


Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 Time: 11:00 am

Place: Louisiana Municipal Association, 700 North 10th Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70802

I. CALL TO ORDER- T. Steinkamp ROLL CALL- S. Edmonds

Board Members present: Tessa Steinkamp-Chair, James Sims-Vice-Chair, Darlene Jacobs- Secretary/Treasurer, Hal McMillin, Charles ‘Clayton’ Brister, and Jeff Henderson. Absent: Greg Bordelon

Others: Sandy Edmonds, Anna Dow, Larry Bankston

A quorum was declared

II. PUBLIC COMMENT on today’s agenda items

III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES from July 9, 2013

MOTION AND SECOND to approve the minutes from July 9, 2013: J. Sims, D. Jacobs. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.


1. Approval of Auctioneers School:

1. Midway Auction School

MOTION AND SECOND to approve Midway Auction School: H. McMillin, D. Jacobs. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

2. Approval of Tested Auctioneer Applicants:

1. Jerry Morgan (Walker)

MOTION AND SECOND to approve Jerry Morgan as Auctioneer: D. Jacobs, J. Sims. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

2. Richard Moore (Livingston- completed apprenticeship)

MOTION AND SECOND to approve Richard Moore as Auctioneer: D. Jacobs, J. Sims. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

3. Sean Leteff (Jackson)

MOTION AND SECOND to approve Sean Leteff as Auctioneer pending passage of examination within 15 days: H. McMillin, J. Sims. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

4. Richard Freije (IN)

MOTION AND SECOND to approve Richard Freije as Auctioneer pending receipt of bond and passage of examination within 15 days: D. Jacobs, H. McMillin. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

3. Approval of Reciprocal Applicants:

1. Michael Sweat (TX)

MOTION AND SECOND to approve Michael Sweat as Auctioneer: H. McMillin, D. Jacobs. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

2. Jason Monroe (MS) temporary license issued 08/15/2013

MOTION AND SECOND to approve Jason Monroe as Auctioneer: J. Sims, C. Brister. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

3. Paul Colvin (AR)

MOTION AND SECOND to approve Paul Colvin as Auctioneer: H. McMillin, J. Sims. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

4. James McDaniel (AL) – withdrew application

5. Thomas Bellamy (TN)

MOTION AND SECOND to approve Thomas Bellamy as Auctioneer pending receipt of bond: H. McMillin, J. Sims. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

4. Approval of Business Applicants:

1. (Baton Rouge- Approved 7/9/13 pending receipt of bond, bond wasn’t received within 15 days. Received 09/03/13)

MOTION AND SECOND to approve as Auction Business: H. McMillin, J. Sims. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

2. Old Builders, LLC dba The Auction House (Shreveport)

MOTION AND SECOND to approve Old Builders LLC dba The Auction House as Auction Business: J. Sims, C. Brister. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

3. Kohler Industries, Inc. dba Kohler Auctions (NE)

MOTION AND SECOND to approve Kohler Industries, Inc. dba Kohler Auctions as Auction Business pending receipt of bond and LA Secretary of State Registration: J. Sims, H. McMillin. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

4. Carmax Auto Superstores Inc dba Carmax Auctions (Baton Rouge)

MOTION AND SECOND to approve Carmax Auto Superstores Inc. dba Carmax Auctions as Auction Business: H. McMillin, J. Henderson. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

5. Approval of Reinstated Auctioneer:

1. Elton Noland (MS- previously licensed 1990-2009)

MOTION AND SECOND to approve Elton Noland as reinstated Auctioneer: J. Sims, C. Brister. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

6. Apprentice Guidelines


MOTION AND SECOND to work with legislators to eliminate apprentice program and only accept approved schools: H. McMillin, D. Jacobs. Roll Call Vote: C. Brister- yes, J. Henderson- yes, H. McMillin- yes, D. Jacobs- yes, J. Sims- yes, T. Steinkamp- no. MOTION PASSED with Chairman Steinkamp in opposition.

7. LA Used Motor Vehicle Commission Auction license update



2. Freddie Phillips, LAPA President to address Board

3. Approval of Financials

MOTION AND SECOND to financials as presented: J. Sims, C. Brister. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

4. Update on new Texas Auctioneer law

5. Revision to application/renewal forms

MOTION AND SECOND to revise application and renewal forms to include the question “Have you been convicted of, placed on deferred adjudication, or pled guilty for any misdemeanor or felony in this or any other state? (not including traffic violations)”: H. McMillin, D. Jacobs. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

6. Consent Agreement

1. Manheim

MOTION AND SECOND to approve Manheim stipulation removing items i, ii, iii: D. Jacobs, H. McMillin. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

7. Attorney Report/Investigative Report

This may be handled in executive session Pursuant to LA RS 42:17 A (4)

MOTION AND SECOND to enter into executive session for attorney/investigative report pursuant to LA RS 42:17 A(4); Formal written demand letter from Robert Burns for LALB to pay his legal fees from 2012 administrative hearing of $4100 pursuant to LA RS 42:17 A(2); and Robert Burns vs. LALB Docket # 616916, Robert Burns and Freddie Phillips vs. LALB Docket # 619707, and Louisiana Auctioneers Licensing Board vs. Robert Edwin Burns Docket # 621426 pursuant to LA RS 42:17 A(2): J. Sims, D. Jacobs. Roll Call Vote: C. Brister- yes, J. Henderson- yes, H. McMillin- yes, D. Jacobs- yes, J. Sims- yes, T. Steinkamp- yes. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

8. Formal written demand letter from Robert Burns for LALB to pay his legal fees from 2012 administrative hearing of $4100.

This may be handled in executive session Pursuant to LA RS 42:17 A(2)

9. Discussion of Robert Burns vs. LALB Docket # 616916, Robert Burns and Freddie Phillips vs. LALB Docket # 619707, and Louisiana Auctioneers Licensing Board vs. Robert Edwin Burns Docket # 621426

This may be handled in executive session Pursuant to LA RS 42:17 A (2)

MOTION AND SECOND to exit executive session: D. Jacobs, J. Sims. Roll Call Vote: C. Brister- yes, J. Henderson- yes, D. Jacobs, H. McMillin- yes, J. Sims- yes, T. Steinkamp- yes. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

MOTION AND SECOND to suspend Mark Brister’s license indefinitely pending outcome of investigation/hearing for health and safety issues to the public for his arrest pending charges on the sale of stolen goods or violation of second hand dealer’s statute: D. Jacobs, J. Sims. Roll Call Vote: C. Brister- yes, J. Henderson- yes, D. Jacobs-yes, H. McMillin- yes, J. Sims- yes, T. Steinkamp- yes. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY.

VI. NEXT MEETING DATE – November 5, 2013

VII. ADJOURN to hearings

MOTION AND SECOND to adjourn: J. Sims, D. Jacobs.



Sandy Edmonds, Executive Assistant

Hearing Docket:

Marlo Schmidt

Grover Phipps

Pending Litigation

Robert Burns vs. Dow

Docket # 603248

Robert Burns vs. Louisiana Auctioneers Licensing Board

Docket # 616916

Robert Burns and Freddie Phillips vs. Louisiana Auctioneers Licensing Board

Docket # 619707

Louisiana Auctioneers Licensing Board vs. Robert Edwin Burns

Docket # 621426



Office of the Governor

Auctioneers Licensing Board

11736 Newcastle Avenue, Bldg. 2, Suite C

Baton Rouge, LA 70816

Telephone 225.295.8420 Fax 225.372.8584

Website: Email: admin@


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