergarten students are the successful completion of kindergarten as demonstrated by the St. Tammany Parish Kindergarten Student Evaluation Report. Children who have not attended Kindergarten must demonstrate satisfactory performance on a series of academic readiness tests, letters and sounds inventory, math assessment, and Richard Gentry’s Spelling Assessment. Students with characteristic s of dyslexia, who are served in a multi-sensory structured language program, follow the same criteria for promotion as all other students.

Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)/Discipline Plan

The major goal of our plan is to set clear expectations that will help students make better choices and to provide a positive learning environment for all students. We ask for your cooperation in helping us to help all students accept responsibility for their actions and develop self-discipline. We live the FISH! Philosophy daily at Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center. Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center is also a CHAMPs school. CHAMPs is a structure for setting clear expectations for students in various environments.


Registration will be scheduled throughout the year.

The following documents are required for school registration:

• Certified birth certificate

• Social security card

• 3 proofs of residency or assignment letter (if applicable)

• Louisiana State Health Card stating proof of immunizations

• Student transfer letter if the student is transferring from another St. Tammany Parish school

• Legal custodial papers (if applicable)

**Any legal documents concerning custody or other legal issues concerning a student must be brought to the office for documentation.

Transferring Students- Students coming to Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center from another St. Tammany Pariah School Board school should secure a letter of assignment from the St. Tammany Parish School Board Annex.

Report Cards

Report cards are sent out on a quarterly basis. Final report cards will be mailed out at the close of school following the last day. If you feel that you need to discuss your child’s report with his/her teacher, please call for an appointment. Remember to praise your child for doing his/her best. Offer encouragement and assistance when needed.

Safety and Student Expectations

We have rules and student expectations to protect your child and help make school a safe, fun learning environment. We take the safety of your child very seriously. Your cooperation will help us all have a wonderful and safe school year!

School Fees

A $10.00 student fee is asked of every student.

School Pictures

Individual pictures are made by a professional photographer several times a year. The purchase of pictures is optional. Several pictures packets will be made available to accommodate everyone.

School Supply List

Each student is given a supply list at the beginning of the school year. Students are expected to bring school supplies, textbooks, and assignments to class everyday in order to participate in the learning opportunities appropriately. If you are having a difficult time providing requested school supplies for your child, please contact your child’s teacher.

Textbooks issued to students are the property of the State of Louisiana. Students are expected to take good care of their books. If a student loses a book, he/she must pay the school the cost of the book. There will be a fee assessed for all damaged books.

All toys, games, and personal items should be left at home.


All children in kindergarten receive a hearing and vision screening. A child being evaluated for special education services must have a current hearing and vision screening. Any student referred for a hearing or vision test by the classroom teacher will also be screened.

Sexual Abuse Prevention Education and Reporting Program

As mandated by the St. Tammany Parish School Board, students in grades K-8 will receive instruction on the topic of Child Abuse Prevention, Education, and Reporting. All materials used in the instruction, may be previewed by contacting the school administration. We also encourage you to talk with your child about this topic as well as other general safety issues.


The St. Tammany Parish School Board policy on smoking is as follows: “The St. Tammany Parish School System prohibits smoking by faculty, staff, students, employees, or visitors in all buildings, centers, offices, vehicles, schools, or other property under the jurisdiction of this board during the work day.”


Healthy snacks are allowed daily. These snacks may be eaten during snack/recess time. This is voluntary and parents are under no obligation to send snacks. Snacks do not replace breakfast or lunch.

Special Education Services

When a child is having difficulty functioning in a regular classroom setting, he/she may be evaluated through the Pupil Appraisal Department. If the evaluation reveals that the student has exceptionality, he/she could possibly qualify for special education services.

If you have any concerns about your child’s progress or performance, you should first discuss your concerns with your child’s teacher. Services provided on our campus include: speech and language therapy, preschool early intervention, occupational therapy and adaptive PE.

Special Programs, Classes, and Organizations

• Pre-Kindergarten- The purpose of this program is to offer early childhood learning experiences for at risk children. To be enrolled in the preschool program, children must be 4 years old before October 1st of that school year and meet other specified criteria. The preschool program is designed to help children emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially with emphasis on language and social skills. Another important purpose of the program is to help parents be actively involved in their child’s learning and to enhance their parenting skills.

• Speech- A student experiencing speech or language problems, which interfere with his/her ability to work in the classroom, may be referred by the teacher or parents for speech services. Students being considered must be tested by Pupil Appraisal Service personnel to determine eligibility for speech/language therapy. You should first discuss any speech concerns you may have with your child’s teacher.

• Preschool Early Intervention- Students in this class are in the preschool through kindergarten age range and have been identified through Child Search or Pupil Appraisal as having special needs.

• Art- Students in grades K will receive art instruction once a week from the itinerant art teacher during their scheduled class time.

• Music- Students in grade K receive a minimum of 30 minutes of music instruction each week with the itinerant music teacher. The music program is designed to help each student develop his/her musical ability to the utmost, to provide an outlet for creativity and self-expression, to be introduced to various cultures, and to give a source of enjoyment and achievement which will be continued throughout out the life.

• Physical Education (PE) - PE concentrates on an individual’s maximum potential and his related social, emotional, and intellectual growth. We strive to promote the health, vitality, and total education of the student. The development and maintenance of optimal health, fitness, and physical maturity o the student is emphasized, along with an understanding and development of sportsmanship. Students in grade K have scheduled times each week for PE instruction with the PE teacher.

• Counseling

• Parent/Teacher Associations

• Volunteers

Special School Events

Parents and guardians are encouraged to participate in school events such as Open House, Family Learning Nights, Field Day, PTA General Meetings, student performances, and other planned Partnership Events. Students will be allowed to participate in all curriculums based special activities or field trips held on campus as long as appropriate behavior is demonstrated.

Student Assistance Team (SAT)

Children with special concerns in achievement, behavior, health, or communication, which cannot be resolved on the classroom level, will be referred by the teacher or parent to the SST (Student Staffing Team) in an attempt to resolve a problem. The SST at Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center meets weekly to provide assistance for teachers, parents, and students. The committee is comprised of the administrator, parent, school counselor, a speech therapist, a special education teacher, the referring teacher and a Pupil Appraisal member. Parents are notified in advance and are invited to attend the conference. The overall goal of the SST is the coordination amongst the committee, agencies, and individuals responsible for learning, in order to assist individual students in obtaining a successful education.

Student Insurance

Optional student insurance is available at a nominal cost. When an issued student under this plan is injured, he/she will be given a claim form from the office. The office merely supplies the insurance forms and assumes no liability for the injury or negotiations with the company.

Student Pick-Up

If a student is to be picked up by anyone other than the legal custodial guardian listed on the student’s records, the parents are asked to please notify the school of any changes for that day. The person picking up the child must be listed on the Emergency Card if not a legal custodial parent and the parent has not made contact with the school for the day in question. This person must be able to show identification upon arrival.

Student Rules of Conduct

It is the children’s best interest that we work together to provide an optimum learning environment at school. We reserve the right to require appropriate behavior conducive to safety and success at school. General rules follow.

Possession of tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or weapons, such as knives guns (even toys), or dangerous instruments is prohibited. Fighting, insolence, disrespect, stealing, profanity, or suggestive hand gestures, sexual harassment, or leaving campus without permission will not be tolerated.

Pushing, shoving, name calling, tattling, or other disruptive behavior will be addressed accordingly. Persistent or repetitive misbehavior will result in disciplinary action.

All students will be taught the proper use of playground equipment and general procedures for lining up, and other acceptable behaviors. Students who cooperate and follow rules and directions will receive verbal praise, rewards, positive notes home, and special privileges.


Please be there-Be on time!! Students are considered tardy if they are not in the building when the bell rings. When students arrive after the day begins at 8:15, they miss important information and routines that begin everyone’s day. When a student is tardy, an adult must bring the student to the office to receive an admit slip before entering the classroom or Morning Meeting. A written excuse signed by the parent must be presented to the office for the tardy to be excused. Tardiness will be excused for the same reason as absences. You will be notified of excessive tardiness.


Students are responsible for the care and use of textbooks. In the event a textbook is lost or misplaced, the student will be responsible. Damages other than normal wear will be assessed.

Toys and Electronic Devices

Students are not allowed to bring toys, playground equipment, trading cards, or electronic devices to school unless the item is specifically related to a class assignment. Any such item brought to school without permission of a teacher shall be seized and returned at the end of the day or held until a parent retrieves the item.

Transportation Changes

Any change in transportation home requires a note requesting the change. The note should be given to the teacher, and then sent to the office for approval. Check the note before sending, making sure your telephone contact # is on it. We need this for verification. For safety and security concerns, transportation changes can NOT be made over the phone or faxed unless accompanied with a copy of your driver’s license.

Uniform Dress

• All students will wear school-selected uniforms.

All shirts are to be tucked into the pants.

• The shirt is forest green with a collar (school emblem optional) and uniform khaki slacks, shorts, or jumpers. Green t-shirts are not acceptable as a uniform shirt.

• Shorts, skirts, jumpers must be to the fingertips. While standing erect with the arms extended down, the length of the shorts must come to the tip of the fingers.

• Pants and shorts must be secured at the waist and sized appropriately.

• Students may wear forest green long sleeved sweat shirts or long sleeved t-shirts

• Under shirts must be appropriately sized, short sleeved, only solid neutral colors (no bright colors).

• Leggings should be neutral solid colors, such as khaki, black, or white.

• Students may wear spirit shirt daily.

• Students should wear appropriate shoes that do not hinder safety

(flip-flops, backless, or heals)

• Hoods, jackets, or sweaters are not to be worn on campus during regular school hours except outdoors in inclement weather.

• Jewelry should be no larger than a quarter.


We welcome parents and visitors to become active partners in the education of our children. The Louisiana Legislature passed an act about visitor access on public school grounds and the St. Tammany Parish School Board adopted rules regarding visitors at our school facilities. Therefore, we ask that the following policies be adhered to at Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center..

All volunteers and visitors must report to the office immediately upon arrival at the school.

All volunteers and visitors must sign in on the “Visitor Log Book” and ask for a visitor identification sticker to wear while on campus.

The information to be completed in the “Visitor Log Book” includes the person’s name, date, destination, time in, and time out.

Visitors are not allowed to enter any classroom unless an appointment has been scheduled with the teacher. This includes before and after school.

Visitors are asked NOT to enter the playground area as a safety precaution.

We do encourage parents to have lunch with their child. In order for our students to have time to become acquainted with lunch routines and procedures, we ask that parents begin joining us for lunch starting in September.


Parent and community members are invited and encouraged to offer their services as an Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center volunteer. Volunteers provide valuable services to our students and faculty in areas such as assisting teachers in preparing instructional materials, tutoring, assisting with classroom functions and field trips, helping with fund raising events, assisting with reception and clerical tasks in the office, and working with the PTA. If you are interested in volunteering in any way, please call the office at 985-649-1858.

Volunteer parents will want to wear comfortable clothing. However, SHORT SHORTS and EXERCISE CLOTHING are NOT appropriate for school. Cell phones may not be heard or used in the classroom. You may put your phone on vibrate and step outside the classroom to take an important phone call. All volunteers must sign in at the office and wear a visitor pass. All volunteers must sign a confidentiality agreement in the front office before being permitted to work in the classroom.

Weapons Policy

Students found using, possessing, and/or concealing a knife, a firearm, a weapon which may discharge a projectile or other dangerous instruments which may cause bodily harm shall be immediately suspended and recommended for expulsion. Police notification shall be made immediately. Students using, possessing and/or concealing any look-alike object that may have the appearance of a weapon or dangerous instrument shall be immediately suspended from school and recommended for expulsion. In the case of a student in Preschool through kindergarten who is found carrying or possessing a knife, the principal may, but will not be required to recommend the student for expulsion. Upon the recommendation for expulsion, a hearing shall be conducted by the Superintendent or designee. Upon conclusion of the hearing, the Superintendent, or his designee, shall determine whether the student shall be expelled from the School system or if other corrective or disciplinary action shall be taken.

Weather Emergencies

School closing due to weather emergencies will be posted on the local news or the school board website, . All STPSB severe weather guidelines will be adhered to in case of emergency conditions during school hours.

To stay current on the official weather alerts effecting schools, sign up for Emergency & News Alerts on the school board website, . Instant messages may be sent to you directly from the school system in the form of text messages and/or email.

Weekly Home/School Communication

Each student at Abney Elementary Early Childhood Center will bring home a monthly school newsletter. Additionally, a binder with graded papers, notices, lunch charges, monthly newsletters, etc. will be sent home on daily. Having a set day of the week helps ensure all parents are kept abreast of current and accurate information. Parents are asked to review information, sign the binder, if applicable, and return it to school every day.


Please notify the school when you know that your child will be withdrawing or transferring. A withdrawal form will be processed. All outstanding library books and textbooks must be returned and all outstanding fees paid (cafeteria, library, lost book feed, etc.)

Youth in Homeless Situations

The McKinney-Vento is a federal law passed in 1987 to help people experiencing homelessness. The act requires states and school districts to make sure students in homeless situations can attend and succeed in school. The McKinney-Vento Act applies to all children and youth who do not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including children and youth who are living in the following situations.

• Doubled-up housing with other families or friends because they lost their home or their family is having temporary financial problems;

• Living in a motel/hotel because of economic hardship or loss of house;

• Living in an emergency or transitional shelter, domestic violence shelter, or in a runaway/homeless youth shelter;

• Living in a vehicle of an y kind; trailer park or campground without running water and/or electricity; abandoned building; substandard housing; bus/train station;

• Awaiting foster care placement; or

• Abandoned in a hospital.

Children and youth in homeless situations have the right to the following:

• Attend and succeed in school no matter where they live or how long they have lived there;

• Enroll in school despite the lack of a permanent address or lack of school and immunization records or birth certificates and other documents;

• Receive services comparable to those offered to non-homeless children and youth;

• Get transportation to school;

• Access educationally related support services;

• Make sure that disagreements between students and schools are resolved quickly.



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