Checklist for Reentry and Transfer Students University of ...


Checklist for Reentry Students

**All student services are available remotely at this time!

Academic Advising

• Contact academic department of your major to schedule an appointment for advising. If unable to set an appointment with an advisor contact the Transfer Coordinator, 337-482-2059, for further assistance.

• If you earned course credits after enrolling at UL, an official transcript must be sent from all previous schools to UL Lafayette’s Office of Admissions and please bring a copy to the advising appointment.

University Catalog

• The Catalog is designed to provide both an overview of general information about the University and a detailed explanation of the University's degree programs, curricular requirements, and rules and regulations related to academic affairs.

ULink offers real time access to personal student information via the web

*registration *financial aid *Moodle *email * holds *unofficial transcript

• You will need your ULID and password to access ULink. Stephens Hall (Rm 110); 337-482-4357

• Your password can be generated online if you have your ULID

• All university information will be sent to your University email account, check often.

Registering for Classes

• You must be advised before course registration. All HOLDS must be removed. The schedule of classes is available online or through ULink.

• The Registration Guide explains processes and requirements for completing course registration.

• Schedule adjustment through ULink is first five class days of fall/spring semesters and first three class days of summer session

Academic Success Center

• Academic advisors are available to assist you with any concerns, including academic counseling, study skills, time management and more. Meet with an advisor in the Academic Success Center, Lee Hall room 115, 337-482-6818.

Major and Career Exploration Center

• MCEC will help you look for a major that will capture your interests, strengthen your abilities and highlight your personality. Agnes Edwards Hall, room 104, 337-482-1444,

Academic Amnesty

• Any student who has not been enrolled in any college or university for at least three years may apply for academic amnesty. During the first semester of reenrollment, apply for amnesty with the Dean of your academic college. If approved, all prior college-level work completed will remain on your permanent record, but will be eliminated from computation of the cumulative grade point average.

Financial Aid

• Financial aid eligibility requirements may have changed since your last semester of enrollment. Review your status on ULink.

Student ID/Cajun Card

• Take your University photo for your identification card at the Cajun Card Office, Student Union, room 134, 337-851-2273


• Commuter parking is available at Cajun Field. Vehicle registration is required. Office of Transportation Services, Olivier Tower, Suite 100, 619 McKinley St., 337-482-6858

On-Campus Housing

• On campus living is available to all students. Buchanan Hall, 2nd Floor (Boucher Street). 337-482-6471

Immunization Compliance

• Prior to course registration, an updated immunization compliance form may be required. O.K. Allen Hall, Saucier Wellness Center, 220 Hebrard Blvd., 337-482-1293,


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