Erotic Love = Sexual Desire + Friendship + Commitment

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Erotic Love

Erotic Love = Sexual Desire + Friendship + Commitment

Love = Intimacy + Passion + Commitment

According to "Mars and Venus dating" by John Gray, Ph.D., Romantic love has five stages. They are: Attraction, Uncertainty, Exclusivity, Intimacy, and Engagement.

• Attraction: We experience attraction towards potential partners. The challenge is to make sure you have the opportunity to express this attraction and to get to know your partner better.

• Uncertainty: We experience a shift from feeling attraction to feeling uncertain that our partner is right for us. The challenge is to recognize this uncertainty as normal and not be repelled by it. It is normal to date someone special and to wonder if you should continue dating that person.

• Exclusivity: We feel desire to date a person exclusively. We want the opportunity to give and receive love in a special relationship without competition. We want to relax and have more time to share with our partner. The danger of this stage, however, is that we become too comfortable and stop doing the little things that make our partners feel special.

• Intimacy: We feel relaxed enough to let down our guard and share ourselves more deeply than before. The opportunity of this stage is to experience the best in our partner, and ourselves and to deal with our less than best sides.

• Engagement: The person will want to marry. You have the opportunity to celebrate

the love. This is the time to experience our relationship joyfully, happily, peacefully and lovingly.

101 Ways to say "I love you" by Vicki Lansky

• Give a certificate for a massage, facial, or manicure.

• Write a history of your romance in third-person narrative and present it on a special anniversary.

• Slip a new picture of you into his or her wallet

• Write a love letter on the back of a jigsaw puzzle and give it to your significant one in pieces.

• Leave a small bouquet of flowers for your love where he or she would least expect it - in the bathroom, in the refrigerator, or even on a workbench in the garage. Or send some flowers to his or her place of business or school.

• Send some of your love notes unsigned or "from a secret admirer." Consider saying you didn't send them, if asked.

• During the next summer rain shower (not an electrical storm), dress down and go for a walk together - without an umbrella.

• Compliment your love at least once a day about something - anything.

1001 Ways to be Romantic by Gregory J.P. Godek

• Write him a love letter! Pen her a poem! Compose him a song!

• Men like flowers too.

• Place a flower under the windshield wiper of his/her car.

• Eat dinner by candlelight - heck! Eat breakfast by candlelight.

• Share a bubble bath.

Buy tickets well in advance to the theatre, symphony, ball game or concert. Don't tell her what the tickets are for.., simply tell her to mark her calendar. The mystery surrounding the event will be almost as much fun as the event itself.

• Love is... having a poem delivered to your table at a restaurant.

• Rent a bicycle built for two.

• Cook a meal together

• Test drive a Porsche together

• Create a "love fund". Deposit one dollar into ajar every time you make love.


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