Attraction & Friendship

This document contains protected information. You may not upload, copy, or share these notes (complete or incomplete) with any organization, company, or person who is not currently enrolled in the course without the written consent of the instructor. Violators may be sanctioned.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Love & Friendship ? Lecture Goals ??? To introduce Social Psychology ??? To show how Psychological research can be directly applicable to our lives ??? To introduce factors influencing love and friendship ? Corresponding Readings ???Pages 165-170, 437-447, 460-464, 551-558 (modules 13-7 through 13-8, 35-4 through 35-7, 37-1 through 37-2, and 45-1 through 45-2)? Proximity ??? = geographical nearness ??? Most ______________________ ? ??????? "The ______________" ??????? College __________ ??????? Academy of Maryland State Police ??????? Retirement communities ? ? ??? Why does __________ affect friendship? ??? Mere Exposure effect ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? Role of evolution?? ??? Proximity & intensity of initial reactions (like vs. dislike) ? ? Physical Attraction ?? ____________________ for both men and women ?? The “Players” experience ?? Candid camera examples ???Role of the media Pheromones ???Healthy look ???Almost perfect symmetry ???Prototype ???Cultural preferences? More attractive people perceived as: ??? _______________ ??? More ____________ ??? More ____________ ??? More ____________ ?? More attractive people: Actually ___________ ?? ______________ higher self-esteem ratings ? ???Why those perceptions? ???????______________________ ? ??? Common idea: ???????Women attracted to ____________________________ ???????Men attracted to women who _____________________ ? ??? Q - Why idea of gender difference? ??? A - ______________ ???????Men = ____________________ ???????Women = _________________ ??? **Root of sexism & stereotypes** ? ? ??? Is physical attraction more important to men than women? ???????Perhaps…. Attribute importance study ??????? FSU "Sleep with me?" study ? ????????Perhaps not…. TIME – Scan while gaze at lovers ??????? Men = sexual arousal and ______________________??????? Women = attention, memory, ____________________________ Blind date dance study??? With time ??????? Role of appearance __________________ ??????? Role of feelings _____________________ ? ? Similarity ??? Friends/couples tend to have similar: ? Reciprocity ??? We like those who ___________ ??? Especially when _______________________ ??? Self-fulfilling prophecy ??????? We disclose ________________ ??????? We are more __________________ ??????? We disagree less ? Components of Love ??? 1) Passion (biological)??? 2) Intimacy (emotional)??? 3) Commitment (social)??? Passion ??????? "Hot" - sexual attraction ??????? Intense longing for another ????????Passion from the heart?? The brain????????? Schachter-Singer Theory of Emotion ??????????? 1) Physiological arousal (heart throb)??????????? 2) ______________________ ??????????? 3) Emotional state of passion ? ? ??????? Attributing arousal ? Adrenaline injection study ??????????? High/low bridge study ??????????? Treadmill/exercise study ??????????? Scary movies ? ? ??? Intimacy ???????? ____________________________ Reveal personal details of yourself to another Likes, dislikes, dreams, fears, feelings, personal info. ???????? Intimacy promotes ____________________ ??????? _______________________ promotes intimacy ? ??????? Starts shallow ??????????? With time and reciprocity, gets more __________ ? ??? Commitment ??????? Willingness to continue dedication to relationship ? ? ??? Types of Relationships Romantic Love/Passionate Love ??????? __________________ + _________________________ Temporary (no __________________________________) ??????? Evolutionary idea = promotes procreation ? ? ? ??? Companionate Love ??????? __________________ + _________________________??????? More permanent Deep attachment (intimacy) Requires _____________ ??????? ??? Evolutionary idea = _________________________ ? ? ? ? Fatuous Love ????????????__________________ + _________________________? ? Recreational love A sexual agreement? ? ???? Consummate Love ????????????________________ + __________________+ __________________? ? Rare? Media Influences ??? Social Scripts ??????? = ____________________ ??????? = enacted in real life (e.g., yadda, yadda, yadda)??????? = include sexual behavior ? ??? Shows us __________________ ??????? Styles, fads, crazes, fashions ??????? Body dimensions ??????? Viewing attractive other ____________________________________ ? ??? Shows us __________________ ? ??? Shows sexual aggression enjoyed by women??????? Perpetuates _________________________ ??????? willingness to ________________________ ??????? acceptance of sex. aggression (prison sentencing study) ? ??? __________________________________ of people Less = _________________________________ Male-dominated ____________________________ Beautiful = youthful appearance ................

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