February 15, 2006

August 21, 2006


Subject: Louisiana Student Records (LSR) access

In response to the large number of displaced students who enrolled in Texas schools immediately following the hurricanes in fall 2005, the Louisiana Department of Education and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) made 2004-2005 Louisiana student records available to authorized school district personnel on-line (). The records have been available since October 2005. Thousands of records have been accessed and used by Texas districts to place Louisiana students in Texas school classes and programs.

The records are now out of date. TEA will discontinue granting LSR access to new users on August 24, 2006. On September 8, 2006, TEA will discontinue on-line access to records in the LSR and delete the Louisiana student database from its servers. After September 8, 2006, requests from Texas school districts for Louisiana student records must be made to Louisiana schools directly. A Louisiana school directory is available at . In the event of difficulties in contacting a Louisiana school, the contact at the Louisiana Department of Education is Jackie.Bobbett@. Her number if 225-342-9969.

Through September 8, 2006, assistance with the LSR is available at LSR@tea.state.tx.us or the LSR helpline at (512) 475-3256. After September 8, 2006, the LSR will not be available.


Department of Accountability and Data Quality, Criss Cloudt, Associate Commissioner

Division of Accountability Research, Karen Dvorak, Director

Data Development, Analysis, and Research Projects, Patricia Sullivan, Manager

LSR Help LSR@tea.state.tx.us

LSR Helpline (512) 475-3256


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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