Louisiana Compilation of School Discipline Laws and ...

Louisiana Compilation of School

Discipline Laws and Regulations

Prepared: March 31, 2023

Louisiana Compilation of School Discipline Laws and Regulations

Page 1475


This compilation presents school discipline-related laws and regulations for U.S. states, U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia, and, where available, links to education agency websites or resources related to school discipline and student conduct. The discipline laws and regulations presented in this compilation have been categorized by type of specific discipline issue covered, according to an organizational framework developed by the National Center for Safe and Supportive Learning Environments (NCSSLE). For example, one major category encompasses all laws or regulations governing states or territories that mandate specific disciplinary sanctions (such as suspension) for specific offenses (such as drug possession on school grounds). The school discipline laws and regulations were compiled through exhaustive searches of legislative websites that identified all laws and regulations relevant to each specific category. Compiled materials were subsequently reviewed by state education agency (SEA) representatives in the 50 states, Washington D.C., and the U.S. territories.

Discipline categories were not mutually exclusive. Laws and regulations often appeared across multiple categories. For jurisdictions with more extensive laws covering a breadth of topical areas, relevant sections were excerpted from the larger legislative text for inclusion in the appropriate discipline category. Laws, ordered by chapter and section number, appear first within each category followed by regulations. All laws and regulations listed within categories in the compilation also appear in the sources cited section of the document, which lists laws by chapter and section number and title, and where available, includes active hyperlinks to source websites supported or maintained by state legislatures. Additional links to government websites or resources are provided at the end of this document.

Notes & Disclaimers

To the best of the preparer's knowledge, this Compilation of School Discipline Laws and Regulations is complete and current as of March 2023. Readers should also note that the information in this document was compiled from individual sources that are created by each jurisdiction and which are maintained and updated with varying frequencies. Readers should consult the source information provided directly in order to check for updates to laws and regulations reported in this document or to conduct further research.

For further information, including definitions of the different policy categories, please refer to the Discipline Laws and Regulations Compendium posted on the Center's website.

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Louisiana Compilation of School Discipline Laws and Regulations

Page 1476

Table of Contents

Louisiana State Codes Cited ......................................................................................................................... 1

Codes of Conduct ........................................................................................................................................... 5 Authority to Develop and Establish Codes of Conduct ................................................................................. 5 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................... 11 Communication of Policy............................................................................................................................. 15

In-School Discipline...................................................................................................................................... 19 Discipline Frameworks ................................................................................................................................ 19 Teacher Authority to Remove Students From Classrooms ........................................................................ 21 Alternatives to Suspension.......................................................................................................................... 24

Conditions on Use of Certain Forms of Discipline.................................................................................... 28 Corporal Punishment .................................................................................................................................. 28 Search and Seizure..................................................................................................................................... 30 Restraint and Seclusion .............................................................................................................................. 33

Exclusionary Discipline: Suspension, Expulsion, and Alternative Placement ...................................... 42 Grounds for Suspension or Expulsion......................................................................................................... 42 Limitations or Conditions on Exclusionary Discipline.................................................................................. 45 Due Process ................................................................................................................................................ 47 Return to School Following Removal .......................................................................................................... 51 Alternative Placements ............................................................................................................................... 53

Discipline Addressing Specific Code of Conduct Violations................................................................... 62 Firearms and Other Weapons Violations .................................................................................................... 62 Students with Chronic Disciplinary Issues .................................................................................................. 65 Chronic Absenteeism and Truancy ............................................................................................................. 68 Substance Use ............................................................................................................................................ 72 Gang-related Activity ................................................................................................................................... 79 Bullying, Harassment, or Hazing ................................................................................................................. 79 Dating and Relationship Violence ............................................................................................................... 94

Prevention, Behavioral Intervention, and Supports .................................................................................. 96 State Model Policies and Implementation Support ..................................................................................... 96 Multi-tiered Frameworks and Systems of Support ...................................................................................... 98 Prevention ................................................................................................................................................. 100 Social-emotional Learning (SEL) .............................................................................................................. 101 Trauma-informed Practices ....................................................................................................................... 103 Mental Health Literacy Training ................................................................................................................ 104 School-based Behavioral Health Programs .............................................................................................. 106

Monitoring and Accountability .................................................................................................................. 113 Formal Incident Reporting of Conduct Violations...................................................................................... 113 Parental Notification .................................................................................................................................. 126 Data Collection, Review, and Reporting of Discipline Policies and Actions ............................................. 131

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Partnerships between Schools and Law Enforcement........................................................................... 138 Referrals to Law Enforcement................................................................................................................... 138 School Resource Officer (SRO) or School Security Officer (SSO) Training or Certification .................... 153 Authorizations, Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), and/or Funding.................................................. 154 Threat Assessment Protocols ................................................................................................................... 155

State-Sponsored, Publicly Available Websites or Other Resources on School Discipline ................ 157

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Louisiana State Codes Cited

Louisiana Revised Statutes

Title 14. Criminal Law

RS 14:40.7. Cyberbullying

RS 14:40.8. RS 14:95. RS 14:95.2.

RS 14:328.

RS 14:329.5. RS 14:403.1.

Criminal hazing Illegal carrying of weapons Carrying a firearm or dangerous weapon by a student or nonstudent on school property, at school-sponsored functions, or in a firearm-free zone Obstruction or interference with members of staff, faculty, or students of educational institutions; trespass, damage to property; felony; penalties Prohibition of interference with educational process; certain activities excepted Substance abuse in schools; definitions; confidential reports; immunity; penalty

Title 17. Education

RS 17:7. RS 17:7.5.

RS 17:13.1. RS 17:22. RS 17:53. RS 17:81. RS 17:81.6.

RS 17:100.1.

RS 17:100.5. RS 17:100.7.

RS 17:173. RS 17:183. RS 17:221.

RS 17:221.4. RS 17:221.6. RS 17:223. RS 17:223.1. RS 17:224.

RS 17:232.

RS 17:233.

RS 17:235.1.

Duties, functions, and responsibilities of board

Alternative educational programs of instruction; submission of plans; board approval; program monitoring Crime Prevention in Schools Act Superintendent; functions and duties School board members; training required General powers of local public school boards Investigation of employees; reporting of certain irregularities or improprieties; prohibited actions; penalties; remedies Alternative educational programs; certain adjudicated students; students in the custody of the office of juvenile justice; funding; authority of the local school board to contract; inclusion in minimum foundation program; funding formula Alternative schools; establishment by local boards Policies; governing authorities of public elementary and secondary schools; Internet and online sites; access by students and employees; resources for parents; exceptions Behavioral health services for students Hazing; public elementary and secondary students; intent and findings; definitions; policies School attendance; compulsory ages; duty of parents; excessive absences; condition for driving privileges Louisiana School Dropout Prevention Act Louisiana School Dropout Recovery program Discipline of pupils; suspension from school In-school suspension pilot projects Unadjustable or incorrigible children; reports to juvenile courts; expulsion, assignments, and transfers Attendance records, principals' and teachers' duty to furnish; penalty for violation; pupil absence upon own authority prohibited; notice Cases of habitual absence or tardiness referred to juvenile or family court; denial or suspension of driving privileges Parent orientation; local public school boards; guidelines

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RS 17:240.

RS 17:251. RS 17:252. RS 17:253. RS 17:280. RS 17:282.2.

RS 17:286. RS 17:3911. RS 17:402. RS 17:403. RS 17:404. RS 17:410. RS 17:415. RS 17:416. RS 17:416.1. RS 17:416.2. RS 17:416.3.

RS 17:416.6. RS 17:416.8. RS 17:416.13. RS 17:416.14. RS 17:416.15. RS 17:416.17.

RS 17:416.18. RS 17:416.19. RS 17:416.20.

RS 17:416.21. RS 17:437.1. RS 17:1801.1.

Prohibition against use of tobacco in schools; prohibition against smoking on school bus; rules and regulations Short title; legislative intent School master plans for supporting student behavior and discipline

Advisory council on student behavior and discipline Internet and cell phone safety education; required instruction

Character education programs; legislative findings; clearinghouse for information; permissive curriculum; dissemination of information; progress reports; rules and regulations Violence prevention, self-esteem, and peer mediation Data collection system; establishment Findings and purpose Section on drug free schools and communities; program; section administrator; counselors Establishment of programs of substance abuse Safety education; recognition and reporting of potential threats to safety

School records; duty to keep records by school principal Discipline of students; suspension; expulsion Discipline of pupils; additional disciplinary authority

Supervision of suspended or expelled students; alternative education programs

Search of students' persons, desks, lockers, other areas; defense of suits against school personnel; indemnification; reporting of implements seized Search of persons entering public school buildings or grounds Discipline policy review committees; school option Student code of conduct; requirement Bullying; definition; prohibition; notice; reporting; accountability. Zero tolerance policies; authorization; conflict resolution classes; fees; compliance Youth development and assistance programs; legislative findings and purpose; school authority for programs for elementary students Teacher Bill of Rights School resource officers

Student conduct standards; awareness and understanding by students; required orientation; guidelines Behavior of students with exceptionalities; use of seclusion and physical restraint Suicide prevention; in-service training; materials and supplies; limitation on liability Hazing education; policies; new student orientation; organizations

Title 40. Public Health and Safety

RS 40:2404. RS 40:2404.1.

RS 40:2404.2.

Powers of the council

Additional powers of the council, school resource officers, School Violence Prevention Training Program Minimum training requirements; basic curriculum; annual training

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Louisiana Regulations

Louisiana Administrative Code

Title 28. Education

Bulletin 111: The Louisiana School, District, and State Accountability System

Chapter 35. Inclusion of Alternative Education Schools and Students in Accountability


Alternative education [Formerly LAC 28:LXXXIII.3501]


Alternative education program accountability [Fomerly LAC 28:LXXXIII 3505]

Bulletin 118. Statewide Assessment Standards and Practices


Expelled students

Bulletin 131: Alternative Education Schools/Programs Standards

Chapter 1. General Provisions


Mission and purpose

Chapter 3. Transitional Planning and Support [Formerly Chapter 13]


Transition processes [Formerly ?1301]

Chapter 5. Behavioral Interventions and Supports


Safety and counseling

Chapter 7. Workforce Talent


Annual professional development plan

Chapter 9. Academic Interventions and Supports


Curriculum and intervention

Chapter 11. School Climate and Culture


Climate and culture

Chapter 15. Mental Health Supports and Interventions [Formerly Chapter 17]


Counseling and community partnerships [Formerly ? 1701]

Bulletin 741: Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators

Chapter 3. Operation and Administration


General powers of local educational governing authorities


Written policies and procedures

Chapter 5. Personnel


Staff organization


Teacher bill of rights

Chapter 11. Student Services


Compulsory attendance


Orientation for parents of first-time students


Child welfare and attendance

?1127. ?1129.

Preventative programs Dating violence


Substance abuse


Prohibition against the use of tobacco

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Chapter 13. Discipline


Disciplinary regulations


Student code of conduct




Classroom management training for school staff [Formerly ?1302]


Reasons for suspension [Formerly ?1303]


Due process for suspensions [Formerly ?1305]


Reasons for expulsions


Guidelines for expulsions


Due process for expulsions


Discipline for students with disabilities


Corporal punishment


Search and seizure


Advisory Council on Student Behavior and Discipline

Chapter 23. Curriculum and Instruction Subchapter A. Standards and Curricula


Ancillary areas of instruction

Chapter 29. Alternative Schools and Programs


Alternative education providers

Bulletin 1508: Pupil Appraisal Handbook

Chapter 1. LEA Responsibilities


Pupil appraisal services

Chapter 3. Interventions and Screenings


Response to intervention

Chapter 15. Related Services


School psychological services


School social work services

Bulletin 1566: Pupil Progression Policies and Procedures

Chapter 5. Placement Policies - General Requirements


Other placement requirements

Bulletin 1706: Regulations for Implementation of the Children with Exceptionalities Act

Chapter 5. Procedural Safeguards

Subchapter C. Seclusion and Physical Restraint




Use of seclusion


Physical restraint


Restrictions on the use of seclusion or physical restraint

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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